Chapter 33
Kyle’s words left Vivian utterly speechless.
She didn’t want to believe him.
Kyle had always come close, scratching at her pride with his cold words.
His laughter at her weakness and the enjoyment he took in her suffering were still vividly etched in her mind.
Kyle seemed to read the confusion on Vivian’s face and spoke calmly.
“If you don’t want to believe it, then don’t.”
But the truth was that Kyle’s thoughts and Vivian’s feelings were at opposite ends of the spectrum.
In a corner of her heart, the realization was slowly sinking in.
Though she didn’t want to believe it, the meanings behind his actions over time now began to look different.
Every moment he appeared when she wished for death, provoking her awkwardly and creating tension.
The moment he forced his fingers into her mouth to save her from poison.
The food he secretly ate for her, the way he had monitored her all day during lessons, and even today’s events…
All his actions hovering around her pointed in just one direction.
She had been lost in her emotions, unable to grasp their true meaning.
No, perhaps she had been pretending not to know.
Whatever the case, that heavy truth was too overwhelming to accept all at once.
While everyone was hoping for her death, it was the very son of the enemy family—the one person she should hate the most—who was trying to protect her.
Even the moments that seemed like he was tormenting her felt complicated when she thought of them as acts for her sake.
But she couldn’t ask ‘why?’
Because Kyle Allen had said he didn’t know either.
Vivian had a vague understanding that Kyle was just as confused as she was.
Watching Vivian’s changing expression, it seemed Kyle realized she was starting to believe him.
His earlier brusqueness of “If you don’t want to believe it, then don’t” faded, replaced by a sheepish scratching of his head.
Perhaps it was uncomfortable for him, having his true feelings laid bare by a single remark.
“Got it?” Kyle added, trailing off.
“If you’re curious, go find the others. They’ll probably be excited thinking you’re dead.”
At his words, Vivian wobbled and pushed herself up from her seat.
She needed some time to properly digest all of this. It’d probably be better to keep a bit of distance from him to truly understand what he had revealed.
And returning to reality, she noticed that Kyle was also seriously injured.
Amid her anxiety to get Scholar Krellyn here quickly, she winced, hopping on one leg due to her injured ankle, but unlike when she was at the castle, she could take her time walking now.
Kyle grabbed her again as she was about to leave.
They were definitely not on a first-name basis.
However, at this moment, Kyle didn’t care about being formal anymore, considering how exposed his feelings had become.
When she turned back, he said with a serious look.
“About that earlier oath… I meant it to some extent.”
“The one where you said you’d stop crying if I saved you.”
His words were unexpected, but the playful look was gone from his face.
“While I’m in this state… if you keep crying all alone, it just drains my energy.”
Vivian again eyed Kyle’s battered body.
Being a bit farther away made the seriousness hit home.
A broken leg. A shoulder and back stained crimson.
His sacrifices to protect her were only just becoming clearer now.
Seeing him like this filled Vivian with humiliation as well.
Not long ago, she had been shedding tears over her own situation, while Kyle Allen, who had been protecting her all that time, was in such a miserable state.
“How long are you going to keep crying?”
The words he’d once directed at her echoed in her mind.
Since then, it seemed he had despised the sight of her crying in front of him.
“So, hold back your tears, okay?”
It was somewhere between annoyance and a plea that Kyle asked her.
Vivian knew she should accept his words but ultimately turned away without answering.
She definitely still needed more time.
Three days had passed since then.
The library wing was the area that had caught fire in the castle.
I was presently in the east wing.
Today, Scholar Krellyn entered my hospital room, cautiously unwrapping the bandages from my burn.
It had hurt more each day, the day after the first being worse, and then even more so the day after that.
Krellyn skillfully applied the herbs while speaking.
“To survive with such burns from the fire… you really are lucky.”
I winced slightly in pain as I responded.
“Luck? More like the northern women are tough. Unlike the southern ladies.”
At that, Krellyn nodded and chuckled.
He then spoke candidly.
“That’s hard to deny. At just 15 years old, you’re showing more courage than most.”
“Courage? Or is everyone hoping for Vivian to disappear?”
Krellyn paused for a moment before replying gently, almost like a whisper.
“…I don’t want Vivian to disappear, but I do wish for a strong lord. The future hangs in the balance.”
Whether this was a clue he was a traitor or merely expressing regret, it was hard to tell.
So I replied.
“You all can help make her a strong lord.”
Krellyn just gave a wry smile without answering.
Once he had finished applying the herbs, he carefully wrapped my bandages again and spoke.
