Chapter 406
A brilliant spotlight pours down from the sky.
A light solely aimed at me.
At least for today, it meant that I had become the star of this place.
-Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw!
The crowd chants my name.
In a way, this was something I had seen countless times during this All-Star Event, but this moment felt different.
I beat Rainbow.
Not just anyone, but that very Rainbow.
“I really… won.”
I still struggled to grasp the reality of it.
Of course, I’ve beaten Rainbow countless times in solo ranks, but that was just a solo rank that didn’t hold much significance.
From a professional gamer’s perspective, it didn’t even count as a practice match; it was more like warming up.
That’s why winning against Rainbow here, on this stage, held so much importance.
Taking a small breath, I passed in front of the stage, trying to hide the slight tremor that still lingered.
I could see Rainbow across from me.
Perhaps due to the shadow cast by the bright spotlight, I couldn’t clearly see his expression.
Maybe he didn’t want me to see it.
“You did well.”
“Ah… you too.”
Finally, as his face became visible, Rainbow said with a smile.
Rainbow was smiling.
“You really played well. I already knew that, but even more than that.”
“I got lucky.”
“Come on, luck is part of skill.”
But for some reason.
That good smile of his looked a bit awkward.
“I lost completely. I knew it, but I really couldn’t handle it in that situation.”
He seemed fine.
No, it looked like he genuinely enjoyed this match without placing much importance on the fact that he lost.
But I saw it.
I felt a hint of frustration behind Rainbow’s overly light-hearted banter.
As evidence of that, his fingertips were slightly trembling.
Just like mine.
I couldn’t tell if he was frustrated about losing or just tense.
But at least one thing was clear.
“He wanted to win.”
Like me, Rainbow also craved victory in this duel.
It felt like he wanted to defeat me just as much as I wanted to defeat him.
I could tell that much.
“Today, I won.”
I said to the dazed Rainbow.
“I won’t lose next time.”
I didn’t know where our next match would be, but at least I would meet him at LCKR.
Whether there or beyond.
I had no intention of losing.
Only then did Rainbow seem to understand what I meant and gave a small laugh.
“Next time will be different.”
“Then I’ll win through jungle differences.”
“Then I’ll win through mid differences.”
Rainbow shot back with a smile, showing he wouldn’t back down at all.
Yet within that smile was the passion he could only show from a distance until now.
“That might just be possible.”
Objectively speaking, Getback was indeed at a disadvantage against Rainbow, so…
“…If you say that, I’ll look like trash.”
“Go tell them.”
Rainbow was genuinely panicking, which was rare.
“I was just kidding.”
“I guess I’ll tell them anyway.”
Hmm… this person might actually be fun to tease?
Thinking back, the Rainbow I knew didn’t have this kind of image.
An ordinary person you could find anywhere.
In fact, way back, we used to joke and tease each other a lot, so…
“Those days are long gone.”
I subtly turned my gaze and saw the staff waving us over.
Looks like it’s time to go.
“I guess I should get going.”
“Yes, I had fun today.”
“We should go together. It’s an interview, after all.”
After that brief exchange, Rainbow and I moved to the front of the stage at the staff’s gesture.
We were there for an interview as the winner and runner-up of the All-Star 1v1 Tournament.
“We have two players here who showed a really great performance on this stage today.”
The host continued speaking to the audience.
Of course, I couldn’t understand a word of it.
“It’s Rainbow and Outlaw!”
As soon as the host introduced us, thunderous cheers erupted again.
The interview started with Rainbow.
“Rainbow player, unfortunately lost the final in this one-on-one tournament. How do you feel about losing to Outlaw?”
The translator followed up.
“레인보우 선수, 이번 1대1 토너먼트에서 결승전에서 아쉽게 패배했습니다. 아웃로우 선수에게 아쉽게 패배한 소감이 어떠신가요?”
“Hmm, I’m disappointed I didn’t win, but I think I played a good game.”
The translator conveyed the message.
“I’m sorry I didn’t win, but I think I played a good game.”
As soon as those words left his mouth, cheers erupted from the audience.
-Rainbow! Rainbow! Rainbow!
The crowd was likely cheering for Rainbow’s great professional spirit.
“I picked Akali in the final. Is there a special reason?”
“결승전에서 아칼린을 픽하셨는데요. 혹시 아칼린을 픽한 특별한 이유가 있을까요?”
Rainbow smiled gently as he spoke.
“I thought it was a good champion to show on the final stage among the champions that were available at that time.”
A reasonable answer.
In fact, during this All-Star 1v1 Tournament, Akali’s tier wasn’t bad at all.
“I think he was a good champion to show on the final stage among the champions who were released at the time.”
The host made a face like he was impressed after the translator finished.
“So how was it when Outlaw played Sylas? I think the reason there were so many great scenes in this game was because the opponent played Sylas.”
“그렇다면 아웃로우 선수가 사일라스를 했을 때 어땠나요? 이번 경기에서 정말로 멋진 장면이 많이 나왔던 건 상대가 사일라스를 했기 때문도 있는 것 같은데.”
Rainbow said, “I think it was a good pick. Thanks to that, we got a lot of great scenes. Although I lost, I think it was a good game.”
“I think it was a good pick. Thanks to that, we got a lot of great scenes. Although I lost, I think it was a good game.”
The host remarked, “It was a really great game, as you said. At first, Rainbow was given a solo kill, but after that, he succeeded in getting revenge and drove it to a one-on-one situation, which eventually led to his defeat in the final fight. Can you tell us a word about Outlaw?”
“그 말마따나 정말로 멋진 경기였습니다. 처음에 레인보우 선수가 솔로 킬을 당하기는 했어도, 그 이후에 바로 복수에 성공하면서 1대1 상황까지 몰고 갔는데, 결국 마지막 싸움에서 패배했습니다. 아웃로우 선수에 대해서 한 말씀해주실 수 있을까요?”
Rainbow looked a bit flustered at the question, but soon spoke nonchalantly.
“I think she’s a very good player. In every aspect.”
“I think she’s a very good player. In every aspect.”
The host said, “Oh, really. Let’s give a round of applause to Rainbow for his great performance!”
“오, 그렇군요. 멋진 경기를 보여주신 레인보우 선수에게 뜨거운 박수 한번 부탁드립니다.”
In response, the audience erupted in cheers again.
And the host’s gaze soon shifted to me.
Feeling quite different from when I had an interview in Korea, I flinched for a moment but tried my best to appear confident.
Well… it seemed that in the eyes of others, it looked quite awkward as the host chuckled lightly while looking at me.
Don’t tremble, don’t tremble.
I reminded myself as I faced the host.
Somehow, I felt more nervous about the interview afterward than during the match.