Chapter 332

Let me tell you a bit about the story afterward.

The Noir Corporation wasn’t dismantled. Of course, that doesn’t mean they were deemed innocent. It’s just that no one knew where to begin identifying what exactly was wrong, so the judgment took a long time.

At least Pang-pang was released without much hassle. She was a minor, and her activities as a combatant were legal, which is much more within the boundaries of the law than those of a magical girl. Of course, that didn’t mean everything was ethical.

The real problem was that the inheritance rights of the Noir Corporation belonged to Pang-pang.

The chairman hoped that Pang-pang would take over the company and properly realize his intentions after he was gone.

What he really meant was to achieve his own goals.

“So… what? Entropy? The eternal universe?”

I asked James.

At least James was in a holding cell. There was still a bit of time before the trial began, but he didn’t seem to be thinking about hiring a lawyer.

They say a lifetime of effort went up in smoke.

I had turned the generator into powder, and the station that could perform critical functions blew up because of Pling-plung.

“Well, it might be possible to go out and research, but the government and the Federation will definitely be on our tail. In the end, we’d probably have to start from scratch anyway.”

“And it has to be done legally. We’d need collective agreement from the people.”

Well, the generator itself could be of some help.

For now, the Federation was making one, and at least Cherry, the person in charge of that generator, said it was meant to be used for Earth.

How much it would actually be used for Earth remains to be seen, but at least while Cherry was around, I thought that goal wouldn’t be off track.

Having hope is definitely much more helpful.

If it were to go sideways, well, we can just fight. There are a ton of other heroes in this world besides us.

“I heard that Cherry might ask for help.”


“And if you didn’t really harm anyone, and just clarifying that you didn’t participate in that alien research might allow you to serve a few years before getting out.”

I know that our country doesn’t have judicial trade, but it seems the Federation does. Maybe Cherry could actively find a way to cooperate.

“That’s something to consider…”

James replied rather vaguely.

Well, still, punishment is needed. Personally, I’m dealing with the fact I made my family pretend, and the issue that Ji-hye’s mother got in danger because of it remains, but ironically, in a way, it was that very act that led to finding Ji-hye’s mother.

They probably weren’t really sure and just found a mother looking for her child who had been lost around the same time.

Pling-plung probably thought even further ahead. Maybe in this scenario, it’s just a matter of stepping back another space and catching another mouse.

My true feeling is that I wish he would still just stay in jail.

It wasn’t that my heart had softened.

Whether he felt that or not, James didn’t say anything else.


I know I jumped the gun talking about other things first, and it messed up the order a little, but I still want to talk about brighter subject a bit longer. If I leave the dark stories for later, it’s just going to feel a bit off.

First, after a week of resting, we were discharged.

In fact, my body recovered quicker than that, but I just felt like taking a break. Surprisingly, at school, they didn’t say much either.

The news about the Noir Corporation getting caught up in some scheme and us solving it had already spread across the country. While we were in the hospital, we were basically acknowledged as protectors of this world, or at least this nation, and starting a fight over trivial matters like being absent from class would just make the school look bad. After all, absence isn’t that serious.

Moreover, we were all doing fairly well academically.

“… So, Ha-yoon.”


“Um… are you planning to stick around like that?”

“Don’t like it?”

“Uh, no, it’s not that.”

I didn’t dislike it.

How could I? It’s Ha-yoon, the girl I’ve looked up to since childhood.

But, why?

Those kids whispering from a distance as they watch us.

And Ji-hye confidently occupying the space next to Ha-yoon.

Well, I started wanting to talk about pleasant things, but now I feel a bit… off. No, I’m happy. I truly am happy, but at the same time, it’s a bit scary. It’s frightening that I’ve become someone these kids care about.

Isn’t it a bit strange to begin with? I still don’t even understand why.

Anyway, a bit of storytelling for an escape, if you will.

Ji-hye’s mother is safe. Of course, she’ll be hospitalized for much longer than us, but at least with the hospital’s expertise, she wouldn’t suffer too severely.

