Chapter 339

**Tehran, Iran**

Tehran in Iran, alongside Baghdad in Iraq, has recently implemented various pro-Rome policies.

Originally, the reforms by Pahlavi, known as the White Revolution, began in Iran and Iraq with the help of the Rome Treaty, which saw substantial investments from the Treaty.

Especially, the foreign currency gained from oil was evenly invested across classes, expediting the resolution of wealth disparity.

The issue of nationalizing oil was also a priority for reform.

Naturally, food and such were also included.

“Is this the mint chocolate that Allah likes?”

“Um, yes. Allah truly is different from humans. He enjoys this kind of food.”

“But since Allah commanded us to eat, shouldn’t we?”

“As I eat, I think this isn’t bad after all?”

“Is this tasty? Did your taste buds break or something?”

“Hey. Are you daring to doubt Allah right now?”

I couldn’t help but admire their reluctant munching on mint chocolate.

“Perhaps ascending to Allah to spread mint chocolate wouldn’t be such a bad idea.”

If one were to debate it, there have indeed been theocracies throughout history.

There have been instances where cult religions nearly seized control of a nation.

Even in the future, certain religions in Korea manipulate Japanese politicians from behind the scenes.

“That seems a bit off. Your Majesty.”

“Why isn’t it tasty?”

“No matter what, I don’t think it’s right to spread Allah through mere food.”

No, that’s simply a meme perspective, but food spreading certainly exists globally.

In the original world, Korean food was infiltrating Japan through the Korean Wave, after all.

Islam could not simply ignore the existence of Allah.

After all, He is an immortal being.

An immortal being exists and went forth to save Iraq and Iran, which have been harmed by the Greek Army.

Of course, this fundamental concept couldn’t be easily accepted.

Is it right for a body adorned with the cross of the Russian Orthodox Church to embrace Islam?

No matter how much one wants to deny it, the moment one opposes it, they become against Allah’s will.

Moreover, what can one do against an immortal?

Moreover, due to the veneration of Allah, the Rome Treaty is currently providing more support to Islam than to its homeland.

“Mother Tsar received the call of God early on and saved Russia, rescued Europe, and brought peace to East Asia. Now, as a messenger of Allah, she will bring immense prosperity and wealth to the lands of the Middle East.”

“This time, we will establish an educational agreement with the Islamic-Hellenism Federation, accepting volunteers regardless of status to study in various European nations. Schools and universities will also be built across the Middle East, and we will collaboratively carry out welfare reforms.”

Progressive reforms are underway.

In essence, we entered the establishment phase for the Islamic-Hellenism Federation.

It would result in the birth of a region where Islamic and Hellenistic cultures coexist.

“Isn’t this going too Western?”

“We need to introduce Western advanced civilizations if we are to progress in Iran.”

The influx of advanced civilization.

With the Iranian class, the influx of Western culture was ultimately essential for survival.

Moreover, Pahlavi II is actively engaging in this direction, and the queen seems to consider herself a European figure, thus being favorable toward it.

In this context, the strange alignment of my presence as an alignment not previously supported in history changed the narrative.

“Is this the weapon of the Rome Treaty?”

“Well, I guess that explains why you got robbed by the Greek Army.”

The Iranian military also began to adopt the latest weapons.

After all, with a military, isn’t armament essential?

Pahlavi II has actively promoted the import of weapons, supplying them to the military, which has also developed a favorable stance towards him.

However, here it must be noted that many within the military acknowledge me, attributing a share of the credit to my influence.

Certainly, something was bound to happen.

No matter how great I am, in this world, it’s ultimately impossible for a rolling stone to displace a settled stone.

“Is it even possible that it’s Allah?”

“Allahu Akbar! We cannot accept a false Allah!”

An Islamic fundamentalist rebellion broke out.

“Did that finally explode?”

Fortunately, the good news is that since it was large, I could still trample down and uproot it later.

“As long as Your Majesty does not authenticate yourself as Allah while touring the regions, it’s strange that it wouldn’t explode in the first place.”

“That seems accurate.”

I couldn’t just walk around every city getting shot by knives or guns.

