Chapter 339

Accidents, yet another accident.

At first, the situation was manageable, but it all went south when Rainbow, who was in mid, collapsed, and things began to seriously unravel.

“Wow, the difference in support is crazy.”

Kim Jae-min said. Normally, I would have denied that, but denying it in this situation was no easy task.

Ruler’s roaming.

Typically, it would be laughable, but the impact was surprisingly powerful.

『”Wait, did Sylas really try that knowing Ruler was up there?”』

『”Well, it seems Ruler got a win top and thought he’d just go home. The current state in bot wasn’t great.”』

『”True. But Ruler got another one in, and it worked out perfectly!”』

Rainbow was being rational.

However, the stage called Red Cup often produces scenes that can’t be explained by reason alone.

This was one of those moments.

『”Sure, bot is ahead right now, but… SY is feeling pretty bad! They need to gain more ground, but it’s chaos in top and mid!”』

『”Ezreal also sensed the danger and backed off, so it’s not like they can get a kill. Things are looking grim for SY!”』

『”Exactly! SY just got hammered by ESD!”』

The combination of Samira and Tahm Kench was undoubtedly strong for diving, but once Ezreal swiftly retreated, they found themselves with no options.

Sure, they were scratching the turret walls, but considering the simultaneous losses in top and mid, there was no way to consider it a gain.

『”And to make matters worse, the kills went to ESD’s lanes nicely… Ruler could have at least snagged one kill, but…!”』

『”That part is a bit unfortunate, but it can’t be helped. The game hasn’t completely blown up yet. Still, SY! You need to try again.”`

The commentators were spot on.

Although it started off very unpleasant, the game itself wasn’t entirely lost.

Of course, depending on how ESD rolls a snowball from here, the game could truly blow up.

The tempo of the game picked up.

– The blue team has taken down the Flame Dragon!

Taking advantage of their dominance in bot, Yoon-ki’s Wukong managed to secure the dragon, but SY was still hungry.

『”SY is taking what they need, right?”』

『”Yes. Good job! SY just needs to keep going like this!”』

If you looked at it coolly, it was just a dragon, but the commentators were in a frenzy, as expected for an international match.

However, SY’s situation was bad enough that such theatrics were necessary.

The Rift Herald was back in top.

『”We need to watch top! Top!”』

『”Ah, oh no!”』

The commentators’ urgent cries rang out.

Just as Irelia hit level six, she charged at Jason.

Perhaps it was a turn earlier than expected; TheOne’s Jason didn’t manage to react in time.

– He was taken down by the enemy!

Irelia’s solo kill.

With Jason’s two consecutive deaths, the top lane completely fell apart.

“Top’s done.”


Kim Jae-min’s words rang true.

Jason versus Irelia.

Irelia had always had the upper hand after reaching level six, but before Jason could pressure her, Ruler’s roaming messed everything up.

And the result was Irelia’s solo kill just moments ago.

Did TheOne mess up?

Of course, he didn’t perform well.

But even considering that, the balance had already crumbled, making it no surprise when he died.

Essentially, what happened was inevitable.

『”Right now, Yoon-ki is trying to make something happen in bot, but with Twisted Fate’s ult up, it won’t be easy!”』

『”ESD’s aware of this too, blatantly positioning themselves in bot!”』

『”Now, the crucial part is going to be the upcoming Rift Herald timing… what choice will SY make?”』

A painfully challenging time began to unfold for SY.

If the first Rift Herald was to come out under these circumstances, it would be hard for SY to make that attempt, having completely lost top dominance.

Of course, with Samira and Tahm Kench’s strength still present, they could still fight for it if they wanted to.

That’s why SY’s choice weighed heavily.


Just before the first Rift Herald appeared, it was SY’s bottom duo that made the first move.

