Chapter 36

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At this time, the die-hard Bolsheviks in Petrograd were frightened by the White Army surrounding the city, yet they had a sense of faith.

Even though they had lost the momentum to expand their influence and were trapped in Petrograd, the Tsarina would not easily attack the capital of the empire, where the Tsar’s palace stood.

Of course, that didn’t mean they could turn the tide.

But if Petrograd held out, the Bolsheviks around the country would rise again.

They were running their hope circuits like that.

The Bolsheviks remaining in the revolutionary city were truly, the Reds who had been painted with communist ideology to the soul.

Thus, the surrender proposal from Anastasia was hardly worth pondering for such die-hard Reds.

“Anyway, the reactionary princess can’t come over here.”

“Surely, she can’t destroy the Tsar’s city. Then she would need to directly invade the city, and that’s exactly what we wish for.”

“Let us prove that our revolution was right.”

“Comrade Trotsky will lead us!”

In reality, Petrograd was the city where the revolution had taken place, and even the noble Bolshevik citizens who gathered from various places were prepared to die as revolutionaries, as Bolsheviks, here.

But that confidence lasted only a moment.

Boom! Bang!

In the sky, bombs fell like rain, marking you as a bombing experiment.

With the artillery opening fire on the city again, buildings in Petrograd began to collapse, and people got crushed or became minced meat from the bombardment, causing the damage to escalate.

“Unlike his father, he has some backbone. Does he intend to uproot us completely?”

Trotsky clicked his tongue.

The revolution was essentially a failure.

He acknowledged this, but even acknowledging it meant they couldn’t stop here.

Imperialism and communism could never coexist.

One had to be completely uprooted.

This Petrograd was a city where the revolution had succeeded. Therefore, they would do everything they could to show that the revolution remained alive by bringing death to Petrograd.

Trotsky understood well that if they pooled their strength to crush the Bolsheviks throughout Russia, where the White Army had already begun to dominate, it would become a massive wave.

He would stop the fierce wave of imperialism.

He would prove that the revolution was right.

Did the princess know? Just the appearance of an enemy of the revolution would lead Petrograd’s Bolsheviks to fight with all their might.

With such willpower, Trotsky was fiercely defending Petrograd.

Of course, apart from that, Petrograd was being destroyed under overwhelming firepower.

“Comrade Trotsky. You must escape.”

The Bolsheviks urged Trotsky to flee again.

“Where am I supposed to go? Where to?”

It was already too late.

Comrade Lenin had been captured, and so had Stalin.

They had failed to bring Comrade Lenin back, and many comrades, including Stalin, had also been caught.

Rumor had it that they were being executed.

In such a situation, what would he do to survive alone?

“Comrade Luxembourg of the German Communist Party is preparing for a revolution in Germany. First, I’ll escape through the North Sea and then join Comrade Luxembourg—”

You need to make sense.

Finland has also sided with the reactionaries.

Now, that fox-like princess rather even holds the title of King of Finland rather than just being the Grand Duke of Finland.

To escape would require extraordinary luck, and Trotsky had no intention of escaping.

“I can’t do it. I can’t run away anymore. The revolution in Germany is Germany’s, and I will never bend my will.”

The revolution in Germany was solely for Germany.

Having failed in revolution in the backward Russia, what good would it do him to go to Germany? The defeated of the revolution would only be begging for their lives, and nothing more.


“Get yourselves out.”

Trotsky would never rise again.

He felt he had no right to escape this place.

Soon, the revenge-driven princess would bring the White Army reactionaries charging into the center here.

Then, he would die gloriously, taking out at least one of the enemies.

Good. It would be good to see the Empress of the imperialists who trampled on the Russian revolution.

Perhaps even taking aim with a gun for a mutual death could rekindle the fire of the revolution.

And thus, he would remain a martyr.

That was the last task left for Trotsky.

Of course, only Trotsky thought that way.

‘That guy needs to go out for other communists to follow him!’

Contrary to Trotsky’s determination, the other communists who had followed him had no intention of understanding Trotsky.

There was no way to escape now.

* * *

The bombardment had been ongoing for quite some time, surrounding Petrograd.

They still hadn’t sent in the infantry.

They would strip everything before moving in to hunt the exhausted Bolsheviks inside.

The prolonged bombardment was reducing Petrograd to ruins.

Streets, buildings, countless lives were lost.

“Lord. Grant forgiveness to the red plague by bringing them death.”

The red plague of Petrograd was being purified by death.

They said it was too much destruction of the city.

But by the time Yudenich was attacking, those who could flee Petrograd had already evacuated.

That meant those remaining were just die-hard Bolsheviks.

They had no response, whether surrendering or otherwise.

Lenin and his fanatical followers had all been exterminated; they had to be thoroughly wiped out.

What Trotsky would do next was exactly what I was curious about.

Did he intend to become a martyr of the Reds?

Or was he thinking of running away to another country like in actual history, like Mexico?

I had no particular thoughts about that.

However, I had begun to think that if Russia were to intervene anywhere ultimately, the answer would be to use the Reds.

Though Trotsky should pay dearly for the sin of murdering the Tsar’s family.

It would be better to let him die as a martyr than to allow him to simply weaken communism while I would utilize him before killing him.

