Chapter 34

Chapter: 34

Chapter 34 – Room 103, Cursed Room – ‘Athanasia’s Human Farm’ (3)

[User: ㅁㅁㅁㅁㅁㅁ

Date: Day ㅁㅁ

Current Location: Floor 1, Room 103 (Cursed Room – Athanasia’s Human Farm)

Sage’s Advice: 3]

My memories are a bit hazy.

I wonder how long it has been since I fell into this white hell known as the human farm.

If I had been alone, I probably would have just lived like this, void of any hope, until I eventually met my demise, and the exit from Room 103 would have been eternally sealed off.

But meeting my teacher turned us into sparks of hope for each other.

I discovered countless facts that I wouldn’t have understood on my own, and the teacher gained a tool to move beyond the confines of his water tank.

Escape Plan

Just the word “escape” makes my heart race.

For over ten days, during the limited 1-2 hours that I could communicate with the teacher each day, we honed our plan like a fine craftsman shaping a weapon.

The information and wisdom accumulated by the teacher over the long years he spent locked away in this facility, combined with the relatively free information I gathered while wandering around, contributed to our escape plan.

In reality, what we devised was quite simple.

Fundamentally, it wasn’t that different from the rebellion we staged back on the Animal Farm alongside my hotel comrades.

The success of the plan hinged on two key elements.

First, could the teacher buy me even a minute of extra time?

Second, would I be able to control the “Diverse Perspectives” at least to some extent?

Both questions essentially had no way of being answered until the day of the operation itself.

The first factor hinged on the teacher. He seemed confident that it was quite possible, but…

The second factor fell on me. Even the teacher, who transcended human limits, was left uncertain about it.

Whatever the case, I waited and waited for the teacher to finish his preparations.


As always, Theodus took me down to the grand room in the basement.

After a little time passed, he and the other giants started ambling around the room, fiddling with various machines.

How much time had gone by? Then came the long-awaited voice.

Child. It seems the time has come.

Didn’t you say we still needed more time?

If I gather more strength, the likelihood of success would definitely rise.

But as I gather strength, I can sense your will beginning to erode.

Even if I manage to buy you time, it would be meaningless if the mind executing the plan becomes frail.

Therefore, today is the day.

My heart was thumping like a drum solo at a rock concert. A fear rising from the very depths of my soul gripped my body and mind, yet I knew this moment was inevitable—it had to happen.

I quietly stood up and glanced around.

As always, the white giants manipulated unfathomable machines with mob-like tentacles.

I might have stood up, but not a single one of them cared.

And why would they? To them, I’m just a pet. Who pays attention to their pet’s antics while hard at work?

And then the next moment—


An earth-shattering rumble erupted from the water tank where the teacher was imprisoned!

Instantly, a shockwave rippled through the air, causing all the giants to rise and rush towards the machine connected to the water tank, which was likely one of the devices keeping the teacher captive.



The shockwave was merely an invitation for the giants to hurry to the tank. An indescribably beautiful sound filled the entire room, and then—

An overwhelming silence descended.

The giants froze.

Just like how the world fell silent when the giants, dubbed as “ogres,” appeared in the Animal Farm, this time, it was as if the realm of giants simply halted.

Now, it was my turn.

I steadied my breath and dashed forward, snatching a silver bracelet from the arm of one of the paralyzed giants. Although it was called a bracelet, to the giants, it resembled one. For me, however, it was closer to a hula hoop—it was huge!

As I pulled it off, the bracelet immediately shrank down to a size that fit my arm perfectly.

Could I really utilize this thing properly?

People created guns.

But that doesn’t mean people are immune to them.

Likewise, although the Athanasias made this bracelet, they had no means of resisting its power while in this “paused” state!

That was the crux of our escape plan.

I learned the general principles and how to use the bracelet from various lectures with my teacher, but I still felt unsure.

Even if a parrot or a dog was trained, could they properly use a smartphone?

