Volume 5 Chapter 40: “Erosion of Wrath”

Volume 5: “The Stars that Etch History”

Volume 5 Chapter 40: “Erosion of Wrath”

The shelter located in the city of Pristella consists of a total of one hundred sections, with twenty-five in each block.

Following Al’s suggestion to look for those missing, Subaru and his companions decided to start from the main street, where the chances of finding someone were higher, while being cautious in their movements to avoid combat as much as possible.

“Still, this feels a bit excessive. That guy’s with us, after all. There’s no reason for us to be this jumpy, right, bro?”

“Better safe than sorry. Our combat power is limited, and the enemy is tough. We can’t afford to let our guard down, even for a second. We also don’t want to provoke the enemies, nor the not-enemies.”

Anastasia’s opinion at the City Hall suggested that the public’s anxiety could lead to riots; while Subaru hoped that wouldn’t happen, he couldn’t completely deny the possibility.

His plan to check on the shelters and gather forces was, in part, a desperate measure against that anxiety.

“Yeah, I get it… But I can’t complain about trying to pick the safe route. When it comes to a fight, I’m counting on that guy anyway.”

“You keep saying that, but are you really that helpless? You still made it to the City Hall, didn’t you?”

“If we’re talking in binary terms of being able to fight or not, I’d say I can fight. But that’s only within the realm of humans. If I were to face off against those who have deviant abilities, I’d just end up like an extra dying at the edge of the screen. No way, it’s way too reckless.”

Al expressed his powerlessness using just his right arm in a sweeping gesture, rattling his armored joints.

Subaru felt a bit dissatisfied with his attitude, but at the same time, Al’s level-headedness reflected something that resonated with him too. No matter how hard he trained, he couldn’t envision reaching the likes of Julius, Garfiel, or even Reinhardt.

“But that doesn’t justify not fighting.”

“Really? I think not being able to win is a perfectly valid reason not to fight. Oh, and leaving something behind—let’s put that aside. That’s just not my style.”


“Don’t get mad, bro. What you’re trying to do is admirable. I just can’t do it; that’s all there is to it. Oh, wait.”

Since both sides had established their views, this conversation soon reached an impasse.

When Subaru fell silent, Al apologized, noticing the change in atmosphere, and looked up. What met his gaze was Garfiel, who had secured the path ahead.

Returning almost silently with his limbs on the cobblestone, Garfiel furrowed his brow.

“For the time being, we’ve cleared the next three streets. It’s unsettlingly quiet… makes it suspicious that it’s so safe.”

As if to imply something sinister, Garfiel snorted.

They wanted to avoid a fight. However, not encountering the expected disturbances also stirred anxiety. It was a tense state of mind, yet the truth remained that time didn’t afford them the luxury of hesitation.

“No point in worrying. The shelter we’re aiming for is right in front of us. Let’s move—it should be fine, right?”

“My nose and eyes aren’t picking up anything. Damn, it should be fine.”

Ruffling his short blonde hair in exasperation, Garfiel kicked the ground.

Just as Subaru was about to nod, Al silently shrugged to indicate he had no objections.

About fifteen minutes had passed since exiting the City Hall, and despite their caution, the journey had been surprisingly smooth. Considering the worst-case scenario of the Witch Cult occupying the city, being caught off guard was an understatement.

“I think it’s quite possible the Witch Cult didn’t bring their main forces for this attack.”

While running, Al began scanning the surroundings and spoke aloud. Subaru glanced his way and asked, “Why do you think that?”

“Simple—their forces just aren’t enough. You feel it too, right? The Witch Cult’s usual precision in seizing the city’s vital points is strangely lacking. They’re allowing the rebels some freedom. If they really meant to push their demands, they’d never let that happen.”

“Establishing containment at various points to ensure their demands are met is the usual tactic. So, why do you think they’re not doing that? Do they have some other plan in mind?”

“Dunno, that’s beyond me. But if I had to guess…”

Al seemed to hesitate in his reasoning, but as Subaru shot him a stern look, he presumably chuckled under his helmet, took a moment to think, and finally said:

“I mean, what if they just don’t care if their demands get met or not?”


“If they wanted to ensure their demands were taken seriously, they’d tighten the details. But it’s clear to you and me that their approach is riddled with holes… So that means they’re not serious about their demands. Whether it works or not, who cares? That’s the vibe here.”

