Chapter 36

Chapter: 36

Chapter 36 – Room 103, Cursed Room – ‘Athanasia’s Human Farm’ (5)

[User: ㅁㅁㅁㅁㅁㅁ

Date: ㅁㅁ day

Current Location: Floor 1, Room 103 (Cursed Room – Athanasia’s Human Farm)

Sage’s Advice: 3]

The identity of this ‘farm’ identified through the ‘Diverse Perspectives’ bracelet.

At first, I thought it was some kind of laboratory.

A gigantic lab is built atop a solid foundation resembling architecture created by humans, with an area inside for extracting the intelligence of various sentient beings.

Moreover, it is speculated that there exists an overwhelmingly large room in the basement where the ‘Teacher’ is trapped.


It was completely different from reality.

This facility was, absurdly enough, a colossal alien spaceship!

Around the room where the ‘Teacher’ is trapped, dozens of rooms rotate, and the collective of those rooms continuously moves through a gigantic space.

It feels like it mimics the arrangement of planets, including Earth, orbiting around the sun while the sun endlessly speeds through the outskirts of the galaxy.

In this giant spaceship, the role of the ‘Teacher’ is not to be a test subject or research target, but rather the ‘engine’ that powers the entire spaceship.

I understood the implications of incapacitating the control device.

Separating the two rooms that control the ‘engine’ from the engine itself is, in essence, the act of disabling the control device.


What happens if you separate just one connected room from a spaceship flying through space?

That room would become a drifting entity in the universe, stripped of both the engine and any means of survival, wouldn’t it?

Panicked, I glanced at Estavio.

“If I remove the control device, what happens to this room?”

You’re asking the obvious. It would become a drifting entity in the universe. It might collide with something, but before that, it will die of starvation.

No need to worry. For the ‘faces’ in this room, even death is a form of salvation, and if you move through the bracelet, that’s all there is to it.

“And you?”

What are you worried about? Have you suddenly developed affection for me? If so, I’m fortunate.

It’s nothing. Just a brief respite will come…

But even that won’t last forever. Someday, the nightmare of this room will resume, and the ‘Devourer’ will reclaim my ego.

“Affection for you… setting that aside, how can I leave this place without your help?”

Even without me, the Devourer will find a way to assist you somehow. Ultimately, overcoming the trials is something that the participants must do on their own.

You won’t find the answers by asking me. In fact, from my perspective, it’s laughable. I’m already a loser who couldn’t overcome the trials.

You’re asking for help from a loser while being a participant with potential. Trust in yourself…

Estavio didn’t engage in further conversation. I too no longer sought help.

——— clang!

An immense noise reverberated throughout the entire facility. The connection with the engine was severed in the midst of space.

The future of this room…

Let’s not think about it anymore. I’m too busy taking care of myself.

I simply began to fiddly play with the bracelet, which I was slowly getting accustomed to using. It’s time to leap to the room with the second control device connected to the engine.

I wonder what lies there?

There’s still something left to do.

“Didn’t you say there wouldn’t be any more help?”

Before that, I did mention I could act ‘twice.’ I must keep my promise…

Estavio’s tentacles whipped through the air, and in that moment, unknown knowledge flooded into my mind.

The identity of the space with the second control device became clear, and along with that, I realized what I needed to do.

Oh… This hotel is really pushing me to extremes. But now, it’s almost over.

This place is truly different.

This room was nothing like the imagined hell embodied in the nightmare farms I had seen on the ‘spaceship.’

The décor exudes a warm atmosphere, despite being established by a race whose aesthetic sense is completely different, with a comforting temperature.

There’s soft carpet and various instruments that look almost like toys.

Naturally, this is a space to protect and educate the young, namely, Athanasias.

I came here to turn this place into hell.

As I stepped deeper into the room, small starfish-like creatures crawled toward me as if to see a fantastical animal.

I wonder if the Athanasias can’t walk upright when they are young?

Thinking about it, human babies crawl around at that age too. Yet even as infants, these creatures were already larger than me.

I pondered while navigating through the infants. Why exactly were the ‘pain farms’ and ‘kindergarten’ responsible for controlling the engine? The conclusion came quite easily.

Those two spots must be the places Athanasia considers to be the safest.

All the other rooms were essentially farms that exploited alien sentient beings from Athanasia’s perspective, so they probably considered the possibility of those beings rebelling, much like I am now.