“You’ll be in pain for a few more days. The burns are particularly severe. We’ll need to apply the herbs a few more times and change the bandages. And… you’ll likely have a significant scar. A horrid one, from your left shoulder to the upper back.”
“Scar or not… I could care less about that.”
Though the words came out that way, deep down, it was disappointing news. I didn’t just hate the thought of a scar; I feared how sad my mother would be when I returned home.
Krellyn then looked at my leg.
“You’re taking it easy, right? As I said, you can’t overdo it for months.”
My left leg’s bone was broken. Fortunately, the fracture was somewhat aligned and, if I could handle it, it seemed there wouldn’t be lingering effects.
I nodded, but honestly felt this was the most uncomfortable injury.
Thinking that I wouldn’t be able to protect Vivian for a while only made me feel worse.
“What about Vivian?”
Once the treatment was over, I asked Krellyn.
This ungrateful girl hadn’t come to see me in three days. I hadn’t seen her around at all.
I wondered if she was even eating properly.
“As you may know, there’s been a lot of confusion, and she’s quite busy. Shall I tell her that Kyle is looking for her?”
“…No thanks.”
Even so, I didn’t want to seek her out first.
A sense of pride tugged at me from somewhere deep inside.
-Knock knock.
At that moment, as if responding to my thoughts, someone entered.
“I’m coming in.”
It was Vivian.
With that short phrase, she stepped into the hospital room.
Seeing her face after such a long time was, as always, breath-stealing.
Krellyn greeted Vivian politely.
After a greeting, she asked Krellyn.
“Do I need more care?”
“Not at all. Today’s treatment is all done.”
“Then, could you please leave? I have something to discuss with Kyle Allen.”
Krellyn bowed politely and left the room.
As his footsteps faded and the door closed, a quiet silence filled the space.
The cold silence only accentuated the distance between them.
Though she hadn’t intended to break the silence, the awkwardness prompted her to speak first.
“This situation feels familiar.”
Yet this ungrateful girl didn’t even bother to respond. It just made me feel even more awkward.
Vivian lingered a moment before pulling a chair beside my bed to sit down.
Her gaze flitted over my injured leg and shoulder in turn.
Her eyes held emotions unspeakable by words, and it took a long time before she finally spoke.
“…I’ve thought a lot during this time.”
I waited silently for her to continue. She had an expression as if steeling herself.
“About how you were protecting me…”
I blinked briefly and replied.
Vivian took a deep breath, appearing to compose herself before continuing.
And then, her voice grew softer.
“I… will not understand your actions. No matter how much I think about it, I don’t understand why you’re doing this to me.”
“…I never expected you to understand.”
She nodded and answered in an even firmer voice.
“And because of that, I won’t be thanking you. Everything happened because of the Allen Family. If you truly mean to protect me going forward, I won’t stop you. But don’t expect my gratitude. If you hate that, then… you don’t have to protect me.”
I never sought her gratitude. As I said, I only hoped she would stay alive.
Still, out of habit, I couldn’t help but taunt her.
“…I feel like you’d die real quick if I didn’t.”
“I know.”
Her decisive response swept unexpected emotions over me.
In that stubborn gaze, I could see Vivian struggling to shake off her previous fragility.
“I know… but being protected by you… is even more humiliating for me.”
Her voice remained steady, yet complex feelings flowed through it.
Vivian clenched her fist lightly.
“I don’t want to be protected by the son of the man who killed my father and brother.”
With a furrowed brow, she lowered her head, whispering her true feelings.
“…The more I think about it… the more I hate that I’m grateful to you.”
Whether strange or frustrating, she felt those conflicted feelings gnawing at her heart.
Yet, her hostile words didn’t sound off-putting to me.
Rather, I felt a powerful determination emanating from her like never before, and I sensed myself being drawn into her words.
“…I will become strong.”
Her voice rang out with a strength that sliced through the silence.
Her words felt like a promise she was making to herself, not just a simple resolution.
Her determination was an unvoiced shout that seemed to melt down the long-held emotions within her.
“I’ll get strong enough that I won’t need your help. I will seize the power of my family back into my hands, and I’ll rebuild this Rondore that was torn apart by you.”
Chills ran down my arms.
What had she been thinking for the last three days?
Though her small, clenched hand revealed she was still the same coward, that resolve signaled a change within her.
She seemed to be acquiring a hold on herself, the girl who had always cried.
“You said it, right?” She looked straight at me, questioning.
“You asked whether I was serious about that oath.”
I nodded.
Vivian continued.
“I swear. I will never…”
Her voice trembled briefly, but was soon enveloped in a powerful determination.
