Chapter 33

* * *

“That’s ridiculous. I can’t be a Eunuch!”

Wow, I came to see a Eunuch, and suddenly that Stalin looked like Shimyeong.

Right. This guy has to be subjected to tibegging too.

“What a pathetic sight. Aren’t you one of the big shots in the Soviet along with Trotsky?”


“Why are you so surprised? If you’ve been caught, you should be prepared to meet me.”

“Did you come to kill me?”

No, I was initially thinking of killing you.

But now that I think about it, that seems a bit much.

“Lenin and the others are planning execution, but hearing that you’ve become a Eunuch made me wonder if it’s truly necessary to kill you. Isn’t that right? If we kill a Eunuch, won’t Tsarina be called too merciless?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Just send the couple to Siberia. Let them live their whole lives under surveillance there.”

With that, I left Stalin’s hospital room.

That isn’t the Stalin from the history I know anymore.

Just a Eunuch Communist. Nothing more and nothing less.

As the leader of the White Army, there’s no reason for me to step in.

Ah, but really, it was just sad.

The Great Leader of Steel, the Georgian butcher. The Great Purge, industrialization.

A person that was none other than the Soviet that made the Soviet a great power.

That man has become a Eunuch.

Thinking of his time as a man, it feels a bit pitiful. It’d be enough to just send him to Siberia.

For Stalin to make a comeback, Communism has completely collapsed.

Though before that, the Siberian camps are bound to turn into Gulags. Perhaps even if Stalin lives, he won’t be much of a man.

It would be a good spectacle if Eunuchs were to pass by here and there.

And when he’s tormented by all kinds of humiliation in Siberia.

If he shows any suspicious signs, just send the Okhrana to kill him off nicely.

Tukhachevsky could perhaps stay in Siberia and eventually flip sides or something. It seems fine to bring him along that way.

Ultimately, it’s important whether he has the will to switch sides.

“With the recapture of Moscow, the Bolshevik main force has effectively been annihilated. However, there are still remnants left.”

“Yes. We must recapture Petrograd as well.”

The Soviets have lost Moscow.

Moreover, most of the command center has been captured here.

Public sentiment has long since disappeared, and now only remnants remain.

Well, even so, Trotsky is still in Petrograd. Ultimately, we must recapture there to truly say that the plague has ended.

“Let’s stabilize Moscow and head straight for Petrograd.”

The resistance there will be less than in Moscow, but.

After all, wasn’t it the capital of the Empire?

Though Nicholas II was deposed there and it’s the birthplace of the revolution.

That’s why, as a Romanov, it’s up to me to reclaim it.

* * *

The recapture of Moscow was a complete achievement for the White Army to gain the upper hand in the civil war.

Naturally, all the White Army generals rejoiced.

The captured Reds received the full brunt of the anger that had caused the White Army so much trouble.

In the outskirts of Moscow, they died, looking like utter rags, to the extent that one would wonder if they were actually human.

However, despite those circumstances.

Unlike in actual history, Ungern, who survived, was feeling extremely upset.

“Patton. Do you have some sort of inferiority complex towards me? Or were we enemies in a past life?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Why do you keep following me wherever I go?”

Ungern was about to go mad with all this.

Really, why does he appear everywhere trying to steal my glory?

Just like in the last Ukraine, and in this Moscow Red cancer cleanup, he intervened in catching the fleeing Reds again.

Because of that, the pursuit was messed up, and the Reds escaped to Petrograd.

“I did no such thing. It was you who was leading the cavalry right in front of me.”

“Speak clearly. As an officer, ought not you simply stand by and enjoy the show rather than meddling unnecessarily? Even with a machine gun mounted on your cart?”

“Ah, it was permitted by the princess who is the commanding officer!”

“The princess? No way. Just look at this fierce-looking American.”

No matter how you look at it, this American must have been the one to threaten her.

This Yankee probably intimidated the delicate princess into allowing him to tag along.

“He must have coerced her!”

“Coerced? I only shared my passionate feelings as a soldier with the princess. She indeed recognized the heart of a soldier just like a Martial Empress.”

Is this a challenge now?

Does he recognize the heart of a soldier?

Surely, upon witnessing my reckless behavior, that would be his nature to just let it pass.


“Are we trying to fight right now?”

“Calm down a bit.”

Mikhail Drozdovsky stopped Ungern, who had jumped to his feet.

“What was the Chief of Staff doing right next to the princess while that insolent person is daringly ruining our holy war?!”

“General Patton is a young man who has shown prowess in the Great War. He’s adept with tanks. If we are to build a tank corps in Russia, we need his assistance.”

“The Asian Cavalry Division is the strongest!”

Ungern had truly cherished and trained that Cavalry Division.

Multinational but undeniably the strongest in battle.

“You’re not suggesting we solve the enemy showing off their tanks with the Asian Cavalry Division, are you? Maybe it would work against those Chinese bandits from the East, but in Europe, the Asian Cavalry Division would struggle to see much effect.”


Ungern couldn’t muster a single rebuttal to that.

It’s only because they’re currently up against the Bolsheviks that they’re performing well.

