Chapter 331

“Then I’ll take my leave…”

“Okay, see you next time.”

The next morning, Tenshi left for Japan again.

Now that the recording is over, I wonder if she’ll have any reason to come back to Korea?

If she does come back, I imagine it’ll be around concert time.

Honestly, I wasn’t too disappointed.

So what if I can’t see her? I can just watch online.

Anyway, even after Tenshi left, I had a fairly ordinary day.

For now, I focused on taking my lessons more seriously, and when the other guests had time or finished their practice, I called them over to The Six Headquarters to synchronize and do some recordings.

Of course, I also kept broadcasting regularly as we ramped up preparations for the concert, and by the time the detailed schedule was starting to come together…

The dates passed, and outside the snow piled up to a level where it was scary to go out without padding.

The year-end had arrived, dubbed Season 62442’s record-breaking cold wave.

This was already my third year-end since starting the broadcast.

Although I continue to experience this year-end season every year, it strangely feels different each time.

Especially this one as I head toward my mid-twenties?

I can’t help but feel a bit sentimental.

“What does it mean to grow older?”


-Why are you asking about that at your age?

-It’s just a crummy thought…

“Now I’m slowly heading into my mid-twenties… it’s somewhat unpleasant.”

-Then what about me?

-I’m also in my mid-thirties, hang in there.

-You just insinuating that?

“Mid-thirties? Wow…”


-What kind of tone is that??

-I really want to drag this into controversy.

“No, I just said it out of curiosity.”

When I see my viewer demographic acting like this, it really is diverse.

In fact, perhaps it’s natural for older audiences, since many in their thirties also watch me.

“So how did everyone spend this year?”

I asked while sipping on the cocoa I made before the broadcast.

I wonder what everyone did?

-I did nothing at all;

-I got a job.

-I graduated from university.

-I was discharged from the military, haha.

With so many viewers, there came a wide range of responses.

Like most, this past year must have been eventful for many others too.

As for me… well, it was quite dramatic.

I mean, I shot and aired a drama.

Come to think of it, we’re heading into the mid-section of that drama now.

In a few months, Sera’s fate will be revealed as well.

How much will I get to tease her then…

“Shall we make some New Year’s resolutions?”

-Okay, okay.

-Is there anything to resolve?

-You won’t keep it anyway.

Well, I feel fine now.

Humans get numb over time; as the drama aired for several weeks, the frequency with which viewers teased Sera decreased.

“What’s something we can commit to for the New Year?”

-Start broadcasting more often, let’s go!

-How about drinking?

-Saving money.

“I have nothing to commit to! I can just keep broadcasting, I don’t drink much, and I don’t spend money.”


-What’s up with that?

-The broadcasts… yeah, I’ve been streaming a lot, haha.

Lately, I’ve been streaming a lot since I’ve only had lessons.

As for alcohol… I haven’t drank since the second round of the drama screening, and there’s no place to spend money anyway.

“You’re so pure and righteous; this is probably why the viewers are watching you right now?”

-Hmm… is that so?

-You’re living life right, huh…

I think I did spend the year quite well.

Considering this, the viewers can’t even counter that.

“Well, knowing that’s settled, should we do some settlement or something? Like reviewing my activities?”

-Oooh, haha.

-Sounds good!

-Let’s go!

“Then, who’s going to post the settlement on the café?”

Saying that, I entered the fan café.

It’s been a while since I checked in here.


-Get lost.

-You do it.

-This guy now sees viewers as servants, huh?

“I’ll check out popular posts while I’m at it. Oh wow, look at how many I’ve missed.”

-You jerk!

-If you don’t show up, it’s fine?

-You think we’d actually do it if you told us to? Haha.

“You really see viewers as nothing.”

“What’s this? Anna mentioned me.”

-Oh, that.

-Yeah, she mentioned it.

-It was during our collab the other day.

-Oh man, they jumped straight to that topic.


Anyway, while looking through the popular posts, there were lots of interesting ones.

Not just interesting, maybe it’s more like different?

It felt pretty amazing to see the third-generation members collaborating with other members or mentioning me, something I hadn’t been paying attention to.

They’ve really integrated into the Celestial Realm now.

When I saw the fourth-generation members before, I wondered, “Is it already?” but I guess I was the only one feeling that way.

“Hey, do the third-generation members look up to me a bit?”

As I watched, I realized that the third-generation members seem to regard me as quite an impressive senior.

-Yeah, yeah.

-Praising to the heavens, haha.

-For real… it’s nothing special though.

“No, it’s not that.”

Like in the chat, I might not be nothing special as a senior… but they really seem to idolize me?

[Thank you for the 1,000 won support, ㅇㅇ!]

Since I’ve gone from the king of the underground to the bright world, ㅇㅇ…



-Really? Haha.

“Now now, being in the Celestial Realm means you’re major, you know?”

-That’s true, haha.

