Volume 6 Chapter 29: “Loser”

Volume 6: “Memory Corridor”

Volume 6 Chapter 29: “Loser”

 ――After racing up a long, long staircase, it was already too late when I finally arrived.


 Panting and straining my overworked lungs, I forced out a scream.

 However, my voice, my words, lacked the power to change the situation. The inadequacy of words became even more serious in a scenario where sword skills were being tested.

 I wasn’t even sure if it was appropriate to call it a “competition of sword skills”.

 It was far too one-sided, especially when one side’s weapon was nothing but a stick, no matter how much they tried to dress it up.

 ――The white light was overwhelming, drowning the already white space in an even stronger brightness.

 The principle was unclear. Was it due to the claim that it could cut even light itself, or was it the result of an unconventional swordsman’s personality? The slash accompanied a shockwave that swept through the space.

 The person who was in the line of fire of that sword strike was also engulfed by the light and was blown away helplessly.

 And just like that, in the blink of an eye, the light vanished, revealing the tall figure of a red-haired man with one sleeve stripped away—and the sight of a purple-haired swordsman rolling on the ground like a corpse.

「Well, if it isn’t a young fish.」

 The red-haired man casually spoke to Subaru, who was speechless at the sight. He smiled like a shark, not a trace of breath disturbed.

 Then, he pointed at the defeated swordsman—Julius.

「You were late, huh? It’s all cleaned up already, so take him back quickly; you’re just a nuisance.」

「……Reid Astraea」

「What’s that? Don’t go poking around in people’s names, got it? It’s cooler not to introduce yourself, so don’t interfere with my coolness, alright?」

 The ‘stick-wielder’—or rather, Reid, grew displeased at having his name called.

 Subaru felt a bit resentful of that off-base remark, but he didn’t take any overt action. Slowly, he approached where Julius was collapsed without taking his eyes off Reid.

「I’m not gonna eat him, alright? No need to glare like that.」

「Sorry, but back in my hometown, it’s common sense not to look away when facing a bear. Julius is…」

 Maintaining his cautious gaze on Reid, Subaru leaned to check Julius’s breathing. Although he had lost consciousness, there was a response in the palm he held near Julius’s mouth, confirming that he had not lost his life after enduring that sword strike. He felt relieved by this.

「You said you wouldn’t hold back next time, but you showed some mercy, huh?」

「Not really. I mean, don’t you think it’s lamer to lose to a stick than to be killed by it? I sure do. Better to die than to expose such a pathetic sight. So I’ll beat him with a stick and let him run home.」

「I’m gonna take back what I said about you having mercy, jerk.」

「What!? Kid, nothing you say will touch me! Besides, I’m not planning to play around anymore today. If you come at me, I’ll wipe the floor with you, just like that guy at your feet.」

 While scratching his belly with his right hand, Reid alternately gestured towards Subaru and Julius with the chopsticks in his left hand.

 No matter how much Subaru grew angry at Reid’s attitude, he had no means to make him retract his rudeness.

「Damn it.」

「Oh ho, go ahead and curse! Just carry him in silence and grumble all you want. If that clears your mind, then good for you; it’ll be easier for both of us. Though it might be a bit boring.」

 Plopping down, Reid narrowed his blue eyes coldly as he spoke. Exposed to the delight of the victor, Subaru somehow managed to heft Julius up.

 Just like earlier, he forcefully threw Julius over his back. The body of an unconscious person was heavy, especially since Julius was taller than Subaru. It became quite the burden, but he had no option to leave Julius behind.

「――Next time, bring a pretty girl or something, alright? That hot babe over there would do just fine.」

 Until the very end, without once calling anyone’s name, Reid waved his hand in a careless manner.

 Faced with Reid’s attitude, which was nothing short of playful, Subaru literally had no choice but to retreat silently.

※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※

「……ha, ha」

 Step by step, I carefully placed my feet as I descended the staircase.

 Although the stairway was relatively wide, I couldn’t shake the feeling of claustrophobia being surrounded by stone walls. This was the second time I was going up and down these stairs, but the structural oddity of a staircase that went straight without piercing through the tower, and the mystery behind it left me with no clues so far.

