Chapter 341

339. Childhood Episode – Yeriel Royal Family

“Uh… Should I treat you?”

“…No. Let’s go for now. I’ll go up first.”

I’m actually grateful you fainted. Lev and Leah crawled up from the well, leaving Sir Bart unconscious behind. The well wasn’t very deep, and there were grooves to help them climb out quickly.

Once outside, Lev walked out surprisingly confidently.

There were trees in the garden, but not enough to hide completely. Besides, they would stand out to the Royal Guards on the castle walls, so looking around would only raise suspicion.

So it was better to avoid the trees.

“What are those people? Their clothing looks a bit strange.”

“It looks like some family members came for a visit. They might have hired more handmaidens or servants.”

It was better to blend into the surroundings.

Leah seemed to find the situation very amusing, breathing heavily and blushing as they walked.

“You look just like a thief! A very laid-back grand thief.”

“Hehe, I suppose so. But be careful. If we get caught, Lean will be in trouble.”

Eventually, they arrived under the castle’s stone wall and circled around to find the prince’s room.

The room Eric de Yeriel used was south-facing. Since part of it jutted out like a terrace, they were able to locate it quickly by looking up while walking.

“Let’s see. I said I’d bury the bell nearby. Ah! There it is.”

There was a spot where the ground was clearly disturbed. When Lev cleared it with his calloused hands, a bell the size of his fist appeared.

I was told to throw this.

“Should I just throw it and wait?”

“Seems so. Then… here goes!”

It was only three stories high, but in a castle, that felt quite tall. Lev threw the bell through the window…

“Haha! You came!”

A hand snatched the bell. Prince Lean de Yeriel rested his chin on his hand and looked down.

He must have been watching all along. After all, he has the Tracking Skill.

“Leah, you’re here too. Just wait a moment. Someone will come soon.”

I couldn’t hear what he said very well; the height made it difficult. But I understood through his gestures.

From the direction Lean pointed, a young man was approaching.

It wasn’t Santian Rauno, obviously a servant, and it was someone my age I hadn’t seen before.

“I’ll guide you to the prince.”

“Yes, please.”

Since he was the prince’s attendant, he was most likely a noble. Lev kept quiet.

Moreover, if Lean was a strong heir, then he was probably the legitimate son, not a second son or a bastard, considering how unusual the young man’s demeanor was.

He collected Lev’s sword and, while leading them, advised them.

“I don’t know why the prince invited you, but it’s best to conduct yourselves properly. Don’t think too highly of yourselves.”

“…Why is that?”

“Because it’s the prince’s hobby. With the princess… well, it’s not the first time, and it won’t be the last, so you should feel lucky to have met the prince and be satisfied with the treatment you receive today.”

“Who are you?”

“Why ask such things?”

“I just want to remember the name of the person who gives such expensive advice.”

“…Hmm. I’m ‘Davy Arne.’ Well then.”

The young man with black eyes glanced at Lev as if evaluating him before turning away. Meanwhile, Lev caught a brief glimpse of the power structure of the Conrad Kingdom through his name.

This guy is the first son of Marquis Dennis Arne. In the previous timeline, he wouldn’t have been seen in the capital, but apparently, that’s no longer the case.

Furthermore, having the Arne heir by the prince’s side indicated there were changes in a place once free of factions. Before history changed, Duke Rupert Tertan had monopolized the political scene.

So, the Arne family is aligned with Lean. Judging by the fact that he made his son a servant, he must have put him in such a position.

Then the Tertan Duke is probably still supporting Prince Eric de Yeriel?

Well, that’s not my concern.

While Leah was amazed by the heavily wooden-decorated Rutina Castle, Lev walked on, lost in thought.

Eventually, they reached the second floor. Prince Lean was waiting at the bottom of the stairs leading to his room. But then…


“Lev, good to see you. Leah too.”

“Did you grow taller?”


“How dare you!!”

“Hahaha! Davy, that’s enough. He’s not your match. Lev, forgive him.”

Lean stopped the attendant who had drawn his sword.

Even if it was a decorative sword with little killing power, it was still just a defenseless commoner… Davy’s face turned bright red, and Lev shrugged.

“Seems like you’ve got quite the admirer.”

“That’s not it. He nags more than expected. Anyway… Haha! Yeah, I guess I grew a bit.”

“Seems taller than me? Whoa… I can’t believe this day has come. Oh! By the way, I ran into Sir Bart on the way.”

“…Really? Where did you leave him?”

“In the well.”

“I shouldn’t have sent Davy. Wait here for a moment.”

Lean then dashed off to handle (?) Sir Bart while Lev and Leah went up to the prince’s room.


“Hmm… I didn’t know Lean had this taste. Or has he changed?”

Lev remembered Lean as a very frugal prince.

It was rare for him to have the opportunity to indulge; even when he did, he usually spent it on his younger brother rather than himself.

So he might have unconsciously expected a sparsely decorated room.

“Is this… a gem?”

“It doesn’t look like a gem but rather raw stone.”

