Chapter 401
Chapter 401. Evil Spirits and Revenge
Secret Technique – Bone-Finned Kick with All My Might!!!
Hey there, it’s Hero Alexander, swimming like crazy while carrying an unconscious man and boy!
Heavy! Seriously, a person who can’t move by themselves is like carrying a ton! Plus, there’s the added weight of waterlogged clothes and Adamas!
There was absolutely no way I could have done this without bringing back the soldiers’ remains!!
“You’re such a handful to deal with.”
By the way, Antendeixis has also manifested, pushing me while kicking. Being a demon, he doesn’t need to breathe and boasts of superior magical power, so even in the form of a young girl, he’s definitely stronger than me, who’s human.
Antendeixis… I’ve thought many times how grateful I am for your existence, but at this moment, you’re the biggest savior of the year!!
Finally made it to the surface. Wood and supplies are floating everywhere. I can also see the lake pirates bobbing around with awkward expressions. Well, they may have been freed from the vampire’s control, but they still are pirates after all! Gotta think about the future!
“Hey! Are you okay?!”
Nearby is the NeedAlun, thank goodness it’s safe…! The Forest Elf Archers and the Priest, along with Leila, are looking down at the water’s surface with stern faces, ready for any potential re-attack.
Leila, looking like she’s about to die from worry, almost collapses in relief while managing to smile and wave. Sorry for making you worry! I wave back.
I can see ropes and ladders being lowered from the deck, with crew members trying to lower a boat.
“Give me a hand! I have the hostages who were captured!”
“Got it!!”
I let the crew member take the boy down the rope and have them tie up the unconscious man with a rope to be pulled up.
“What about Bishop Lexar and Arthur?!”
“They managed to escape on a lake pirate ship! They’re currently on the opposite side, keeping watch!”
Looks like Arthur and the others are doing fine! My plan was to clear the minions and maybe save some civilians who might be around by systematically dealing with the pirate ship from above, and I had the holy spirit as a trump card, so I was prepared to go take down that vampire jerk. They seemed to be above me on the ship, so escaping was probably easier for them.
“Hero, you should come too!”
“I still have things to do! There might be people I haven’t rescued yet!”
The crew member reached out to me, but I inhaled deeply and dived back underwater. I couldn’t find Romeo’s girlfriend… honestly, I’m starting to feel like this might be impossible, but I can’t give up!
Antendeixis! I need your help!
“Very well, I shall accompany you until you’re satisfied. However, be cautious of the minions and vampires; it’s possible they weren’t fully dealt with.”
That’s a problem, isn’t it…?! In the end, none of the holy spirits have returned, so did they really take care of everything…?
Tormented by anxiety and urgency, I still dove deep with all my determination.
Wow, this… it’s seriously hard to breathe! I secretly reshaped some remains to bring back a bit of air, but it’s like a drop in the ocean!
“There’s no helping it… Here.”
Antendeixis manifested and poked his own lips. Huh?
“This is how it’s done.”
Grabbing my face, Antendeixis pressed his lips against mine and blew fresh air into me. Whoa!
“I inhaled as much as possible from the surface, you can refill at least one more time.”
Ah, I see, while he has a biological structure, he doesn’t need to breathe, so it stays fresh! This is a lifesaver!
Antendeixis, can’t you pump up the contents in there like five times more? Demons should have some flexibility with their body shapes, right?
“As for the outer chest, that’s possible, but changing the internal structure is a bit difficult… Oh, but I might be able to store more air in the stomach. Rejoice, next time I should be able to blow in more air! It’s my burp though.”
That’s the worst!!
What’s the worst is that even though it’s practically useful, it’s too bad I have to rely on it! But thanks!!
As we chatted, diving deeper…
“Hey there!”
I was suddenly addressed by someone other than Antendeixis.
I was shocked and accidentally exhaled! Ascending rapidly was a semi-transparent woman.
— It was Beatrice, now turned into an evil spirit.
But now she looked peaceful, as if the burden had been lifted. …Did she successfully achieve her revenge?
“I cursed a few people to death. I didn’t pay much attention to the other evil spirits, but they all seemed to have disappeared after being wrapped up in the hero’s battle or basking in the sunlight.”
I see… but Beatrice is still around. Sorry, but if it’s okay, could you help me search for Romeo’s girlfriend and the other victims? And do you know if the vampire was completely finished?
“Ah, that’s what I wanted to talk about. It would’ve been dangerous to get too close to the surface because of the sunlight, so I’m glad you came down.”
That’s a relief! So, what’s the story?
“To make it brief. First, it seems the vampire is dead; when I checked, he was turned to ash. The holy spirits also seemed to have vanished.”
I see! That’s good news……
“Next, Romeo’s girlfriend was saved. And it seems there’s no one else who needs rescuing; I was actually checking around the ship.”
Seriously? You finished all your tasks… you’re way too capable…
For now, I decided to store Beatrice, who couldn’t get near the surface, into the remains and head back to the ship to hear the detailed story.
“By the way, who’s that girl?”
I pointed to Antendeixis while introducing Beatrice. This is… my guardian spirit.
With a smirk, Antendeixis smoothly flowed back into me. I don’t need air anymore.
“Hmm. Seems you’ve got quite the situation going on…”
Beatrice looked impressed, yet seemed kind of indifferent.
She didn’t seem to have much attachment to the information of this world anymore.
— Her emotions are beginning to wear thin.
Beatrice too is fading, slowly disappearing.
My experience and instincts as a necromancer told me so.