「I can’t keep doing this without thinking of something ridiculous…」

 The difficulty of carrying a person down a long, long staircase doesn’t need to be explained.

 Moreover, this grand staircase has a total of four hundred forty-four steps (as counted by Emilia). It’s not that Subaru has any negative feelings toward Emilia, but given that she had mentioned such a painful number for the stairs this time, he felt a strong urge to tug on her cheeks and scold her.

 Of course, even if he did, Emilia was undoubtedly cute…

「I need to bring him back quickly… Emilia and Beatrice must be worried.」

 The moment everyone in the green room noticed Julius’s absence, they all split up to search for him inside the watchtower. They rushed to the third layer and each room on the fourth layer, and Shaula went down to check on Giant with the dragon carriage, among other things.

 Everyone was worried about Julius. After losing to Reid, he had left behind his broken knight’s sword, and they couldn’t help but wonder what was going through his mind right now.

 There was no doubt about it—they felt anxious for him.

「But, you see…」

 ――Only Subaru was different. He was the only one who immediately understood.

 He knew where Julius had gone and what he had gone there for.

 It was something only Subaru—

「――So fickle, isn’t it?」

「――! You noticed!」

 Hearing a voice from behind made him halt mid-step as he was about to descend. The voice called out caused Julius to stir slightly behind him.

「Where, where is this…?」

「To put it ambiguously, we’re in the middle of the stairs. To be more specific, we’re in the middle of the long staircase, even more specifically, we’re halfway down the stairs between the fourth and the second layers.」

「You’re being indirect, aren’t you? …So, you’re carrying me?」

「Yeah. Just so you know, this is the second time in such a short interval, alright? Can you understand my feelings, having to do this again just thirty minutes after I thought I’d never want to?」

「It makes sense that the ride is uncomfortable…」

「You want to be thrown off or something?」

 A faint sense of relief enveloped Subaru as he felt a hint of a smile from Julius reaching his back. However, while he teased out a retort, he could feel the tension within himself starting to ease.

 Honestly, Subaru couldn’t predict what Julius’s first words upon awakening would be. To speak candidly, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say he felt scared.

 So, he was relieved that the exchange stemming from Julius’s first words after awakening was not one of despair.

「Do you remember what happened?」

「…It’s a pitiful tale. I was easily defeated by the enemy, and despite that, I was shown mercy, which ended up causing trouble for Lady Anastasia and you.」

「You’re not to blame for losing to someone like that.」

 Hearing that typical Julius-style remark, Subaru sighed and resumed descending the stairs.

 With Julius regaining consciousness, he was far easier to carry than before, and the worries that had weighed heavily on Subaru’s mind lifted, giving him a surge of determination to tackle the remaining steps.

「…I wonder if Lady Anastasia is safe. I did see her collapse, and I witnessed her being treated in that spirit’s room, but…」

「She’s currently out of danger, according to the preliminary diagnosis. You were the one who was much closer to death after what happened. Upon meeting that guy… Oh, and you’d be surprised if you knew who that guy with the eye patch is.」

「――Reid Astraea」


 At that confident tone, Subaru momentarily lost his breath in shock. However, he quickly masked it and resumed his movements.

 He chose his words carefully, trying to keep his agitation from passing through to Julius’s back.

「You figured it out pretty well. By the way, Shaula is informed about it. She surely knows him as he is someone she’s met four hundred years ago, but I guess her being uneasy about it was the truth. Apparently, the reason she fainted upon seeing him was that.」

「There were plenty of clues. The fiery red hair and blue eyes. That level of swordsmanship… Can we even call it swordsmanship? I never even got him to draw his sword. Let’s just call him a powerhouse. That term “stick wielder” is a reference I found in a book.」

「So, he’s called “stick wielder” because he fights with chopsticks?」

「Actually, it means he doesn’t choose weapons. While I had my suspicions when he self-referred as “stick wielder,” I just couldn’t be certain. I’m sorry I didn’t communicate that.」

 With Julius’s nuance of apology, Subaru had nothing to retort.

 Julius mentioned there were signs he could have perceived, but Subaru thought it was an incredibly cruel expectation.

