Chapter 432
### Chapter 432 – A Clan with Structure (8)
[Han Kain]
“Haha! I’ll be off now, so enjoy the little time left! My inheritance will soon be in my hands, so don’t waste it recklessly~!”
Han Minsang laughed at me, stranded in the old man’s body, right until the end.
Instead of reacting to his words, I paid close attention to his actions, right until the last moment.
The boy quickly sealed the jar so it wouldn’t open easily, then cautiously fled outside the hanok while holding it.
“Thank goodness.”
There was something I had been worried about.
What if Han Minsang broke the jar after stealing my body?
Since his goal was to take the young boy’s body, why would he leave the jar behind?
In that case, I would have no way to counterattack.
Fortunately, instead of smashing the jar, Han Minsang took it and ran away.
Having been trapped in the jar as a malevolent spirit himself, he probably knew that breaking it would curse Han Jin-seong’s fortune of billions.
Thinking of his future inheritance, he decided against destroying the jar.
That greed would soon be his downfall.
Let’s think calmly here.
There’s a saying: “If you know your enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.”
To turn the tide, we need to consider both Han Minsang’s and my own situations.
What kind of entity is Han Minsang?
Considering the time period, he’s a trapped evil spirit from the late 1930s or early 1940s, trapped in a jar since he was a young teen.
What does that mean?
Overcoming the fear imposed by this malevolent spirit, from an objective perspective, he’s just a clueless little kid who knows nothing about the 2010s.
Supernatural abilities? Sure, he’s a bit stronger, but nothing extraordinary.
Having remembered my struggles with Elena, I could conclude that an average adult man could easily overpower him.
Now, on the other hand, who am I?
I’m Han Kain, confined in the body of a ninety-year-old Han Jin-seong.
What’s important is that I’m seen as ‘Han Jin-seong’ from the outside.
I’m a billionaire with assets worth 1,000 billion.
About two hours passed by, and dawn broke.
“Good morning, sir— Huh! What happened last night?”
The employee gasped upon witnessing the mess in the house, where children had cried themselves to sleep and the evil spirit had wreaked havoc.
“Yes, yes! Sir, what on earth is going on?”
“Enough noise! Gather everyone! And those brats who went to the tea fields, are they at the hotel now?”
Wow—being in the grandpa’s body makes those old mannerisms come out naturally!
“Yes, sir.”
“Get them all here immediately. Tell anyone who’s late they’ll have to face the consequences!”
“Um, understood.”
Let’s think logically.
Even middle-schooler Han Kain would have figured out that Han Minsang and the great-grandfather are like brothers.
What can a little kid trapped in a jar from the 1930s know about the world of the 2010s?
Were taxis, buses, or subways present in Joseon back then? Maybe just rickshaws.
Although it seems Han Minsang had escaped, all he could possibly do with the energy of a middle schooler was walk for a couple of hours.
And carrying that heavy jar? He likely trudged along the main road, unable to climb any mountains.
I’m a billionaire, and my employees have lived in this area for over ten years.
It wouldn’t take even an hour for them to catch Han Minsang.
“Oh dear… Did our little grandchild struggle a lot?”
“You… you brat!”
“What’s with your rush on such a hot day? You’ve got some stamina!”
“Hey! You— Ugh!”
The employee beside me awkwardly chuckled as he covered Han Minsang’s mouth.
“Ha ha… This kid was well-mannered until yesterday, but today he seems a bit off.”
“Why are you so energetic?”
As Han Minsang struggled, the employee looked slightly surprised by his unexpected strength, but that was about it.
He had no blessings of courage, so the strength a middle schooler could muster was predictable.
Soon, the brawny employee easily subdued him.
“Seungchan, don’t be surprised! Kids are always different day to day.”
“Y-yeah, that’s right.”
“How did you catch him?”
“We spread out to look for everyone, and found him taking a break in the middle of the road with the jar.”
Hearing this, I couldn’t suppress my laughter.
“Wow, my grandchild! So you gave some exercise after all? What a struggling physique you’ve got if you were caught so easily?”
“Ugh! Ugh! Noo!”
“Make sure to secure him. Did you handle the jar carefully? I said that’s worth 30 billion, right?”
I had described the jar as a highly valuable item beforehand.
Sure enough, another employee brought the jar wrapped in delicate cloth.
“Of course.”
“Why are the ones who went to the tea fields so late?”
“They’re on their way back.”
About ten minutes later, the adults who had gone to pick tea returned, with my parents leading the pack.
Having heard the shocking news, both of their faces had turned pale.
Then my father, who is also the grandson of my great-grandfather, rushed over and knelt before me.
“Grandpa! I-I heard something strange!”
“What did you hear?”
“I was told that Kain ran away after stealing something from your storage…”
“Well, when you heard that, what did you think?”
What brought everyone here to the quaint countryside hanok?
To get even a penny more from a billionaire’s inheritance before it disappeared entirely.
But now, the young brat got caught stealing the jar that the wealthy man cherished?
My father had a look that suggested he would burst into tears with just a nudge, which threw me off a little.
“Grandpa… I’m so sorry. Kain… what on earth made him do that…”
“Seriously, he was such a smart and kind kid…”
I may have been smart and nice when I was young.
“Why would this suddenly happen? I can’t even fathom what’s going on… Look, there are a lot of witnesses here.”
The employees around nodded in agreement.
They had seen with their own eyes the boy running away with the jar from the storage.
At that moment, my cousin Uncle Jeong-ho chimed in.
“Ha~ Look at that brat’s shameless face. What a thief! As the saying goes, if you want to know a child, look at the parents, right?”
