Volume 5 Chapter 77: “The Nameless Knight”

Volume 5: “The Stars Carving History”

Volume 5 Chapter 77: “The Nameless Knight”

Hit by a jolt that sent me stumbling, my body veered off the trajectory of the dagger.

With no chance to dodge the blade, even a broken knight’s sword wouldn’t save me from a deep wound. Seeing a certain death was obvious to everyone; thus, I quickly realized I had been shielded.

Whether to feel relief and gratitude about that was a different story, though――


“No way, I’ve messed up……!”

With a painful voice, Ricardo, who had just shoved me away, widened his eyes. At the same time he called my name, a cloud of blood erupted that engulfed my vision.

The blood spurted from Ricardo’s thick, muscular right arm――the one he lost from the elbow down, revealing a smooth wound.

His beastly fur-covered arm fell with a thud onto the cobblestones, and the large cleaver he had been holding also tumbled to the ground with a dull sound.

“What have you done……”

“Duh, is this really the time for that, Julius! Get your face up and look ahead……”

In a sudden gasp, as I froze, Ricardo shouted with a determined voice. But it was all in vain as a dagger’s strike landed squarely on his abdomen, shattering his nose with a hard knee impact.

He leaned back and fell onto the ground in a starfish position, as “Gluttony” laughed.

“Hah-hah! You’re not getting to say everything, you know—!”


Seeing Alfard cry out in triumph and Ricardo collapsed, two choices suddenly surfaced in my mind.

A brief moment of hesitation emerged about which to prioritize.

And “Gluttony’s” appetites never missed those gaps.

“Not paying attention while dining, that’s quite poor manners, dear brother――!”


Like a spring-loaded puppet, Alfard jumped in a tricky manner. With his ever-shifting movements, my reaction was slightly delayed.

Our hands interlocked like a game of chicken, my thrust was avoided, and then an eerie sensation of loss followed.

“Ahh――thank you for the meal!”

With that voice as the last, for some reason, my consciousness began to fade, drifting further away, and then――.

※※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※

“It’s pitiful, but I lost my ‘name’ during the fight against ‘Gluttony.’ My current situation is probably just that.”

Emilia’s words brought the stark truth into sharp relief.

With a sarcastic smile at being forgotten by acquaintances, I shrugged my shoulders.

“Did I lose my ‘name’… is that really all? But…”

A blasphemer that devours human ‘memories’ and ‘names,’ the Archbishop of Sin known as ‘Gluttony.’

The threat of being stripped of my ‘name,’ severing my ties――Subaru felt he understood that fear well. Yet, witnessing me standing right there, he must have realized just how shallow that understanding truly was.

“I always thought its victims would end up like Rem or Crusch…”

Crusch, who lost her ‘memories’ and completely lost sight of her former self.

Rem, who had her ‘name’ devoured, vanishing from everyone’s memories except for a few exceptions, has been sleeping in a deep slumber ever since.

The victims of ‘Gluttony,’ and what Subaru knew all too well, were the symptoms of those two.

However, here, I found myself in a different state than them. I had not lost my memories, nor was my consciousness taken from me.

—Only my existence seemed to have been erased from the memories of those around me.

“Truly, does no one remember me? If I tried asking everyone one by one…”

“I’ve already met with Lady Anastasia and Ricardo too. No surprise, being treated as a complete stranger by those two stings, you know…――It’s frustrating not even being able to thank those who protected me.”


Calmly answering with a flat tone, I noticed the faintly tightening expression on Subaru’s face, which elicited strange pain. Naturally. No matter how high his consciousness as a knight might be, he could not withstand such mental strain easily.

The fear and despair of relationships crumbling and the familiar days disappearing.

That was a loss Subaru felt painfully upon arriving in this other world.


“I think I understand what you’ve been trying to say, Subaru. But sadly, even Betty doesn’t recognize that man. Betty is already outside the Forbidden Library.”

Upon my calling, Beatrice sensed the intent and shook her head with a serious expression.

Beatrice’s reasoning and the confirmation I wanted to get from her—whether she remembered Julius—were both clear.

If Emilia didn’t remember, then naturally, Beatrice wouldn’t either. Or so I thought, yet there was a possibility Beatrice could be an exception.

After all, Beatrice had――.

“She remembered Rem.”

“I’ve said it numerous times, but rather, we should consider that to be the exception. And in turn, I believe that now, with the man in front of us, we can be certain of that.”

“So in the end, is what you’re saying about your memory correct?”

It was a previous matter.

Once, Beatrice had referenced Rem after her ‘name’ was devoured by ‘Gluttony’ while in the Forbidden Library. After Subaru recalled that, his inquiry came after their contract, after the Forbidden Library was lost, but the conclusion derived from that discussion could be distilled into one.

