Chapter 4

Actually, I know almost nothing about music.

I enjoy listening, but I’m not really interested in the titles or composers of the music I listen to. I just… listen to it because it sounds nice to my ears.

So, I don’t really have a preference for specific genres, but I do prefer music with lyrics. It’s even better if the lyrics are in Korean. That helps me focus more.

I expected it, but the album that Blossom… I mean, Ha-yoon gifted me doesn’t seem to be that kind of album. Well, I anticipated it. That’s why I didn’t just buy it right away at the bookstore.

But still.

“Oh, this is nice!”

Laying a blanket on the floor, with my feet on the pillow instead of my head, Ji-hye said, tapping her toes along with the music.

Yeah. It was nice.

It was what you’d call a ‘jazz classic’ or something like that.

As I listened to the smoothly resonating trumpet sound, I leaned back in my chair at the desk and glanced at the album Ha-yoon had given me.

The cover of the album had an overall dark atmosphere. Since the album name has ‘blue’ in it, it was never intended to have a bright vibe.

The album art showed a performer holding a trumpet, looking serious while playing something—it was that kind of cover.

Hmm, sometimes listening to such atmospheric albums isn’t so bad.

I placed the album neatly in the space between the stacks already lined up on my desk.

The row of music albums was arranged almost at the same height, and coincidentally, both the ones next to the one I just slid in were albums gifted by Ha-yoon.

We were childhood friends after all. Naturally, we exchanged gifts quite often. If we’re being picky, I’ve received more than I’ve given.

Ha-yoon has an unexpected level of observational skill despite her appearance. It’s not because she’s a magical girl… It’s just that she only started that role about two years ago.

It’s easy to have a strange preconception because of her pink hair, but Ha-yoon is a bright student and very popular. She teases me about being confessed to, but she receives confessions just as frequently, often from students who are quite well-known at school.

“But, so what?”

“So what?”

While staring blankly at the albums, I turned my body towards Ji-hye. Gently pushing off with my toes, the swivel chair smoothly rotated to face Ji-hye.

Ji-hye was still lying there with her feet on the pillow, turning her head to face me, grinning mischievously.

“What do you mean, so what?”

It felt impossible to open my mouth first, so I sighed and leaned back in my chair.

Well, it’s not like I didn’t expect the question.

“Was that gift from a guy?”

“It was from a girl.”

I answered with my eyes closed.

The music transitioned to the next track. Hmm, it must have changed, right? The atmosphere definitely shifted.

“Was she pretty?”

“She was pretty… Well, why do you ask?”

Ji-hye giggled at my response, then sighed deeply.

“Oh, just wondering. It seems like you and I are distanced from romance.”

Just yesterday, she said something about whether I was late because I was with a guy.

Well, I had denied that.

“Was it that Ha-yoon girl?”

“Yeah, something like that.”

“I thought so. That’s totally her style, this album.”

I turned my chair back, glancing at the album I just placed.


The one I put in was jazz, the one to its left looked like Beethoven, and the one to its right was a Beatles digipak. That… had a photo of them crossing the street, right? That’s it.

I might not know much about music, but I at least recognized that the three albums were completely different genres.

“So, that’s the vibe I’m getting. It feels vintage.”

Come to think of it, I’ve never received an idol album as a gift.

In reality, this was somewhat born from a misunderstanding.

When I look at albums, I just browse through the ones that catch my eye based on their cover art and put them back. Occasionally, I do buy one here and there, but they’re almost all movie or anime soundtracks.

So, for Ha-yoon, it’s always been about the ‘albums that Jeong Ji-eun took a deep look at but didn’t buy.’

Since I’ve never disliked any of the gifts from Ha-yoon, it’s only natural that she continues to choose those kinds of gifts.

Well, I don’t dislike them. In fact, I like them. Sometimes, albums of this kind are more expensive than movie soundtracks.

Then again, it is Ha-yoon’s taste.

She definitely doesn’t strike me as someone who would like idol groups. Her family is well-off, and they even have connections to the Eun-ha Federation.

So that’s why Iris dislikes her even more.


Ah, the music changed again. In fact, it might have already changed several times. It’s just hard for me to distinguish the beginning and the end.

Until now, the music was lively, but now it was clearly a slower piece. I could at least tell that much.

“……Ah, it’s snowing.”

At Ji-hye’s remark, I looked out the window.

White snowflakes were swirling around. Quite a lot was falling. Tomorrow, the roads might be a bit slippery.

“If only it had fallen yesterday.”

If it had fallen yesterday, the way back would have been so much more miserable. Thank goodness.

Ji-hye hummed along to the music awkwardly and then turned her head back toward me.

“So, what’s the vibe right now?”

“The vibe?”

“Isn’t it kind of like a scene from a youth drama?”


I thought for a moment and then smiled slightly.

“Yeah, it is.”