“What the hell? So it’s just harassment…?!”

“Isn’t harassment exactly what it feels like? You think these guys wouldn’t do something like that?”

Al’s response left Subaru speechless.

The notion of mere harassment.

Imagining the malice of the Witch Cult, that possibility couldn’t be easily dismissed. Though they seemed to be making meticulous preparations in this assault, many points still felt off.

During the confrontations with the City Hall, Capella and Alphard seemed to be lying in wait for Subaru and his friends. And yet, they didn’t utilize Sirius or Regulus, avoiding a full-force assault. The fact that none of them had killed a single one of Subaru’s group also raised questions.

The very inadequacies regarding the current situation of the city being occupied indicated they weren’t exerting their best efforts for their purpose.

“Captain! Don’t listen to the ramblings of that guy! Do you think I’d let him fill our leader’s head with nonsense?!”

As Subaru began to sink into a sea of thoughts, Garfiel’s fierce reprimand broke through. His ferocious gaze shifted towards Al, who was running beside Subaru.

“Spitting out nonsensical babble like that! Shut up if you don’t have the guts to fight! Whatever those bastards are planning, we’ll smash them to pieces! That’s all we need to know!”

“Hey, isn’t that a bit extreme? It’s true I’m not eager to face them head-on, but to say their plans don’t matter at all? That feels a bit much. Or is there something you don’t want to know about what they’re thinking?”


A sharp hiss followed as Garfiel haltingly ground his foot into the earth. Al stopped too, and the two glared at each other, an uneasy vibe radiating off them.

Subaru stepped in between them, pushing both hands against their chests.

“Wait! What’s with you two? This isn’t the time for infighting!”

“We’re not allies, Captain. This bastard’s probably up to no good. It’d be for the best to cut him off here.”

“I’m all for not actively seeking a fight, but I’m no pacifist who’ll stand by while someone wants to throw down!”

Garfiel cracked his knuckles, and Al rotated his neck.

The atmosphere between the two was charged, resulting in rising anger within Subaru as well.

A prickling sensation stabbed at his gut, driving him to the point of wanting to slam them both.

“This is messed up…”

Thoughts raced, teetering on a dark answer.

This was too much of a leap in reasoning, and feeling such hostility and frustration towards allies was clearly out of line.

It felt like being caught in the crossfire between the two before him.

“Could it be…?”

As Subaru pondered the emotions and thoughts spiraling out of control, a chill ran down his spine. The profound sense of discomfort he felt mirrored something he had already encountered multiple times.

“Is it Sirius’s influence…?!”

Smacking his cheeks, Subaru looked around to awaken his mind.

There were no monstrous figures within his field of vision. He could hear no dissonant voices. And yet that bleak sensation weighed heavily over him.

“Hey, Garfiel, Al, stop! Take a deep breath and calm down. You have to realize this is strange! It’s probably the influence of ‘Wrath.’ Our emotions are out of control!”

“Huh? What are you even talking about, Captain? I have every reason to be pissed at this jerk…”


Just as he was about to bite back at Subaru’s reasoning, Garfiel pressed his palm to his own face. Slowly shaking his head, he blinked a few times.

“Are you kidding me? This is just a couple of minor annoyances.”

“That’s the power of the one behind ‘Wrath.’ But just to confirm, there aren’t any enemies nearby, right?”

“No smells or signs… nothing like that. No mistake about it. But…”

Because he trusted his own senses, Garfiel’s tremor was clear.

It meant that the range of Sirius’s powers exceeded their expectations. If the monster was indeed stationed around the Control Tower, its influence could practically cover the entire city. Of course, there must be differences compared to what he’d felt in the square.

“I get it now. So this is what it feels like to have your emotions manipulated by someone else. Certainly, this is not something to experience repeatedly. I understand why it feels so awful.”

Just like Garfiel, Al managed to disentangle himself from this tempest of emotions.

He turned to Subaru, tilting his head.

“But hey, bro. Isn’t it high time we stepped it up? We’re running out of time here.”

“What do you mean? What’s going on?”

“While we were feeling all this insanity, we were already aware of the situation. But for everyone else? If this sensation is spreading across the city… the ordinary citizens won’t be able to keep their wits about them either.”