In contrast, in the pain farm, other sentient beings are forever tortured with only their heads remaining, making resistance impossible since they have no bodies.

And in the kindergarten, there are no threats since only the Athanasia infants are present.

They probably never thought some crazy ‘livestock’ would use the engine’s help to snatch away their bracelet…

Isn’t it about time for them to show up? I wandered among the ‘children.’

Naturally, there couldn’t just be children in the kindergarten, right?

The ‘Teacher’ absolutely must appear. Only the ‘Teacher’ with the ‘authority’ over the room can initiate proceedings here.

Who. are. you?

A sharp voice prickled my mind like a needle.

Compared to Estavio, it felt oddly out of place.

As I turned around, I saw an adult Athanasia.

“Well, well. A lost chicken that escaped from the chicken coop?”

Come. to. me.

“Are you immediately trying to use ‘Diverse Perspectives’ as soon as the kids step outside?

This thing, I learned to use it, but surprisingly, it can’t specify the subject when there are so many sentient beings around.”

I. knew. you. would. return. and. be. forgiven.

“I’m really having a hard time understanding your words. Sorry, but I still have a lot to do.”

You. don’t. understand. what. I’m. saying, do you?


The colorful sound of the ‘Teacher’ echoed again! How on earth does a sound have ‘color’? I just waited for this mysterious voice to resonate!

As the sound rang out, the adult Athanasia became rigid like a stone.

In this place, there was no one like Estavio to lead me right up to the control device. So now—

I must break the spirit of this kindergarten teacher.


I killed one.


I killed two.

How many did I end up killing? I had counted as far as five, but now I’ve lost track.

One thing is certain; the room is overflowing with starfish that can be killed.

The attempt to control the adult Athanasia in the engine room and free the teacher had failed.

While the bracelet’s abilities are undeniably powerful, I, the user, am a complete novice.

With my skills, I couldn’t fully deceive the transcendent mind of the adult Athanasia.

But… can I control the infants?

Even Athanasia, in the end, is but a mortal creature a bit stronger than humans. They were not divine beings since birth.

After that, everything was surprisingly easy.

I gently patted the infants’ heads, and when I ‘taught’ the infant to see another Athanasia’s head as delicious food, they gleefully began to eat.



A strange sound began to emerge from the adult that the teacher had frozen.

Mouth? I’m not sure, but strange liquid dripped from the orifice that formed on its body, and its tentacles began to tremble violently.

What would I look like in the eyes of that existence?

Imagine a chicken that escaped from the chicken coop, suddenly wielding a gun and invading the kindergarten, slaughtering children en masse.

It must feel like a nightmare they could never have imagined, even in their dreams.

“Coming here, the thing I worried about the most was, what if communication doesn’t go through?

Before meeting Estavio, I had never communicated with beings like you.

But now that I think about it, you guys were perfectly capable of communicating with us.”

—Puhk! Gah!

It seems my friend’s head was quite delicious. Though, I did make it so.

“You still understand what I’m saying, right? I’d like to head towards the control device.”

In fact, I had no intention of obtaining help from that adult Athanasia.

Conversation. Communication. Negotiation. Such peaceful means are used only when there’s no way to dominate the opponent.

I had the tool to dominate their mind; why on earth would I even bother with conversation or negotiation?

All I had to do was wait for their minds to crumble, so they couldn’t resist my novice control.


This time, I began to tear off another child’s tentacles and started to eat. I casually caught the largest-looking child to start my control—a rather aggressive act, indeed.

There’s a difference in size in their world as well.

A child that might be considered 4 or 5 years old began to act violently, while the ones more akin to infants scurried about in panic, making strange sounds.


The sound of something collapsing. Turning my head, I saw the tentacles of the adult falling like overcooked noodles.

I realized it instinctively. It has collapsed. Finally, the adult’s mind has crumbled in this dreadful nightmare.

After that, it was a smooth ride.

The adult could no longer resist anything and accepted my control through ‘Diverse Perspectives.’ I separated the ‘kindergarten’ from the engine.

Now, it’s the last step. Just one more step.

I must return to the ‘engine room.’

As soon as I jumped to the outside of the ‘engine room’, I met a face I found so familiar and nostalgic.

“Songee! Ugh… I missed you so, so much! I’ve just been waiting for you to come in this scary place, sniff sniff.”