Chapter 37

The Villainous Noble Who Kept Rewinding After Death: The Story Somehow Changed When I Committed Suicide

Chapter 37: One More Enjoyment

After finishing the dismantling of King Trent, we returned to the Guild and immediately asked to cash in, waiting to be called.

“Excuse me.”

“…Ah, it’s those guys from earlier.”

Then, the four-person group we met in the forest approached Fiera and me, calling out to us.

“Thank you for earlier. If you don’t mind, we’d like to treat you to a meal as a thank you.”

“Sounds good. Fiera, what do you think?”

“Hmm. I’ll leave it up to you.”

“Okay then, is it alright if we join you?”

“Yes! Of course!”

I usually find socializing a hassle, but since we just arrived in this town, I wanted to gather as much information as I could.

After receiving our reward, they led us to their favorite restaurant, and we all took our seats.

Sitting next to me were Fiera and the man who seemed to be the leader, while across from us sat one of the party members, a man, and two women.

We left the ordering of their recommended dishes to them and started with light self-introductions over drinks.

“Then, to introduce myself again, I’m Rick, the leader of this party and a swordsman. Nice to meet you.”

“I’m Fall, the tank.”

“I’m Sonia, the magician. Nice to meet you.”

“I’m Mail, the healer. Nice to meet you.”

Rick had red hair and wasn’t particularly tall, but he had a solid build.

Fall had a nicely trimmed brown haircut and a muscular body suitable for a tank, making him an ideal candidate for that role.

Sonia had purple hair and wore a pointy hat and robe, looking every bit the part of a magician, and her magic power seemed quite high.

Mail claimed to be a healer, but seeing her equipped with a mace, it appeared she could fight both in close combat and for self-defense.

Three close combat roles felt a tad imbalanced, but if Mail only fought for support and self-defense, they’d make a decent party composition.

“I’m Eir.”


So after our light introductions, the staff brought out the dishes.

As we ate, we opened up, dropping the formalities.

“Oh, so you four are childhood friends who formed a party?”

“Yeah. We all grew up in a nearby village. We talked about becoming adventurers since we were kids, and three years ago, we finally made it happen.”

“I see. So what rank are you all now?”

“Right now, we’re D rank.”

I found it odd they’d only reached D rank after three years, but it seemed this town had few quests for lower ranks, making it harder to level up compared to other towns.

However, that meant they had more opportunities to fight monsters early on, leading to higher-quality adventurers in terms of practical experience.

(I see. Different regions have their own quirks.)

“By the way, what’s your rank?”

While I was satisfied with the new knowledge I’d gained, Sonia asked about our rank.

“We’re A rank.”

“No way! Really?!”

Sonia was so surprised by our rank that she slammed her hands on the table and jumped up.

“Hey, Sonia, that’s rude!”

“Calm down, Sonia.”


After being scolded by Mail and Fall, Sonia sat back down, looking a bit dejected.

“Still, I get why you’re shocked. I was surprised too when I heard two younger people are A rank.”

The four were currently 18 years old, making them about five years older than us.

“If you keep working at it, you’ll be A rank in no time.”

“Thanks! We’ll do our best!”

Rick had a decent physique as a swordsman, and with Fall, Sonia, and Mail each taking on suitable roles, it seemed possible for them to eventually reach A rank.

“Hey! Eir, are you good at magic?”

As I evaluated the four and took a sip of my drink, Sonia, sitting across from me, struck up a conversation.

“Well, I’m decent.”

“Eir is strong in close combat too.”

“Wow! You’re amazing at magic and can fight up close too!”

“Well, we work together as a duo. Fiera here, as you can see, is a beast person who can’t use magic, so I end up handling most things.”

In reality, since I was an all-rounder, I generally left close combat to Fiera while supporting and covering for her.

“By the way, what kind of relationship do you two have?”

After hearing my explanation, Sonia leaned in with a curious grin, asking about our relationship.

(This girl is way too pushy…)

As I thought this, Fiera sat next to me, giving me a long stare.

“Are you…Are you two in that kind of relationship?!”

“No, we’re not dating. But I’m currently trying to win Eir over.”

“Kyaah! I knew it! Fiera-chan! Come over here! Fall, go away, you’re in the way!”

Sonia said this and shoved the meat dish-holding Fall aside with her hip, beckoning Fiera to sit next to her.

Once Fiera left my side, she started a girl talk with Sonia and Mail.

The poor Fall, having his meal interrupted, came and sat next to me with the plate of meat in hand.

“Sorry, Eir. Sonia can be rude.”

“Not a problem at all. It seems you’re a victim too in all this.”


Afterwards, us guys exchanged information about the town, fighting styles, and being adventurers, while the girls blossomed into a chat about Fiera’s love life.

After parting from the four, I returned to the inn, contemplating the info I’d learned from Rick.

“Monsters are increasing…huh?”

Indeed, I had heard rumors about a monster rampage occurring in some town during this time.

I hadn’t paid much attention, but it seemed to be this town.

The causes of a monster rampage mainly come down to two reasons: either they attack due to a lack of food or a new threat emerges in the forest.

Sure, there are human-made exceptions, but if a monster rampage occurs, that town is subject to severe dangers.

“I was intending to stay just a little while and leave, but I had some unexpected findings.”

“Did something happen?”

As I grinned, excited about the prospect of battling unseen foes, Fiera, returning from the afterparty with Sonia, spoke up.

“Oh, it looks like the best event is about to happen. We’re staying here a bit longer, Fiera.”

“Okay, got it.”

I decided to prepare thoroughly for whenever a battle might arise.


From a certain location, someone was observing Lewis.

“Oh? What’s Lewis-kun doing here? Hmm… Oh well! More importantly, since Lewis-kun is here, let’s have some fun with him♪”

This was someone whimsically interfering with the new king of the forest.

“Hohoh, going so smoothly!…Yup, just right! You’ll be battling Lewis-kun, so best of luck♪”

Due to this interference, the new king of the forest evolved in species and gained further powerful abilities.

“Kya-ha-ha! I can’t wait to see what happens! My Lewis-kun! Make me more and more entertained♪ Kya-ha-ha-ha!”

The evolved king of the forest acquired new powers, knowledge, and learned fighting techniques.

Unbeknownst to Lewis, this interference birthed a new monster into this world.

The new king of the forest began to move, aiming to step out into the outside world.

The goal was to fight against the human named Lewis, who had been given this quest.

The surrounding monsters trembled in fear or submitted to follow the overwhelming power of their king.

The confrontation between Lewis and the king of the forest was fast approaching.