Chapter 369

People are packed in front of me.

A crowd so large that it’s hard to even count them, all energetically waving the pink cheering sticks provided by The Six in advance.

Is it because it’s the first song of the concert? Everyone seems to be bursting with energy.

After much deliberation, I decided to perform a K-pop song I did with Tenshi at the year-end live show as the opening number.

This one is the best for getting the mood up right from the start.

Look over there. Can you see the cheering sticks swaying beyond my line of sight?

Just looking at those pink lights fills me with vigor.

Though I thought I was passionate when I practiced countless times, standing in front of the cheering audience made something swell up inside me.

With that overflowing energy, I showcased it from the very first song.

After the song ended, I turned to the audience, who kept waving their cheering sticks, and said,

“How was the first song?”

What did they think?

I wondered if the long-awaited start of the concert was satisfying.


The sound of roaring cheers fills the concert hall.

I tried not to show the thrill I felt and continued speaking.

“It’s my first time seeing you all in person, since I only see you in chat every day, right?”

Although the audience area was still somewhat dark compared to the stage, I could sense from their vague figures that they shared a similar emotion as mine.

“There’s no need to say too much from the start, right? Let’s jump right into the second song.”

I had many more things I wanted to say, but…

We had only just begun.

For now, I pulled out the next song to enjoy the atmosphere.

[Thum- thum.]

A low sound quickly resonated in my ears.

The second song of the concert is “Loneliness.”

Since the original song felt a bit too calm for the concert, I intentionally rearranged it to increase the tempo.

“You know this song, right?”


The immediate response to my casual question told me just how focused the audience was on the stage.

With a grin, I let out the first syllable.

Although “Loneliness” was a title fitting for a song, how could I feel lonely in this place?

I saw countless people right in front of me.

People waving their pink cheering sticks, listening to my song.

Even though we were just getting started, this moment was utterly delightful.

Lee Kang-jun appeared for the featuring part.

He also excitedly followed along with the arranged featuring section.

The stage was getting brighter, and the audience area was becoming visible.

I turned my gaze towards the pre-assigned VIP section for friends.

There was Lee Kang-jun, arms crossed, watching from there.

Even though he has no connection to this industry, he participated in Miro Family, making songs and featuring based solely on his appreciation for Miro’s talent.

Then, to my side, I spotted lyricist Lee Seo-yeon, Jeong-hoon, composer Kang Woo-hyeon, Hyeon-su, and Ah-young, one after another.

All of them were people who had helped me to get to this concert.

After the second song, “Loneliness,” finished, the intro for the third song, “Wind,” started to flow.

This song was originally upbeat, requiring no arrangement, and got people’s arms waving automatically.

I captured the people’s faces as I rode the wave of pink colors in front of me.

These were my viewers who I might not see again after today.

As I hurriedly looked at each one to make eye contact, I naturally ascended the stage.

Then, I spotted two individuals wearing hats and masks.

Even with the sunglasses pushed up for better view, I still recognized them at a glance.

Of course, Moon Chang-sik must have come since he got a VIP section, and Tenshi also attended.

Though they might not admit it, it must have been pretty obvious.

While singing “Wind,” I waved lightly to Tenshi.

I wonder if my greeting got through.

More importantly, is it okay for them to be here?

Thinking about it, even Lee Kang-jun was here earlier too…

[Tenshi is here!!]


…What do I do if the person featured on stage is watching from the audience?

I just waved at the real Tenshi a moment ago, and now virtual Tenshi has popped up beside me.


The younger version of her, bouncing over with her petite stature.

Thinking that I’d like to share a stage with the real her someday, I harmonized with my former self while singing.

It felt even more enjoyable to sing than usual.

What’s more joyful is that we’re only just at the beginning of the concert.

There’s still plenty of time left to have fun.



I took a deep breath and looked up.

The ceiling had an abundance of lights shining down on the stage, blinding my eyes.

And again, back below.

In a flash, the background darkened, but to me, that pink light sparkling brighter than the ceiling lights filled the air with cheers.

We had just finished a song.