Al’s comment flashed the worst-case scenario through Subaru’s mind as he exchanged glances with Garfiel. Nodding in agreement, the two immediately turned on their heels and began sprinting toward the nearest shelter.

“Wait up!”

Al frantically followed them from behind.

Frustrated at his speed, Subaru pushed on with the ground beneath his feet. Garfiel took off with even more vigor, quickly leaving Subaru behind, rounding the corner ahead.

According to the map, the shelter should be just beyond the corner that Garfiel disappeared around.

“Watch the path!”

“Garfiel was the one who rushed in first, and he hasn’t caused a ruckus. No one’s here!”

Subaru roughly replied to Al as they barely managed to catch up to Garfiel at the corner. Maintaining their speed, they rounded the turn and spotted a stone-built shack.

Charging into the roughly flung-open door, they confirmed a staircase that led underground. They hurriedly descended the stairs, and as they emerged into dim light…

“No way…”

A hellish scene unfolded before them, filled with pools of blood and agonizing screams.

※※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※

“They fought each other, and out of them, only about twenty percent are still breathing. The remaining lot is on total bed rest. This is just awful.”

Revisiting the devastating sight, Al uttered through clenched emotions.

Sitting beside him, Subaru lacked the energy to respond.

The shelter they barged into had descended into chaos, with sheltering refugees fighting amongst themselves.

It was likely that the initial catalyst was something trivial.

Pushed into such confined spaces, time spent in fear of the Witch Cult’s demands weighed heavily.

As they stuck it out, sinister thoughts crept into their minds. Could things really improve merely by sitting still? Shouldn’t they take action?

The thoughts that surfaced ignited actions, and those actions demanded contact with others. Yet such contact did not guarantee favorable outcomes.

It was the same conflict Garfiel and Al had nearly reached on their journey.

But in this case, Subaru was not there to stop it. Arguments escalated, feelings collided, infecting those around them, creating a cycle of mutual influence.

As interactions intensified, the hatred and irritation directed at each other became almost unbearable, leading to the very tragedy they wished to avoid.

“I knocked out the survivors, and I’ve treated their injuries. As for burying the dead, it’ll have to wait. Captain, the message was sent.”

“I sent it. The ‘Iron Fang’ should be on their way here shortly. I believe they can handle transporting the survivors… but that’s the problem from here.”

Subaru had underestimated the damages wrought by heightened emotions and their spread.

In a confined space like the shelter, the emotional wavering of the trapped people was unpredictable. While positive feelings were of course desired, negative ones could lead to considerably different outcomes.

As it began with sorrow or lamentation, they wouldn’t lead to active efforts.

But if the emotions that spread first were rooted in anger, then it was clear that the outcome would mirror that of the shelter.

“Though they insisted on retreating to the shelter… it might have backfired badly.”

If the power of “Wrath” indeed shared or amplified emotions, then its effects would be more pronounced the more humans were packed into the area.

In simpler terms, people surrounding one another acted like mirrors, reflecting the emotions cast around and returning them multiplied. If those emotions were replaced with feelings of wrath, their amplification would be self-evident.

Even mere contact with others could lead to horrendous results.

This was a power compelling individuality in an environment crawling with anxiety and fear.

“Ugh… sickening…”

“Captain, what should we do? I’m with you on checking the shelters, but at this rate…”

Garfiel, his forehead glistening with sweat, toiled in anxiety. Subaru pondered over what he should respond with.

Thoughts were hard to gather. The idea of traversing shelters to encourage cooperation for combat while also preventing despair seemed right.

However, the impending situation wasn’t yielding even a second to Subaru’s leisurely journey through the city.

Those counted among combatants risked triggering tragedy with their fighting spirit. Given that the shelters functioned as a test tube of emotions, perhaps persuading them to leave the shelter would better enhance their survival rates.

“But, if that happened, if we couldn’t regain control of the Control Tower, everyone would die.”

The pubs hidden in the city of Pristella.

These shelters were probably built to withstand the floods that would come if the watergates were opened. In case Subaru and the others were unable to hold back and the gates were opened, those who ventured out of the shelter, fearing inter-refugee conflict, would not survive.

Whether inside or outside, there was no fail-safe.



Garfiel’s voice pierced through Subaru’s indecision.

It was the face and voice asking for answers, for salvation. Reaching for a guiding light in the darkness, they looked for a beacon.