“…I will never let you see me cry again.”
A faint smile crossed my lips.
It wasn’t a scoff; I knew Vivian understood that well.
I asked her.
“What if you do cry?”
Vivian thought for a moment before responding.
“I’ll send you home.”
That one statement showed how sincere that was to me.
“But I won’t let that happen, Kyle Allen.”
With those words, Vivian stood up.
There would still be many moments where I’d have to protect her. Just because she resolved herself didn’t mean she could become strong instantly.
However, just the fact that she had begun to take her first steps filled me with warm feelings.
As she walked toward the door, I watched her back. I finally opened my mouth toward her leaving figure.
She paused and turned her head slightly.
“It’s Kyle.”
Vivian briefly glanced at me before quietly asking.
“It’s not Kyle Allen.”
In that moment, it seemed Vivian broke into a brief smile. Or maybe it was just my imagination.
She paused at my words and gently replied.
“…See you at dinner time.”
Leaving the burned library wing, Vivian’s new room was located on the second floor of the east wing.
It was a room positioned so that no assassins could carelessly intrude, offering a wide view.
Close to an exit for quickly escaping the castle, as well as adjacent to the dining hall.
The most convenient spot for calling soldiers or retainers, and even the maids’ quarters were nearby.
This was the castle’s finest room.
The historic room of the Rondore Family, once a place where her parents happily spent their time.
The master bedroom of the Rondore Family.
It held far too many memories; she couldn’t bring herself to approach this place.
Occupying a room filled with memories of her parents felt like it would drown everything else.
But now, it was time to let go of that nostalgia.
To not be crushed by further shame and fear, she needed to move forward.
She thought she was making progress, but that had been an illusion.
Kyle Allen had been the one supporting her.
The night deepened.
Vivian stood by the window, holding everything inside, gazing outside.
Unlike her old room that only had a view of the riverside, this master bedroom overlooked the territory of Roktana.
While it couldn’t be said the entire territory was visible, it was enough to linger in thought about the struggles of her people.
And at the window, the flag of Rondore fluttered, swaying gently.
It was a symbol she had draped there earlier in the day.
As Vivian stood there, she closed her eyes for a moment.
Before long, the scent of tobacco tickled her nose.
Someone blew wind against her face.
Slowly opening her eyes, Elena was sitting in the open window, as if it were the most natural thing.
“How have you been, Vivian?”
Vivian, enveloped in a sense of unfamiliarity, looked up at her and asked.
“What should I call you?”
“You can call me Elena, or Master.”
Elena smiled knowingly, as if confidently expecting to be called a master.
However, Vivian couldn’t find it in herself to counter that ease.
Clearing her throat, Vivian asked,
“Can you remind me again? What can I do if I become a witch?”
Elena’s eyes sparkled as she smiled brightly.
“Anything you want. But each time, you must offer an appropriate sacrifice. Simple spells can be done even with just a frog.”
“Can I find out who is after me?”
“That’s possible. However, that will only happen after you become a full witch. I told you, right? You have to become an adult to be a full witch, and then you’ll need to offer your most precious item.”
“What about before that?”
“Until then, you’ll need to prepare to become a full witch. As a novice witch, you’ll only be able to perform simple spells. For example… you’ll be able to detect poisoned food, or eavesdrop on the desired space for a moment?”
Hearing that there were many restrictions, Vivian couldn’t hide her disappointment.
Seeing this on her face, Elena gently squeezed Vivian’s shoulder.
“Just hold on for 5 to 6 years, Vivian.”
“Then you’ll become an adult and be able to use many spells. You’ll be able to make the world bend beneath you. You can… rebuild the Rondore Family.”
Images of her family flashed through Vivian’s mind.
She turned her head, revisiting the memories and longings held within the room.
Returning after so long made the emptiness of their absence feel magnified.
And soon after, Kyle Allen’s injured form resurfaced in her thoughts. Clenching her teeth, she looked up at the witch.
“I’ll do it.”
A smile slowly spread across Elena’s lips.
“My disciple, from now on, call me Master.”
“Yes, Master.”
“I believe you are ready. Offering something precious comes with pain. And if you are unable to offer it when the time comes, the cost will be great.”
Despite Elena expressing her concerns, Vivian didn’t pay them any mind.
Having steeled herself, she was determined to push forward.
Someone once told her that action was the only way to avoid being bygone by adults.
Thus, Vivian fixed her gaze squarely into Elena’s eyes and declared.
“I don’t want to cry anymore.”
That one statement encapsulated her resolution.