The J-Pop I had done as my first cover, “Calm Lake,” from Celestial Realm 2, and quite a few others were performed.

We must be halfway through the concert by now.

“Hah, this is tiring.”

Perhaps because of that, I slumped back in my seat.

Of course, I wasn’t actually going to take an open break in the midst of the concert.

“How about we have a little chat since I’m feeling a bit tired?”

You need times like this.

The audience responded with a booming cheer.

“I got it. You can hear me even if I don’t shout.”

In fact, I chat like this every time I start a broadcast, but isn’t there something special about the atmosphere in this place?

The connection here is entirely different from those during normal broadcasts.

[You’re pretty!!]

[I love the song!!]

I couldn’t help but chuckle at the compliments coming from the audience.

“You’re sounding really nice all of a sudden?”

Did my viewers have it in them to say such sweet things?

Truly, anonymity is terrifying and unpredictable.

Those praising me down there would probably insult me as soon as the broadcast starts again, right?

Honestly, one cannot judge a person by appearances.

“Did you know it took a long time to prepare today? I wonder if everyone is aware of that….”

While sitting down, I started a conversation with the audience.

Well, is it even a conversation?

It was basically just me rambling while the fans below responded fervently, which might be seen as a one-sided communication.

Yet, I enjoyed it so much that we chatted for quite a while.

“Shall we do the next song now?”

As I shared various behind-the-scenes stories that I usually didn’t mention, I suddenly realized more time had passed than I had expected, and I stood back up.

Let’s see…

Going through the songs I had performed in my head, I thought of the next one.


It’s finally time to perform a Miro Family song.

I signaled to the staff.

Then, a familiar melody flowed into my ears.

It was “Multicolor,” a song created by Loa and Harbin.

It was a song that took a long time to create with lyricist Lee Seo-yeon involved.

…Thinking back, it surely did take quite a while.

But still, since the results turned out great, it’s no issue at all.

Looking now, I could see the audience already enjoying it.




Since this song featured the past involvement of Loa and Harbin, I felt even more motivated.

Though the song was long, it had plenty of moments to catch my breath.


According to our original plan, I was supposed to rest during Loa and Harbin’s featuring parts, but my body instinctively moved forward.

Was it because I talked for quite a while?

Weirdly enough, after a brief rest, I didn’t feel tired even at all.

Rather, I wanted to go out now and elicit reactions from the audience with whom I had just interacted.

As I raised my hands, the audience lifted their cheering sticks high.


At my single word, the cheering sticks, which had been held high, began swaying irregularly, creating waves.

Seeing this scene, how could I stay back and rest?

There was barely enough time to enjoy myself.

So, leading the cheers, I started singing “Multicolor” with Loa and Harbin.

By the time the song ended, the atmosphere that had slightly cooled while chatting was now heated up once more.

“We’re going straight into the next one!”

To maintain that atmosphere, we immediately moved on to the next song.

The next song is…

“This is a monumental track, right?”

Most of the people here must have heard this countless times.

“Everyone, come out!”

No sooner had I finished speaking than all members of Celestial Realm’s first-generation who had just appeared burst forth from behind the stage like stars.


At the same time, a thunderous cheer echoed through the concert hall.

[We have arrived!]

[Thanks for inviting us, Miro!]

The members appearing beside me were my greatest support at this moment.

From the eldest sister Anna to Loa, who had genuinely contributed to Miro Family.

Along with Mile, Maho, Haru, all of them were members with whom I cherished memories.



The song being performed right now was also the very first song I participated in.

Back then, I was so amazed because the song where my part was included was uploaded officially on YouTube and registered on music sites.

In this moment of singing this song,

It felt as if that moment in time was replaying.

And I believe…


The audience right in front of me must be sharing a similar sentiment.

Thus, the members of Celestial Realm took turns performing their parts, and I followed along with mine.

The monumental first song of the Celestial Realm Project, “Celestial Realm,” received boisterous cheers as it concluded with my last part.

Afterward, the members gradually greeted me as they exited the stage.

Though the appearance lasted just over four minutes,

the audience’s response peaked at that time.

