Volume 5 Chapter 45: “The Unescapable Curse”

Volume 5: “The Stars Etching History”

Volume 5 Chapter 45: “The Unescapable Curse”

I tremble at the unheard name of the witch relayed by Wilhelm.

The only “witch” that Subaru knows, apart from Satella, are the six witches of Sin he encountered at Echidna’s grave.

To think that other “witches” could exist was a shocking revelation.

“So, you’re saying that this witch Sphinx is involved in the Witch Cult’s attack… that there are witches besides the four archbishops of Sin?”

If that’s the case, the enemy’s main force would consist of the four archbishops of Sin, two dead, and now an additional witch, making the already dire odds utterly hopeless.

But to Subaru’s concerns, Wilhelm raised a hand.

“My apologies. I wasn’t clear. The witch Sphinx perished during the subhuman war. There is no possibility she is involved in this attack.”

“The witch is dead? Are you absolutely sure? My impression has always been that witches can fake their deaths and live freely despite actually dying.”

This made me think of Satella appearing when touching on taboos, as well as Echidna enjoying the afterlife in a dream castle.

Hearing that someone is dead doesn’t guarantee anything when it comes to witches.

“I cannot know what impression you hold of witches, but Sphinx is merely a name given for convenience. The kingdom’s army referred to her that way, but she never called herself that.”

“Did you know her personally, Wilhelm?”

“On several occasions during the civil war. The end of the subhuman war might have been triggered directly by Sphinx’s demise. Roswaal, Bordeaux, and my wife played pivotal roles in that.”


A name I didn’t expect popped out, causing Subaru to widen his eyes.

Seeing Subaru’s reaction, Wilhelm’s jaw tightened, as his gaze became distant.

“I had dealings with the previous Lord Roswaal. Back then, I wasn’t particularly close, but… I owe him a debt.”

“Previous Lord… ah, I see. Roswaal’s name has been passed down through generations.”

“Regrettably, the previous lord passed away early. Afterward, I grew distant, and the current Lord Meisters and I are only acquaintances. In any case, that is a tangential topic.”

Although I was captivated by the unexpected relationship, the matter at hand wasn’t there.

When Subaru nodded, Wilhelm continued, “So, it isn’t Sphinx, but the magic used here likely belongs to the same category. It’s a spell to manipulate corpses, which were referred to as zombie soldiers back then.”

“Zombie soldiers… do they have any weaknesses?”

“As far as I know, zombie soldiers are merely a technique to move corpses. They cannot fully replicate the skills they had in life; they only disgrace the dead, reflecting the caster’s nature.”

“But what about the ‘Eight Arms’… and—”

I hesitated.

A zombie soldier had tainted and besmirched Wilhelm’s wife through death. The logic of saying that to Wilhelm made me pause.

Wilhelm, noticing my hesitation, bitterly relaxed his lips.

“Your concern is appreciated. However, it is a necessary discussion. —Yes, my wife and Kurgan possess skills that nearly match their living selves. They exceed the capabilities of mere zombie soldiers.”

“Then there’s a possibility they’re something different from zombie soldiers? Which means your wife might not be dead…”

“My wife… is dead. I was powerless to prevent it.”

It was Subaru who vainly tried to cling to hope and appear weak.

Wilhelm’s calm voice effortlessly cut through Subaru’s emotions.

And in the face of that old swordsman’s profile, Subaru found no words to say.

“There were, on rare occasions, entities that couldn’t be conclusively termed as mere zombie soldiers. Whether it was due to the suitability of the spells or some other factor, I cannot say… but the strength of those two should be considered indicative of this.”

“Is there a way to defeat them?”

“Completely destroy the body. Or, one must remove the curse mark from wherever it is on the body. Only then can the zombie soldier return to being a mere corpse. That is necessary.”

Wilhelm’s tone as he pondered was unbearable to listen to.

He was earnest and focused on what he needed to do—yet his trembling voice and clenched fists, as well as his wide-open eyes, could not be concealed.

“I apologize for keeping you long. We cannot afford to keep Crusch waiting any longer. Please, proceed.”

Wilhelm bowed and indicated the door directly ahead. The room at the back of the fourth floor was labeled as a break room.

In there, Crusch was waiting for Subaru, who had been summoned.

As Subaru passed by Wilhelm, the sound of his footsteps echoed as he approached the door.

Strangely enough, the distance to the door felt far. It almost felt like his shoes were glued to the floor, hindering his progress.