“… I see. Ji-hye, you’re now a daughter. I’m sorry, truly… And thank you for growing up so well…”

Ji-hye’s mother said this while lying in her hospital bed, looking at Ji-hye.

Ji-hye had a somewhat complicated expression.

Maybe it’s because her mother was using formal language with her.

It seems like it will take a bit longer for them to become closer. Her mother felt a heavy sense of guilt for not recognizing her daughter immediately and mistaking another child for her.

But still, it’s going to be okay.

Ji-hye’s face brightened after leaving the hospital. At least she would be able to think about possible futures now. Ji-hye’s mother has no intention of abandoning Ji-hye again.

And probably, my relationship with Ji-hye being a bit closer wouldn’t ruffle any feathers either.


Well, anyway.

“… Excuse me.”

While I was caught up in all these thoughts, Seo-hee walked over to Ha-yoon and said something.

“Don’t you think it’s about time for you guys to change your seating arrangement?”

The magical girls generally get along quite well. Ji-hye, who joined later, adapted quickly to playing with the other children. Well, Ji-hye is quite an extroverted kid in the positive sense.

But when it comes to related issues like this, especially positions that are too close, the atmosphere becomes somewhat tense.

I’m not sure, but it seems kids have some sort of subtle rivalry too. It’s that cute level of forming temporary alliances, holding meetings, and complaining about seating arrangements.

Still, being in the eye of that storm feels a bit scary.

“Wasn’t it agreed upon? That we’d all stick close to Ji-hye.”

That’s right.

Though it’s still a tentative conclusion, that’s the conclusion when combining my intention with the feelings of the other kids.

The magical girls have grown quite fond of me, but that doesn’t mean they want to cut off all relations with each other either. Since I was the center keeping the children entertained, they had all become friends who couldn’t easily replace one another.

So, that’s the conclusion.

Until we become adults, I’m dating no one. Of course, I can still do things that friends do, like linking arms, hugging, or kissing.

Why kissing is something friends can do, I’m not quite sure, but anyway, it was.

Once I become an adult, hmm.

Let’s think about that when the time comes.


While we agreed to stay as ‘friends’ for the time being, the kids still often fought over positions.

“But we didn’t precisely set any time or anything,” Ha-yoon said.

“Right. There weren’t any specific orders. Didn’t we just agree to do a good job of being wherever we end up?”

As if it was obvious, Ji-hye added from the side.

Looks like they’re making an alliance today.

“That may be true, but didn’t you misunderstand the ‘doing a good job’ part?”

“At the hospital.”

Ji-hye replied to Seo-hee as if she was rebuffing her.

“Who was it that lay down with Ji-eun’s knee on the rooftop?”


The other kids’ gazes turned to Seo-hee.

“Uh, well, it wasn’t for that long—”

“Laying with your face turned toward your body while pressing your cheek against someone’s thigh?”

A sound of gasps was heard from the kids.

Seo-hee tightened her lips and quickly backed away from us.

And in place of the fleeing Seo-hee, this time Chae-yeon, Jua, and Yeon-woo rushed over.

“Is that for real?” “Did it really happen!?” “… Pervert.”

No, come on, even if that’s the case, isn’t Seo-hee the one who’s the real pervert, not me?

That’s a bit unfair.

“… Ji-eun. Your mouth.”

Ha-yoon narrowed her eyes at me.

I quickly covered my mouth. The corners of my lips were lifted upward.


Well, it is a bit scary. It really is scary.

But still, I can’t hide that I enjoy this situation.


In the end, I like these kids too.

If I didn’t like them, I wouldn’t keep speaking up to play with them.

“… For now, let’s head to school.”

That’s what I said.

The kids followed me with somewhat dissatisfied expressions.

As we headed toward school, the steps felt oddly light, and yet again, I was met with the children’s gazes.

… Let’s be careful, please, Ji-eun.