“While within the isolated Forbidden Library, Betty isn’t affected by the outside world. Thus, even when Rem’s ‘name’ was devoured, she wasn’t impacted at that moment… That was the idea, right? Because, once outside the room, she’d be treated no differently from anybody else…”

“That phrasing, as if you’re complaining about Betty coming out of the Forbidden Library.”

“Nah, I’m not saying that. I’m Mammoth Happy just walking under the sun with you!”

“Heh, really?”

And thus, there was indeed a moment where Beatrice sulked.

In reality, Beatrice’s special nature never activated towards Julius. Her reasoning was accurate; it was the Forbidden Library that acted as a barrier against the memories.

Rather, the issue here was not Beatrice’s uniqueness――.

“Then, how come Subaru remembers Julius, just like when it came to Rem?”

“That’s the point.”

Finally, Emilia pointed out a question that anyone would naturally stumble upon.

The one person in this world who remembered the devoured ‘name’ of Rem was Subaru.

Not even Rem’s twin sister, Ram, could retain those memories, yet Emilia and the others had never mentioned anything.

Perhaps it felt like he was just blabbering about memories based on how he devotedly treated Rem, or it seemed he was believing his delusions.

But not only that, it was also due to nobody possessing any solid evidence to refute Subaru’s memories.

Except, this time it was different.

In this instance, there was a party who also remembered the situation—namely, the very person forgotten by the world, Julius, standing right here.

Naturally, it led to questions about reconciling their mutual recognition, and why only Subaru was treated as an exception concerning ‘Gluttony’s’ powers.

“Do you have any ideas, Subaru? No hidden secrets, okay?”

“I don’t have any intention of hiding things, not at all… but there is something, sort of, and at the same time, maybe not.”

“Isn’t that a secret?”

“Just because I can’t make a definitive statement doesn’t mean it’s a secret.”

Dodging Emilia’s probing, Subaru began speculating about his own exception.

The first thing that crossed my mind was the influence of the Witch Factor slumbering within Subaru. If ‘Gluttony’s’ power to devour ‘memories’ and ‘names’ was indeed from the Witch Factor, then perhaps it was understandable that it wouldn’t affect Subaru, like an ‘invisible hand.’

Perhaps Subaru was ‘returning by death’ due to the power of the ‘Witch of Envy.’ That ‘Witch’s’ power might be counteracting ‘Gluttony’s’ effects.

And another possibility came from Beatrice’s example from the Forbidden Library.

It could also be that Subaru was a ‘tripper’ from another world. He was a being from another world—a human not born purely in this one.

Since he wasn’t of this world, he wouldn’t be influenced by any abilities that interfere with its concepts—how does this hypothesis sound?

“However, if it’s the latter case, then verifying it is easy. Just let Al meet Julius.”

The only person in this world sharing the same circumstances as Subaru was Al.

If the latter hypothesis held true regarding the exceptions, Al and Rem should both recall Julius. However, there had been no acquaintance between this world’s Al and Rem, hence verification had proven impossible.

“I guess this time we can hardly say that.”


“About Emilia-tan’s question, before I respond, there’s something I want to check. Julius, I need your help with this.”

At Subaru’s first statement, Emilia made an unhappy face.

She might think he was withholding something, but this required verification.

If the correctness of the hypothesis were proven, Subaru and Al’s shared traits—being ‘trippers’ from another world—would be blurred, making it necessary to explain awkwardly that humans from beyond the great waterfall wouldn’t be influenced by any powers.

“You won’t say you dislike this, right? It’s about you, after all.”

“――I have no choice but to comply. It seems for now you know more about my predicament than I do, so I’ll follow along.”

“Why do you have to have that slightly pompous attitude?”

By this point in the conversation, Julius had regained his composure, his familiar sophisticated position returning. It was all too fitting, but it made him seem surprisingly mentally tough given the situation. You could even say he lost his charm.

“Actually, it’s better than being so suddenly humble that I don’t know how to deal with it… Well then, let’s head back to the shelter. I believe the related parties will start gathering soon… By the way, where’s Ricardo? You were with him in the Control Tower. He’s safe, right?”

“……He shielded me and is indeed injured, but it should not be life-threatening. Ferris has properly diagnosed him.”

“……I see. If that’s the case, it’s a relief.”

As Julius replied, Subaru’s heart held half relief and half self-reflection.

Part of that being relief at confirming Ricardo’s safety, and part being regret over the insensitivity of directly asking Julius, who should have fought alongside him, while still being forgotten.

Thus, as Subaru’s voice softened, Julius sighed.

“I don’t expect you to be attentive. It’s easier for me and the people around us if you simply act as normal. Now, let’s return to the shelter.”

Saying that, Julius casually patted Subaru on the shoulder.