Subaru was acutely aware that this was his own weakness holding him back.

“—It’s me. Natsuki Subaru. Um, Crusch?”

After knocking on the door, he called with a voice uncertain if it would make it through. After a brief silence, the door slowly opened.

The face that appeared was Felix. However, he looked completely changed.


His red eyes were swollen from crying, and his chestnut hair was a mess. His entire body was drenched in blood that didn’t belong to him, and the blood on his pale skin hadn’t yet been wiped away. Fresh blood stained his cheeks and neck.

The ghastly sight made him instinctively gasp for air.

“I heard Crusch calling for me, so…”

“Yeah. She’s inside, in bed… just make sure not to do anything unnecessary.”

His voice was firm, even laced with hatred.

However, that hatred was not directed at Subaru. It was more like a general resentment towards the world. A pent-up anger that has nowhere to go now dominated Felix.

Taking a deep breath, Subaru followed Felix’s back into the room.

Although labeled as a break room, it was rather small. Two rows of tables and chairs lined the area, with a small offshoot booth separated by a door at the back. The bed was in that small area.

And there she lay upon the shabby bed.


Crusch, conscious and aware, recognized Subaru’s presence and called his name.

Attempting to respond, Subaru’s throat tightened. It was a struggle to muster calm words to reassure her—something so simple became nearly impossible.

“I’m… sorry for looking so terrible…”

“No… no, it’s not… That’s not true.”

Seeing Subaru freeze, Crusch offered her weak apology. Alarmed by her painful attitude, Subaru rushed to reassure her.

—Covered in Capella’s blood, Crusch was in a dreadful state.

Black veins marred the skin visible on her neck and limbs. It was hard to imagine the same damage lay beneath the towel and clothing. The non-pulsating black veins throbbed as they constricted her slender frame like a snake.

Her once flawless pale skin, devoid of blemishes, was horrifyingly ravaged.

Of course, the damage was not limited to only her body.

Her striking and sharp features, reminiscent of a fine sword, were marred on the left side by the corrosive influence. Ironically, her right side retained her beauty, further accentuating the incongruity and the senselessness of her defilement.

An eye patch covered her left eye, leaving the fate of the one beneath it unfathomable.

“Is this… the same dragon blood curse as mine?”

If so, such cruelty was unimaginable.

Only someone who knew Crusch Karsten like Subaru could fathom the depths of that anguish.

He glanced at his own right foot. Just like Crusch’s skin, black veins streaked across his own. However, excluding the ghastly appearance, Subaru felt no effect—no pain or throbbing sensation whatsoever.

But Crusch was clearly different. She gasped painfully, grimacing with each pulsating contraction.


Isn’t there something that can be done? He turned to the kingdom’s finest healer. But Subaru’s hasty concerns only served to hurt Felix, who bore the weight of his inability.

Biting his lip, Felix lowered his gaze as his nails dug into his own arm. He was the one most painfully aware of his inadequacies right now.

If he knew of their relationship, there was no doubt he had already tried every possible method beyond Subaru’s imagination.

“What did you want to say to me, Crusch?”

In such a painful situation, why did she summon him?

There was nothing he felt he could do. Perhaps she had something to say. Perhaps she wanted revenge against the “Lust” that had put her in this state. Or maybe, she had some grievances against Subaru.

He was ready to take any curses or slurs hurled his way.

As Subaru inquired, Crusch painfully opened her mouth.

He leaned in towards those lips, straining to hear her faint, fragile breaths.

And then,

“I’m glad… you’re safe.”


“I heard that… you received the same curse as I did…”

A sense of relief seemed to envelop her voice, and Subaru felt the softness in her breath.

At the same time, he realized the true feelings he had been hiding deep down, nearly suffocating him with shame.

He had thought it would have been much easier if she had blamed him.

Thus, he doubted Crusch’s nobility, disgracing the purity of her spirit. She was simply concerned about him, worrying that he too was suffering the same torment.

“I’m sorry… I’m sorry, Crusch…”

He choked out a blend of emotions—the doubt he harbored in his heart, the resultant suffering, and the feeling of helplessness to take her pain away.

Instinctively, he reached out and took Crusch’s hand, which lay weakly over her abdomen. The black veins felt devoid of texture. How tragic it was that even such a grotesque appearance bore no change in sensation.



With a sudden escape of Crusch’s breath, pain shot up Subaru’s throat.