 Reid Astraea, the legendary First Sword Saint, was supposed to be a person who died four hundred years ago.

 It’s not that one could easily assume they encountered a renowned figure from fairy tales and legends simply because their features matched.

 If there were a possibility to notice, that insight should have come from Subaru himself.

 He had nodded to Emilia just recently, realizing how similar this watchtower’s “examination” was to the “trial” undergone back at Echidna’s grave.

 So, Subaru should have put more thought into the content of the “examination” taking place in this tower and listed out all potential possibilities.

 It was the negligence of not doing so that had led to that defeat during the second layer “Elektra”.

「Hmph. An unforeseen encounter with a legendary swordsman from the past… I should be rejoicing in what should be a miraculous twist of fate, but…」

「I can sympathize with you. It’s disappointing to realize that this legendary hero is such a letdown in reality. Not to mention this watchtower is full of disappointments, from “the Wise one” Shaula to that one.」

「…You sympathize, huh?」

 That voice carried a twinge of self-deprecating resonance.

 Hearing that from so close, Subaru felt he lacked consideration and bit down on his molars. Nevertheless, he refrained from touching on Julius’s words and instead commented.

「I believe it was said that the coin bears the likeness of the original First Sword Saint, but that hardly resembles him. It’s understandable that Shaula is a completely different person, and yet there’s still a considerable gap. The coin’s appearance looked much more like an old man…」

「Historically, Reid accomplished significant feats, counted among the three great heroes, at a much older age. The visage depicted on the coin is most likely accurate. The one up there is actually younger than historical records suggest.」

「Speaking of which, it seems Reid didn’t recognize Shaula at all…」

 Intending to change the subject, Subaru inadvertently tied in one of his questions.

 Cross-referencing Julius’s statement, indeed, it was clear that the warmth of knowing each other seemed way off between Shaula and Reid. If he assumed that was “Reid before meeting Shaula,” it might explain the gap in their recognition.

 Yet, it also weakens the basis since Shaula’s reaction was overly exaggerated, and Reid, with his personality, likely doesn’t remember faces and names.

「If that’s the case, it means he fought the Witch after reaching his prime. And we have to surpass that young peak version of him.」

「That sounds like a challenging path, or rather, it seems like an impossible endeavor.」

「It’s certainly going to be tough. But I believe there should be routes for countermeasures. After all…」

 While exploring ideas for dealing with Reid, Subaru hesitated at the continuation of that thought.

 At this moment, he hesitated to relay that information to Julius.

 But it was a step too late.

「Currently… what is it?」

「Uh, well…」


 Any excuse like “I’ve noticed a potential opening against Reid” would quickly be uncovered. In reality, it was clear that there were no methods or weaknesses found to surpass Reid right now.

 Hence, when Subaru’s name was called sharply and he relented.

「…After you and Lady Anastasia fell, Emilia managed to clear the “examination.”」


「But it wasn’t just a matter of overpowering that guy. A number of coincidences were on her side and… Emilia was… special.」

 To simply call it a straightforward victory, was a bit clunky in terms of the results.

 In terms of an “examination,” Emilia managed to gain Reid’s acknowledgment of her resolve and strength as an examiner, but explaining the actual circumstances would be quite challenging besides what he witnessed.

 Even if he were to say “do it the same way,” nobody but Emilia could pull it off.

「In any case, a variety of complicated factors intertwined, resulting in Emilia clearing the “examination.” However, she was permitted to pass, while it remains the same that everyone needs to win for us all to go up… I mean, it’s malicious.」


「Which is why we need to devise a plan. Regardless of whose fighters are capable, I need to be recognized for my team battle with Beatrice. Meily doesn’t even have a reason to challenge the “examination” in the first place. Talking about all this feels weighty.」


「Thus, if you fight again, it wouldn’t be impossible. But I mean, not like this, alright? We need to analyze our opponent thoroughly and come up with solid countermeasures. It’s time for me to follow my style on this one…」


「…Hey, are you listening? Julius, hey?」

 Wondering why there was still no response from Julius as he spoke quickly, Subaru called out to him. Upon the repeated call, Julius took a deep breath and—

