Chapter 37

tlgus123 has started broadcasting.




The Wakitete’s education was refreshing.

Hello, I came to watch Squirrel’s return broadcast.


Is there no greeting here?


The viewers began to flood in.

I could feel the increasing influx of people with my body. The more I opened the stream, the more familiar the once strange broadcast became.



High-Ability Person, hi haha

Not a VTuber, what kind of greeting is this?

Hello, Gobakjim!

Hi, Baktonyeon.


Considering the characteristics of the viewers, I don’t mind the insults about me, but I often take issue with fabrications about my intelligence.



Today is different. Even those fabricated chats seem cute now.







Why is the laughter so sudden?

‘That sound of laughter’


I quietly raised my finger up.

A video appeared on the broadcast screen.

[Moon Si-hyun’s performance evaluation of Sansu]



What is this?

Oh, that



“Before starting the game, there’s something I want you to watch together.”

I pressed play on the video. Sansu’s voice was heard.


{Dodge. No, how the heck did I dodge that? Anyway. Attack. Dodge. Read the movements. Hit. Wow.

Baktonyeon, beastly girl, High-Ability Person? Is that a nickname? Why??

No, what’s this? This person is seriously incredibly smart?}

I paused the playback for a moment. With a relaxed mind, I checked the chat.



Is this for real? Is this a Sansu AI deepfake or something???

Did you pay them off?


Rewind, play.


No. What’s this? This person is seriously incredibly smart?




No. What’s this? This person is seriously incredibly smart?




No. What’s this? This person is seriously incredibly smart?




Stop it.


Is she crazy?




“I’m sorry. I just wanted you to remember. I’ll keep playing it.”


(Resisting chats)

{Ah, these people are just being difficult. It’s frankly a bit strange to say a Master (300 points) has no intellect.

Anyway, just watch this.

(Showing replay of recent game situations)

– Look! Right now! Look!

(Moon Si-hyun predicting the Sky Realm descent timing and backing off momentarily)

(Then when the opponent bluffs having the Sky Realm, she instantly engages and takes them down)

This person knows who’s behind the opponent.

But suddenly went in at that point, right?

Feeling the tension in the opponent’s steps. It’s something you know instinctively. It’s only for true pros.

In the first place, assessing the angle of a fight is a level of intellect. When to fight means winning. When to fight means losing. Those instincts have been learned.

Support: Isn’t that instinct physical?

No, that’s oversimplifying it. It’s the experiences branded in your mind.

When I entered in a similar situation before, I died. Then your brain learns that.

But if you push in more recklessly? Then you can get killed.

So this person has memorized all those situations in their head. If that’s not intellect, then what is?

No, everyone. And this could lead to a position split, so I was hesitant to mention it…

(Scratches head)

You really need to be born with Divine Damage in the Sky Realm. Both intellect and physical ability must be incredibly high. There are so many factors to consider. And it only gets worse the higher you go.

Look at it. You have to keep an eye on the opponent’s Sky Realm. Their HP is really low and only their damage is high. When the teamfight starts, I’m the only one getting attacked. It’s really not easy for a Divine Damage user, right?

(I count with my fingers)

And they’re a Fighter. Close combat makes it doubly difficult.}


I can’t admit it, I can’t admit it, I can’t admit it, I can’t admit it, I can’t admit it, I can’t admit it, I can’t admit it, I can’t admit it.

Did you ask to say it that way and I just gave in once? [Deleted Message]

Is this for real?????

So who is that, Si-hyun? (Actually knows)

Sansu is just a freaking bubble coach, okay, good luck, I won’t listen. Sansu is just a freaking bubble coach, okay, good luck, I won’t listen. Sansu is just a freaking bubble coach, okay, good luck, I won’t listen.


“Now do you get it? You all have been framed. It’s a frame created by some bad people. Logically, this evaluation is inevitable.”

As I conveyed what I had wanted to say all along, I tucked my hair behind my ear. I don’t know why I did that.

