Chapter 40

Dayou TV 015745 joined the lobby.

Prisoner joined the lobby.

qq7785dd55 joined the lobby.

찬식찬식찬식 joined the lobby.

떠나요그곳으로 joined the lobby.


The ban/pick phase has started.

Some usernames looked familiar, while others didn’t.

About half and half, I guess.

‘By the way, that mid is probably that Chinese pro from last time… great.’


The Chinese Red Cup runner-up team that had recently offered me a crazy opportunity.

Considering the circumstances, it must be because that mid jungler from GRS had nice things to say about me that led to this scouting offer.

Thinking that I ended up on the same team as someone who thought that highly of me… oddly makes me feel a bit flushed.

‘Well, we were bound to meet someday anyway.’

I tried to push those thoughts aside and focused on the ban/pick phase.

Our team’s lineup is the blue team.

In other words, the lower side.

[Ban list]

Elise / Sylas

⛝ / Shaco

Senna / ⛝

Gwen / ⛝

Rumble / Lee Sin

‘This game has a lot of no bans.’

Not particularly strange, though.

From a strategic perspective, no bans could mean intentionally letting OP champions through to pick them, or, if it’s the pros, it could be a way to experiment with various champions in solo queue by not banning.

…Although, a lot of times it’s just because people are lazy.


Even though our top picked Sett first, there were no swap requests.

Sett can play top, mid, and even support, so it was a decent pick for first choice.

And soon after, the opponent’s 1 and 2 picks followed.




He’s quite a hot pick lately.

Of course, being hot doesn’t mean he’s hot as a jungler, that’s for sure.

Originally designed as a jungler, but his main use lately has been in solo lanes like top and mid, so you can feel the plight of the jungler who can’t cross the wall.

‘So it seems neither side knows about the top and mid picks yet.’

Statistically, Rakan is a bit favored over Sett in the top matchup, so they might have picked based on Sett, but it’s not good to make assumptions.

As each pick was completed, the ban/pick phase came to an end.

[Allied / Enemy]

Top: Sett / Rakan

Jungle: Rek’Sai / Xin Zhao

Mid: Twisted Fate / Akali

Bot: Vayne / Kai’Sa

Support: Alistar / Leona

What stands out is definitely the top and mid picks.

Twisted Fate counters Akali, but Rakan counters Twisted Fate.

Rakan and Twisted Fate.

The ultimate uses of these two champions can be said to be the key points of this game.

The game has started.


BAN EZ – Rakan

Gankgankgankgankgankgank – Xin Zhao

IlIIIIllllIll – Akali

MAX KingGodEmperor – Kai’Sa

SCV WhiteCat – Leona


Familiar usernames.

Among them, the one that stands out the most is the top laner BAN EZ.



He’s none other than the pro gamer who recently gave me the rank 1 spot.

Even though their team’s performance wasn’t great in the league, everyone in the industry sings praises about EZ’s skill as a top laner.

They even say that even though the team didn’t make it to the Red Cup, his individual skill is among the best in the world.

‘What a coincidence meeting him here.’

Of course, even if I lose this game, the ranking won’t change.

There’s already a significant score gap between us.

‘But still, I have no intention of losing.’

The game has begun.

-Welcome to Summoner’s Rift.

The early game was pretty smooth.

The invade matchup wasn’t bad, but we didn’t feel the need to invade first.

I thought it would be better to focus on gaining mid control based on lane matchups rather than creating variables during an early invade.

‘More than anything, it seems good to get to the top as quickly as possible.’

They often say that Sett in top lane is unbeatable.

Sett is indeed a strong champion, but the opponent is none other than the renowned EZ, who literally crushes his opponents.

I can’t leave any unnecessary risks open.

‘There’s a reason he ranked first.’

Even though pros say solo rank points don’t mean much, they don’t mean nothing at all.

Anyway, having a high solo rank score is one of the strongest evidence that you’re really on your game.

My route is the so-called “Burberdoo.”