“Why not claim the Rome Treaty Army as Allah’s military and defeat them? Would that not make you the true Allah?”

Becoming the true Allah. Just hearing that makes my heart feel heavy.

Let’s speak plainly. I, the saint of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Emperor of Byzantium, an Allah?

What a ridiculous thought. Sure, one might say only one God is good, but perhaps because I have generalized the Middle East so much, the idea of becoming Allah feels too disgusting.

Well, still. I think sneaking in and out wouldn’t be a bad tactic.

I shall strike down those fundamentalists as your Allah!

“Sounds quite plausible.”

Hmm, should I really give it a shot? Unfortunately for them, their numbers weren’t that vast.

Of course, that was because they had not properly organized their strength to face the Rome Treaty.

Yet, it seemed Pahlavi II thought this situation was worse.

“Your Majesty, a rebellion has arisen.”

“Indeed. It has exploded.”

Ah, so that’s what happened. Well, it makes sense.

Due to my light-hearted reaction, Pahlavi II widened his eyes in shock.

“No, aren’t you Allah? What about some sort of solution?”

Why are you looking to me like that? As a king, show some restraint.

Due to the Islamic-Hellenism Federation, you may overlook me calling myself Allah, but to have a rebellion cling to me is a bit much.

“It’s just that I don’t age and that bombs and guns don’t work on me, but praising me too much as Allah could cause trouble.”

Why do you stare at me with such an idiotic expression?

Honestly, I am not wrong in what I said. Am I? Moreover, this could serve as an opportunity for Pahlavi II.

It’s a prime chance to sweep away the opposing faction entirely.

“Why not tie up the Parliament with those fundamentalists? For instance, that would be good. The parliament draws in fundamentalists to overthrow the monarchy and aims to smash the Rome Treaty headquarters in Tehran. Wouldn’t that suffice?”

“With the fundamentalists?”

“Indeed. The Islamic-Hellenism Federation is stalling because of the parliament.”

As I said, not all Iranians deify me as Allah.

Naturally, the government is no different.

The parliament is mainly clashing with Pahlavi II.

Though his secret police clear out the dissenters, discontented letters likely still remain.

Forcing through might lead to complaints cropping up later, which could become bothersome.

“That seems correct. That wouldn’t be a bad idea.”

Next, we should naturally fill the parliament with pro-Rome Islamic individuals.

Then, we would induce them to favor the Islamic-Hellenism Federation.

Once Afghanistan joins in, the Islamic-Hellenism Federation would practically become our multi-resource colony.

We’ve eaten up the land of Saudi Arabia, so we would possess a massive wealth of oil.

The Middle East feels like a multi-resource colony you gain while on the way.

Anyway, that’s just talk. The Middle East will become much more prosperous than before.

Islam that is Westernized due to the Rome Treaty? Wow, I can’t resist that.

“The rebellion might be sufficient with just the Iranian army, but I’ll go directly.”

“Your Majesty?”

“Aren’t they just an unorganized mob? We should at least show Allah leading the Islamic-Hellenism Federation. Wouldn’t it be fitting for the king to join as well?”

That would add a symbolic aspect to it.

Allah and the Shah directly trample the fundamentalists and usher in a new era.

Isn’t that just marvelous?

“That wouldn’t be bad.”

Ultimately, the rebellion is merely an uprising that’s occurring south of Tehran.

In the future, it will be remembered as the Islamic fundamentalist rebellion. However, such a mere handful of rebels cannot defeat us.

“Ah, inform Greece. Tell them not to be stubborn and to finish up on their own before I deal with the rebels.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

The Greeks are really dragging their feet.

They aren’t seriously involved in a war with Afghanistan, are they?

**Panjshir, Afghanistan**

Greek Army Commander Papagos was on the verge of death.

Not long ago, the commander of the Russian Third Army from the Rome Treaty, Zhukov, had threatened him again.

– “What are you doing? End this quickly! Come on!”

– “Quickly, you say?”

– “We are in a hurry as it is. The world war might break out due to Japan! Hurry back!”

Tell them to retreat quickly from Afghanistan.

With Papagos, who was desperate to devour the gem that Afghanistan represented, this literally meant to quickly clear out and retreat.

