Chapter 377

“Are you saying France and Burgundy are at the level of North and South Korea?”

I personally don’t think so.

“Please? What right do I have?”

I have no rights at all.

Unification? It seems you want French unification, but why are you telling me?

I’m just here for a trip.

“I hope you can help. Germany is also thinking about unifying with Burgundy, which is causing interference.”

These guys are funny. I’ve never approved of any unification. Yet, they come to me out of the blue asking for help to unify.

Well, I guess they want to get my permission while they’re at it. That’s their mindset, right?

Germany tries to approach me first to set the stage and put on a show.

They want to subtly sway me so they can snag Burgundy right away. Is that the plan?

“I’ve never allowed unification.”

“Of course, but Your Majesty, you never allowed Germany either, did you?”

That’s right. I never allowed Germany either.

Honestly, I couldn’t care less about that.

Whether they unify or not, what difference does it make? It’s just going to be places like Middle Rome or Eastern Rome anyway.

“That’s true enough.”

“Since Germany is planning to swallow up Burgundy, that’s why we’re intervening.”

Intervening? Yeah, more like just finding a pretext.

Germany is acting on its own, so they want to use me to unify on this occasion. That’s what it seems like.

Honestly, it seems so transparent.

They’re saying nice things now, but really they’re saying, “Don’t you think it’d be better if we unify?”

Uh, well, I’m not sure.

I’m really at a loss about how to view this.

I’ve come here for a vacation, but it feels like I’m getting roped into some ridiculous situation. Even without a terrorist incident, I’m being caught in all sorts of ways.

It’s common knowledge that I’m not going to die, so why would they still try to terrorize me?

“Is that so? So that’s why you’re bringing it up. Hmm.”

But what do they want? Do they want to take Burgundy from me while they’re at it?

What’s the goal if they snag Burgundy?

“What’s the problem? It’s still under the Rome Treaty anyway.”

Yeah, but isn’t it all the same thing? What’s the issue?

It’s all the same Rome Treaty. It’s all about Rome. Under the framework of Rome, everyone’s the same.

But does unification even matter?

“Your Majesty, there is still the issue of direct rule, isn’t there?”

“So you want to take that Burgundy into your hands, is that it?”

Yeah. I get that feeling of wanting to hold onto a toy.

I can somewhat understand that. It’s like that.

“Yes, Your Majesty. Above all, it’s a political issue.”

“Above all, political?”

That politics thing, I really dislike.

Those guys with just a Self-Defense Force wouldn’t dare to declare martial law. There’s probably some factional fighting internally.

Like La Roche’s Free Corps or the Order of the Cross of Fire.

Or the de Gaulle faction with Pétain as their leader.

“Yes. If we lose Burgundy to Germany now, there could be shooting internally.”

Shooting internally? What would those guys with just a Self-Defense Force even say?

“I can’t believe this.”

“In fact, our leader is even thinking about a Restoration of the Monarchy.”

A Restoration of the Monarchy? That’s interesting, isn’t it? Huh? What? A Restoration of the Monarchy?

“A Restoration of the Monarchy? Bonaparte?”

Are you seriously saying France is going to try a Restoration of the Monarchy here?

Oh my God.

What kind of Restoration of the Monarchy are we even talking about in this half-baked France?

Everywhere I go, things just seem to explode.

“I’m not sure about that yet. It’s just been mentioned within the party, and for now, unification seems urgent.”

If it’s urgent, shouldn’t you at least know that?

Why does the heavens allow such a perfect storm of nonsense to happen?

“Fine. Let’s hear it.”

So, these French guys are aiming for a Restoration of the Monarchy.

Thinking about it, it’s just absurd.

France, of all places, is known for kicking off revolutions, right?

Every time there’s a revolution. It becomes a republic, then an empire, back to a republic, then a commune. Ugh.

What on earth are they trying to achieve?

“What does Maria think?”

“Is there really a need to think too hard about it?”

Yeah. There’s no need to overthink it. Honestly, it can be viewed that way. But hear me out. There’s something there.

“In the end, it’s going to result in work.”

I came here for a vacation, not to work.

Of course, talking about it feels like work. I don’t feel like I’m actually having fun. Strangely enough, there’s that sentiment, you know?

I’m just playing the part of someone who is resting. Seeing it as if I’m enjoying myself.

Even the hotels in Paris can’t compare to the Kremlin.

It doesn’t even feel like I’m taking a proper break.

“Let’s just go listen to the conversation. Ignoring it could lead to complications later.”

Just listen to the conversation, huh? Well, I know Maria is saying that, but she must be aware that I’m not feeling like I’m on vacation.

“Right. Uh, unification.”

These guys are using that word. In the end, they just want their land back, that’s all.

If I ignore this, it feels rude since they invited me directly. But on second thought, it might really not be a big deal.

Hearing about the Restoration of the Monarchy raises some suspicions though.

“I think unification is an unavoidable process. If we ignore it, I suspect we’ll just end up with uncomfortable feelings.”

Should I check the situation on the Burgundy side?

“No, what does that matter now?”

To me, it looks like nothing more than whining.

Why is the Restoration of the Monarchy suddenly coming up? Ugh. If we do have a Restoration of the Monarchy, how would that even play out? Who’s going to end up on the throne, Bonaparte or someone else?

“Let’s just see how it goes. After all, Your Majesty feels a bit uneasy about it, don’t you?”

“Yeah. It’s a bit bothersome. Since Vichy is a resort, I kind of want to go.”

If Vichy is a resort, should it be a good idea to go there on the side?

Surely there are several tourists in Paris saying they want to head to Vichy.

“Well then, wouldn’t it be good for you to go check it out?”

“Yeah. What in the world has happened to me? It’s just ridiculous. Seriously. Alright then, you guide me to Vichy.”

How did I suddenly become a workaholic and end up in this situation?

I’ve got to find a way to create computers, the internet, and smartphones no matter what.

It feels like I need to. I’ll definitely push to make it happen at least ten years ahead of schedule.