Chapter 396

“Eh? Karem, what did you just say? I must have misheard you.”

“Sigh… Coincidentally, I heard that too.”

As Karem silently offered the catalog, Elizabeth’s attention shifted towards it.

Catherine, slightly relieved, also directed her gaze.

A multitude of writings filled the catalog.

In the very last section, three letters were written.


Elizabeth, wide-eyed, wondered if she had misread and took the catalog to scrutinize it once more.

“Catherine, could it be that I’m reading this wrong?”

“…There may be a mistake in the wording, but…”

Catherine adjusted her posture and stared intently at the last three letters that Elizabeth held.

“…I may not have experience from participating in the auctions in Iceland, but isn’t this the first time unicorns have appeared in a charity auction here?”

“That can’t be! I’ve seen byproducts like unicorn manes, tail hair, and horns come up occasionally, but to think it’s the unicorn itself?”

“Though I’ve traveled quite a bit around Europa.”

Catherine, rummaging through her memories, closed her eyes and firmly shook her head.

“I’ve never heard of living unicorns being traded so extensively.”

Contrary to that response, Mary seemed completely uninterested in the matter or was displaying her professional attitude as she poured wine into her empty glass.

“It’s abnormal for a unicorn to appear, right?”

“If it’s a byproduct as the Duchess said, that’s one thing.”

Placing the wine bottle on the table, Mary simply shook her head.

“First, capturing one is a problem.”

“Considering their reputation for engaging with pure maidens, that’s saying something.”

Mary nodded in agreement.

The characteristics of unicorns echoed legends of past lives.

They are ferocious in nature but gentle towards their young and maidens, possessing a remarkably powerful rainbow-hued horn.

Yet, there is one difference.

Here, unicorns even utilize magic.

“Each one is at least as formidable as a knight of the highest order, and capturing a creature that also wields magic… is it even possible?”

“That seems tough.”

Killing them would be quick and simple in any scenario, but capturing them alive is another matter altogether.

Moreover, as Mary mentioned, the bare minimum for a unicorn is comparable to a knight with magical abilities.

The average knight is at the level of a swordmaster or grand wizard, making it difficult to hunt them solo. They tend to flee before they can be caught.

At least, that’s how it was described in the books.

“Of course, while cases of capturing a unicorn are extremely rare, they’re not non-existent. But to auction it?”

Mary eyed Karem incredulously.

“Is there really a guarantee that a unicorn would remain docile until the auction? Unicorns are spirit beings akin to phoenixes.”

“Seems like there are cases after all.”

“Yeah… Though they’re rare, they do exist. It’s not impossible to tame them.”

Catherine, who had been fixated on the catalog, slowly opened her mouth.

“Technically, it’s more about building a bond with the owner. Even now, somewhere in the world, there are attempts at capturing them.”

“To acquire byproducts in the freshest, highest quality state?”

“It’s not only about the byproducts.”

“And then?”

Catherine tilted her head and glanced sideways.

“Think about how many girls and women in the world dream of riding a unicorn.”

The desire to tame a noble and powerful creature isn’t exclusively a man’s wish.

Especially if it appears beautiful.

“Ah, I see where this is going.”

“Right. Thus, the number of girls and women who get ripped apart by a unicorn prepared as a gift only increases. Even after being told the precautions clearly.”

“Still, I believe there will be those who think they can manage it.”

The only one who can make a ferocious unicorn become submissive and even love-struck is one.

A pure maiden.

“Unique, but that’s as far as it goes. Rather, more like these times…”

In Karem’s previous life, there were creatures far more terrifying.

Shrimp firing underwater plasma cannons.

Lobsters striking with fists at 80km/h.

Birds and trees igniting everything around them.

Bugs surviving in extreme environments, and so on.

In comparison, being obsessed with maidens while possessing remarkable strength sounds trivial.

Karem recalled that in his previous life, there existed snails where the first to be pierced would become female.

Furthermore, in a world where magic and mythology exist, unicorns could probably shoot beams too.