Kabul had long been occupied by the Greek army.

That was inevitable since the Afghan military was spread thin due to the Russian Republic above. The Afghan government, seeing the precedent set by Iraq and Iran, eagerly accepted the proposal to join the Islamic-Hellenism Federation.

Of course, only the central government controlling Kabul accepted, while the provinces were still holding out.

While things in the royal government were faring poorly, the Afghan warlord coalition formed an alliance of northern Islam and cemented its hold over Panjshir.

“Fundamentalist rebellion in Iran?”

“Yes. It seems we must finish this before they suppress the Islamic fundamentalist rebellion.”

I mean, it couldn’t possibly be to that extent.

However, it was certain that the situation in Greece wasn’t looking good.

“Where are we?”

“This is Panjshir. The Afghan army is blocking us up there.”

Panjshir. Even with tanks and missiles mobilized, the occupation was unsuccessful.

The terrain was terribly difficult and those guys up top were effectively united.

Of course, it wasn’t completely ineffective, yet wasn’t it a significant waste to throw dozens of stones just to crack one egg?

“The tanks and missiles? Hmm. They said they are useless. Damn it. It’s a mess. Our fate hinges on Greece! We must go up to Panjshir at once!”

The patience of the Russian Tsar had worn thin, so now it was chaos.

We must ascend regardless of the sacrifices made in the limited time.

“Damn it. What are those guys!”

“Are they trying to ascend Panjshir unarmed?”

“We’re taking over Panjshir! We are the great army of Hellenism!”

In fact, the Greek army created troops that reached double their initial plan of 30,000.

While Anastasia was performing some goodwill acts in Iraq and Iran, the pre-emptive forces set to Afghanistan were deployed.

Thus, this time Greek Commander Papagos charged toward Panjshir with a force of 60,000.

“The whole world is watching us! Let’s follow in the footsteps of Alexander the Great! Retake the lands of Hellenism!”

To be exact, we feared what directive might come down from Moscow, but in any case.

The Greeks were entranced by national pride.

Retaking the territories of Hellenism! Not some Islam, but the formal successor of Hellenism by Greece reclaiming the territories of Hellenism!

They surged forward solely with that dream.

“Restoration of the Hellenistic realm! That is the aspiration of us Greeks!”

The Greek army began a frenzied advance toward Panjshir. The northern allied forces fiercely attacked the Greek forces from the valleys and mountains of Panjshir.

“Just fire and kill them all!”

But the Greek army never faltered.

After all, they were on the brink of rebuilding Hellenism.

It’s said that Afghanistan is resource-rich. By annihilating Panjshir and conquering the entirety of Afghanistan, they would undoubtedly acquire significant benefits.

With just that thought, they targeted the northern allied forces in the valleys and mountains as they pressed forward.

“Climb! Climb! We Greeks must show that we are suited for the resurrection of Hellenism to the Roman Emperor!”

The Greek army resolutely pressed onward despite being battered by the gunfire of the northern forces from the high ground.

It had been a long time since they’d savored nationalistic pride.

The formidable Neo-Hellenistic army that defeated the red Romans!

The Neo-Hellenistic forces, wishing to reclaim the land once occupied by Alexander the Great, would annihilate those Islamic individuals in the highlands!

“Ugh. Uwaah!”

“What are those insane people?!”

The Greek army fought fiercely, pressing the northern Islamic allied forces in the area of Panjshir with infantry combat.

“Damn it. We’re out of weapons!”

Regrettably, while the Greek army managed to invade Panjshir, they were soon embroiled in a fierce battle with the northern alliance.

At first, the exchange rate was incredibly unfavorable for Greece, but as thousands of troops fell and their weapon supplies were cut off, the northern allied forces began to be pushed back as the Greek forces brainwashed themselves as soldiers of the Hellenistic Empire and pressed onward.

“Capture Panjshir no matter how many have to die! The resources soaked in your blood in this Afghanistan belong to us!”

Papagos’ strong will, unwilling to be abandoned by the Roman Emperor, led the Greek forces to successfully occupy Panjshir, defeating the northern alliance with 15,000 casualties and seizing control of northern Afghanistan.