It felt like he was gripping hot iron, the pain piercing through his body from his palm. Subaru reflexively released Crusch’s hand and glanced at his own palm.

Black veins appeared on that palm.

“What the…!?”

“Let me see, Subaru-kun!”

Felix grabbed Subaru’s pained hand, examining the strange markings. The healing light enveloped the stain, but neither pain eased nor the blackness vanished. Instead—

“Felix… Crusch’s hand!”


At Subaru’s astonished shout, Felix turned to Crusch. His yellow eyes widened in unison with Subaru’s as they both witnessed the change.

Crusch’s left hand, the one Subaru had grasped—there on the back of that hand, the black veins had somewhat lessened.

This change, combined with the sight of his own right hand, brought a certain thought racing through Subaru’s mind.

“Could it be that the curse from Crusch’s body transferred to mine?”

It was the only plausible explanation. The transformation from hand to hand signified a balance—Crusch’s curse flowing into Subaru was without a doubt.

“But I haven’t felt any changes! I’ve touched Crusch multiple times while examining her body… but nothing’s happened to me!”

Felix shook his head at Subaru’s theory.

His movement was not out of delight for the newfound hope of healing, but rather skepticism that perhaps something about the theory was fundamentally flawed. No, there was more to Felix’s feelings.

“I can’t provide Crusch with peace…”

“Then let’s check again!”

Ignoring Felix’s fluster, Subaru stepped boldly back to Crusch. She looked at Subaru with tear-filled eyes, unsure of what was happening. Upon that eye covered by the patch, he was determined to hide his tense expression.

This time, he gently touched Crusch’s cheek as if confirming something.


In an instant, a searing heat surged through Subaru’s brain, like magma rushing through veins. The curse that invaded via his fingers penetrated Subaru’s nerves, burning like fire.


Overcome by unimaginable agony, Subaru screamed, his throat vibrating as he recoiled. He tumbled backward, the moment he broke contact with Crusch.

“Ah, ha, ha…”

His lungs seized as his eyeballs twitched.

He gasped for air like a fish out of water, desperately seeking oxygen.

“Are you okay, Subaru-kun?”

As Subaru began to regain his breath, Felix looked over with concern. Once he confirmed he could feel the solid ground again, Subaru managed to sit up.

Then, gazing at Crusch on the bed, he asked,

“So, Felix… was there any effect?”


Felix fell to his knees as he checked Crusch’s condition.

He must have seen it too. Crusch’s cheek, tainted by the curse, had slightly been alleviated. If this form of treatment was possible, he might just save Crusch—

“Wait, Natsuki!”

As Subaru prepared to rise again, Crusch’s voice halted him.

Not understanding the weight of her words, Subaru was about to question her.

“Don’t you realize? Your own hand…”

“—My hand?”

Only upon hearing her did he look down at his right hand. And only then did he finally comprehend the change.

On his right hand, like his right foot, black veins lined his skin. That much was acceptable. With such a commitment to take on Crusch’s curse, he had expected no less.

However, there was clearly something wrong.

Comparing the black markings taken from Crusch to his own hand, the range of infestation was far too large.

The residue from her body was merely on her left hand and cheek, while the blackness covering Subaru’s right arm was a patchy blotch of heavy darkness.

The rate of transfer from curse to curse wasn’t one-to-one. More like ten-to-one at that.

“No, but…”

Whether that was a reason to hesitate or not was another matter.

At the moment of taking it on, there was pain. However, now that it was within his body, there were no signs of the curse torturing him.

Compared to Crusch’s ongoing torment, Subaru’s pain was little more than a momentary sting. Moreover, it was needless to say about which of them, a man or a woman, could endure the ugly curse.

With his right foot and hand savagely darkening, he would trade anything for Crusch’s salvation.

“Natsuki, please don’t do this… I can’t accept those feelings…”

“Don’t say silly things. I’m fine, just a little uncomfortable will be alright. Compared to getting a tattoo and regretting it later, this is a far better way to corrupt my body. I can take the pain. Somehow, for me, it’s not that bad. So…”

“Is it certain that it will be this way in the future? If you and I both become incapacitated, the situation here could be dire…”

Crusch’s concern for the city and others outweighed her personal troubles, and while logically sound, things can’t always be dissected solely through logic.

