Chapter 359

The Villainous Noble Who Kept Rewinding After Death: The Story Somehow Changed When I Committed Suicide

Chapter 342: The Night Visitor

After wrapping up our discussion regarding the Albani Count House, we decided to disperse. We found ourselves in the S-Class exclusive garden for the first time in a while, where we gathered around a table and took our seats.

“Kamael has died, huh?”

“Yeah. It’s a bit disappointing since we traveled together, but there’s nothing to be done about it now. We just have to accept that fact and pray for his soul,” Shuvina said, and the others, including Fiera, closed their eyes once more for a moment of silence while I sipped my tea, observing them.

“Phew. It’s surprising that someone like Kamael got killed. Was the culprit really that strong?”

“That’s true. The Albani Count House is known to be the most historic and capable assassination family in the Empire. The fact that their assassins could proudly claim their family name means they had considerable power. If the entire Albani Count House was wiped out in just one night, and Kamael, who was said to be the strongest in history, was among them, the opponent must have been quite powerful,” replied Iris.

“Wow. Since Lewis had such high regard for him, I figured they’d be tough, but that’s really something. I wish I could’ve fought him too,” Sonia chimed in eagerly.

“Yeah. I wanted to fight too,” Fiera added.

Listening to their talk about the Albani Count House, Sonia and Fiera expressed their feelings about wanting to fight alongside him, but sadly, with him dead, that wish would never come true.

“But hearing this kind of story only makes me more curious about the culprits. Were there a lot of them, or were there some significant powerhouses among them? What do you think, Lewis?”

“Who knows. As Shuvina said, they could have been numerous, or there could have been powerful ones among them, or maybe both. The truth is, we weren’t at the scene, so it’s hard to know, but at least it’s certain that some powerful individuals were involved,” Lewis replied.

“So it’s looking like it was an attack by assassins from another country. Or it’s possible that multiple nations formed an alliance and attacked with their elites,” Sonia theorized.

“But those kind of folks who would instigate such a war should’ve been taken care of in the summer. Could it be there are still stragglers?” Shuvina questioned.

“Even if we said we took care of them, we only dealt with Salmarju and Clan’s groups, right? It’s plausible that other allied nations may have formed new alliances,” Lewis explained.

“Yeah, but that possibility seems low,” Shuvina stated firmly.

I quietly listened to their conversation and wiped the crumbs from the cookies off my gloves with a handkerchief, taking a sip of tea to moisten my dry mouth.

“I’m not sure you all know this, but after summer break, Kamael had been on leave from the academy, right? Back then, Kamael and the Albani Count House dispersed across various countries and eliminated royals and others who had signed alliances for the war based on the documents submitted by Sharueina. Maybe there are survivors planning retaliation, but specifically targeting the Albani Count House with casualties only there seems odd. Furthermore, even if they teamed up, they’d just be a ragtag group, and such a crew shouldn’t be able to take down the Albani Count House.”

“Is that so?”

Hearing my explanation, the girls nodded thoughtfully, then turned their minds back to consider who the real culprits might be.

“If Lewis is right, that would imply the culprits are someone domestically rather than from abroad,” Iris speculated.

“Or it could even be some third-party entity. For example, demon races or organizations that worship them, and what’s more, the association of demons Lewis mentioned before could be a possibility. But as Lewis said, it’s strange that the Albani Count House is the only one affected. If it were me, with such power, I’d involve others and attack the entire imperial capital,” Sonia noted.

“Right? I agree with that point. At this rate, the last potential culprits would have to be an organization holding personal grievances against the Albani Count House…”

“Well, if they were engaged in assassinations, they’d have accumulated enemies by the dozen,” Shuvina added.

“And on that note, we’d have to consider organizations from other nations that we haven’t managed to eliminate, so we end up back at square one,” Iris concluded.

As the girls discussed, it became clear that if the attackers weren’t merely from the Ruzenia Empire but specifically targeting the Albani Count House, the motivation would stem from personal vendettas, leading to the possibility that culprits could be from this country or even abroad. Thus, we circled back to the start of our concerns.

“By the way, why are you so quiet, Lewis?”

“Yeah. Usually, you’d jump right into discussions like this, but this time you seem suspiciously disinterested,” Shuvina observed.