The chat fell into chaos.

I won.

I felt a strong sense of superiority. Now all that’s left is to bask in the glory of Sansu’s praise.

“I’ll keep playing it.”


{Huh? Should I also check out the San-deng Cactus match? Should I? That seems more fun.

…No, but why is this match so thrown away? It’s a bit of an older game. No way is she evolving gradually? Hmph.

What?? She got a hexakill in this match?? Does that even make sense? Oh, seeing the kill score piled up, it’s definitely that.

(Quietly watching the replay)

…What the hell? This person is just insane.}




What is this?



What is it?

Why is it turning off, damn.

What is that, thud thud.


What did you just say??



“I don’t think there’s much reason to keep watching. I’ve got things to do. Let’s start the game.”

That can’t be it.


Shut up, hurry and play.

No, damn, why is it the game loading screen?

I was already capturing the game, haha.

So what did Sansu say?

What’s the title of that video?


– Enemy defeated.

– Double Kill!

– Triple Kill!


[Enemy Team] Tank King (Sky Realm/Knight): Damn it, how the hell did I dodge this?

[Enemy Team] Tank King (Sky Realm/Knight): Beastly girl?


Wow, twisting her body, damn.

Haha, that’s a snipe.

A girl winning against 2v3 as if eating a meal.

She’s winning this, haha.

Her reaction speed is just cheating, truly.


“Yes? Don’t you remember what Sansu said? It’s intellect.”




Oh, haha.


Later, in the game.


“The director.”

“The person who ranked first.”

“Isn’t it intellect, not physical?”

“It’s not physical, it’s intellect.”

“I’m smart. Sansu said so.”

Moon Si-hyun kept regurgitating Sansu’s words in-game.

Every time a chat disparaging her intelligence appeared, she countered quoting Sansu.



Shut up for a bit, Si-hyun, please.

Oh, that’s really frustrating, haha.

Someone, shut that girl up, damn.

Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop.

You really are getting cocky, haha.

What did you say behind me?


The viewers were boiling with rage.

With good brain play, she easily won the game.

But somehow, the atmosphere in the chat wasn’t great. Physicality, she’s forcing it, and so on.

But it’s okay. I have the invincible words now.

With my arms crossed, in a slightly arrogant pose, I opened my mouth.

“I’m sorry, but Sansu-”


[Video shared] it’s really annoying that I brought it all the way here, so I donated 30,000 won.

My words were cut off by the loud donation sound.

Video shared? I’ve never seen this system before. What is this?

“30,000 won…… Thank you so much. – What do I do with this?”

As I was dazed, suddenly a video appeared in the upper left corner of the screen.

It was the Sansu video I had just seen.

His voice was heard.


{What the hell? This person is just a beast girl.

Ah! No. I’m sorry. I truly apologize. That just slipped out. I’m sorry, Si-hyun.

(Bows repeatedly)

But wow…

(Plays the Fighter 4 times)

I should take that back. Just a beast girl—no, she really is a beast girl?

Now I understand why Kite was acting like that. Wow, this is just insane… what do I do? Wow… this must be a Priest’s mark. That mark must have felt pretty solid, huh? Right? Oh, so you had a reality check? Hmph…

Well, it’s true she’s a beast. The physicality is no joke.}


“This… how do I turn this off?”

I tapped the screen several times with my finger. But the close button didn’t show up. Sansu’s words kept spreading on the broadcast.


Yeah, I’m not going to tell you, haha.

I’m definitely not going to tell you how to turn it off.

Right, right. This is Moon Si-hyun.

What’s with this intellect, haha.



Of course, the director is GOAT, Sansu.

Thinking about it, Sansu was a good director, huh?

I really have no choice but to trust her.


{It’s not that I’m saying the intellect is low, but the physicality is just ludicrous.

How is she dodging arrows and bullets? Is she seeing them and dodging? No, that shouldn’t be the case in the Fiore system… But it’s so cool. You can do this as a Fighter.