“Your Highness. Petrograd is now practically stripped bare. The infantry can enter now.”

Okay. Then we should go in.

“Shall we enter?”

“Is it not too dangerous for you to enter personally?”

It would be dangerous.

But I must prove that the Romanovs are still alive, at least that the princess Anastasia is not just a puppet Tsar put forward by the White Army.

There might still be those who see me as merely a sheltered little girl in a greenhouse.

I must lead from the front and fight.

“If I enter myself, won’t it let those Romanovs know that the revolution has ended? More than anything, I will not die.”

“If that is indeed the case, then you must enter with the soldiers.”


Although, unlike before, it felt like bullets hurt a bit more now.

At least, I probably wouldn’t die just yet.

I just have that feeling.

As the shelling ceased to some extent, the White Army flooded toward Petrograd like a wave, crushing through the now defenseless city.

In front of that, I also rode in to hide from the bombardment, springing out to shoot the Bolsheviks.

“Whoa! The princess! Kyaah!”

The red plague’s patients, who thought they could win only if they armed themselves with the spirit of the revolution, fell dead with just a single bullet.

Bang! Bang!

I shot down every visible Bolshevik not in White Army uniforms.

Petrograd was isolated.

There wasn’t even decent food, and they lacked weapons.

Starving people. Those who barely survived the bombardment were helplessly gunned down by my bullets.

They couldn’t even attack first.

They were busy hiding from the White Army’s attacks, so the option to attack first didn’t even exist.

Of course.

It wasn’t that easy.

As I entered the city, street fighting intensified the battles.

The Bolsheviks were now nearing their end days.

Perhaps because of that resolve, they fought desperately, throwing their lives away.

Naturally, there were also occasionally brave Reds.

“The princess! Kill the princess!”

Some charged at the thought of killing the princess.

Bang! Bang bang!

As I entered the city, a few Reds sprang out from an alley, pouring bullets at me with their submachine guns.


Still, the enemy’s bullets didn’t allow me to meet death.

It truly hurt a bit, but I wasn’t wounded.

It felt like I was being lightly slapped all over.

“Your Highness! Oh?”

The problem was that the White Army infantry following me had all seen this.

W-wait, isn’t this really dangerous?

I was showered with bullets, yet the princess stood unharmed.

It looked like some strange deification would happen again.

Ah, a good idea popped into my head.

A great way to lower the morale of the Bolsheviks.

I spread my arms wide between the White Army and the enemy and shouted boldly.

“Behold! I am the one and only Saint of Russia, chosen by the Lord! The bullets of the Bolsheviks are useless! They can’t even pierce my uniform! Doesn’t that sound like the bullets can’t even kill a single person?”

I, being a saint, am unaffected by bullets.

It was revealed that a thousand Russians stand with me, Anastasia, not with the Reds.

“Ah, I see.”

“Why did they even start a revolution?”

“There are no real idiots here.”

“They said it was a revolution, but the Bolshevik scum couldn’t defeat the saint with their Red Army’s bullets! This means the Reds are useless! If that kind of scum had ruled Russia, it would have turned into a laughingstock for the whole world!”

The Bolsheviks were inept. Truly, the Bolsheviks were destined to defeat. The princess had received the Lord’s blessings, all contributed to raising the morale of the White Army.

“Shit, what is this? Is that even a gun that can kill people?”

“Look, the princess is fine!”

“What kind of revolution is it if they can’t even have proper bullets?”

Some Bolsheviks might have attempted to raise morale by killing me, and many enemies were around who shot at me.

They were astonished that even without God’s blessing, they made bullets that couldn’t kill people because of military supply corruption.

In a flash, the White Army’s morale surged as they poured bullets at the Bolsheviks, who had been desperately hiding in the ruins just moments before.

The resistance of the Bolsheviks began to fade away slowly.

After all, fighting was meaningless since they had no weapons and couldn’t deal damage to their opponent. What could they possibly do about dying?

“Surrender. I will surrender.”

“You should have done that sooner. Die!”

The White Army, filled with venom, did not accept the Bolsheviks’ surrender.

I just watched idly.

I had clearly told them to surrender, but they hadn’t.

But to realize it belatedly, thinking that fighting was pointless, wasn’t true surrender.

In the end, they sought to save their own lives.

The White Army showed no mercy to such enemies.

The entire city of Petrograd was wiped clean of Bolsheviks.

Some had tried to escape using the Petrograd citizens, those who hadn’t evacuated, as hostages.

And then a question arose.

“Weren’t they all evacuated?”

“They were caught and used as hostages while attempting to escape late, ordered to work for the Soviets!”

In order to inflict maximum damage on the White Army in Petrograd, they seemed to have stuffed people into factories to prevent them from escaping.

“What a bunch of madmen.”

So now they were going to just go all out.

No, they had already gone all out. They had executed all who opposed the Soviets. In Petrograd, the Soviets acted like Soviets.

Indeed, the Reds had to be wiped out.

Only by erasing all the Reds from Russian land could we deny the existence of both the Chinese Communist Party and North Korea.

“Wipe out every visible Red.”

“What about Trotsky?”

Trotsky, right. That guy was here.

“Capture Trotsky, but if things don’t go well, kill him.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Would Trotsky really try to escape again?

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