In truth, neither of us knew who Miles Davis was, but somehow, being here like this made it seem like we knew a lot about albums and such.

We watched the snow fall outside for a long while.

……I should be grateful for the gift though.

I have to return the favor. A New Year’s gift sounds good.

It’s not like I can give something that expensive, but Ha-yoon will probably appreciate it.


December 27.

Once again, a gathering order has been issued.

At least the 27th is a Saturday, so it’s a day off. Getting called in on a day off isn’t very pleasant, but it’s definitely better than being scolded for not showing up when they gather us during school on weekdays.

It’s probably because of the previous defeat.

If they were that confident, they should at least be training more officers instead. A corporation as large as Eun-ha surely has a lot of talented people.

To be honest, I wouldn’t be surprised if their employee count was greater than the population of the U.S.


By the time I reached the entrance after getting off the subway, I found a blue-skinned alien loitering in front of it.

Some of the people around casually glanced at it as they passed by. Most were older folks. In contrast, younger ones or kids didn’t pay much attention. They were probably used to it.

They attend classes mixed in at school, or they work together at the company. The social atmosphere has changed dramatically in just five years. There are still many parts we need to adapt to, but in this kind of atmosphere, things should get better gradually.

In Gwanghwamun, people passionately protesting there don’t seem to protest at all in front of the Noir Corporation headquarters.

Naturally, this is the case. Noir Corporation has a history of clearing out people protesting on ‘private property’ without hesitation.

The government hasn’t completely turned a blind eye, but then again, no one genuinely enjoys being beaten. Moreover, the combatants from back then were all reassigned to another planetary branch before they were apprehended, and the case floundered without a single witness.

……Well, anyway, it is what it is.

“……Why aren’t you going in?”

Removing the skin color, she looked a lot like a high school girl from my age group. Thankfully, her expression was almost entirely similar to that of an Earthling, which made me somewhat comfortable.

“Oh, you made it!”

As soon as I spoke to her, her expression brightened up.

……Ah, so it was because she didn’t want to be the first to go in and get chewed out alone.

I sighed softly and immediately turned around, heading toward the headquarters building.

She followed right at my side, chattering away.

“By the way, isn’t Iris the best? I was surprised when I saw her shoot that beam right in front of me. No, even more so, how did she know to prepare and wait like that?”

That’s true.

‘Earth Buddy’ is exactly that—an ‘Earth Buddy.’ They generally like all things related to Earth culture.

Just like a person who loves Japan doesn’t only like anime. Of course, their preferences can be quite selective, but generally, they adore not just the habits and lifestyles of the country they idolize but also try to imitate them blindly.

And she is like that.

And the kind of girls she loves usually relate to ‘pretty and cute ones.’ Magical girls are no exception.

……Wait a minute.

This wouldn’t mean she’s a guy who wears girls’ clothes, would it?

“Hmm? What’s wrong?”

When I slightly frowned and paused, she tilted her head, stopping her chatter.

“……Nothing, never mind.”


Taking my words without any doubt, she quickly returned to chattering at my side.

“Ah~ I really wanted to meet Happy Cherry Blossom. The outfit she wears looks super soft. If only I could touch it, that would be amazing!”

There’s no fan more obsessed than this.

Well, she probably thinks she can’t actually hurt a real magical girl or anything.

Given that she can even enjoy getting beaten to a pulp, she must have a remarkably sturdy body typical of an alien.


I placed my employee ID card against the scanner, entering deeper into the building.

There’s a commercial area on the first floor, but about a quarter of the back of the building is where the employee elevator is located. You can’t enter without an employee badge.

While some people saw us enter, hardly anyone paid serious attention. It’s a company known for having employees come in on weekends anyway.



As soon as we stepped into the elevator, she fell silent.

“……I wonder how much she’ll talk?”

The girl, who always has a smile when heading to work, is now silent. This shows how brutal the company’s work culture must be.

They absolutely don’t resort to violence. They don’t even curse. But the other party is an alien. I can hardly imagine someone capable of maintaining good humor while listening to someone jabber non-stop for almost an hour without taking a breath.

Like a villainous character that only does bad things.


The elevator reached the 13th floor, and the doors slid open.

The 13th floor is home to the combatants’ quarters and offices.

However, the quarters are old military-style dormitories where twelve people share a room, so there’s usually little reason to use it unless it’s overpopulated. Occasionally, reviews say it’s more pleasant when there aren’t enough people, but the possibility of all twelve rooms being occupied means I prefer staying at the orphanage with Ji-hye.

At least it’s not forced. It’s just that if I’m late, I’ll get in trouble.


The girl who had been chattering away beside me stopped talking and, upon reaching the auditorium, stubbornly held her mouth shut and wouldn’t budge forward. I let out a deep sigh as I reached for the doorknob and turned it open.


Could there be anyone who arrived before us? Normally, the officers show up rather late—


The moment I stepped into the auditorium, firecrackers went off from both sides.