I didn’t know. All I was certain about was that if I failed here, every chance of a successful escape would truly vanish.

Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.

I started tapping my tongue slowly and rhythmically. Then, I closed my eyes.

From this point on, it was the realm of the unknown.

It might sound silly, but this repetitive action was my only tool to keep my sanity intact.

I closed my eyes and slipped the bracelet onto my arm.

A sensation of floating washed over me.

No wait, my body was stuck to the ground; it was my consciousness that felt as though it was soaring.

Focusing intently on the Athanasia before me and designating it as my “target,” a storm of unknowable information blasted into my brain.

Could someone born visually impaired and having perceived the world in black and white ever understand colors?

Can a creature that’s been blind from birth in a cave comprehend sight?

Sharks can detect subtle electrical currents through their ampullae of Lorenzini. Can humans fathom that?

Perhaps all of that is utterly impossible.

Then what would happen if I forcibly shoved an incomprehensible amalgamation of data into a brain?

Today, I awkwardly began understanding part of that answer.

Instead of grasping the information, a storm I couldn’t even categorize crashed over my brain, numbing it. Inexplicable sensations—beyond human comprehension—flooded my head, sensations only Athanasias could perceive.

At a certain moment, I started to see the world in five primary colors.

At another point, I was touching sound, feeling color, and tasting flavors.

Feeling like my brain was melting, I calmly focused my thoughts.

There was only one way for me to find myself amid all that chaos of information. By concentrating on the sensations I could grasp and ignoring everything else.

Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.

The sound of my tongue popping.

I dedicated my full awareness to that sound. Gradually, I felt my drifting mind returning back to my body.

Soon, I opened my eyes.

An extraordinary feeling filled my soul—an indescribable thrill coursed through me.

The perspective and, by extension, the world perceived by the Athanasias took shape in my brain like a chaotic jigsaw puzzle falling into place.

I successfully controlled Diverse Perspectives!

I approached the Athanasia standing nearby.

Understanding my intention, the teacher slowly unbound the time constraining it, and the Athanasia awakened from the silence, moving hesitantly in surprise.

I cautiously moved the perspective the Athanasia used to perceive the world.

Like a divine creator altering their creation, I gently inserted new information into its mind.

Gradually, I modified the details regarding activating and releasing the control system so that the Athanasia would personally release the system I couldn’t dismantle.

Then in the next moment, the Athanasia I controlled suddenly pulled out its tentacle and—

Pierced its own head.


What in the world?

Wait, did it figure it out?

Did I mess up?

Because your manipulation was lacking, that Athanasia realized it was being controlled by Diverse Perspectives. However, even though they are Athanasias, they have no way to escape the bracelet’s grip on their own.

So it chose to die rather than be controlled.


Well, that’s anticipated. It would have been more manageable if we could have easily controlled the Athanasia, but didn’t we plan thinking it wouldn’t be easy from the get-go?

No need to panic. Let’s proceed with the next plan. I’ll gather my strength again, too.

Today is sure to be a rather delightful day.

Was it because, while controlling Diverse Perspectives, my senses had become unnaturally acute? Unlike the calm and serene atmosphere I always sensed from my teacher,

I could vaguely sense a deep, dark emotion dwelling within him.

But such feelings aren’t bizarre. Even a demi-god would harbor some dark feelings after being confined in such a place for an eternity.

I turned around to face the wall.

Diverse Perspectives was not just a simple mind-control tool.

This device was much like a smartphone, in a sense.

I, being an inexperienced user, could only employ a minuscule fraction of its capabilities…

But the device itself was an all-purpose utility that facilitated countless actions essential for the Athanasias’ survival.

According to the Teacher, it also had the function of allowing movement within this facility.

Calmly, I envisioned my next destination—a mysterious space I had never set foot in, not the human farm nor the basement.

The moment Diverse Perspectives read my intention,

I found myself in a bizarre land where every inch of existence—sky and ground alike—was alive with twitching faces.