However, Lean’s room was quite lavish. Like the atmosphere of Rutina Castle, Lean’s room was filled with warm-toned wood, sprinkled with large raw stones here and there.

The unrefined colored stones were so dark they could easily be mistaken for wood at a glance.

Lavishness without revealing itself.

Just then, while Lev was figuring out Lean’s tastes and Leah was excitedly exploring the prince’s room, the door burst open, and someone dashed in.

“Brother! I took a nap, and this time it was fun… Huh? Who are you guys?”

Lev and Leah froze for a moment.

Lev was surprised by Reriana’s changed appearance, but Leah…


Trembled with a feeling she couldn’t contain.

The unpleasant princess duke she had seen in her dream had returned. Her eyes sparkled like the sun, and behind her seemingly innocent smile was a trace of cunning.

Leah steadied her trembling arms and hid behind Lev. Reriana, however, showed more interest in Lev.

“Hmm—this is definitely the face I saw in my dream. Could your name be… Lev?”


“Is it really? Really? Wow! You’re a commoner, right?”


“Haha! Though sometimes it’s not. How strange… Oh, but it’s good to meet you! I’m Reriana de Yeriel.”

“It’s an honor to meet you, princess. I’m not sure how you know me, but I’m Lev, and this is Leah.”

Reriana nodded.

“Nice to meet you too, whoever you are. But… what are you doing here? This is my brother’s room.”

“The prince invited us. We were waiting as he stepped out for a moment.”

“Oh? Hmmm… Alright. I should ask my brother. Nice meeting you.”

With her business done, Reriana turned her head and left. As soon as she was gone, Leah slumped down onto the wooden floor inlaid with obsidian.

“Leah! Are you okay?”

“Uh, yeah. Just a bit surprised. That person… hasn’t changed at all.”


Lev fell silent, having no words to comfort her. He couldn’t agree with Leah that Reriana hadn’t changed.

She had a completely revitalized smile.

That little sister who was once thin, covered in filth, and somehow seemed fragile was now gone; he could find no traces of her former self. Lev was honestly moved.

Leah had only seen a now-matured Reriana. For Lev, who remembered Reriana’s old self… a skinny, filthy child, no matter what had happened in the last chapter, he could forgive his sister.

If he felt even a hint of the emotion a father might feel after marrying off his grown daughter, that might be a bit much.

Lev helped Leah sit down and quietly massaged her arm. Lean returned later than expected.

“Did you wait long? Let’s go.”

“Huh? Where? We have something to talk about first…”

“You’ll find out if you come along.”

The prince pulled Lev along without any explanation. As they went back down the stairs, Lev grumbled.

“Seems like you’ve got quite the bad habit. Listen to people. Don’t do things your way.”

“I know. You want to know how to catch Astroth after hearing about the last chapter.”

“You know well. So…”

“I’ve got a rough idea. After you woke me up, I kept watching Orberg. Astroth changed the war to involve the Aisel Kingdom. That’s his mistake.”


Lean turned back to speak.

“Because I’m a prince of the Conrad Kingdom. Gilbert Forte is the son of Iina de Isadora and Count Hermann Forte. And I found out what Marquis Tatian wants!”


Lean turned back again and walked away. Lev had a strong urge to smack him in the back of the head, but… this was the royal palace, and the security was tight.

As the Royal Guards and Knights became increasingly numerous, Lev had no choice but to suppress that rebellious thought. Lean straightened his path through the palace, leading the two to…

“An audience room?”

The third and a half floor. A place where the king and queen welcomed guests. The grand door opened automatically as the prince approached, and Lean smiled widely.

“Father, Mother, Lady Nedostia! I’ve brought the strongest knight in our kingdom!”


The grand door swung wide open. Beyond it lay a splendid audience chamber with sofas adorned with Janel flowers, and two beautiful women alongside the rulers of the land.

The king, who had only been bedridden from illness, and the queen, Ainass de Yeriel, who had always been thought dead, along with Lady Nedostia de Yeriel. So much had changed since Oriax disappeared, but there was one more person there Lev recognized.

Prince Eric de Yeriel.

He stood by his mother, Lady Nedostia, gazing at Lev, Leah, and Lean with clear eyes.

Lean continued, “This person will escort Brother Eric safely to Ofrontis and meet Princess Elika de Isadora. I guarantee his skills.”

Ofrontis is the capital of the Aisel Kingdom. Elika de Isadora was the princess who married Prince Eric last time.

But what else could they want from me? Lev’s mind spiraled into confusion.

The gold adornments used lavishly, marble that’s particularly rare in the Conrad Kingdom, the king whose presence felt weighty even with just a glance, the queen whose warm smile warmed the air, the breathtakingly beautiful yet sharp-eyed royal consort, and behind the sofa where the king sat, a peek of Reriana’s head and Eric’s awkward smile at her joke.

Wearing worn shoes and shabby leather clothes, Lev felt embarrassed to be beside Leah, who looked the same.

He truly wanted to smack Lean for his recklessness!