Chapter 343

We lost.

Almost perfectly.

Although we adjusted our combination and picks to meet SCV’s requirements, the SCV during the Red Cup was truly strong.

“Ugh… we got wrecked.”


Of course, we weren’t suddenly disappointed just because we lost. The conditions were a bit unfavorable for us, and losing to a top four team in the Red Cup didn’t make us feel pressured.

“Now you see why you need to broaden your champion pool?”

“For someone saying that, you sure picked the same champion twice in a row—”

“Yeah, shut up. I can play anything.”

“Really? You keep picking the same stuff…”

“No, I don’t.”

Kim Jae-min’s protests weren’t really protests, but I didn’t care.

“Alright, stop the nonsense and gather everyone. We need feedback.”


“Yeah, I’ll go.”

Baek Seong-an called everyone.

Feedback is just a routine after a scrim.

“Yujin, what was your reasoning for going in there?”

“It was time to take the gamble. We’d lose anyway if we didn’t.”

“Hmmm… that’s true, but shouldn’t you have waited a bit longer for us?”

“If I had, we’d just get hit harder with a counterattack.”

“Yeah, you’re right.”

Even though I was the ace of our team, I wasn’t exempt from feedback. This loss was everyone’s, and therefore the responsibility was shared.

“Ji-hoon, you usually do well, but you made a lot of mistakes today.”

“I think I got caught up in the opponent’s mind games. They played well.”

“We can’t just end it there. If they’re doing well, we need to do even better.”

“That’s right.”

One way or another, our team was still making progress.

For next year’s Red Cup.

Even though we had to stay silent this year, next year must be our stage.

“Oh, but didn’t we get a scrim request from GRS too?”


“Do we even have to do it?”

“No need. We already helped them once.”

“Really? Don’t we have to scrim and stomp on GRS to crush their morale?”

“Sure, we can win, right?”

“What do you mean, we can’t win?”

Kim Jae-min said confidently.

While it’s a commendable attitude as a team member, I couldn’t help but point out the obvious issues in communication.

“Be careful what you say elsewhere. You’re gonna get in trouble one of these days.”

“Pfft, like I’d act like this somewhere else?”


Seems likely.

Absolutely seems likely.

“Do you take me for? I’d never do that.”

“Just hoping that’s true.”

“So, we’re not scrimming GRS?”

“No. It might create issues later if GRS beats us after winning against SCV.”

“Is that so? Hmm, got it.”

No matter how harsh the world of professionals can be, there’s no need to help a Chinese team that threatens Korean teams even in this situation.

Our team didn’t urgently need scrims right now either.

“Let’s wrap up today’s feedback here.”

“Everyone, get some individual practice in. Especially you, Kim Jae-min.”

“Why just me?”

“You’re the biggest slacker here. Plus, your score is the lowest.”

“Seong-an is lower than me!”

“Don’t mess with the elders.”

Baek Seong-an beside me cleared his throat.


“Oops, wasn’t trying to call you out.”

“…Nah, I’m gonna practice.”


The long-anticipated day of the Red Cup semi-finals was approaching.

The first semifinals match was SCV vs. GRS.

With two Korean teams remaining in the semifinals, SCV and SY, it’s no exaggeration to say that fan expectations were at an all-time high.

-Going for the finals ㄱㄱㄱㄱㄱㄱㄱㄱㄱ

-Let’s goooㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏ


SCV vs. GRS.

Finally, the match began.

『“The moment has finally arrived! SCV vs. GRS. GRS vs. SCV!”』

『“If SCV can take this match, we might see a finals matchup! Of course, that’s if SY beats SU5 after this match!”』

『“That’s right! Maybe that’s why fan expectations are soaring even higher!”』

The first set of bans and picks started.

After SCV gave us Gwen during our scrim and then got severely punished for it, they avoided that ban pic ever since.

Just as it was expected that the match against GRS would unfold similarly, GRS unexpectedly did ban Gwen.

『“Uh… Then SCV will have to make a choice, right? Will they take Wukong or Gwen?”』


『“As expected, they went for it.”』

『“Considering the destructive power Gwen showed in the Red Cup, they seem to have valued Gwen much more highly.”』

『“That’s right. The strategy of giving Gwen while taking others of the top tier was proven to be effective.”』

When SCV picked Gwen, GRS took Wukong and LeBlanc.

