Chapter 41

Chapter 41. Hero’s Decision

I have two choices.

1. Kill Liliana to free her from her suffering.

2. Rescue Liliana from here.

『I’m surprised there was a rescue option.』

Antendeixis said in a playful tone, but beneath it lay a chilling disposition.

『But what do you intend to do? It’s impossible to sneak her out.』

I know that… So if I’m to get her out, it has to be bold.

—I’ll pretend to have [subjugated] Liliana.

The Saint caught my fancy. I’ll bring her down with a show of magical might and claim her as my own. I must convince the Night Elves with that body.


Antendeixis fell silent for a moment.

『Are you planning to reveal your true identity to that woman?』

A quiet and solemn inquiry, making me feel as if I was undergoing an inquisition by the Pope.

…If I were to do it, I think that’s the only way. If I reveal my name—she would surely cooperate with me.

No, even without being told, I understand how dangerous that is. If my identity is exposed through Liliana—destruction awaits.

『That is one concern,』

came the voice, stripped of all emotion.

『The worry is, we don’t know what kind of preparations they have in place. The Night Elves claimed to have broken the Saint’s spirit. While they may not have completely seized her soul, they might be able to manipulate her surface consciousness.』

For example, they could compel her to speak with a spell and have her declare what happened.

『If the Saint speaks—then we would need to silence every witness. It would only lead to catastrophic ruin.』

…Indeed, the Night Elves are thorough. They would have made arrangements, perhaps with a curse or two to prepare for when the Saint might attempt to escape.

But if it’s a curse they can use, can’t we overwrite it with our magic?

『What do you mean?』

It’s about limitations. If the power isn’t sufficient, I’d need forbidden magic.

A mental manipulation spell that could temporarily put someone under control—could it be aimed at Liliana?

Then, what if we sealed away her “personality and thoughts” as Liliana?

First, I’d need to use a powerful incantation to impress upon her the words, “You are not Liliana.” Instead, I could make her believe she’s someone else, perhaps a dog or a cat. Next, I’d ban her from recalling her true identity and take her out under the pretense of having made her my pet.

It would be humiliating for her to act like a dog, but it’s got to be better than enduring the torments of hell.

If I reveal my identity, she might open her heart to me.

And with all my might and her weakened magical resistance—

I might be able to cast such a curse.

『Hmm… it may be possible,』

Antendeixis added.

“But of course,” he continued, “if there is a problem, the forbidden magic would affect you as well.”

That’s right. But Antendeixis, it won’t affect you. As long as you’re within me, you won’t be influenced by the forbidden magic, right?

I would also ban myself from remembering my true identity. I’ll act like Zilbagias. I’ll end up forgetting my mission as a hero, so you’ll need to give me instructions from the inside.

Since I’ll be paying a corresponding price, it should become a fairly potent magic. Additionally, if I ban all mentions of my true identity, our position will be solid. Then, after we escape, when I’m alone, you simply use the spell to lift the memory ban.

『…If that’s the case, it might indeed be possible. Although I’m concerned about your unpredictability as Zilbagias…』

There’s no choice but to rely on you for that. Just because I forget the reason doesn’t mean the desire to take Liliana with me will vanish, and I hope my character won’t suddenly transform into the kind of brutal villain typical of the Demon Race.

『Well, let’s set that aside for now. But you are missing one crucial perspective.』

…Did I overlook something?

『You did.』

Antendeixis paused before asking.

『What do you plan to do after you have rescued her?』


『Certainly, as your pet, she may be allowed to live. But will you just keep her in your room as a prisoner? Can that truly be considered rescuing her?』

…But… it’s better than continuing to suffer torture.

『That may be true. No matter what, if she regains her self-awareness, the risk of information leakage will arise. While banning mentions of your identity offers some insurance—don’t forget that there are still many Night Elf subordinates around you.』

The environment will remain like walking on pins.

『In that case, you’ll have to continue acting like a humiliated pet… Is that really a rescue? Escaping the castle will be difficult too. If you say she’s no longer useful as a pet, the Night Elves will surely come to collect her…』

And then, they’ll continue experimenting and studying the now compliant Saint to utilize her…

…So, what should I do?

Is killing her the only option left?

『Or perhaps that would be an act of mercy…』

Antendeixis said, almost in a growl.

『After all, your ultimate goal. To defeat the Demon Lord, obliterate the Demon Lord Kingdom, and save the Human Race. If your identity is exposed, everything stands to crumble. You must decide whether to kill her quickly or to let her be a casualty to avoid worsening relations with the Night Elves.』

You seem desperate to avoid that option, but…

…I realized, without realizing it, I had clenched my fists tightly. Antendeixis’s words were right. Inescapably so.