-There are so many VTubers these days.

-It’s a bit too much for major, haha.

The Korean VTuber market has expanded tremendously since three years ago.

To be honest, one could say it’s thanks to the Celestial Realm.

This place was once a barren land, and it was The Six that cultivated and grew it.

Moreover, luckily, there haven’t been any major controversies, which really helped with growth.

With minimal controversy and a steadily rising graph, this VTuber scene seems likely that The Six will dominate if things continue this way.

Now, with the fourth-generation members debuting, we’ll easily surpass 20 members.

We could probably manage a sizable joint collaboration now.

[Thank you for the 1,000 won support, ㅇㅇ!]

Speaking of which, I noticed the third-generation members have been playing on the Minecraft server a lot; what about you?

…If you think about it, are we not doing large collaborations right now?

Because the Minecraft Shared Server has been up continuously.

“Minecraft server?”

-Yeah, just try dropping by.

-Everyone’s doing it except you, damn it.

-Have you seen the buildings by the second-generation members?

Honestly, I haven’t logged into the Minecraft server in a while.

Should I check it out after so long?

“Then, shall we go in and wait for someone to post the year-end settlement on the café?”

-Oooh, let’s go, let’s go!

-Did someone literally just consider that a fact??

-It seems like a sure thing, haha.

“I’m going to watch and I’ll give a reward to whoever posts.”

Saying that, I started Minecraft.

Though I said it boldly, I really planned to generously reward whoever did the year-end settlement.

It’s the end of the year; I should spread a bit of money around.

“Let’s see… where’s the server?”

Finding the server wasn’t too hard.

I mean, there weren’t that many servers in the first place.

-So nostalgic, haha.

-For real, it hasn’t been a year, has it?

-Wow, it’s been that long?

“Eh, a year is a bit much…”

I felt like it hadn’t been that long, to be honest.


Honestly, I have no idea.

Still, I entered the server, and the first thing that caught my eye was the cabin.

“Why are there so many trees here all of a sudden?”

-You planted them and then left them, haha.

-Seo Eun-ha abandoned this place too, haha.

-Wow, it’s been so long since I saw this house.

This cabin was the house that Seo Eun-ha and I built during our Minecraft collab.

What did we say back then? It’s like finding water in the mountains?

Anyway, I vaguely remember looking for a creek in the mountains.

While looking around, I went into the cabin.

When I opened the chest inside, there was nothing but junk.


-Nothing at all.

-Total poverty, haha.

-Should we go loot another house?

“Honestly, I don’t really need anything.”

I have things to survive, so there’s no need to replenish, but I came out of the cabin to see the other people’s buildings.

As I worked my way down the mountain, I entered the joint village of the first and second-generation members…


-Oooh, haha.

-What is this???

-It’s massive!

It was so much more impressive than when I last entered, with towering buildings and various constructions.

How much have these people been playing Minecraft?

There are buildings that seem to take a while even in game mode.

…This is the year-end settlement.

The Celestial Realm’s entire year might be embodied here, right?

“Where’s who’s building? I can’t quite tell.”

-If you sort by color, it’s easier, right, haha.

-The biggest one over there is Anna’s building.

The biggest one?

Oh, is that the building?

“Wow, Anna built that?”

How did she even construct it?

It’s so tall, I can’t see the top because it’s hidden in the clouds.

-She didn’t build it on her own.

-Haha, she called all her juniors to help.

-It actually took quite a while to build.

…Called all her juniors to help?

“So, you abused your power to build it then?”



-For real…

-Throwing shade at her, Mikakola, haha.

[Thank you for the 1,000 won support, ㅇㅇ!]

Apparently, they want to host a year-end party at that building with all the Celestial Realm members.

“Is that so?”

A year-end party with all the Celestial Realm members…

“…Why wasn’t I invited?”

I’m a member of the Celestial Realm too, right?

I haven’t heard anything about it.





-Anna / Controversy.

“Am I just the ignored one?”

-It seems so, haha.

-You’re just like me, haha.

“There’s probably a chatroom without you, right?”

Just think of me as a lone wolf, haha.

Yeah, Miro is a noble lone wolf in the Celestial Realm.


“If I can’t go to the party, maybe I should destroy it instead?”

How could they dare host a party without me?

I picked up a pickaxe.


-But how would you even destroy that?

-You can’t take down all of that, can you?

-You’d barely break the first floor in a whole day, haha.


I mulled over the viewers’ words as I stared at the tall building.

Am I really going to tear this down all by myself?

No way, and I have no intention to either.

In a server like this, if you mess with someone else’s building, it can easily become a controversy.

“What should I do?”

At that moment, as I reached the front of the building trying to decide what to do…

[(Anna) has logged in.]

[(Anna) – Wait!! That’s a mistake!]

-Whoa, haha.

-The instigator has arrived.

The topic of the controversy appeared.