Chapter 405

“…It seems everyone has finished their appetizers, so let’s get the main event ready!”

Zigmeser chose to ignore the earlier spectacle.

The evidence of this was the astonishing speed at which the previously empty grill area was filled with dishes.

Alicia gasped at the sight of the table that appeared before her.

“Wow, it looks like snowflakes have fallen!”

Alicia’s astonishment was far from exaggerated.

On the plates were spiral whirlpools of bright red meat arranged like flower petals, each piece featuring an abundance of marbling. Beside them lay pink meat, intricately networked with white fat.

In contrast to the vibrant display, the meat that was devoid of fat was deep red, its high density giving it a smooth, shiny sheen.

There were various meats showcased, from those with distinct white borders to others with lush fat spreading like roots.

It seemed as if all the different cuts of meat were laid out on separate plates across the table.

“As I mentioned earlier, usually, the meat is quickly grilled or boiled for steaks, though that takes too long.”

Zigmeser returned with an oddly familiar tool in hand, confidently tying on his apron as he stepped up to the grill.

“Grilling it right here and now is faster, simpler, and will taste better.”

Clang, clang—

The familiar sound of long grilling tongs, looking like oversized tweezers made famous through the ‘mukbang’ (eating broadcast) craze, rang through the air.

At the sight of those familiar tools, Karem quickly scanned the table.

The charcoal stove and grill at the center.

The long grilling tongs that seemed almost too familiar.

Most importantly, the countless pieces of meat arranged like spirals of flowers on the plates surrounding the grill.

‘This is a little too similar to a meat shop.’

It was either that Zigmeser replicated his past experiences at a meat shop or that his cravings for meat had led to some kind of convergence evolution.

“Sir Zigmeser, did you think all this up by yourself?”

“Princess Alicia suddenly said she wanted to eat horse meat, so I thought I would show off a bit of my skills.”

Zigmeser clanged the tongs together again. Perhaps he was pleased with the sound.

“It looks incredibly fancy. If we were just going to grill, we could’ve just sliced the meat and put it on a plate.”

“Since the princess invited guests, I thought I’d embellish it a bit, within the limits of my time. Ah, I’d better get my special tongs ready.”

With that, Zigmeser quickly fetched long tongs and divided them between the two.

“Alright, let me show you how to grill.”

Just like before, Zigmeser placed meat onto the grill.

The heat rising from the heated grate and the spaces between the grill.

The thin slices of meat rapidly changed color as the white fat became translucent.

“Princess, it’s just like I showed you earlier. Don’t cook it for too long.”

“Is it really over after grilling it this quickly?”

“Think about the steak. What color is the cut side?”


“Exactly. Each bite is a grilled steak.”

Zigmeser popped the grilled morsel into Alicia’s mouth.

As the food entered her mouth, Alicia instinctively chewed, her eyes widening in surprise.

The subsequent events needed no further explanation.

Alicia began grilling meat with her own special tongs.

“I reckon the princess will eat it all herself at this rate.”

“I’ll grill it quickly!”

Alicia’s grill was packed tightly with meat.

The unspoken rule above the grill seemed to have been instinctively grasped.

While waiting for the meat to cook, Karem quickly placed his own meat onto the grill.


He almost had a prejudice against the astonishingly tough texture.

However, grilling it like beef would yield different results.

Flipping it back onto the grill for the same duration as before, Karem picked up the very first piece he had placed down.

The grill marks were distinctly visible on the appetizing surface.

With a hint of red, juices dripped down.

Though it looked almost no different from grilled beef on a grill, Catherine appeared to hesitate slightly as she placed it before her.

“I grilled it just like Sir Zigmeser said. This should be medium-rare, right?”


“Should I taste it first?”

“Yes. Go ahead.”

The words came out as if she had been waiting for them.

Karem shrugged as he bit into the meat he had grasped with the tongs.


The texture he felt upon chewing made him flinch.

Wondering if he had imagined it, he chewed again.

‘What the… it’s completely different.’

The mouthfeel was entirely unlike eating raw meat carpaccio.

Typically, raw meat is tough, and grilling it makes it tender.

But that piece he had just eaten was different.

Each bite had a chewy texture—never tough, and at the end became incredibly tender. It resembled beef skirt steak.

However, there was one clear difference.

The taste of the juices that coated his mouth was very different from beef.

He could sense the rich savoriness, but even more so, the clean, luscious sweetness came through, reminiscent of eating it raw.

“You look like you’ve tasted something extraordinary.”

“…Wow, this is incredible.”

“Then move those tongs quickly!”

“Eh? Oh, right. Just a moment.”

With his focus on the taste lingering on his palate, Karem hurriedly collected the meat from the grill onto his plate.

Catherine, now filled with trust from Karem’s sampling, took a moment before accepting the second piece he offered.


The moment the meat entered her mouth, her body froze.

Her expression was stiff, eyes wide, revealing shock.

Yet, her tongue, being honest, already started chewing and swallowed every piece Karem presented.

“Could it really be that such a tough horse meat could be this tender?”

With the rich flavor and thick juicy goodness akin to properly grilled beef.

Above all, the distinct chewy sweetness made all the difference!

The pieces of meat that had originally been on her plate had mostly disappeared by then.

As the dynamics shifted and she snapped back to reality, Catherine trembled while Karem grilled more meat.