It’s a path aimed at getting to the top as quickly as possible.

Typically, Rek’Sai is threatening after clearing the three red-side camps and going for a level 3 gank on top or bottom depending on the situation, but I felt the need to avoid that standard route because the enemy top’s presence was too strong.

‘If their jungler manages to dive top, the game could explode.’

Even with the advantage of being in the lower side, that’s why I hesitate to gank bottom recklessly.

I took a quick look at the top lane.

‘Hmm, just as I thought.’

Rakan and Sett.

While they might not be the most evenly matched on a knife’s edge, it’s nonetheless a close brawl, with intense trades from the start.

‘It looks like there will be a fight in the top lane.’

Both top’s trading was intense.

Given how obvious this scenario is, it’s highly likely that their Xin Zhao is also taking a top route.

Actually, it’s almost certain.

Moreover, since both mid laners have Teleport, the chance of a 2:2 or larger engagement is high.


[Prisoner(Rek’Sai) has marked BAN EZ(Rakan)]

As soon as I reached top, I saw their Xin Zhao coming into the bush from the river.


[Prisoner(Rek’Sai) has marked gankgankgankgankgankgank(Xin Zhao)]

The moment Xin Zhao placed a ward in the bush where I was hiding.

My position was revealed, and the Sett and I surrounded Xin Zhao.


The opposing Xin Zhao didn’t panic and tried to hit Sett with his W and jump on me with his E.

He attempted a quick escape.

‘No way.’

At that moment when Xin Zhao’s E activated, I didn’t miss that split second and used Flash and Burst to interrupt his E skill.

At level 3, when he hasn’t learned his ultimate yet, Xin Zhao is essentially a champion without a way out.

No matter how much he has Flash, after using all his skills, he couldn’t escape from the combined assault of Sett and Rek’Sai.

-First Blood!

I managed to take down Xin Zhao first in a 2:2 engagement, but the issue was that their Rakan was still very much alive.

At that moment, Sett and I were both low on health and without any major skills, while Rakan had regained health through minions.

‘But we can still back off.’

Thinking that as I tried to lift the aggressive Rakan with my Burst,


Suddenly, a sharp pain hit my stomach.

It was a strange pain I had never felt before.

Because of that, instead of using my Q skill to strip Rakan’s spell shield and then using Burst, I ended up using Burst without using Q.

A critical mistake.

-You were defeated by the enemy!

Having lost my means to stop the raging beast, I was instantly taken down.

And Sett was also in a similar predicament.

-Your ally has been defeated!

-Enemy, double kill!

Instantly, that Rakan got a double kill, but I couldn’t worry about that.


It felt like my lower abdomen was being stabbed.

I instinctively grabbed my smartphone.

If something was wrong with my body, I needed to let someone in my family know quickly.


Even though my champion had just revived in the well, the screen wasn’t entering my vision.

‘Call, call….’

I pressed my smartphone but it was off.

Come to think of it, I turned it off before starting the game because of the flood of calls and messages.

I needed to turn my smartphone back on, but due to the bizarre pain in my lower abdomen that I had never experienced, I couldn’t muster strength into my hands.


Sudden, fearful thoughts struck me.

What if this is my last moment?

What if I’m carted off to the hospital and nobody knows I’m gone, just dying alone?

Prisoner is the only footprint I’ve left in my life.

That’s why I wanted to meet the end of my journey where no one has set foot before as a Prisoner.

But… what if I, as Prisoner, become just another ordinary amateur that people forget about?

If there’s no meaning in my life and death, nowhere at all?

No way.

That’s… somehow unacceptable.


I put my smartphone down.

Instead, I grabbed the mouse again.

I knew.

How foolish and selfish my actions were right now.

But really, if this is my end, I don’t want to meet such a pathetic fate.

If this is a sign of my last, then at least I need to leave a footprint on the slopes of a massive mountain where no one has dared step.

‘…Mom, I’m sorry.’

I turned my gaze back to the screen.

To win this game.