『…I don’t want you to misunderstand—I’m not blaming you.』

With a gentler tone, Antendeixis spoke.

『I simply wanted you to have a broader perspective. You seemed frantic about rescuing her. If you intend to save her, I won’t mind. But should you not weigh other options and their respective pros and cons before drawing a conclusion?』

In the end, I don’t want you to feel regret—this sounded like a muttered thought.

『Fortunately, you still have time to think. Ten minutes, twenty minutes…』

Which means, by then—I must decide Liliana’s fate.

I felt as though I had swallowed a stone, a heavy sensation settled deep in my belly.

Yes… I had made up my mind. I would do anything to defeat the Demon Lord.

『—Are you really going to rescue just her?』

A voice seemed to echo from behind me.

Not Antendeixis. It was the wailing voices of those I had left to their fates.

Since the incident of my spell dispatching soldiers, I had forsaken so many.

I could say it was unavoidable. It was unthinkable for a Prince of the Demon Race to extend a hand of salvation to the Human Race.

On the other hand, with Liliana—the fact that she is a rare High Elf would place her as my pet, which would indeed be a barbaric act.

But is that really all there is to it?

Because she is familiar to me, because she is the High Elf Saint, because she has endured seven years of hellish torment, can I assure myself that I’m not showing favoritism?

Is rescuing only her truly the right thing to do?

…I can think of several benefits to keeping a High Elf by my side. Her miraculous powers might be bestowed upon me. By using her as a target for the Teleportation Spell, we might minimize the losses in further battles against the Human Race.

However, it’s also true that if my identity is exposed, the entire plan could collapse. Can I truly assert that those benefits outweigh the risks?

I’ve left so many to die.

So should I let another one perish this time?

How can I face all those who have already become victims?

――Just kill her.

I felt as if I heard that voice.

――Your mission is to defeat the Demon Lord, even at all costs.

If I follow that voice…

――You will find relief.

I wouldn’t need to torment myself anymore…


No, that won’t do. I need to think deeply. That is my duty.

The pride of a hero is ringing alarm bells. I must not seek comfort.

I’ve let so many die.

But that doesn’t excuse me from allowing more to perish from now on.

I must exert all my strength. To save as many as I can.

That’s right, don’t forget. To defeat the Demon Lord, to destroy the Demon Lord Kingdom—it’s all to save everyone. While revenge fuels me, that’s the most important thing.

I reach for my belt. I take the bones of the soldiers that hung there.

Their bones fit naturally into the shape of a spear.

…Will you forgive me?

I shut my eyes, gripping the hilt tightly with both hands, speaking to them.

…Will you let me save someone, despite being the one who caused your deaths?

『…What the—』

Suddenly, I heard Antendeixis gasp.

Opening my eyes—I was at a loss for words.

The bones in my hand—had transformed.

From the spear’s hilt, into the shape of a “sword.”

Symbolizing the strength of the Human Race.

The bone blade quivered slightly.

『If you have time to prattle on,』

I felt as if I heard that voice of an older soldier.

『—save as many as you can.』

That’s right. I am

No matter what anyone says

A hero.

――I brandished the bone sword.

I severed the rope that had been choking Liliana.

With a thud, the support for her neck disappeared, and the chains rattled. Ah, just like a Saint, her face rapidly regained its color.


Liliana, letting out a faint groan, regained consciousness.

Fearfully, she looked up and upon recognizing my figure, she trembled, letting the chains connected to her limbs clatter once more.

She was terrified.

Feeling crushed by the dread of what tortures would come next.

The trace of her once vibrant self was nowhere to be found… I nearly cried.


I placed a finger to my lips, gesturing for her to remain quiet.

The Night Elves outside the heavy iron door were likely eavesdropping.

So I wouldn’t make a sound.


I concentrated my magical power at my fingertips.

…Liliana, do you remember?

Even with the memories eaten away, I haven’t forgotten.

Oh divine gods of light, bear witness.

【Come, holy radiance, to this hand!】

Silver sparks erupted.

They burned my fingertips while drawing patterns of white flowers.


Liliana’s eyes widened in astonishment.

With the magical power released from my fingertips, I wrote in the air using Elven script.

Being a High Elf, you should be able to read it, right?

『It’s me, Hero Alexander.』

『I’ve come to save you.』

Tears began to spill from her blue eyes.