What could he possibly respond to that expression?

He too was fumbling around in the dark. It felt just as perplexing to Subaru to not find answers.

But splashing those weak words out would serve no purpose. In frustration or lashing out, who could be saved? If he had time to voice weak complaints, he should instead seek words with meaning.

Something, anything that would help someone.

“Hey there, Captain, Captain… I gotta say, you sure are leaning on the convenient spell of human dependence, big bro. That admirable attitude brings me to tears.”

Suddenly breaking Subaru’s silence, Al’s dry tone cut through as he leaned back against the wall, frantically surveying the scene.

For a moment, Garfiel just stared at Al in shock.

“Huh? What do you mean by that…?”

“Are you so oblivious you need me to spell it out? I mean it just as I said. It’s so easy to throw your hands up, to stall, and leave judgment to others, right? Is ‘Captain’ just some magic charm? A name of a Superman to somehow save the day no matter what?”

Al interrupted, mocking Garfiel’s demeanor.

“You’ve been looking to rely on others, but do you really think the guy here is that great of a man? If it’s a fistfight, you could likely take him out. If it’s a battle of wits, someone out there is bound to be much better. And don’t even start with luck—there’s no way you can count on it in this situation.”

“Shut it! Who the hell are you to lecture about who could be the Captain! What do you even know about this guy? What’s so amazing about him?!”

“What’s so amazing? Where? If he were really that amazing, he’d have solved this problem ages ago. Or is it that he’s already figured out a solution but is simply dragging his feet about sharing it?”

Al kept his sneering disposition toward Garfiel’s outbursts.

Bursting into a rebuttal, Subaru found himself unable to respond at all.

With that reaction, Al straightened, continuing, “See? When push comes to shove, carrying everything on your back and solving it all is quite an impressive feat. But most average folks can’t just take up that kind of role; they don’t have the strength. Not to mention, neither you nor I are special. So why the hell are we expected to carry it all? No need to set expectations so high, eh?”


What was Al really trying to say? Subaru couldn’t quite grasp it.

Perhaps he was caught up in the influence of “Wrath” again? If that were the case, then what emotional state was currently controlling Al’s heart?

Anger? Sorrow? Or maybe something else entirely?

It felt like he was brimming with rage, lament, or even laughter—each expression was difficult to pinpoint.

“Hey there, bro. What’s been nagging at you like this since a while ago?”

“What do you mean, nagging at me? It’s…”

The way to save this city. The way to ensure those hiding in the shelters remained unharmed.

The method to rescue Emilia. The path to cure Crusch. The outstanding way to retrieve Rem. Methods for driving the Witch Cult out. The optimal route where everyone could be saved.

“Isn’t it easier to just say ‘I’m trying to save my princess’ right off the bat?”


Al’s tone, filled with disappointment, made Subaru finally lift his face slightly.

Al was looking down at him, but with the helmet on, it was impossible to read his expression. Still, somehow, Subaru felt a tightening in his chest.

“I’m doing this for the princess… for Priscilla. So honestly, I don’t care about the others. I’m running around with you guys to up my survival odds and increase my chances of seeing her again.”


“So I don’t understand your feelings. This matters, that matters… if you’re prioritizing so many things, you’ll lose sight of what’s really important. The line of wanting to save everyone is just an excuse for people who can’t put their heart into what really matters.”

Al clicked his tongue, suppressing some emotional response.

The force of his feelings left Garfiel unable to interject. Nor could Subaru afford to retort while being engulfed in those sentiments.

“Isn’t the most important thing here that silver-haired girl? If it’s just saving her, you shouldn’t dawdle and should take action. It should be quite simple.”

“Don’t kid around. The guy who took Emilia is getting a world of pain from me, but even figuring out how to do that hasn’t crossed my mind yet. It’s not that easy.”

“But if you’re only trying to save her, you’ll be carrying a lot less. The lesser your burdens, the easier it’ll be to reach what you can reach. That makes sense, doesn’t it?”

Subaru’s weak attempts at resistance were brushed aside by Al’s sharp reply.

“Are you trying to act like some saint? Or perhaps a hero? If that’s the case, you’re far from it.”

Shrugging, Al dismissed Subaru’s hesitations and confusions as ridiculous. Listening to Al’s reasoning, Subaru couldn’t help but feel perplexed.