“Felix, you need to stop Natsuki…”

“I… I…”

“Please. Right now, Natsuki is someone needed by everyone else besides me…”

“If Subaru-kun tries his best, then Crusch-sama’s suffering will…”

Felix’s hesitations were rooted in placing Crusch above everything else. Nobody could blame him; no one here was wrong.

Yet things not being wrong does not mean they are right, and that is where it becomes all the more messed up.

“You can’t be swayed by momentary emotions. I ask you, Natsuki…”

“Even so, I still…”

“You said it yourself—’Leave everything after this to me.’”


Crusch’s pleading eyes held Subaru’s gaze, not letting go.

Had he truly uttered such strong words? Upon hearing Subaru say that, Crusch implored him to fulfill his promise.

“Please, say it to me as well…”


“Leave everything after this to me.”

A pained smile awaited Subaru’s response.

He inhaled deeply, moving his tongue through his dry mouth, and Subaru quietly closed his eyes.

Knew he mustn’t leap toward immediate salvation, now being urged to say instead of having to say, and yet, at the very least—

“Crusch, just rest for now.”


“Feel free to leave everything after this to me.”


He must be able to provide the words demanded of him in his role.

Hearing Subaru’s answer, Crusch nearly sighed from relief as her long breath escaped.

Her eyelids closed weakly, a testament to how she had struggled to keep her consciousness until now. Soon, her breath sank lower, and the time for Crusch to fight against the encroaching curse began anew.

“Sorry, Felix. I must go too.”

“What should I do…?”

As Subaru readjusted the blanket over Crusch and stood up, Felix’s frail voice stopped him. For Subaru, witnessing Felix so diminished was the first.

Truth be told, he wanted to stay by Crusch’s side.

However, the situation demanded that Felix’s abilities could not permit that.

“Your strength is needed. I won’t tell you to leave City Hall. However, if anything happens, ensure the injured are brought here. So, I’ll count on you.”

“…I can’t help the one I want to save the most.”


“Sorry. I spoke foolishly. For now, let the two of you be together.”

Facing away, Felix sat down on a chair beside the bed. Subaru tapped his shoulder lightly before stepping outside the break room.

In the hallway, Wilhelm stood motionless, waiting just as he had when Subaru entered.

“Thank you for taking Crusch-sama’s feelings into account.”

As Subaru returned, Wilhelm voiced his gratitude, possibly having heard everything through the door, or perhaps it was clear from Subaru’s expression.

“Taking her feelings into consideration is an overstatement. I merely acted under pressure… What on earth is happening to my body?”

Taking on Crusch’s curse, and seeing that the encroachment itself had weakened. If one goes back even further, the witch factor and ‘Return by Death’ concept remain murky.

Will he ever find reasons and closure for all of this?

“Let’s leave Crusch’s matter to Felix. If all goes well, hopefully, I can try things again after this.”

“Is your right arm all right?”

“It looks bad, but I suppose it can look good in long sleeves and gloves… For the sake of saving one beautiful girl, scars that don’t fade are nothing to worry about.”

Though hesitant, that thought reflected Subaru’s true feelings.

If there were no other solutions, he wouldn’t mind taking on all of Crusch’s curse. Even if it left him utterly darkened, he would seek forgiveness from Emilia, Rem, and Beatrice.

“However, that’s a discussion for after we surpass this difficult challenge. Wilhelm, let’s go downstairs. They’re probably talking about conquering the Control Tower.”

The combat strength they could muster should be top-notch.

Next, they needed to assess the abilities of each archbishop, cooperation, and timing for the assault. Only about six hours remained until the deadline demanded by the Witch Cult.

“Subaru, regarding that matter, I have a favor to ask.”

“A favor?”

As Subaru turned toward the stairs, Wilhelm stopped him. The old swordsman nodded and gestured at the door behind him—the door behind which he longed for a master.

“If possible, I would appreciate your recommendation for me to take on the elimination of ‘Lust.’ Having witnessed its regenerative mutation and the overwhelming nature of that power, I wish to seek this out.”

“You want revenge for Crusch then?”

“That is one reason. But beyond that, it is necessary for ‘Lust’ to speak of what it has done to Crusch-sama while still alive. For that, I’ll gladly become a demon. I will draw my sword and ensure that before I sever its head, the truth will be extracted.”

The fierce aura emanating from the swordsman felt like a heatwave to Subaru.

The rage and sword energy—Wilhelm’s spirit ignited seeking revenge for his master.

“That fervor is commendable, but… what about the zombie soldiers?”


As Subaru murmured a concern, Wilhelm interjected without hesitation.

