Chapter 348

“That doesn’t seem to be the issue. Shouldn’t we consider enrolling in the four major insurances at this point?”

Medical insurance is already coming from Britain, but Russia still falls a bit short in that aspect.

The four major insurances for workers. Benefits for workers have increased since becoming the United States, but it’s still lacking.

“Let’s introduce the British-style social security system.”

“Isn’t our current system not too bad? Do we really need to adopt the British model?”

It’s not just ‘not too bad.’ It’s certainly better than before, but currently, workers are practically brainwashed into working.

Some people are even trying to take on night shifts, and there are those who only want to work for me.

“Yes. Please come up with a plan to apply the British-style social security system at the Rome Treaty Organization. At this rate, everyone will just die off.”

This might be largely influenced by me.

Wages are given as they should, but the phrase ‘For mother Tsarina and the workers!’ is incredibly prominent.

Unlike before, wages are now paid properly, but even so, I can’t shake the feeling that if this continues, everyone might really perish.

We need to adopt a bit more of a social security system. As long as we only have the basics, there could always be more complaints later.

We need to prepare for something akin to Reds popping up before it becomes a real issue.

“Thanks to your Majesty’s grace, the workers will find it easier.”

“That much is needed.”

In a twist of fate, the topic of workers in the reconstruction of Paris, France, was mentioned, but fundamentally, I hadn’t done what I should be doing.

Right. Japan.

There’s likely a lot being said about Mutaguchi Renya right now.

Here, I suppose I should properly side with Mutaguchi Renya and call it the right choice.

So, how about I back Mutaguchi for Japan now?

“Then let’s give our great praise to Mutaguchi Renya.”

Since I can’t go directly, I’ll commend him from afar.

Just trust me on this.

* * *

The world had developed to the point where televisions were being distributed to every household.

Especially in the case of the Rome Treaty, starting from Russia, televisions and radios were being distributed and sold in each country, reaching households from distant Vladivostok to Lisbon.

“I told you, it was a good idea to join Russia.”

“Had we been under the Qing Dynasty or those Japanese brats, we wouldn’t be enjoying such luxuries, right?”

The Manchus of Northern Manchuria, now part of Third Rome, began enjoying many benefits, and while Israel was at odds with China in Shanghai, their homeland thrived under the support of the Rome Treaty, experiencing a golden age far beyond ancient Israel.

Not only that, while not quite paralleling the original history, the Balhae Federation managed to sweep away those opposed to land reform, treating them as wartime collaborators and successfully completing the reforms, connecting with the Rome Treaty and receiving massive support. Just ten years after escaping colonialism, they were rising as a strong nation in Asia.

Western Japan, though outpaced compared to the Balhae Federation, could swiftly revive from ashes thanks to the leadership of Mutaguchi Renya, and naturally, Romanov Electronics’ televisions and radios spread to these Asian countries as well.

The Islamic-Hellenism Federation and Anastasia Province, as well as pro-Roma nations on the Indian subcontinent, received these advancements, and with all the connections between Europe and Asia, a global channel called the Rome Channel was born.

A channel broadcasting global news in various languages.

Of course, many nations other than those under the Rome Treaty don’t typically watch the Rome Channel, but today was different.

[“Dantala~ Today is Rome time. Today, the great Saint of Russia, our Tsar, the great Khan of the steppes and Manchuria, the leader of the Cossacks, Allah of all, His Majesty the Emperor of Byzantium is here with us.”]

The appearance of the Russian Tsar.

Anastasia herself had made a surprise appearance on the channel.

[“I apologize for this foolish Tsar taking up your time from television programs, dear citizens.”]

[“How could our mother Tsar bow her head? As her children, we would gladly surrender all television programming.”]

[“Thank you. Today, I would like to add a word about the bold choice of our hero, Mutaguchi Renya, regarding that decision.”]

[“Are you referring to the living legend of the Japanese archipelago?”]