“My goodness, did I really just eat…horse meat? Is horse meat really this tender…and even more so, when chewing, such subtle sweetness lingers between the flavors!”

“Hehehe, nowadays, hardly anyone seeks other meats, saying they were too busy enjoying these—”

“I find it personally more delicious than mammoth meat. Especially the exquisite savory sweetness that seeps out as you chew—”

“Wait, what did you just say!?”

Bang! As Zigmeser sunk his chef’s knife into the cutting board while butchering meat for refills, the conversation grew heated.

What did that wizard just say? That horse meat is better than mammoth meat?

“That can’t be! No way! I might’ve misheard, but surely not?”

“I heard you right. This horse meat is far sweeter and better.”

“Even if grilled horse meat is delicious, how could it possibly be better than the rich, soft, and fruitier mammoth meat?”

Zigmeser dropped his courtesy in shock at this alarming statement.

Catherine, clueless as to what was so wrong, continued to munch on the horse meat Karem presented.

“That fruitiness is the problem. The fruitiness.”


“If it’s something felt in the sauce, that’s one thing, but if it’s coming from the meat itself, then there’s a disconnect with the richness. In that sense, this horse meat is superb.”

“Th-That’s…no! The aroma—Ahh!”

If a local from Seophon had caught that statement, they might think it unworthy of praise due to just not having tasted enough to change their mind.

Zigmeser, in turn, had much he wanted to convey, yet the jumbled words seemed barely like human language.

“More importantly, Sir Zigmeser.”

“Ugh! Ahhh! Calm down, calm down. First, why?”

“Is it just us eating this?”

“I’ll eat after the meal is finished. Besides—”

Having finally regained his composure, Zigmeser lifted an empty plate.

“I’m already eating too swiftly; if I eat, who would be here to replenish it? I can’t neglect my duty as a host.”

Even though he had denoted mammoth meat as tasteless.

Zigmeser murmured away, making it obvious he was trying to deny his own words while immediately returning to prepare more meat.

“It seems the elder has taken quite the shock.”

“It’s just not my preference.”

As Alicia, also indulging in meat, appeared to be surprised by Catherine’s remark, she blinked rapidly.

“Though, I feel a bit regretful…”

“Hm? What do you mean? The meat is so delicious!”

“Just a moment. Catherine, I’ll be right back from the tower. And Sir Zigmeser? I’ll be using some ingredients.”

What!? Our guest is—? Zigmeser’s refusal erupted, but Karem paid it no mind.

He just couldn’t hold himself back.


Alicia, shocked, and Zigmeser, astounded, while Catherine found Karem’s sudden actions all too familiar.

Thus, this was not a matter of concern for her.

‘Even though we were in the midst of eating, to suddenly run off like that.’

Having felt an inexplicable pleasure from shattering preconceived notions, she was merely annoyed that it was interrupted.

Had the conversation gone on even longer, she would have considered speaking up later; thankfully, Karem quickly returned at processing speed.

“Huh? What did you bring back?”

“I…I couldn’t help it.”

In Karem’s hand was nothing other than a bottle of sesame oil.

Catherine raised an eyebrow.

“…Karem? What is that again?”

“Did you bring back some kind of alcohol? Smells quite nutty—”

As Karem opened the jar and poured sesame oil into a dish, the atmosphere shifted dramatically.

Both Zigmeser and Alicia’s eyes locked onto the transparent golden oil in the jars for salt and pepper. Both had a half-dazed expression.

“Salt, pepper, and oil? So simple, like balsamic and olive oil.”

“Oh, you’ll change your mind once you taste it!”

With that, Karem grinned as he grilled a piece of horse meat and drenched it in the oil. The two’s gazes remained glued to the tip of the tongs.

Sure, it smelled lovely, but that much?

Catherine’s skepticism mixed with a touch of curiosity shattered upon an explosive wave of flavor that rushed into her mouth.

The previous umami, rich juiciness, savory Nuttiness, and delectable sweetness.

All of these combined took the flavor to a higher dimension, emerging from the overwhelming aroma.

In just a few bites, the staggering taste compelled Catherine to swallow without thought.

“My goodness. Just adding oil with salt and pepper, it’s not just that. Here, the oil takes the spotlight, while the other two seasonings take a backseat.”

“Glug—Karem, I want Alicia to try this too. Surely, it has a scent similar to…sesame.”

“Se-sesame? Ahem! Did you make this delicious creation with it packed in?”

The sound was filled with deep hunger and eagerness.

Yes, it felt just right.

Probably, this entire jar might get wiped out.

While she initially thought of sharing only with Catherine, she couldn’t contain herself with such delicious and sweet meat.

“Alright, since this is also a valuable item, let’s all savor it little by little. And Sir Zigmeser?”

“Huh? What now?”

Despite being focused on the preparation, Zigmeser had already set a piece of meat for himself on the grill.

“You said you’d just handle the meat and eat later—”

“Yes, and you want me to hold back while I brought this kind of stuff!?”

“Mmmm. Alicia agrees.”

Alicia, who had smoothly brushed aside her own previous statement, nodded as her gaze suddenly turned serious.

“Just how delicious is it? I wonder how…a unicorn would taste…”

Hmm—Alicia’s face turned a shade grimmer.

“How regrettable…I suppose I should try to send another invitation to taste it.”

“Of course not.”

“Is that so?”

“No matter how many times you send it, it’ll be the same.”

“How regrettable…”