Though a bit disturbed, Subaru nodded. The strength of Reinhardt was indispensable for the assault. However, it was also true that the heir of the previous sword saint was a sensitive issue for him.

“Could you refrain from revealing the true identity of the zombie soldiers to Reinhardt?”


Taken aback, Subaru struggled to grasp the request’s implications.

“You mean… don’t mention your wife’s situation to him?”

“Yes. I don’t want Reinhardt to meet his deceased wife. He would undoubtedly blame himself for it. It was my fault after all.”

“Wilhelm, you shouldn’t think that way…”

He wanted to say otherwise, but Subaru couldn’t utter those words rashly.

The morning’s shocking events and Heinkel’s outburst that shattered the familial intimacy flooded his mind.

There was no validity in his assertion yet, it hadn’t been denied.

Wilhelm had scolded Reinhardt for being the cause of his wife’s death. An almost unbelievable past that hadn’t been contradicted.

“Subaru, do you understand that ‘The Protection of the Sword Saint’ is something special?”

“Honestly, I’m quite ignorant about that. I just assumed it was some protective power possessed by all who were called ‘Sword Saints,’ and it likely made them immensely stronger or something along those lines.”

“That understanding isn’t completely misguided. However, there’s a unique part to ‘The Protection of the Sword Saint’ that differs from other boons… and that is that it is passed down through generations.”

“Passed down, protection…?”

As Subaru exhaled, Wilhelm nodded.

The aged swordsman remained with eyes closed, as if recalling something sorrowful.

“That protection has continuously been inherited since the times of the first, Reid Astraea. The blessing resides within the bloodline of the Astraea family, certainly selecting the next Sword Saint from the clan. My wife’s blessing has also been passed down to Reinhardt.”

“So, that’s how the protection is inherited through the family… I see, so that’s the case. And after your wife passed, Reinhardt received the blessing…”

Understanding was dawning, but a nagging thought impeded Subaru’s acknowledgment.

The previous sword saint’s defeat at the hands of the White Whale led to Reinhardt receiving the blessing. A painful past, though somewhat justifiable.

Yet that sequence didn’t align with the argument at the Astraea family’s council this morning.

Wilhelm’s lament, Heinkel’s taunt, and Reinhardt’s silence—they seemingly hindered that rightful inheritance.

And the answer lay in—

“It was during the fight against the White Whale.”


“—Reinhardt inherited the blessing during the grand expedition when my wife ventured forth. During that fight, she was abandoned by the Sword God and had to carry on, being merely a single woman.”

—That was the truth behind the division of the Astraea family.

In the midst of the great offensive to subjugate the White Whale, the blessing was passed on to Reinhardt. And left behind on the battlefield was the former sword saint, now robbed of that protection.

The previous lord had become a protector, engaging in battle with the magical beasts to protect many soldiers—yet was never seen again.

“I stole the sword from my wife, and it was none other than I. I forced her, whom the Sword God adored, to lay down her sword, making her into a woman. It was I, thus that led to my wife’s demise.”


“The Sword God would never forgive a wife who betrayed him. My wife, stripped of her blessing on the battlefield, relying only on the blade she believed she had cast aside—what kind of emotions did she harbor… I couldn’t accept that. It’s true I blamed Reinhardt for possessing the blessing. I, a fool, could not bear seeing my grandson, who had just been crushed by the weight of such a heavy destiny, lament over the death of his grandmother. I regret it.”

Last night, Wilhelm revealed that regret—it was this very mistake.

Even knowing Reinhardt bore no guilt, the grieving Wilhelm could not accept this, resulting in the split of the Astraea family.

“I wish not to repeat that. Reinhardt bears no responsibility for my wife’s death. He has no reason to be held accountable, not even by me.”

Thus he intended to keep everything from Reinhardt, vowing to end it himself.

Subaru understood Wilhelm’s feelings all too well through this conversation. He wished for Wilhelm to ease that burden. However, the weight on Wilhelm was far too heavy.

“With Crusch and your wife’s matters, you may well collapse at this rate, Wilhelm. Besides, even if you keep silent regarding the zombie soldiers, they’ll inevitably reappear.”

“That concern is unwarranted, Subaru.”


Trying to point out the lack of certainty, Subaru was interrupted by Wilhelm shaking his head.

The swordsman then twisted his expression into a malicious grin and proclaimed,

“—My wife would never fail to come to see me.”