[“That’s right. If the military regime were working normally, Mutaguchi Renya might have achieved the great feat of unifying East Asia.”]

[“Your Majesty sings his praises, and I’m curious.”]

[“I, the Tsar of Russia, and Anastasia, the Empress of Rome, was greatly impressed by the decision made by Prime Minister Mutaguchi of Japan that contributed to world peace. Had he sought Japanese unification through military strength for that great undertaking, the world would have been engulfed in a whirlpool of war. Especially, Japan, the significant battlefield, would have turned into a barren land where no grass could thrive, and human habitation would become impossible. Millions would perish, and Japan would struggle to function as a state.”]

This talk of Mutaguchi was unexpected for the Rome Treaty, but thanks to Anastasia, the news spread rapidly among the Japanese in the Far East, drawing their attention to the Tsar’s words.

I wondered what she would say.

[“The Rome Treaty might also face division. There could be a horrifying world where there are no winners or losers. I foresaw such a future. Mutaguchi Renya, as a hero of Japan, must have predicted that future early on. His decision of great national importance—how could that choice for the world be any less significant than the achievement of bringing my backward Russia into the Rome Treaty? Though he missed the chance for a military unification, he has saved the world.”]

Anastasia’s appearance on television made perfect sense.

What a tremendous elevation!

In the original history, it would have been shocking to hear such words spoken freely, now being translated live into various national languages.

Naturally, not just broadcasting, it was also published in newspapers for those who might have missed the broadcast.

“Ah, this time, it seems Prime Minister’s judgment is somewhat regrettable.”

“Exactly! If not now, when will we achieve unification? If we unify in our generation, at least we can be ancestors they won’t be ashamed of.”

It was indeed unfortunate.

The older generation, even though the Imperial Japan had gone rotten, could never forget the honor of the past. They could not forget that glorious history of the Japanese Empire, which had been elevated to equality with white civilization during the Meiji Restoration.

“Huh? What’s this newspaper?”

“I heard the Empress of Russia wrote an article about our Prime Minister today.”

Initially, the Japanese reading the newspaper focused on the Empress of Russia had varying reactions.

“Hmph. I guess even the Empress of Russia looks down on us?”

“She highly praises Prime Minister’s choice.”

“Hey, you fools. The Empress of Russia has revered our Prime Minister incredibly, so what makes you think she looks down on us?”

“Right! In the world’s strongest nation, has anyone ever praised a leader from the far east like this? Not even mentioning figures from allied countries like Balhae!”

Of course, in the case of Balhae, there was no need to worry about starting a war, as Anastasia likely wouldn’t deliberately stir trouble.

She was indeed praising their hero greatly.

This was unprecedented.

No leader in Europe had ever elevated like this under the Tsar’s patronage.

Naturally, the Japanese of the United Japanese States couldn’t help but feel filled with national pride.

“Truly, our Prime Minister made such a decision for the world!”

“The Saint of Russia sees the future. It must have been a horrific world where even the spirits couldn’t survive.”

If that’s the case, then it was understandable.

It was also natural that Anastasia drew positive reactions from the Russian Republic, thanks to Anadan.

“Anachan! Daisuki!”

Surprisingly, earnestly, in the future, those who would become memes or literally otaku passionately shouted ‘Anachan Daisuki,’ showcasing their allegiance to Anastasia and producing positive results.

Thus, Mutaguchi Renya became the first Eastern figure recognized by the Roman Emperor.

* * *

Paris, France

During this time, Paris, France, was devastated.

The war broke out, and nuclear bombs were dropped, shattering the city of culture and art.

Following that, due to the aftermath of radiation, the Rome Treaty left Paris unattended for a time.

Initially, the French Communes, which survived thanks to the soldiers, were isolated on the outskirts of Paris, forming what was essentially a small town known as a contaminated area. However, of course, in an era where radiation treatment was impossible, the majority perished shortly thereafter.