“Why do you think Kain turned out this way? Clearly, it’s that Minseok—”
Despite everyone having turned into rivals for the inheritance, it frankly irritated me when they insinuated I’d turned out twisted.
I was a decent and smart kid back in the day!
“Jeong-ho! If Kain reflects Minseok’s behavior, then Minseok reflects his father’s upbringing, and that reflects on me as well? What kind of nonsense is that?”
“W-What? No, it’s not like that!”
“Go manage the garden or something!”
After sending the ridiculous relative off to the garden, I turned back to see my father still kneeling.
“Minseok, make sure you talk to Kain properly, and when he seems calm, let him go.”
“Got it.”
My father soon began staring daggers at Han Minsang.
The first thing waiting for an evil spirit that had recently emerged from a jar after 70 years?
It’s a love tap!
— Whack! Whack!
“Han Kain, you punk! Be quiet!”
“What? Who do you think you are to treat me like this—”
“Has this brat not been smacked around enough yet?”
— Whack!
“Ugh! A-aah, Dad…”
“Shut it! You little madman!”
— Whack!
“Don’t try to stop me! The first time a thief is caught, they need a good beating—”
“What? The cane broke? I’ll get you a new one; now continue the lesson properly!”
Wow, Mum is scarier than I thought.
Listening to the sounds of the cane outside and the converted tone of Han Minsang’s voice made me want to chuckle.
Now that I think about it, it’s my body being hit; why does that feel so funny?
Maybe it’s because I’m not feeling the pain?
“Wow… A cane is indeed a remedy for a shameless brat, isn’t it?”
“Hahaha… Kain’s certainly going to learn a lot from this.”
The man before me, Lawyer Park, had been with my great-grandfather for many years.
That’s why he knew that my great-grandfather used to work in the Administration Bureau during his younger years, unlike other employees.
“I’ll need to report the strange happenings to the Administration Bureau.”
From a future perspective, a fortune of 1,000 billion seems to have vanished somewhere, and the relatives didn’t even find that strange, nor did anyone remember the jar incident.
Only a group capable of cleaning up like this would be the Administration Bureau.
“Sir, as you know, the Administration Bureau has an official reporting channel and site.”
“I’d like to handle this as discreetly and flexibly as possible.”
“You understand what I mean, right?”
“Flexibly, then shall I contact KD?”
I don’t know who KD is, but perhaps they’re someone the great-grandpa knows in the Administration Bureau.
“Handle that as you see fit.”
“What date should we aim for?”
“Tomorrow or the day after should suffice.”
Lawyer Park bowed politely and hurried off.
The jar was now in my hands, Han Minsang was getting spanked under numerous eyes, and the Administration Bureau was called in to clean up.
Only one thing remains to address.
I need to get my body back!
Around lunchtime, the employees brought a wriggling Han Minsang into my room.
“Sir, we’ve brought Kain.”
As soon as I saw Han Minsang’s face, I burst out laughing.
“Haha! Grandchild! Have you been crying?”
“…You punk!”
“Whoa? What’s with that tongue? Still sore from not having enough of the spicy whip?”
“Seungchan! Get the bamboo rod—”
“G-Grandpa! I’m so sorry!”
Before he could even finish his sentence, Han Minsang knelt before me with a face that looked like he’d burst into tears at any moment, and as his knees buckled, drops of blood started to drip from his shin.
“Oh dear… What’s with the blood? Did your dad beat you up badly?”
“That must hurt! That must hurt! What a serious matter!”
Isn’t it really a serious matter?
That’s still my shin we’re talking about!
“Then you wouldn’t have to steal and just live kindly instead.”
“…What on earth…”
“What on earth?”
“What’s your goal—”
“Your goal?”
“W-What are you really hoping for?”
What do I really want?
I’m a billionaire with 1,000 billion.
Thus, being a person in an old body that’s nearing its lifespan, there’s nothing in this world to fear except the little punk who’s causing me some annoyance right now.
“Yes, sir.”
“I hear you were a drill instructor when you were in the army?”
“That’s right.”
“You know what I’m getting at?”
He nodded with an eager gaze.
“I’m determined to turn him into the kindest child.”
“Don’t think of him as my great-grandson; think of him as a punk who’s rotten to the core and needs a fundamental overhaul.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
And with that, the wailing continued once again.
“Get down!”
“G-Grandpa, please—”
“I told you to get down!”
Watching someone like me scream in agony after having lost control over my body stirred up some complicated feelings.
Knowing that ultimately it’s my body suffering makes it a slightly strange situation, yet…
On another note, I must admit it was immensely satisfying.
Listening to Han Minsang’s wails that sounded like music, I commanded.
“Bring me the jar.”
“Uh? Oh, understood.”
What is the fundamental reason that lends me the ability to turn this situation around?
There aren’t any prohibitions against repeating the ‘Name Tag Stealing Game.’
Even after so many years, the rules my great-grandfather discovered didn’t include such limitations, and there’s fundamentally no reason it should be restricted.
The jar is a psychic sacrifice tool, created with sinister intentions.
If I don’t sacrifice anyone, that would be a problem, but would they raise a fuss about frequently offering sacrifices?
I looked down on Han Minsang, gasping for air.
“Ugh… Heh…”
“Have you calmed down a bit now?”
Seeing the despair-drenched eyes of the boy made me chuckle involuntarily.
At the same time, a thrilling tension coursed through my aging body.
Because I still had one last variable left.
— Clink!
The jar contained the ‘real Han Jin-seong,’ and he was the one who would be the tagger in this game.
Now, I had one question for my great-grandfather.
“Grandson! Let’s play one more game, shall we?”