“Eh? This catalog seems a bit strange? It’s not about the unicorn, or is it its horn or mane hair?”

“What!? You’re saying a living unicorn itself is going to be available?”

“Oh my goodness! I never thought I’d live to see a real unicorn right in front of me!”

Just then, sounds of surprise echoed from below as if others had also received the catalog. The special seats on either side remained silent, as if they were soundproofed.

“It appears there’s no mistake in the wording.”

“My word. It’s truly a unicorn. Catherine, did you know? Even as a child, I dreamed of riding a unicorn.”

“If you’re a noble lady, who wouldn’t think like that?”

Catherine asserted without a hint of hesitation.

“Perhaps not Princess Alicia, but…”

“Oh, Alicia.”

“I’ll ask out of courtesy, but how do you think she would act?”

Before that, I passed the baton to Elizabeth to give her daughter one last chance to defend herself.

“I’m hesitant to say this to my own daughter.”

With a noticeably troubled expression, Elizabeth gently rubbed her belly and said softly.

“Wouldn’t she be more curious about the taste of unicorn meat?”

In an instant, a hush fell over the special seats.

The one who spoke, Elizabeth, her maid, Catherine, Mary, Karem, all were thinking the same thing.

If the knights guarding outside had heard Elizabeth’s words, they would undoubtedly have nodded in agreement.

Karem broke the silence that had descended over the special seats with a truthful remark.

“I wonder how Alicia would feel about how unicorns might be more deliciously cooked—huh? Why are you hitting me all of a sudden?”

Catherine, whose face had flushed red as she struck Karem with full force, shouted at Karem who was merely surprised.

“There are things you do and don’t say!”

“Still, I couldn’t help it.”


Elizabeth burst into laughter.

“Ahem. No need to get upset. Yes, Karem, you’re right.”


“Yes. Our sweet glutton may indeed be a bit different from typical noble ladies. Sigh. I wonder who she takes after.”

In that moment of lament, Karem found himself absentmindedly pondering.

‘Isn’t it Richard, Your Grace?’

Karem’s gaze met Catherine’s. She seemed to share the same thought, her eyes wide open.

‘You know what you’re thinking, right?’

‘I haven’t said anything.’

‘Right. Let’s keep this on the down-low.’

Before long, the commotion from below calmed down and the charity auction began.

Due to the shocking three-letter word “unicorn,” he had almost forgotten what else was in the catalog, but there were still precious auction items aside from the unicorn. Not as valuable but still noteworthy.

For example, a golden apple.

While not offering immortality or youth like in mythology, merely eating it could significantly enhance stamina, magical power, and beyond.

Basilisk venom.

There were also dangerous poisons up for grabs, lacking any distinct healing qualities besides those found in phoenix tears.

Additionally, not just weapons or armor but paintings, furniture, and garments were also presented for auction.

All of high quality.

Thanks to that, the auction proceeded vigorously amidst enthusiastic responses and competition from the noble patrons, even though it was a charity auction.

Elizabeth and Catherine seemed to have some items they desired, raising their paddles to bid.

Of course, so did Karem.

“Phew, what a valuable expenditure.”

“I knew you would say that.”

“But they say it’s a golden apple. Ah.”


Catherine, glancing sideways, gave him a smirk.

“Well, since a charity auction is essentially about donations, we shouldn’t perceive these as mere expenses!”

“Hmm. What should we do?”

“No, seriously—”

Pfft—Catherine lightly chuckled.

“Alright, alright. Just teasing you.”


“Hm? What’s with that tone? Saying it like that makes me want to cover your expenses.”

“Cancel that!”

As the scene unfolded, Elizabeth and her maid watched with warm eyes while the auction continued and the heat of the auction began to rise.

“We’ve reached the final items of the auction.”

The auctioneer’s voice resonated powerfully from the stage.

“The final item that has raised doubts in the eyes of all who’ve gone through the catalog! A noble spirit being that only permits pure maidens!”

Karem thought that being particularly fixated on pure maidens already disqualified it as a spirit being.