Of course, during this chaos, some survivors emerged, albeit not directly affected, continuing to resist as remnants of the Commune.

The catacombs of France were originally a disused quarry from the days of Louis when it was a Roman colony.

The bodies were exhumed due to Louis XVI’s beautification policy, burying them all in the tunnels and transforming them into catacombs.

A staggering scale, with 5 to 6 million skulls from those who perished due to the Black Death buried there.

The remnants of the commune sought to continue their resistance in these catacombs, but with the French Communes falling victim to nuclear attacks, they too had to bear the consequences.

The remnants holding out in the catacombs. Citizens could at least survive, but in the end, the catacombs crumbled under the delayed aftermath of the nuclear explosion.


The red weeds lost their last hideout, and most met their end buried among the skulls, with only a few managing to escape.

The Rome Treaty Organization designated Paris as a city for reconstruction, with the Vichy government taking charge and many communists being mobilized.

“Was it so delightful under the skirt of the Russian witch?”

“Damn bourgeois rats!”

“Do you think we’ll listen to you?”

“If you don’t comply, your families will be dragged off to Siberia. Oh, does family mean nothing to Reds?”

Of course, there was ultimately no choice but to comply.

After all, were they not fighting to survive, enduring in a concentration camp until now?

Those who wished for death had already perished in the previous war.

Even muttering curses about the Empress after being dragged here was merely a trivial act of resistance.

The grand catacombs, created by Louis XVI’s beautification policies, were dealt with by the German, French, and Italian communists.

To put it another way, while catacombs existed in other countries, the collapse of these already gloomy and eerie catacombs was quite unpleasant.


As they dealt with the catacombs, the flow of bones spilling forth prompted grimaces from the Rome Treaty officials in charge of Paris.

“What should we do with those?”

“I hear they’ll grind them to dust and bury them somewhere else.”

“Isn’t that treating the bones of the dead too harshly?”

“Apparently, they’ve been stacked into mountains in bone piles long before they collapsed, so isn’t that just how it goes?”

Handling nearly 300 kilometers of burial sites for graves!

Indeed, this tough task was best left to the Reds.

* * *

Good news was sent from Japan.

Finally, the Reds of Eastern Japan had fallen.

On the other hand, it was said that Beria had sent a letter from Stalin to Trotsky, urging him to return to Russia.

“That condition is freedom.”

“Yes. He said he would be grateful if his old age could be sustained.”

At Beria’s words, I flicked the ash from the cigarette in my right hand into the ashtray.

“What do you think of Stalin?”

“He no longer seems to have any attachment to the revolution.”

“That makes sense.”

Having been in a concentration camp for so long, he must have pondered many things.

And witnessing the current state of Russia must have led him to realize that revolution was meaningless.

Much like this cigarette, which has been extinguished, bringing satisfaction by agonizing human lungs.

For him, that moment has likely also come to an end.

“What should we do?”

“First, let’s summon him. I want to see him in person.”

I felt curious to see this individual named Stalin.

After all, it’s said seeing once is better than hearing a hundred times. I wanted to see if he truly wished to be freed or if he still held on to revolutionary ideas.

And if he still harbored thoughts of revolution, I would have to eliminate him.

A tiger, even in old age, remains a tiger.

Given the original history of Stalin, I shouldn’t let my guard down at all.

“It’s already been prepared outside the Kremlin, Your Majesty.”

“As expected from Beria. I appreciate his thorough preparations. Let him in.”

So, I met him in the Kremlin for the first time.

“To think the illustrious Roman Emperor would call for me. It has been quite a while, hasn’t it?”

Upon seeing me, Stalin was taken aback.

And rightly so.

Stalin had last seen me while filming ‘Gozarani’ at the hospital.

At that time, his face hasn’t changed much.

Though he may have matured more as a woman and grown larger in stature, it’s been 30 years, yet he still looks so young, it’s no wonder he’s shocked.

On the other hand, Stalin has aged significantly.