Firecrackers—just those cone-shaped ones they give away for free at the bakery with birthday cakes. I was caught off guard.

As I pulled away the long pieces of paper that had fallen into my hair with an annoyed expression, someone suddenly draped an arm over my shoulder.

Seeing a taller figure next to me, I jumped, then when I turned to look, they quickly removed their hand, realizing it might have been a bit much.

However, their smiling face didn’t change.

They looked exactly like an Earthling. Honestly, they looked like a slightly sinister-looking uncle.

If they weren’t in officer attire, I’d think they were someone I could encounter on the subway.

But they weren’t human. Just someone else who evolved similarly.

When going into battle, they hide their face behind a monster-like mask.

“Ah, our hero has finally arrived! Everyone, give a round of applause!”

Clap, clap, clap.

A half-hearted applause echoed in response.

In front of me, in the auditorium filled with folding chairs, sat a bunch of company employees looking utterly exhausted.

……Wait, is this all because of me?

Is this some new type of bullying?

I looked at the officer with a highly suspicious expression as he raised one hand, pointing to the stage in front of the auditorium.

This feels excessively awkward.

Didn’t this person just insult me over the communication line right after the battle?

“Come on, come on. This way!”

When I didn’t move with an expression of doubt, the officer tapped my back seemingly anxious, and when I glared at him, he quickly stopped. It seemed he was a bit scared of getting reported for sexual harassment as well.

As I worked to peel the pieces of paper off my head, I begrudgingly moved forward.

When I turned around, I found the Earth Buddy looking equally bewildered as he took a seat in the back row.

And he clenched his fists tightly, giving me a cheer pose.

What a traitor.

I bit back a sigh and trudged on.

Once on the stage—

“Ah, ah.”

The officer hurriedly followed me up to the front and stood at the microphone, making sounds as if testing it, then tapped the mic with his finger.

After hearing the bothersome screech that made my skin crawl, the officer seemed satisfied, cleared his throat, and began to speak.

“Everyone, at last! We have an individual who’s managed to charge the circuit to 100%! Let’s give it up for them!”

Oh, that?

Apparently, it hasn’t happened before.

In fact, this is the first time I’ve come this close to Iris. I must have felt a rush of endorphins or adrenaline because all I wanted to do was hit something, yet normally, people would just run away.

“Let’s watch the video!”

……Even that too?


Just as the projector blared right onto my face, I squinted my eyes shut.

Then, slightly staggering, I turned to the side to make room.

The video played from my helmet-mounted camera.

[Happy Iris! Panties! Purple!]

[What!? Don’t be ridiculous! Today is definitely black—]


The atmosphere immediately turned sour.

If I were a guy, someone might have thrown a water bottle filled to the brim at me.

“Ladies and gentlemen, what do you think this is?”

This is insane.

“It’s courage, everyone!”

The officer shouted enthusiastically.

“Here, employee Jeong Ji-eun has overcome her fears simply with her courage and raised the operational rate of the circuit to 100%. Isn’t she a role model for all of us!”


The atmosphere turned bitter again.

At this point, people looked at me as if I were some kind of lunatic.

It was indeed a crazy thing to do.

Iris has a superhuman perception that can identify opponents solely based on minor scratches on a helmet.

Whenever I bump into her, she’ll surely wear a chilling smile, giving off a murderous vibe directed solely at me.


“Now, let us toast to our ‘courage’!”

“To courage…”

The poor employees missing their weekend and stuck here were lifting their hands, weakly chiming in.

“Employee Jeong Ji-eun is also expected for a special promotion. Please look forward to the next battle.”

Just hearing that doesn’t make me feel very good.

Moreover, courage? The energy needed for the circuit to work actually comes from despair.

Well, the government knows, and the company knows, but they can’t just tell everyone here that the energy that fuels their nice circuits derives from their despair.

No matter how much courage they have, if there’s no hope to win, what awaits them after provoking the enemy is only despair. That could at least increase ‘efficiency.’

I feel like I have inadvertently become an accomplice of a black company.

……No, it’s not just a feeling; it’s true, isn’t it?

“This time, we will also add a bonus to contribute to the orphanage fund.”

“……Thank you.”

It was only after hearing that line that I bowed my head towards the officer. He nodded back with satisfaction.

Is he feeling good because his performance stats rose?

But it’s a good thing that the money goes to the orphanage. The storage room has been infested with mold and is crumbling down from underneath, so maybe I can finally replace it with something new this time.

……The people at the orphanage probably think it’s just a corporate charity project.

If they knew I was working in a place like this, wouldn’t they immediately pressure me to quit?

But money is just money. As long as it’s used appropriately, it’s not something wrong.

Steeling my heart, I took a long breath.

From a distance, I saw the Earth Buddy waving fervently at me, completely unaware of how I felt.

It’s a bit uncomfortable.