Chapter 357

Chapter 357: Environment and Adaptation

Well then, it’s the hero Alexander here, crashing into a gambling den and smashing apart everything in my way.

After extracting the soul from a traveler-esque Night Elf spy I took down at the tavern, I found out that another agent, “Gordon,” had infiltrated the underground gambling den of the Fuhzenflame Family. So, I just barged in and caused a ruckus…

The mafia’s henchmen are just so pathetic!

“I can sense the inner demon leaking out!”

I almost felt compelled to say that. Just look at this mess!

—I glared at the thugs around me. The moment our eyes met, they were pressured into retreating unconsciously. Some even ended up tumbling back in fright.

This is what happens just from beating up some scoundrel pretending to be a Sword Saint. So pitiful! They may be built like bulls, but…

I despise those lawless mafias, bandits, and thieves. They oppress innocent citizens with violence, yet when it comes to the crunch, they’re utterly useless!

If they were forced into this life out of dire circumstances, I might have some sympathy. I’ve heard that Aulitos Lake is rich in fishing resources, so if you know how to fish, you won’t starve… And this is the result?! Culture and entertainment have developed nicely, but the islands can’t get along, and the mafia runs rampant!

Some smart alecks might call these guys “necessary evils,” but when you think about it, they’re nothing but a nuisance! With their illegal gambling and drugs, they’re ruining public safety! Honest citizens shouldn’t have to suffer because of this. Hindering production activities and wasting the Holy Church’s resources is simply unacceptable.

To be honest, I’d love to wipe out the Night Elves along with them…

“But these guys are also the humans you should protect.”

Yeah, that’s right. Well, they haven’t crossed the line like thieves, and one could argue there’s room for rehabilitation…

—While thinking about such things, I kicked down doors and ripped up floorboards, searching the gambling den for the Night Elf agents who had likely fled.

“Wait, wait, I get it, I get it! This way!!”

A middle-ranking mafia member started leading me, practically screaming. Seriously, you should have just done this from the start! No matter how quickly I suppress them, the Night Elves would surely escape at the slightest chance, so it’s all futile, but that doesn’t mean you can take your sweet time!

“But why are they being so stubborn about cooperating?”

Alongside their ridiculous pride of not wanting to obey the Holy Church, they must have felt a sense of crisis: if they let me through, they’d be recognized as dark associates and could be freely picked up as members.

At the end of the day, the fact that “families are kind to their own” is the biggest factor.

Without the assurance that the family will protect them in a pinch, an organization won’t stay united. If they want to keep their members loyal, they can’t abandon that stance. Originally, they were a bunch of good-for-nothings with no sense of cooperation anyway.

Also, I had no proof that my words about Gordon being a shady character were true. If the Holy Church in this city had shown enough seriousness to rally all their forces, then the story might have changed…

Well, whatever.

I’ll take down Gordon and show those thugs the results and reality.

“I hope it all goes smoothly…”

Antendeixis said, half-teasing. —I should be fine with Gordon. He’s likely escaped through a secret sewer exit.

“Too bad he’s being yanked out so easily.”

Necromancy is at fault here. If they had any common sense, they should have considered that this building would have been surrounded the moment I made a commotion at the entrance.

“No way would a rogue hero who does not cooperate with the local Holy Church just barge in with no solid evidence!”

—Unless they were a ridiculous optimist, they wouldn’t come out through the back door or roof.

I’ve got Barbara in spirit form monitoring those routes, just to be safe.

What worries me is the sewer exit with Leila waiting in the slums. Even though she’s weakened in human form, I believe she won’t fall behind against slum residents or weaker-powered spies…

“Gordon, where is he?!”


“He was just here a minute ago!”

When I was guided to Gordon’s room, it was, as expected, completely empty. A flustered middle-ranking mafia and lower-ranking thugs pretending they didn’t know anything. These guys must care about their comrades in their own way.

“I won’t let that Night Elf get away!!”

As I shouted deliberately, I quickly left the gambling den. I wouldn’t sneak into the sewer right away. It’s filthy, and if I know where the exit is, it’s faster to dash above ground.

Running down the dark streets, I happened to step into a rough area where—

“Oh. Alex.”

In a corner of the slums, by a muck-filled river, Leila smiled brightly.

Illuminated by moonlight, a glistening stabber was in her hand, and lying at her feet was a Night Elf, face dazed, thrown back.

There was no breathing. He was dead.

Her worn-out shirt was horrifically stained by sewage and blood, and she had removed the husk from his head, revealing his empty red eyes staring vacantly at the night sky.

“You’re okay,” I sighed with relief… while glancing at the unconscious slum residents piled behind her.

“Yes, but still, when I’m alone, I get approached by all sorts of people.”

Noticing my gaze, she smiled a little awkwardly and said, “They’re all asleep now.”

In human form, her magic and spells are completely weakened, but if the opponent is just a Human or Beastman, the White Dragon’s charm spell works wonders!

The signs of fight among the unconscious residents… Well, at least they’re not dead.

“Sorry for the trouble… Thank you.”

I genuinely didn’t want to put her in such a role.

“I’m glad to be of help.”

Leila puffed out her chest proudly.

Blood was dripping from the blade still clutched in her hand…

…What have I twisted her into?

It suddenly gave me an eerie feeling.

Leila, who just came to me, shouldn’t have been the kind of girl who could smile after killing a Night Elf.

She has changed.

It’s because of me that she’s changed.

…Am I allowed to drag her into this? Is it alright to involve her like this?

Her, on such a bloody path.

As I pondered this now, I…

…No, I understand, I know. Without her mobility, I wouldn’t be able to move within the alliance. There’s no option to part with Leila anymore. At least not while I’m alive.



I gently reached out to her cheek.

I noticed a drop of blood that seemed to belong to Gordon had stuck there.

I tried to wipe it away with my fingertip—


Leila leaned in close, and my hand slipped. Instead of wiping away the blood, I ended up smearing it across her cheek. Blood was smeared thickly against her face—


But she didn’t care about that, nor did she even seem to notice. With her own hands, she gently enveloped my hand that touched her cheek, wearing a happy expression.

Her face, illuminated by moonlight, was incredibly beautiful…

And I couldn’t help but feel an immense, guilt-ridden weight within myself.


Antendeixis chuckled softly.

—This is part of your “power.”

It felt as if he were trying to say that.