“I’m not. No matter who the culprit may be, the one who was attacked was the Albani Count House, and currently, it’s not our concern, right? If it were an attack on the academy, that’d change the conversation, but as of now, nothing has happened. Don’t you think it’s a waste of time thinking about culprits with zero leads?”

“Well, that’s true.”

“Let’s drop it, Sonia. Lewis is right; we lack information to explore this any further, and thinking about culprits now won’t yield results,” Shuvina suggested.

“Exactly. Moreover, if the goal of the attackers was to destroy the Albani Count House, they might not strike again. After all, the other mansions around the Albani Count House are untouched, and no matter how much we ponder here, it could just end up being for nothing,” Sonia concluded.

“That makes sense,” Shuvina responded.

Initially hesitant, Sonia nodded along with Shuvina and Iris, and the discussion naturally wrapped up as we transitioned to another topic.

Incidentally, when the girls began their serious debate, Fiera had picked up on how the conversation was way over her head, so she spent her time munching on cookies with Dōna, playfully pinching Dōna’s cheeks and neglecting the topic entirely.

“Ugh. Still, that culprit is a real nuisance. Thanks to them, our spring break plans got completely ruined,” Sonia sighed.

“Plans? What were they?” I asked, intrigued.

“Oh right. I forgot to mention since you weren’t here over winter break. We had set a plan to visit the Magic Kingdom during spring break,” she explained.

“To the Magic Kingdom?”

The Magic Kingdom is where Sonia’s family resides, so it would make sense for her and the girls who’ve already visited my and Iris’s family to eventually want to visit Sonia’s family next. But it seems this time it was all set for the Magic Kingdom.

“I won’t say anything if it was your plan, but isn’t the timeframe tight? I’d imagine you won’t stay for long,” I warned.

Although spring break is longer than winter break, it still takes over half a month to travel to the Magic Kingdom by carriage.

In that case, you’re only left with just a few days at most, ultimately making the travel time longer than the actual enjoyment, which could prove to be a huge letdown.

“Well, that’s what it’s like, but remember Lewis’s teleportation magic?”

“Wait, this plan included my magic, didn’t it?”

“Of course it did! You’ve got such a handy spell, not using it would be foolish!”

“Seriously? You’re being so inconsiderate!”

“Oh please. If you were considerate, you’d leave us without a second thought!”

“Yeah, exactly. With us being such good friends, there’s really no need for hesitation, right?”

“Well, all those plans are out the window now. Ugh, what a shame. I really wanted to show everyone my country.”

Were they really bold enough to treat me as just a useful means of transportation? Ultimately, the girls regretted not being able to visit the Magic Kingdom.

“Geez. If you really want to go that badly, I can send you off,” I offered.

“Wait, you can do that?”

“Teleportation magic is easy enough. Besides, if it’s just you guys, talking to the headmaster shouldn’t be an issue,” I reassured them.

While I didn’t want the details about my space-time magic spread around, since it seemed Mejina was already aware, there was no harm in sending them off.

“Though with that said, you’re not going, are you, El?”

“Ah, I’ve got some plans of my own. If things clear up and I have time, I’ll join. Besides, I’d have to go to the Magic Kingdom anyway when I come to pick you all up.”

“Got it. Well, be quick about it.”

“I’ll do my best.”

After that, we leisurely spent time discussing what would happen after Sonia and the others went to the Magic Kingdom, and once we wrapped up the talk, we headed over to Mejina’s office, telling her about the girls’ plans.

At that moment, I also brought up my teleportation magic, and as expected, she already knew about it. After pondering for a bit, she deemed that it might be more trouble than it’s worth to keep them all together, so she granted permission for them to go to the Magic Kingdom.

However, she set a condition that they must go without being noticed, but since I could simply teleport them from their respective rooms, it wasn’t an overly difficult requirement.

After a bit, the last class of the first-year students ended, and as planned, the girls used my teleportation magic to head to the Magic Kingdom, thus beginning our long spring break.

And then, just a few nights later…

“Yoohoo~! I’m here to visit~!”

Accompanied by a lazily drawn-out voice, someone knocked on my room’s door.