The curtains that had been hiding the stage were lifted with force, and everyone held their breath.

A white horse bound by ancient, rough chains inscribed with runes was as massive as a draft horse, but its beauty was far beyond just that.

With a supple, shiny white mane and tail.

Most importantly, the rainbow-hued horn symbolizing the unicorn darkened as it extended from its root, only to turn red at the end.

“My goodness! Ugh! To be in a enclosed space filled with the stench of filthy maidens, sweaty men, and rancid old folk! Untie me from this confinement at once!!!”

Silence fell.

Everyone questioned their own ears.

However, the participant, as if resolving their doubts, shockingly echoed the previous utterance that had reverberated through the theater.

“Um!? No, wait, no. I mistook it due to the foul smell… Yes. Upon a closer smell, I detect maidens and honorable virgins nearby! Plus, faintly, the fresh scent of fairy maidens—ack! That smelly, terrible—mmph! Mmm mmm!”

“Haha, as you can see, it has a bit of a rough tongue, but it’s undoubtedly a unicorn!”

Only after gagging the unicorn with a bit of cloth did the auctioneer manage to speak, drenched in cold sweat.


The fact that a unicorn spoke and did so quite eloquently was secondary.

Karem quickly turned his head.

“Are all unicorns like this?”

“No, surely not.”

Catherine frowned.

“Though they have a strong tendency to approach maidens, every unicorn I’ve seen has been quite conscious of its dignity and the gazes of those around.”

“Then what’s up with this one?”

“That… well, you know…”

Catherine scratched her head with a slightly troubled expression.

“Just like humans have different personalities, perhaps there are eccentric unicorns too?”

“…So that’s the naked truth of a unicorn’s true nature—”

“That’s enough. The more we talk about it, the more my head hurts, so shut it.”

Judging from her strained eyes, it seemed simply hearing about it made Catherine feel a headache, and Karem kept quiet.

“To put it bluntly, isn’t it a bit shattered?”

Elizabeth muttered, and her maid seemed to nod in agreement absentmindedly.

“Starting at 4 Thrones! We’ll begin at 4 Thrones!”

Despite shattering everyone’s innocence, unicorns are still unicorns.

One by one, participants regained their senses, and spurred on by the auctioneer, the bidding price climbed incessantly.

“Seems like it’s starting at thrones due to it being a unicorn.”


Throne gold coins are the next step up from crown gold coins.

They represent the peak of currency in the Kingdom of Seophone.

Among the currency issued by the kingdom, it is the most valuable coin and isn’t typically used in regular transactions. The overwhelmingly high value means there’s rarely a chance to use it for day-to-day dealings.

Karem had only witnessed throne coins being used as ink on documents that Catherine sanctioned.

“4 Thrones and 5 Crowns, 10 Crowns! Up to 15, 20, 25, 4 Thrones and 50 Crowns, and 5 Thrones! 5 Thrones, hmm? 10, 10 Thrones!”

The sudden jump in auction prices caught even the auctioneer and other participants off guard, as whispers rose from the lower levels.

“The Duchess?”

“Hmm hm hm.”

Without knowing whose gaze it was, all attention focused on one spot. Elizabeth, feeling a bit shy, subtly raised her paddle to hide her face.

“Even though the unicorn is unlike what I envisioned, it is still a unicorn?”

“That would… indeed be the case. Well, it’s certainly a unicorn.”

“Even being married, I can’t get closer to a unicorn, but I want Alicia to experience the dream I couldn’t achieve when I was young…”

“Can I speak honestly?”

With a gaze that bore permission, Karem opened his mouth.

“As I mentioned earlier, it seems like Princess Alicia would only taste-test it.”

“…To be honest, I’m somewhat curious myself.”

“Excuse me?”

“Oh, it’s nothing. Wouldn’t a potion made from that horn be beneficial for the child within me?”

Though Karem didn’t hear, Catherine, Mary, and Elizabeth’s maid caught every word.

The three women decided to keep their silence for the sake of Elizabeth’s honor.