Back at the City Hall, during his clash with Anastasia, it was Al who had supported Subaru’s stand.

He had once agreed with Subaru’s attempts at self-satisfaction.

Yet now, how could he so radically flip his stance?

“What you’re saying makes no sense! It’s like you did a complete 180 from before. Do you want to help me or not—what’s the deal here?”

“No, no, this is completely different. I’m not saying it’s wrong to pursue self-satisfaction. I’m saying you’re beginning to grasp the limits of self-satisfaction. Your intent to save everyone stands refuted by the scenes we witnessed at the shelter, doesn’t it? If that’s the case, then it might be best just to focus on protecting what’s important to you and take off.”

“Take off? You suggest I run away in this situation?”

“Is there something wrong with that? When faced with something beyond your control, what’s so odd about opting to run? I plan to grab the princess and make my escape from this city. I’ve got no obligation or reason to risk my life for those here.”

Sliding a finger beneath the rim of his helmet, Al glared at Subaru.

“You should do the same. Just save that girl… Emilia, then get the hell out. The Witch Culters are pests that keep popping up no matter how many times you crush them. They’re just like random thugs. It’s a disadvantage to get involved with them.”

Al’s reasoning could indeed be one answer.

Subaru felt the same about the Witch Culters being pests. It was an indisputable fact that getting involved with them would offer no gains.

But those were the ones who had involved themselves with him. He had to act to clear away the fire that rained down upon him.

Al probably couldn’t understand that pressing need to act.

Naturally, the urgency of Emilia being held captive was one matter. However, even should she prove unrelated, Subaru wouldn’t choose the route of escape.

Why? Why was that?

“It doesn’t only have to be about brothers. Why must I do this?”

“If a child rushes into the street at a red light, before wondering about it, you’d pull them back to safety, right? …Somewhat along those lines.”


Subaru could sense Al gasp at his answer.

He himself felt a mix of uncertainty regarding whether that was truly the right response. It had come out almost instinctively, yet it rang true, lightening his heart in the process.

“I’m not overthinking it—I’m just doing what I can since I’m here. I know that the distance I can cover is limited. I understand that there’s much I may not be able to reach. But…”

It felt wrong to dismiss everything as unreachable.

He thought it was probably something Subaru should never do.

“I want to…”

Al’s calm question was interrupted as Garfiel reached out.

However, Garfiel hesitated to call him “Captain” again. Having just been pointed out by Al, he clearly resisted repeating it.

Subaru felt an unexpected surge of pleasure from Garfiel’s carefulness.

At the same time, an idea surfaced in his mind. Perhaps they could turn the very powers of “Wrath” against it.

“Garfiel, don’t hesitate. Call me as you always do.”


“At first, it felt awkward, but now, it fits me well. I can’t guarantee I’ll meet expectations, but I intend to do my utmost.”

Subaru couldn’t know how Garfiel viewed him through that shared glance of expectation.

Still, standing at a crossroads Garfiel thought was a dead end, he saw hope that reflected Subaru’s past actions—just like when he placed a curse on a girl once.

Thus, Subaru must take responsibility for his actions.

“Alright… got it, Captain. I’ll lend as much power as I can. So don’t you dare say weak things.”

“Great. Then help me out. If we hand the injured here over to the ‘Iron Fang,’ we’ll need to return to the City Hall right away. Anastasia will likely oppose that.”

Swatting his behind, Subaru stood up and slapped Garfiel on the shoulder.

Garfiel took a deep breath, renewing his focus with a nod, and afterward, turned to look at the silently waiting Al, tilting his head.

“I’ve made up my mind. It may be in a direction you didn’t want, though.”

“Do whatever you want, brother. At least I’ll stick around until we find the princess or until it seems pointless to be with you guys.”

Al shot down Subaru’s suggestion, yet there wasn’t a trace of annoyance in his eyes.

Even as he felt a twinge of uncertainty at that attitude, Subaru headed outside the shelter, preparing to act the moment reinforcements arrived.

Garfiel fell in step behind him, with Al keeping a short distance behind.

As he observed the backs of the two leading him, Al stretched his right arm behind his head and exhaled deeply.

“By doing this… trying to meet everyone’s expectations, who knows what’ll come of it? It seems like you’re bound to learn after hitting some painful wall.”