No, this isn’t hacks. Damn, Kite, stop talking nonsense. She’s just really good at it. You wanna leave?

Wow, but these archers and gunmen shouldn’t be dodged. And yet she dodges?

At this level, she’ll really dominate next season… (very quietly)

It seems she’s only been doing Fiore for two months. But still a Master… wow.

Hey, Lavla, can you do this much? (To a professional in the audience)


Hmph. Okay.

Didn’t you say the Fighter was trash? No, if she can do this, it’s all a scam. If she dodges all skills, Priests will beat Wizards.

Overall, if the Master Fighter and this person matched in a mirror match, it’d be great. I heard he streams too. They’re in a similar rank, right?

But why is she a Fighter? What, a sandbag?

What’s with all the viewers loving this? What? Huh? Are they joking? Please don’t use disparaging terms for streamers.

(Checks the chat)

How good is she physically? How can you compare her?}


Sansu rolled his eyes, thought for a moment, then opened his mouth again facing the cam.


{If there was a world tournament gathering all Fiore users to fight 1v1, this person would surely be first-}



I finally found a way to turn it off and shut it down.


A cold sweat dripped down. Slowly, I turned my eyes to the chat.


Oh, it’s late, Baktonyeon, haha.





Now I can also say “Sansu” without holding back, haha, beastly girl, beastly girl, beastly girl, beastly girl, beastly girl, beastly girl, beastly girl.

Fool, haha.

Sansu’s words: She’s a beastly girl.


ㅇㅇ donated 1,000 won.

Oh, now it’s our turn, haha. “Sansu,” “the Director,” “the Challenger ranked first” will be used all over, haha.


Haha, for real.



The chat started going wild.

My face began to heat up.

…What to do.

Thus, the viewers of Moon Si-hyun, who picked up the switch, drove her into absurdity.

Moon Si-hyun searched for a way to refute with her small brain.

But it was a dilemma. In a way, she brought this upon herself.

Moon Si-hyun’s head was spinning.

“Everyone, do you know? Blindly trusting someone of authority is a very dangerous way of thinking. You shouldn’t believe everything Sansu says.”



Is she crazy? What a contradiction.

Weren’t you saying that just a moment ago? Damn, haha.



But Moon Si-hyun wouldn’t back down. She kept arguing with the viewers.


Si-hyun, let’s stop.

Please stop it…

Yes, it’s truly physical, yes it’s truly physical, yes it’s truly physical, yes it’s truly physical.

Ah haha.

Everyone’s kind words ^^.


Hako Virtual Minor Gallery

Pazzk Minor Gallery

Feast Over Legend Minor Gallery


Ah, damn, this stubborn girl for real, shit.

Damn, what a stubborn fool, haha.

If Si-hyun’s going to be this stubborn, thumbs up, haha.

For real, damn, making me want to kick her off a motorcycle.

Damn, her stubbornness is really insane, hahaha.

Is this Moon Si-hyun??


The viewers, who couldn’t say anything bad in front of someone in love, burned the related galleries on DC.

At that moment, a donation sound echoed once more from Moon Si-hyun’s broadcast.


ㅇㅇ donated 1,000 won.

Si-hyun, is this really you???



It was a link to a free image upload site. Moon Si-hyun, who sometimes used it in her college days, recognized it.

‘Photo? Could it be my personal information got leaked?’

Thinking that, Moon Si-hyun nervously pressed it.

What appeared was.


Wow, who is this person? I’ve never seen them before, but they’re really good.

– High-Ability Person

– Baktonyeon

– Muscle Brain

– Beastly girl

– This person seems to have intellect?


The last comment was underlined in red, emphasizing it.

Today’s comment she pretended wasn’t hers.

The nickname for that comment was ‘Moon Si-hyun.’

Seeing that, Moon Si-hyun opened and closed her lips a few times, then calmly spoke.

“…… N-no, that’s not me.”