Chapter 434

The opponent’s plans got thwarted, and now all that’s left is to dive straight into the fight.

[“Rek’Sai first.”]

A full-blown team fight kicked off, and although the enemy Rek’Sai attempted a ping-pong with her ultimate, she got focused by our team and exploded instantly.

That was the inevitable demise of the isolated Rek’Sai in the enemy territory.

-Enemy eliminated!

Then, Aurelion Sol used the terrain to spew fire, and soon after, Kai’Sa swooped in.

[“Kai’Sa, Kai’Sa! Caught her in chains!”]

However, the bold charge from Kai’Sa turned to bubbles after LeBlanc’s chains hit her.

Was Kai’Sa reckless?

Or did LeBlanc outplay her?

Whichever it was, one thing was clear: Kai’Sa, caught in the chains, was instantly focused.

-Enemy eliminated!

With the enemy jungle ADC down, the teamfight was essentially over.

[“I took down Kai’Sa! I took down Kai’Sa!”]


Kim Jae-min shouted with excitement like a parrot while the other teammates refocused.

[“Sol, where’s Sol?!”]

“We can’t catch Sol.”

True to that, Aurelion Sol had been dishing out damage safely from afar, easing away from the situation.

Thanks to the landscape, Aurelion Sol could deal damage without being targeted, but the timing wasn’t right for Sol to unleash his damage yet.

Even though our health wasn’t perfect, it was far from being at the brink of death.

The enemy support showed up late, but by then, all they could do was return mid with Aurelion Sol, hoping to guard the potentially fragile first turret.

But that was naive.

“Let’s drop the Rift Herald mid. Let’s push.”


Although our health situation wasn’t great, the numbers were in our favor.

No matter how much the enemy had their turret as a crutch, we had the Rift Herald on our side.

‘On top of that, we have more evidence.’

That being, Aurelion Sol’s mana was nearly depleted.

It was almost expected.

Aurelion Sol had unleashed a barrage of damage during the recent team fight, and while he didn’t take anyone down, the damage output was significant.

So, the fact he wanted to stay mid without going home after doing such a thing frustrated us.

“If we see a dive opportunity, we go for it.”

[“Can we do that? They have Nautilus.”]

“We’re fine.”

Even though Nautilus was in great shape without actively participating in the fight, it didn’t really matter.

What mattered was that the primary damage dealer was not in a good state.

As the Rift Herald appeared before mid, Aurelion Sol hastily used the mana he had left to clear the wave.

“Let’s go.”


[OLZ Outlaw (Lee Sin) has targeted MAX HwaLang (Aurelion Sol)]

As soon as the ping was down, LeBlanc, Zeri, and Rakan leapt over the walls straight at Aurelion Sol.

It was the moment where our composition’s unique mobility shone.

Caught off guard by our sudden ambush, Aurelion Sol was left helpless as LeBlanc’s chains snugly wrapped around his neck, starting with Rakan’s W.

Nautilus tried his best to retaliate, but while Rakan grabbed turret aggro, I took Nautilus’s skill for him, rendering his effort pointless.

-Enemy eliminated!

In the blink of an eye, Aurelion Sol fell, leaving only Nautilus alone and lonely in the scene.

Meanwhile, Rakan, capturing turret aggro, positioned himself just short of turret range, ready to escape when he hit his limit.

‘Currently, Rakan can take about two turret hits.’

And that was enough time for Lee Sin, Zeri, and LeBlanc to take out one support and leave.

Despite Nautilus’s tough exterior, he was surprisingly squishy as a champion.

“Let’s get Nautilus too.”

Without needing to call it out, our team had already fixed their sights on Nautilus.

Even though the main skills were on cooldown from killing Aurelion Sol, taking down Nautilus wasn’t much of a challenge as long as Zeri was still standing.

-Enemy eliminated!


Rakan had exited in advance, and afterward, as Zeri took turret aggro, she took about two hits but managed to survive just barely thanks to solid health management.

[“Ahh! Save me!”]

“Shut up, you’re not dead.”

[“Oh… I actually survived.”]

Kim Jae-min freaked out, but even if Zeri had died, she would’ve probably just been executed.