「Uh, yeah, I’m fine. I’m listening. …So, Emilia has…」

「That was subtly off-topic… But yeah, it’s true. That’s why this isn’t a completely hopeless examination. Don’t overthink it, okay?」

「Overthink? No need for that kind of worry. —You’re entirely right. If Lady Emilia has cleared the “examination,” then he—Reid the “Sword Saint” isn’t an insurmountable obstacle. Knowing that is a major gain.」

「Y-yeah, that’s right. Just that. …I’m glad you’re understanding it.」

 Subaru felt relieved when Julius flexibly accepted that Emilia clearing the “examination.” —No, this was just fine.

 To be informed that someone had cleared an obstacle Subaru himself had stumbled upon.

 That fact mattered not to worry Julius’s heart; he should have figured he was being too naïve with Julius. Or perhaps he shouldn’t have measured Julius Euclius with Subaru’s own yardstick.

 As these sentiments echoed in Subaru’s heart, Julius sighed deeply at that very moment.

 Then Julius began to weave words lightly, saying,

「Now then, do you think you can put me down soon? If I remain on your back any longer, I might get motion sickness. Unlike an Earth Dragon, it seems you don’t have “wind-blocking protection.”」

「You’ll have to endure the shake and wind and be grateful I’m carrying you. It is tiring, no doubt, but I can’t abandon the injured to walk on their own. Emilia would scold me.」

 Dismissing Julius’s offer, Subaru shook his body and adjusted his grip on him.

 The fact was, Julius’s condition was hardly good. He had only been in the green room for a few minutes, and even if the spirit in that room was exceptionally capable, it could hardly heal the damage done to Julius’s body.

 Besides, Julius had experienced a second defeat without any treatment.

 If he had wounds, scratches, or fractures, Subaru would have immediately flexed his skill in first-aid techniques bearing the Krlind emblem, but unfortunately, it was clear that Julius didn’t have any obvious external injuries.

 Reid’s assault aimed solely to break Julius’s spirit.

 Indeed, there was no denying that it had accumulated damage in ways that weren’t visible as external injuries, and it further justified the need not to push Julius.

 As such, Subaru remained determined to descend the remaining half—about two hundred steps of staircase while carrying Julius on his back—

「――No, you don’t need to trouble yourself that much. If he’s unconscious, that might be one thing, but fortunately, I’m awake now. I can at least manage to walk down the stairs on my own.」

「What a pointless stubbornness. Besides, in any case, there’s no longer any point in putting on airs. Even if you’re shy about being carried, everyone has already seen it… Well, except Shaula and Lady Anastasia, who were unconscious.」

「Then that’s my reason. I can’t show such a state to the two of them… especially Lady Anastasia. Please put me down.」

「Don’t speak as if you just made that up. I’m telling you—」

「――I ask you to put me down!」

 ――The outburst came suddenly.


 Immediately after that tense voice struck his ears, Subaru found himself crashing shoulder-first against the wall of the staircase.

 The cause was that Julius had forcefully twisted his body. It was fortunate that he turned towards the wall just in time, but he nearly fell from the stairs.

 However, in doing his best to shield himself…


「You… idiot! What the hell were you thinking!?」

 Turning back upon bracing against the wall, Subaru saw Julius collapsed a step lower, having fallen slightly down the stairs.

 Lying on his stomach with his elbows on the ground, he looked to be struggling to breathe, and anguish was plainly visible on his face. Clearly, his pain was not simply caused by falling down the stairs.

「I told you so! Stay there, you idiot! I’ll be right there—!」

「Don’t come!」


「…I can stand on my own. I don’t need to borrow your hand.」

 His feet, which had hurriedly attempted to rush down the stairs, came to an abrupt halt.

 Propped up on the floor, Julius restrained Subaru with an outstretched hand. Taking a deep breath, he hardened his profile and somehow managed to get his body up.

 Then, leaning against the wall, he slowly, slowly began to rise, extending his knees and leaning on it, he stood up.

「Just as I said, right? Standing up by myself isn’t difficult at all.」

 With that voice resonating somewhere dismissively, Subaru found himself momentarily speechless.