『”SY’s bot is pushing the lane up first. It seems they’re thinking about the Herald?”』

『”Yes! They probably thought it would be impossible if they let the Herald slip in this situation.”』

『”On the other hand, it looks like Ezreal isn’t moving… If this is the case, SY must take the Herald!”』

ESD’s ADC chose to stay in bot, farming and mining turret walls instead of joining the Herald fight.

It was a familiar strategy.

“Hey? Isn’t that something our team does all the time?”


Our team often sacrificed the top side like that to boost the ADC.

They were confident in top fights.

But now, the opponent was SY.

No matter how much ESD had the advantage, this choice was somewhat puzzling.

‘Are they planning to do a 4:5?’

When the screen switched to top, I got a clue about one of ESD’s reasoning.

Currently, TheOne’s Jason had no teleport.

And Jason’s health was extremely low.

‘Sure, Irelia’s ultimate might also be down, but… considering Irelia’s growth, it doesn’t matter too much.’

In other words, even if Ezreal hadn’t come up, the top side was basically set to a 4:4 situation.

Of course, no matter how bad off Jason was, he could still poke from a distance…

『”SY started the Rift Herald first.”』

『”Oh, but… is this really okay?”』

At that moment, something completely unexpected happened.

Twisted Fate’s ultimate lit up out of nowhere.

『”W-wait, what?!”』

And just like that, Jason, isolated in top, met his end at the hands of Twisted Fate.

– He was defeated by the enemy!

Three deaths.

From this moment on, what was already a disastrous situation for Jason spiraled into the point of no return.

『”Wait, if it goes like this…!”』

Of course, because of that, Twisted Fate’s position became pretty ambiguous too.

However, given that SY’s strength was focused on the Herald, they couldn’t spare many troops to chase down Twisted Fate.

『”Tahm Kench is going, but… doesn’t that just make the Herald a bit awkward too?!”』

Meanwhile, Ezreal in bot had completely pushed the lane and started scraping the turret walls.

SY was truly in a dire situation.

After that, SY, which had been hitting the Rift Herald first, had no choice but to pull back.

Even with Samira still in the fight, it was tough to hold back Irelia, Graves, and Ruler with just Sylas and Wukong together.

Irelia’s destructive power had reached an absurd level.

Of course, thanks to SY resetting the Herald, ESD didn’t take it over.

ESD had also expended quite a bit in that fight, feeling satisfied with the advantages in bot and getting Jason’s kill.

『”Wait, if this goes on, SY is in big trouble!”』

『”ESD’s strategy is so strong, and they can’t do anything about it! Because the one with strength usually holds the advantage!”』

『”Exactly! Personally, I think SY should have gone all in on the Herald instead… otherwise, even their previous advantage in bot becomes meaningless!!!”』

Just as they said, the gold difference between Ezreal and Samira flipped.

Ezreal was now ahead in levels too.

It was thanks to all that free farming and turret wall scraping in bot for a long time.

『”Even Twisted Fate seems to be doing just fine now, right?”』

『”Yeah. Right now, SY… it’s getting rough. Really rough.”』

Then, after Ezreal returned, ESD easily took back control of the Herald.

They were effectively ruling out any risky moves; just the possibility of Ezreal joining had already stripped SY of their rights to engage on the Herald.

『”Now, Ezreal will probably hold mid and head back down to bot, right?”』

『”Yeah. SY… is really struggling now.”』

Back when Sylas snatched Ezreal’s ultimate, nobody could have predicted what would happen next.

It was completely unexpected.

Essentially, Ezreal’s ultimate isn’t one of those that carries enormous value when stolen by Sylas.

『”Wait, don’t tell me….”』

And as Sylas shot forth the stolen Ezreal ultimate towards the Herald, everyone’s gaze fixated.

– Huh?

– No way.

– Is he stealing it?

– That?

Finally, people, including myself, recalled.

Who had always stepped up whenever SY was in trouble.

– The blue team has taken down the enemy’s Rift Herald!


Rainbow, securing the Herald.