Chapter 346

The Villainous Noble Who Kept Rewinding After Death: The Story Somehow Changed When I Committed Suicide

Chapter 329: Magma Faction? Snow Faction?

Third Level.

This level is characterized by numerous mountains compared to the previous two, with magma flowing out as if overflowing from those mountains.

“Phew. We managed to reach the third level safely.”

“Yeah. But with nothing but magma and mountains, it’s getting a bit boring.”

“Mm. Just like El said, it’s hot, and visually, it doesn’t change much, so it’s dull.”

“I can understand how you two feel, but I actually quite like magma and volcanoes. I think they’re cool as a man.”

“No. I’m a man too, but I don’t really think so. I prefer snow over magma.”

Personally, I prefer snow that falls quietly and accumulates white rather than thick, red magma, but unfortunately, I’ve seen enough snow in the Valentine Duchy to be bored with it, so I don’t think much about it compared to magma.

“Ah, snow isn’t bad either. But it’s hard to walk in, and you can get frostbite if you’re not careful, so I don’t really like it.”

“Well, if you touch magma, you’d melt instead of getting frostbite.”

“Yeah, that’s true. But snow is white, right? Magma has that reddish-black vibe that’s cool. Plus, when snow piles up, you can’t tell where you are, but that’s not the case with magma.”

“No, no, if magma is flowing all around you, I think it’d be pretty much the same.”

“What a whiny guy. Fiera, which do you prefer?”

“I like snow. It’s fun to play in. Also, since El’s hometown has a lot of snow, I want to like it for the future.”

“I don’t get that last part.”

“Ahaha. Good for you, Eir. If you marry someone who loves snow, you won’t have to worry about her running away. I’ve heard there are people who divorce because they can’t stand the cold.”

“Sigh. This is exhausting.”

After that, a silly debate over whether magma or snow is better continues while we explore, but it eventually ends due to a monster attack.

“Now it’s an ordinary wyvern.”

“Even if you say ordinary, it’s probably enhanced like the ogres.”

“I’ll knock them all down.”

“Oh, Fiera’s fired up.”

“Mm. Finally able to fight at full strength.”

With the clan members gone, Fiera seems free to fight without worry this time and looks up at the wyverns flying overhead, finally using her beast transformation.

“Haha. That’s right. I enjoy fighting alongside my clan mates, but when it comes to going all out, fewer people are better.”

“Mm. Agreed.”

“How about a competition to see who can defeat the most monsters on this level, just the three of us?”

“I’m up for it. I will definitely win.”

“Then Fiera’s in. What about you, Eir?”

“Sounds good. But since I can use magic, that kind of makes the outcome obvious, so I’ll stick to just weapons and fighting spirit.”

“I’ll leave that decision to you. Just remember, if it gets dangerous, you can use magic, okay?”

“Got it. I’ll do that.”

When Olga mentions “dangerous,” it implies not just me but also himself and Fiera, meaning if we find ourselves in a crisis, we won’t hold back and go all out.

“Then let’s have some fun!”

With Olga’s words as a signal, we each start attacking the wyverns flying in the air.

First, I coat my sword with fighting spirit, launching it as a slicing attack to cut off wings and heads.

Fiera takes a big jump, then runs towards the wyverns, slashing at them with her sharp claws from her beast transformation while using the wyverns as footholds.

Lastly, Olga picks up the tonfa he used during my promotion test, coats it with fighting spirit, and sends shockwaves flying to expertly shoot down the wyverns, then punches the downed wyverns into magic stones with his tonfa.

We continue to eliminate the monsters attacking us in our own ways, collecting magic stones from the defeated foes, and progress through the dungeon at a speed incomparable to the previous levels.

A few hours later.

After annihilating a group of C-rank orcs, we take a break and check how many monsters we’ve defeated.

“I got 136. What about you, Eir?”

“I got 189.”

“Tch. Just launching slashes to cover a wide area is unfair. Should I think of some way, too? What about you, Fiera?”

“Mm. I got 201.”

“Seriously?! I’m in last place? Kinda shocking.”

Olga says this with a slightly regretful expression, but in a way, this is the expected outcome. Due to the nature of the tonfa weapon, even with fighting spirit, it doesn’t have the wide area impact like a sword’s slashes, and Olga doesn’t have exceptional physical abilities like Fiera.

On the other hand, Fiera can launch claw attacks due to her beast transformation, and she has the highest physical ability among us, so I can’t match her speed.

In short, unless I use magic for wide area attacks, it’s tough to win against her, which leads to this result.

“By the way, what do you think we need to do to reach the next level here?”

“Mm. We’ve defeated most of the monsters, but haven’t found anything related.”

“We tried looking for hints, but found none either. Eir, do you have any ideas?”

“Well now…”

These two found it hard to think during scenarios like this, so it’s naturally my job to find answers.

“In the second level, defeating 50 ordinary ogres revealed a path, but here, no matter how many orcs we hunted, there didn’t seem to be anything. The other possibility is to defeat special monsters unique to this level, or certain quantities of various monsters. Maybe even how many steps we take.”

“So there are still lots of possibilities.”

“Mm. But I think we’ve defeated almost all the monsters in this level. So, I don’t think defeating certain quantities is the answer.”

“Fiera’s right. For now, should we start by searching for hints? If we have no hints, it’s impossible to find an answer.”

“Yeah. Well, we still have areas we haven’t checked, so we should bet on that.”

Despite my genius, it’s impossible to derive answers without any hints, so we’ll start by looking for those hints.

“By the way, it seems this dungeon follows Eir’s prediction where lower-ranked monsters get stronger.”

“Mm. The C-rank orcs were tough. They’re cheeky for pigs.”

“Although being a pig doesn’t matter, it sounds like the other levels will become even more troublesome. There are a lot more monsters than in other dungeons.”

I can’t say for certain since I’ve never cleared a dungeon entirely, but I doubt there would be over 500 monsters attacking at once.

Thus, if we think that the number of monsters will continue to increase in the future, this dungeon should be considered a special dungeon where large clans or multiple clans need to cooperate to clear it.

“Eir, how many floors do you think this dungeon has?”

“At this pace, probably ten to fifteen floors.”

“That’s surprisingly shallow.”

“That’s just a guess. But since the lowest rank of monsters is F-rank and C-rank orcs appeared on the third level, I just thought it wouldn’t go deeper than that.”

“I see. That might be the case.”

“For now, we said we won’t go too deep, so let’s clear this level and report to the guild. Others can handle the rest.”


It’s not bad to clear this dungeon, but since this exploration is a request from the guild and we need to return soon because Iris and the others are waiting outside, we have to hurry back.

“Then, let’s get going… huh?”

After resting a bit longer than planned, we stand to resume exploring, but the moment we do, the ground shakes violently as if there’s an earthquake, and it feels like the mountain a bit away is moving.

“Haha… Isn’t that a bit dangerous?”

With Olga’s words, the mountain definitely starts moving, not just in my head, and begins to shift slowly, rumbling loudly as it does.