They took champions considered as top-tier currently.

However, since those champions had already proven to be countered, SCV immediately began to devise a countermeasure.


Recently, Riven had begun appearing as a top-tier mid pick against Arin and was also a traditional counter to LeBlanc, so it wouldn’t be unusual for it to be picked now.


Another pick was Graves.

Since both the mid and top were going AP, a strong AD champion was needed for balance.

The ban/pick phase continued.


GRS chose Nyar to counter Gwen.

The typical picks for countering Gwen include Jason, Kennen, and Nyar, apparently aiming for side control and team fights.


The game started in earnest.

-Welcome to Summoner’s Rift!

The early invade phase passed without major incidents.

It seemed that neither combination had a strong advantage in the invade.

The early score went to GRS.

Nightmare’s LeBlanc moved quickly mid, taking down Graves with Wukong.

Gwen, who was central to SCV’s picks, didn’t shine too brightly early on.

After all, Gwen is more of a scaling champion, and early on, there wasn’t much she could do against Nyar.

『“For SCV, they really need to hang on. As time passes, side control will eventually go to Gwen.”』

『“Yes, that’s right. And even though Gwen is pressured at top, she’s still keeping almost an even CS. That’s not bad.”』

『“Exactly! If Gwen goes even, essentially, she’s winning!”』

-SCV is getting wrecked lol

-Getting absolutely smacked?

-Gwen is actually good, right?

-Rookies getting ahead of themselves already ㄴㄴ

As the chat grew more tense, time gradually passed.

The first dragon was naturally taken by GRS, but the real fight would be over the first Rift Herald.

At that point, GRS, holding top control, had the upper hand.

Then, something happened.

SCV’s Riven dove in hard with Graves backing her up and blew up LeBlanc.

Naturally, with the position disrupted, GRS had no choice but to give up the Rift Herald and, in the process, Nyar also had to die.

-The blue team has slayed the Rift Herald!

The game’s atmosphere, which had tilted, shifted at that moment.

With SCV starting to gain the upper hand little by little.

The entire momentum changed with Gwen’s solo kill on Nyar.

-Enemy slain!

Perhaps due to GRS’s careless and somewhat arrogant bans and picks.

In the first set, SCV claimed victory with Gwen’s hard carry.


『“SCV! They take the first set with Gwen’s carry!”』

『“Did they even dare to give Gwen?”』

『“Haha! GRS seemed to give Gwen up thinking they could manage with Wukong and LeBlanc, but it didn’t work out for them! Now, what choices will GRS make in the next set…?”』

-Bug cut! Bug cut! Bug cut! Bug cut! Bug cut! Bug cut! Bug cut! Bug cut! Bug cut! Bug cut! Bug cut! Bug cut! Bug cut!

-Let’s go for the 3-0ㅏㅏㅏ

-Koreans dominating, Koreans dominating, Koreans dominating, Koreans dominating, Koreans dominating

At that moment, Korean fans were in a festive mood.


Maybe because of the new sides?

In the second set, GRS drastically amended their ban/pick strategy and began to aggressively pressure SCV from the start.

『“Aaah… GRS is just too strong! They’ve completely overpowered SCV!”』

『“Before SCV could unleash any real power, the game is falling apart!”』






『“Oh, is this really happening?”』

『“SCV! This is a disaster! If they take just one more step back, it’s over! Finished!”』

『“We’re in an emergency!”』


-Wow, what’s that?

-Gwen’s not banned so it’s just a complete stomp, huh?

-There really seems to be a skill gap here





-It’s definitely SY or bust

-GRS vs. SY finals are looking likely

-From the vibe, it seems SY might also get wrecked by SU5?

-Complete disaster lol


A shocking defeat for SCV.

Even though the score was 3:1, considering the game content, you could argue it was effectively a 4:0 at that level.

The feeling that every lane was trailing in skill became overwhelmingly strong after the first set.

And just as bad, our team that helped SCV with their scrims was also in a bad mood.

“Did helping with the scrims backfire for us?”

“That’s impossible. SCV just played worse overall.”


Seo Yeon-woo said grimly.

The skill gap between SCV and GRS was that wide.

Now, the match-up between SY and SU5 was approaching.

With SCV eliminated in the semifinals, more Korean fans than ever were pinning their hopes on SY.