Even more than the famous ballad singer Lee Kang-jun, who had featured in “Loneliness,” or Hyeon-su, the vocalist of the top domestic band who appeared in “Calm Lake,” it seems my fans really enjoy Celestial Realm.

In that case…

I wonder how this next person feels.

For a moment, the stage lights dimmed.

Straight away, the next song began to flow.



It seems the fans here immediately recognized which song it was.

Yeah, after “Loneliness,” “Wind,” and “Multicolor,” it was now time for “Dilution.”

As the lights came back on, I began singing first.

This song is truly a meaningful piece for me.

It’s the song of my junior named Rain, who agreed to a sudden proposal and produced her graduation project.


[Nice to meet you!]

Just then, the world’s best VTuber, who struggles to speak Korean better than Tenshi, didn’t hesitate to join in as well.


The audience erupted with cheers at Sake’s debut.

I hope their throats are doing okay.

Should I have included throat candies in the gift box given after the concert?

[Looking forward to today!]

As Sake, perhaps due to her wealth of experience in concerts, swept the stage with her performance.

Even though she appears like the past version of Sake, how does she know how to engage the live audience so well?

She might be performing even better than me.

So, I stepped up not to fall behind.

What if she is the top VTuber in Japan?

I’m the best in my country too.

As I came forward onto the stage, the cheers had become even louder than before.

In response, the pink cheering sticks shook more vigorously, mixing with the green gems within to create a mesmerizing sight.

I thought that was such a delightful sight and melted into the lively stage where Sake was performing.

[Alright then! Miro, you’ve got this!]

After “Dilution” concluded,

Sake cheered me on before leaving the stage.

The intensity of the scene made me slightly worried.

Did Sake overdo it?

But then…

Turning to face the audience revealed that they were all eagerly waiting for my next move.

It seems those worries were unfounded.

As we continued performing various songs,

we focused more on the calm songs, and by the time the audience had calmed down, they were fully immersed in the concert.

“The next song might be one you’ve been waiting for.”

It was now time for that song to emerge.

I shook my head, expelling the rushing breath.

Even with the calm songs, the light choreography drained my stamina.

I briefly looked down to the stage.

Shining brightly,

I spotted composer Kang Woo-hyeon wearing a hat in the VIP section.

Though I couldn’t see the letters clearly from this distance, I could vaguely guess that “Miro-” was written on his hat.

Did he bring that which has always been displayed in the workshop this time?

I chuckled at his serious expression contrasting with his hat, then closed my eyes.

With that action, the melody flowed onto the stage.

[Oh, oh…!!]


Cheers erupted at this moment.

Perhaps this was the biggest cheer of the day?

Yes, naturally so since this is my signature song.

Even though it was released over two years ago, it’s still brought up often.

This was “Turning Point.”

“It begins now!”

The song that helped me grow to another level began to fill the concert hall.

Honestly, I had pondered whether to sing this during the concert for quite a while…

But whether it’s a track by Mira or one by Miro, what does it matter?

What matters is that the audience and I can enjoy this moment together.

The very first song where I, instead of Miro, became Kim Soo-hyun,

The song that I had steadfastly neglected amidst viewer comments for the past two years,

Was now being performed in this Miro concert hall.


Before I knew it, the concert was reaching its twilight.

“Hah… Hah…”

In my blurred vision,

only the pink waves filled my view.

I felt breathless and my sight trembled, but oddly, I didn’t feel tired at all.


I could only feel an overwhelming joy simmering deep within me, increasingly fueling my emotions.

As I prepared for the final song,

I felt a sudden urge to express my existence amidst the swaying waves.

Hence, I wore a broad smile across my face.

As always.

Not overly exaggerated.

Just the right amount, overflowing with confidence.

With a bold smile that represented Miro herself,

I raised my hands in victory towards the fans who had created a sea of pink waves from the start to now.


And in that moment,

the ever-swirling waves ceased as I heard the erupting cheers, and I thought to myself.


I’ve certainly lived quite well until now.

In the next instant.


The melody of completion began to ring out.