Chapter 365

Why does that matter to you?

If you ask that, there’s only one answer I can give.

“I don’t know if it’s just me, but it seems like everyone’s taking this a bit too lightly.”

“Taking it lightly?”

“I mean the fight against the Another Ones.”

And indeed, it was true. No article I read mentioned the possibility of humanity losing the war against the Another Ones.

But does that make those shouting against the war any different?

If they did, maybe I could have felt a little more at ease, but sadly, that wasn’t the case.

Not mentioning the possibility of defeat was the same for them too.

To begin with, their opposition to the war isn’t out of worry about such things.

Rather than being concerned and opposing it, they primarily fear the inevitable security void that would arise once humanity starts a war against the Another Ones, as people claim.

In other words, both sides, those shouting for war and those against it, aren’t thinking at all about humanity’s chances of losing against the Another Ones.

“The issue is… whether our side has the strength to overwhelm the Another Ones.”

“…Isn’t that so?”

“Well… I hope so, but…”

Could that really be the case?

At least from what I’ve seen, it wasn’t.

Because the strength we could muster isn’t exactly specialized power.

On the other hand, what about the Another Ones?

Until now, they’ve always been in a position to invade unilaterally, so they’ve only mobilized just enough strength to get by.

Those who were once on the offensive are now going to be invaded… Once we push into their stronghold, Heogye, they’ll probably swarm us like a horde of bees.

“You know what they say— even a stray dog fights back when it’s in front of its own house.”


“Compared to this, Heogye is like an unknown realm for our people…”

While looking solely at visible strength, it might seem like our side is superior, but the actual battles could tell a different story.

“If the Another Ones decide to adopt guerrilla tactics…”

Then the war against them would turn into a swamp that relentlessly drains humanity’s strength.

“What? The Another Ones couldn’t possibly use that kind of thing.”

The problem lies in… the common perception people have towards the Another Ones.

If you think about it, it doesn’t really surprise you either.

Most people, unlike me or Chae-rim, have only encountered the Another Ones at the “Bruiser” level.

Because of that, they can’t believe it.

That even the Another Ones, who seem to be merely simple monsters, have individuals capable of thinking and learning.

‘Three years ago, Chae-rim herself mentioned that “monster” during the press conference…’

The fact that got buried was largely due to that perception shared among people.

Given that perception has lasted for decades, even hearing that it might not be the case now goes uncredited.

“Sure, Yoonseo, you’re right; at first it will be like that.”

But just because they can’t believe it, doesn’t change anything.

“Does that mean it could be different later?”


What I was sure about was that part.

Because the monster I encountered back then had already learned a degree about humans.

Since that was three years ago, and during that time, if the monster learned more about humans…

What if it finally became capable of thinking like a human?

It wouldn’t take long to understand and “learn” human tactics.

How could I be so sure?

Because the learning ability that monster displayed was that astounding.

It was like watching a sponge that absorbs everything.

As evidence, that monster, which initially couldn’t even counter Chae-rim’s attacks properly, was able to put her in a tight spot for just a brief moment near the end of the battle.

Of course, my intervention turned that all into nothing.

‘Not to mention…’

There was also another part I was worried about.

I hadn’t mentioned it, but I was afraid that maybe Yoonseo or the Senior might blame Chae-rim.

It was largely due to Chae-rim that my left arm ended up like this, having taken a hit from an unidentified projectile meant for her.

Before my intervention, that projectile was flying straight toward the nape of Chae-rim’s neck.

‘What if I hadn’t taken the hit…?’

Had it successfully struck Chae-rim in the nape?

What would have happened then?

It’s hard to speculate on something that hasn’t happened… but if that had occurred, humanity might have been facing Chae-rim, the worst enemy turned Another One.

Was it because I recalled that thought?

Or perhaps it was because I pulled up memories from three years ago?

Suddenly, my left arm started to throb.

Almost as if it were recalling the moment it transformed as it was now.


Because of that, I ended up inadvertently releasing a groan, which surprised me as I started clutching my left arm while groaning.

“What’s wrong? Are you okay?!”

Instead of the cold demeanor she had shown so far, Yoonseo rushed over, her face filled with concern as she checked my condition.

“Is it your left arm? Does it hurt a lot?”

Even while my arm throbbed enough for cold sweat to trickle down my face, I could smile just slightly thanks to her.

It might not have been the right time for such a thing, but since I had only ever seen Yoonseo acting cold, her showing concern like this felt really nice to me.

It made me smile without even realizing it.

“…I’m okay.”

“As if! How can someone who’s okay sweat this much?!”

As Yoonseo commented, perhaps it was because I was sweating profusely.

She had come close enough that her hand carefully wiped the sweat streaming down my face and felt immensely warm.

In contrast, perhaps my body felt so cold to Yoonseo that her hand flinched and trembled where it made contact with my cheek.

“Just… it’s throbbing a bit suddenly…”

“…Has it happened often?”

Even while chatting with Yoonseo, the throbbing in my arm was getting stronger.

“No… this is the first time…”

Thanks to that, I had to squeeze my voice out more than usual when answering Yoonseo’s question.

“Are you really telling the truth?”

Even while I barely managed to squeeze out my voice in response… it seemed Yoonseo didn’t buy it.

“I’m telling the truth…”

But that was a statement absolutely devoid of any lies.

Granted, unless it was before I saw that so-called Doctor, my arm had been fine all along.

Thus, apart from the fact that I had to cover my arm with something every now and then, I was able to relatively lead a normal life…

So why was this happening now?

‘Could it be…’

Could it be that the treatment finally wore off after three years?

That’s why my arm is throbbing now?

It was at that moment when I thought that.


The throbbing that had overtaken my left arm vanished as if it had never been there.

So of course, I had to be left perplexed once again.

No, how did it suddenly appear to make me sweat cold, and now it just disappears in an instant?

What on earth was that just now?

That question filled my head in an instant, but… the contemplation didn’t last long.

Because right then, the feeling on my arm became increasingly unusual.

A hand was boldly toying with my left arm.

The owner of that hand was none other than Yoonseo.

“Uh… Yoonseo?”


“O, Oh Yoonseo…?”


“Um, I’m okay now…”

Upon hearing my words, I guess she finally came back to her senses.

With her face completely flushed, Yoonseo was ‘gently’ kneading my arm with both hands, before she suddenly yanked her hands back with a shocked expression.

And without stopping, she ran off to a distance.

Then, settling between us was—

‘Um… um…’

An awkward atmosphere that was hard to articulate.