 Julius then turned his body and leaned his right side against the wall, moving at a pace akin to an infant crawling on the ground, he began slowly descending the stairs.

 Step by step, he moved deliberately—.

「It might take a bit of time, but I don’t need to trouble you. More importantly, the women below must be worried. I feel sorry to put my own actions on a pedestal, but I can’t believe you would be the only one looking for me.」

 Step, then another step.

「If possible, could you head down first and explain? Though, it’s logical for me to elaborate about the details and the justifications myself. You can just relay that I was found to ease their worries.」

 Slowly, slowly, one step at a time.

「…I admit it’s heavy on my heart to have to explain. But it’s a path I cannot avoid. Should you straighten out that rough path a little, I would feel profoundly indebted to you. You may think that piling up loans to me is unnecessary, but…」

 Not casting his gaze toward Subaru, Julius was intent on walking down the stairs by himself.

 However slow his movements were, he definitely created an increasing distance between them.

 It was a distance that could be covered quickly if he wanted, but if he wished to grant his request, he would need to overtake him once. —Thus, Subaru moved his feet.

「You go tell Emilia and the others first.」

「…Yes, that’s right. If Lady Anastasia is awake… No, let’s hold off on that. In any case, it’s a request I want to make of you.」

 Hastily rushing down the stairs, Subaru soon caught up to Julius. Julius exhaled a breath that felt somewhat relieved with the sound of shoes echoing down the stairwell, prompting Subaru to move ahead.

 —No, not “go ahead.” It was a request to “go ahead of me.”


 Subaru felt he understood Julius’s inner feelings a little.

 The reason he could understand it was simple; unlike Emilia and the others, Subaru had an intuition that Julius had gone to confront Reid.

 It was undoubtedly due to some shared resemblance to something Subaru had once held.

 So at that moment, Subaru—

「――Ugh! Damn it! Damn damn damn! You idiot! Both you and I are the biggest idiots! Damn it!」

 Frustrated, Subaru cursed under his breath and kicked the stairs as he approached Julius.

 He didn’t intend to overtake him. Grabbing his arm, which leaned against the wall in a panic, he roughly hoisted it up and supported him.

「Wha… Subaru, what do you think you’re doing…?」

「Shut it! How can you say you can stand when you’re clearly wobbling! Don’t you think I can just walk away and leave you behind? Before Emilia scolds us, I’ll get sick of myself!」

「But, I…」

「I’m not seriously trying for you to borrow my help. If you want to be independent while I’m already bogged down in all sorts of things, then don’t stagger around looking pathetic as you are!」


 Spitting out those words in irritation, Subaru fell silent as he observed the sudden change in Julius.

 The force he had tried to shake off once faded. Noticing that Julius hesitated to resist, Subaru simply walked on while still holding his shoulder.

 Once he took the initiative to set the pace, Julius had no time to resist.

「I don’t claim to know what you’re hiding at your core.」


「But right now, you don’t need to walk down this long, tiresome staircase alone. I’ll lend you my shoulder without any sense of debt.」

 This conversation about debts was absurd.

 If he pursued it, Subaru would be at a complete loss as to how many exchanges he owed Julius.

 For sure, from that training ground in the royal castle to this point, he owed him so much.

 —The reason why Julius charged at Reid knowing full well he couldn’t win was clear.

 It was the same as Subaru back then.

 At that time, Subaru, fully aware of his inability to win, had challenged Julius. No matter how many times he was defeated, he stood back up and kept coming at him.

 There was no other way to pour out the explosive passion that welled up from deep inside.

 And at that moment, Subaru felt the heavy pain of becoming “alone” when everything was over—right in that very place where he ended up severing ties with Emilia after an argument.

 ――Thus, he couldn’t leave Julius alone on this staircase.


 His gut felt aflame, just like back then.

 Unlike the time then, he had no idea where to unleash this passion.



「…I’m sorry.」

「Shut it.」

 He answered, hoping it wouldn’t sound like lashing out at him.

 The two of them then slowly descended the stairs, returning to the fourth layer.

 ――Emilia, having spotted the two of them, let out a sigh of relief a little over ten minutes later.