Chapter 388

The Villainous Noble Who Kept Rewinding After Death: The Story Somehow Changed When I Committed Suicide

Chapter 367: An Unexpected Combination

“I see, I see. So that’s what happened.”

Led by Hamiru to a separate room, we sat down as he encouraged us, and after quickly explaining what had occurred, Hamiru sighed deeply, looking like he had a headache, and held his head in his hands.

“Sigh. Really, why is it that whenever you show up, all this troublesome stuff comes along too?”

“Well, it’s not like I asked for it, you know? We were just called here by the academy director, and the trouble came from their side.”

“True, I guess that makes sense. But I’m really glad there was nothing this time. And as for you, Torunel, and the others, you’re all under two weeks of probation and banned from using any facilities. Reflect on your actions in your room and study quietly.”

“W-Why, Hamiru-sensei! I admit I acted disrespectfully toward the Saintess, and I’m reflecting on it! But the one I got involved with is this guy right here! I don’t see why I should receive such harsh punishment!”

“Sigh. That’s precisely why. In fact, it’s a wonder you’re getting off this lightly. Considering you just transferred to this academy last year, it’s understandable you don’t know them yet.”

“What do you mean by that?!”

Torunel seemed very unhappy with Hamiru’s imposed probation and facility ban, pointing at me as he protested. Hamiru, already worn out, let out another big sigh.

“Listen, the trouble you got mixed up in today involves Eir and his friends, who were here at this magic academy for a very brief period about two years ago.”

“Brief? So they quit because they lacked talent? If that’s the case, there’s even less reason for you to take their side, teacher!”

“Sigh. Let’s listen to the whole story first. Yes, they only attended for a short period, but the reason they left the academy is the exact opposite of what you just said. They were so talented there was nothing left for them to learn, so they quit.”


“Well, Fiera is an exception, but both Eir and Shuvina were already beyond the level taught at this academy when they enrolled. Thus, they weren’t forced to attend classes, having been so overwhelmingly advanced.”

“B-But the academy director…”

“Of course, it’s the decision of the academy director. Also, Sonia over there is the director’s apprentice and the daughter of the Scarlet family. Do you understand? The Scarlet family is a noble house renowned for their magic, descendants of the first sage, and one of the most powerful families in this kingdom. You’re digging your own grave here, you know?”

“N-No way…”

Torunel finally understood what he had gotten himself into, turning pale and starting to tremble, followed by his followers mirroring his fear.

“If you still don’t grasp their strength, I can tell you that Eir and Fiera were both 14 years old when they submitted their entrance documents as S-rank adventurers. They’re probably at least SS-rank by now.”

“That guy is an SS-rank adventurer? And Sonia Scarlet is the name of the Witch of Eternal Darkness I heard about when I enrolled. How…?”

The Witch of Eternal Darkness. Based on the context, it seems to be a title given to Sonia, and I’m slightly curious about the circumstances that led to her receiving it. Maybe I’ll ask her later when she’s shyly blushing.

“By the way, Fiera has brutally knocked out a former prince of this country who went after them, just like you did. If you keep this up, Torunel, you might end up the same way.”

“Y-Yeah, I get it. I’ll obey Hamiru-sensei’s orders.”

“Good. Now you can go.”

“Excuse us.”

Having finally realized who they had messed with, Torunel shakily responded to Hamiru’s words and hurriedly exited the room, leaving just the three of us with Hamiru.

“Sigh. I hope this teaches them not to act like that anymore.”

“I doubt it. They’ll probably behave for a while, but people like him can’t help but look down on others at their core to survive. They’ll just end up choosing their targets more wisely and act even more aggressively next time, just to blow off some steam.”

“I see. Well, I guess I need to keep a closer eye on things from now on. I’m already exhausted.”

Hamiru, clearly tired, said those words with an undeniable weight, and though he wasn’t under gravity magic, he seemed to sink into his seat.

“Well, it’s whatever. Anyway, that’s enough about this. So why are you all here? Sonia, it’s your first time back since saying you were heading to the Suzette Imperial Academy of the Ruzenia Empire, right? The academy director looked quite down, like a grandfather whose granddaughter has hit puberty and won’t pay attention to him anymore.”

“What are you talking about? I properly got permission from my master before leaving, and I said goodbye when I was leaving. Besides, I came here today because my master called for me.”

“I see. But just because you said goodbye doesn’t mean he’s not lonely. Make sure to say ‘I’m home’ when you see him again. I’m sure it’ll make him happy.”


Hamiru looked like a father caught between a granddaughter and a grandfather as he said this, and Sonia nodded as if she was satisfied.

Well, it’s true that the academy director seemed to care about Sonia even before we met, and since I asked him to look after her as my apprentice, it wouldn’t be surprising if he saw her as a real granddaughter.

“Still, Eir, it seems you’ve really gained a lot of new friends over these two years. And all of them are girls.”

After looking at Iris sitting to my right, Hamiru glanced over at Miria, Sephiria, and then Lavienne.

“Well, it just kind of happened. A lot goes on over here, you know?”

“Is it really possible to have only girls around you? Don’t you have any male friends?”

“Not here, no. As you can see, in this situation, the only ones who interact with me are guys like that. But I do have friends who are adventurers.”