Of course, death is death, so all we could do was be relieved she wasn’t dead.


[“That was so good!”]


[“That was great.”]

“Now, let’s regroup.”

We had taken down all the defense troops of the enemy mid first turret, but with the minion wave still far away and the turret health well-maintained, we decided to end our turn after mining just one more chunk.

We had already taken too long for the turn, and a mistake could easily give the enemy a chance to counterattack.

Regardless, one thing was clear now.

The game was blown wide open.


After that, nothing particularly noteworthy happened.

The balance of the game was already shattered, and every subsequent skirmish or teamfight was one-sided.

[“Kai’Sa, Kai’Sa!”]

[“Okay! We got her!”]

Despite King God Emperor and Rakan trying to steer the game back in favor of the bot duo, there wasn’t much a duo could do in such a broken balance.

If the meta was still a pure bot lane meta, things might have been different, but the current meta saw the return of tank supports, which weakened the bot carry potential.

The coveted Baron timing was approaching.

Along with that, the third dragon was soon to spawn.

It was a favorable situation for us, and a deadly time for the enemy.

The enemy’s decision was to fight.

As we pulled the Baron, the enemy chose to engage instead of grabbing the dragon.

Sure, they could buy time by taking the dragon, but it seemed they realized that losing the Baron would mean the game was completely lost.

[“The enemy’s coming.”]

Normally, they might’ve taken the dragon and fought for smite control, but the enemy went for a direct teamfight instead.

This was the fate-deciding moment for the game.

-Thud thud thud!

Nautilus used his ultimate on me.

To be honest, hitting Nautilus’s ultimate on Lee Sin wasn’t the smartest tactic, yet for some reason, the Nautilus from Line Over insisted on targeting me every time there was a skirmish or teamfight.

Why was that?

I felt like I was beginning to understand why they picked a Nautilus with comparatively lower tier instead of skipping Rakan.

‘So that’s how it is…’

Of course, there was some justification to Line Over’s play.

In a pinched situation, if Lee Sin messed up his defense, it could easily end up with a team-wide knock-up.

However, that play was clearly forced and ended up costing them.

‘No way.’

Backpedaling just a bit while keeping my Q on Baron, I turned Nautilus’s ultimate into a one-man show.

Nautilus’s ultimate fizzled away uselessly, but the enemy took that gap and rushed in.

[“I’m alive.”]

Although LeBlanc got hit by the enemy’s initiation, Getback remained calm.

True to his words, LeBlanc procced her passive and elegantly blinked away, then returned with a W as the enemy’s aggro slipped, utterly wrecking them.

LeBlanc’s aggro ping-pong.

In the meantime, Zeri’s damage exploded as she started crushing the rushing enemies.

[“Get K’Sante first, get K’Sante first!”]

The monster-like Aatrox sliced through the enemy’s flank, and as Zeri dove in dealing damage, the champions of MAX, who were comparatively behind in growth, began to melt away.

-Enemy eliminated!

-Double kill!

-Triple kill!

[“Where are you going! Hand over the pentakill!”]

The Zeri, who had struggled early on, turned into a monster thanks to the overwhelming resources granted by her team, just like a standard Team ADC.

If it was any other time, I would’ve calmed Kim Jae-min down, but right now, I felt no need to.

After all, running wild when you can is the ADC’s privilege.

-Quadra kill!


Kim Jae-min scored a quadra kill, but the last kill went to Kim Ji-hoon.

Considering the current timing when Rakan’s damage was practically non-existent, a miracle occurred, albeit a bad one.

[“No way, this—!”]

[“My bad.”]

Though Kim Jae-min was boiling with anger, he didn’t dare to lash out at Kim Ji-hoon.

As much as the pentakill mattered, the ultimate goal was winning the game.

“Let’s push and finish.”

With all of the enemy defense troops down, now all that remained was to charge toward the enemy Nexus with the Baron buff.

Inhibitor turret, inhibitor, twin towers.

With each building crumbling in sequence, the excitement filled the voices of my teammates.

[“Smash it! Smash it!”]

[“Finish it all—!”]


At last, the MAX Nexus was destroyed.


The opening ceremony’s first match, first set.

In our first bout against MAX, we emerged victorious.