“While it’s not entirely pleasant, I can only leave the introduction of me in your hands. If you could refrain from bringing up my embarrassing moments displayed in the Royal Selection hall during this occasion, that’d be great.”

“Don’t dig up my black history! Damn, I regret worrying about you!”

Shaking off the hand on his shoulder, Subaru turned his back to Julius and headed toward the shelter. Of course, he’d never mistake the sincerity of Julius’s words.

It was merely that he thought a smart response to ease Subaru’s guilt was necessary.

He understood that. Knowing that he understood made him feel,

“What an idiot I am. No, really, I’m such a fool.”

Why is it that I can only behave in a way that causes Julius to worry right now?

In that situation, where he must surely feel the most unbearable solitude, how could I make such a verbal and judgment error?

My insensitivity irritated me greatly, and at the same time, I found Julius equally frustrating.

In a situation where feeling anxious was entirely reasonable, hiding it and appearing calm was his strength.

That strength was surely something Subaru desired yet couldn’t have.

Committed to not leaving Julius alone, Subaru harbored a firm sense of duty.

※※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※

Watching Subaru stomp off to the shelter with an irritated demeanor, Julius wore a faint smile at the corners of his lips.

A weak smile that he could never show to Subaru’s back.

“Are you not planning to show that face to Subaru?”

In that moment of fragile heart, a silvery voice of a bell chimed in unexpectedly. Turning around, I met the gaze of Emilia’s purple eyes.

Meeting her sorrowful gaze, I suppressed my smile and shook my head.

“A trivial stubbornness, a futile resistance of a defeated one. Please don’t point it out.”

“A defeated one, you say…”

“In heading toward the Control Tower, we are likely the only ones who were overlooked. We’ve been left behind while being painfully reminded of our lack of strength, not allowed to retreat in disgrace. An utter defeat.”

Julius made a strong appeal of their defeat with a stiff posture.

Emilia’s eyes twinkled in sympathy at his attitude. Perhaps, she could see through the inherent weakness in Julius’s heart.

“I’m sorry.”

Nevertheless, Emilia’s words were not what Julius had intended.

Raising his face, Julius saw Emilia embracing her slender shoulders.

“The truth is, I don’t know what to say to you right now. I should have known you, yet I can’t recall you. I can’t be of any help like Subaru.”

“……With Subaru, I wouldn’t think he’d be that helpful. He is an exception.”

“Even so, I can tell you’re hurting. So, I can only apologize… Thank you for what you’ve done for Subaru.”


Hearing her gratitude concerning Subaru felt off.

As I furrowed my brow, Emilia exhaled.

“I think if Subaru had seen your expression now, it would have made him feel even worse. That’s why you tried to hide it, so thank you. I’m sorry.”

“Please stop, Lady Emilia. It’s not something to thank me for, and besides… Besides, you’re overvaluing me. I’m not so compassionate.”

It was true. I felt discomfort at Emilia’s gaze of goodness.

It wasn’t that I was hiding my inner thoughts from Subaru with those honest feelings. It was a simpler, more mundane reason.

“I don’t want to be pitied… by him. That’s all there is.”


As I watched Subaru walking ahead, nearing a corner, I firmly stated that. Subaru, who turned his difficult expression while being tugged by Beatrice’s sleeve.

In the face of that Subaru, I did not want to reveal my own weakness.

Why do I feel this way, what’s the reason?

“I feel like I heard Julius’s true feelings for the first time now.”

Walking away, Emilia offered that assessment regarding Julius’s words. As I widened my eyes in surprise, Emilia raised one finger and said,

“Though I might not be able to help much, I will also speak properly to everyone at the shelter to make them believe. So, let’s have faith together with Subaru. Let’s go!”

“……Alright. And, Lady Emilia.”

“What is it?”

Turning around, Emilia halted as I gave a graceful bow.

Though she might not have it in her memories, I wanted it to remain firmly engraved within mine, a knight’s and noble’s customary courtesy.

“It feels quite awkward to be called ‘Lady Emilia’ rather than just Emilia. So please call me Julius, without any titles.”

“That’s how I used to call you. …Got it, Julius.”

Pressing her finger to her lips, Emilia nodded. Then she seemed to ponder, her gaze directed slightly higher than mine, towards the void. And,

“Can I ask just one more thing?”

“Anything you want.”

“There are tiny spirits… or maybe they’re lower tier spirits? They seem anxious flying around you. Do you understand?”

“――Yes, I acknowledge that. They are buds that will bloom beside me in the future.”

In response to Emilia’s pointer, I closed my eyes.

With my eyes shut, I could sense six-colored powers of the lower spirits fluttering around. However, those buds seemed to not understand why they were there.

So to them,

“My current words will not reach them. Just like words to a lord or a comrade.”