“Yeah, that makes sense. If there are only kids going through their first crushes at the academy, then it’s only natural for the situation to end up like this with a guy like you around. But it’s good that you have friends outside.”

As Hamiru said, the academy is filled with students of similar ages, and given that I’m the only guy surrounded by beautiful girls, it’s only natural for me to be a target of jealousy.

Right now, the atmosphere at the academy is hostile towards me for different reasons, but I don’t really care about that, and I don’t particularly want to get close to anyone, so honestly, it doesn’t matter to me.

“For now, since we have some newcomers, let’s introduce ourselves. I’m Hamiru, a teacher at this magic academy, and I was the homeroom teacher when Eir and the others first came to this academy. Nice to meet you.”

“You’re Hamiru-sensei. I’m Iris, attending the same academy as Eir. Nice to meet you.”

“Likewise, I’m Sephiria, the Saintess attending the same academy as Eir. I apologize for the behavior of someone from my hometown.”

“I’m Miria. Nice to meet you.”

“I’m Lavienne! I’m in the same class as Ruu-kun. Nice to meet you!”

As Hamiru introduced himself, Iris and the others followed one by one to introduce themselves.

Once things settled down, Hamiru sank deeply into the sofa, looking utterly exhausted, and I remembered another teacher who had taken care of us and decided to ask about them.

“Um, Hamiru-sensei, could I ask you something?”

“What is it?”

“Is your overseer, Eiri-sensei, not here today?”

“Overseer? Well, I might be a bit careless, but she’s not really my overseer.”

Eiri is the female teacher who was responsible for the class division tests when we first started at the magic academy, and she was always scolding Hamiru for his careless ways.

“I see. So she’s teaching in another class right now?”

“Well, actually, she’s on maternity leave right now.”


Hamiru’s unexpected words not only surprised me but also left Fiera, Shuvina, and Sonia, who knew her, equally shocked. Iris and the others might not know who she was, but they certainly had their own feelings about the term “maternity leave.”

“Eiri-sensei got married?”

“Yeah. About a year ago. And then, fortunately, they were blessed with a child right after they got married, so she’s been on leave for a little while now.”

“That’s wonderful, congratulations! By the way, who’s the father?”

“Hmm? That would be me.”


What did Hamiru just say? If I didn’t mishear him, he just said he was the father I was asking about, but this man in front of me is the father?

“Ahaha. Thanks for the great reaction! But this isn’t a misunderstanding, okay? I married Eiri, and the baby in her belly is ours.”

“Oh, I see. Honestly, I’m quite surprised.”

“Yeah, I’m really surprised.”

“What an unexpected combination.”

“I’m surprised too! I sometimes got letters from my master, but nothing like this was mentioned!”

“Well, I thought it wasn’t particularly necessary to mention, so I asked the academy director not to tell anyone.”

“That makes sense. But why did the two of you decide to get married?”

“Ah, Shuvina-chan, are you curious about our love story? Well, it’s not that glamorous. Eiri and I were classmates at the magic academy. At that time, I was handsome and a bit carefree, and I was hanging out with various girls, but then I happened to meet Eiri. She looked at me like I was trash, even though it was our first meeting.”

“That’s normal trash behavior.”

“Ahaha. Fiera-chan still holds nothing back! It was because of that and her being different from the girls who fawned over my looks that I got interested in her. Young love, you know? Wanting to win over the girl who didn’t pay me any attention. So, I started trying to approach her but got ignored all the time. It was frustrating but also fun, and I cut ties with all the other girls and became a teacher here to work with Eiri. Looking back, I probably got attracted to her precisely because she was different from everyone else.”

“That’s surprising. I thought Eiri-sensei was the one who fell for you first.”

“Well, with all that said, I gradually managed to break the ice and become good work friends, but moving past that was tough. Then you guys showed up.”

“We did?”

“Yes. Well, this is a bit embarrassing to share, but during the class division test, my magic didn’t work on you guys at all, right? That really got me down, and it was Eiri who noticed and cheered me up. After that, I began consulting her about various issues, and at that time, you guys were a big source of trouble, and even after you left, Sonia was causing all sorts of problems at the academy, so I was seeking her advice about those things.”

When they mentioned Sonia causing problems, all eyes turned toward her, and for once, she shyly averted her gaze from the collective attention.

“Well, Sonia back then was just swatting away pests that got too close, so it’s not surprising. But it was indeed really tough, and when I was utterly worn out, I was consulting Eiri like usual, and at that moment, she told me, ‘Don’t carry everything on your own, always feel free to rely on me. I will always listen to you and help you. Also, knowing that I’m the only one who knows this vulnerable side of you feels nice.’ Her smile at that moment was just too cool and cute, and I ended up skipping the confession and just proposed right then.”

“I-I’m really sorry for that incident.”

“Ahaha. It was tough, but thanks to that, I could marry Eiri, whom I had always liked. Well, I got rejected the first time and had to start by dating properly, but that was nice too and made for good memories.”

Amidst his laughter, Hamiru looked truly happy, and perhaps it was the near arrival of his child that added to his fatherly aura, giving him a gentler expression.

“Oops, we’ve gotten a bit long-winded! The director is probably getting impatient, so let’s move on.”

Afterward, we followed Hamiru to the director’s office, and it seemed women have an inherent affinity for stories about marriage and children, as Fiera and the others listened with keen interest to Hamiru’s tale about Eiri during our move.