The Asian Cavalry Division is diverse in ethnicity and wasn’t equipped with tanks.

Though they might work in the Far East, they’re far too inferior for action in Europe.

Therefore, Mikhail Drozdovsky planned to take help from Patton to create a tank corps.

“Hahaha! Is it really necessary for real men to blush over such trivial matters? After all, we all have our merits.”

Patton laughed loudly and patted Ungern’s shoulder.

Ungern’s face crumpled infinitely.

* * *

Berlin, Germany

Around this time, France was experiencing a strange phenomenon.

“Oh my God!”

“What’s wrong, France?”

“The Germans aren’t paying the reparations!”

Indeed. The Germans have not yet paid the reparations.

“Why aren’t they paying reparations?”

Having lost, they still managed to maintain national debt thanks to French generosity. Those who are supposed to pay reparations are refusing.

How bizarre could this phenomenon be?

While others are being torn apart, having been spared previously from losing everything, they refuse to pay reparations?

France was clutching its neck in disbelief at Germany’s insolence.

Thus, in a manner fitting of a victorious country, France confidently demanded reparations from Germany.

“It seems the reparations keep getting postponed. What’s going on?”

“The reparations are astronomically high, so please wait a bit.”

“Astronomically high? Thanks to the Anglos, the reparations were massively reduced, and you still say it’s too much to pay? Of all countries, Germany? Are you messing around?”

They had taken all the sweet spots from the colonies, and the UK was generous enough to lighten the reparations burden, while the American Yankees, having nothing but money, were lenient, but France was not going to play along.

The scars from the Franco-Prussian War were too deep.

That couldn’t be healed merely by regaining Alsace-Lorraine from the German Empire.

In short, France could confidently assert that it had displayed immense compassion and restraint towards the German Empire.

“Didn’t we simply hand over Alsace-Lorraine?”


“In any case, please wait a moment. We are also busy supporting White Russia.”

“Fine. But remember this. The only reason the defeated Germany preserved any of its territory in this war is solely thanks to our sake! You must know we spared your treacherous country immense consideration!”

Even if it felt uneasy, Germany still wasn’t a country that could be dealt with single-handedly by France.

They couldn’t simply bring tanks and invade claiming they weren’t paying reparations, since both England and America would be watching. Knowing how powerful tanks are, Germany too would be expected to produce them.

“Yes, we will see.”

After the French ambassador had raised a fuss, Ludendorff clicked his tongue.

“Those frog guys have become too bold.”

In the past, such people wouldn’t have dared to raise their heads in front of him.

At this time, the German Empire was under Ludendorff’s command.

Of course, it wasn’t as it was during wartime.

Ludendorff was trying to continue a war that was heavily tilted toward defeat, and Wilhelm II was preventing Ludendorff’s monopolization as he only managed to hold sway over the military.

Nonetheless, Ludendorff was indeed a remarkable figure when viewed from the standpoint of a soldier, so Wilhelm II could maintain the current establishment as long as Ludendorff remained loyal to the Kaiser and the government.

The problem was that Wilhelm II was unfortunately planning another attack on France.

Ludendorff conveyed the news from Russia to Wilhelm II.

“Your Majesty, it is said that Princess Anastasia has recaptured Moscow.”

“Has our army got tanks ready?”

“Yes. They are operating the tanks under the pretext of assisting the Russian army’s training.”

“Good. We must increase our military experience until the civil war ends. Since we’ve reclaimed Moscow, the Bolsheviks are essentially left with only remnants, right?”


“Can we succeed this time?”

A solo attack on France.

Of course, this time it was based on the Schlieffen Plan again, but it was a little different.

This time, leading with tanks, they aimed to prove that Belgium was just a shortcut, as they would storm all the way to Paris in one go.

However, this plan originated solely in Ludendorff’s mind, and it was significant that Wilhelm II accepted it.

The Germans were quiet for now, but if they followed through with the Versailles Treaty, they had already messed up the war enough that the royal family might face dire consequences.

Therefore, they had to attack France.

However, the consequences it would lead to were yet unknown.

Undoubtedly, within the German Empire, the red tide was creeping up.

“Comrade Lenin failed in Russia purely due to the authoritarian and violent conditions he laid out. Here in Germany, the sentiments must be captured solely by our German Communist Party for it to succeed.”

“Yes, Comrade Luxemburg.”

Rosa Luxemburg.

In actual history, when the November Revolution led to the collapse of the German Empire, she, along with Karl Liebknecht, rose in revolt for a communist revolution but failed.

However, witnessing the German Empire’s survival and the Soviet stained with authoritarianism and violence fold, Rosa Luxemburg viewed the Soviet as a failed communist revolution and began quietly gathering strength alongside Liebknecht.

She learned of Lenin’s brutal acts in the Red-White war, only to discover in the end that Lenin had failed.

An unprepared armed struggle.

Rosa Luxemburg perceived the Russian Civil War this way.

The Bolsheviks, marked by authority and violence, exploited the very people they claimed to liberate to uphold their power, just like during the Imperial era.

Thus, Rosa Luxemburg gained lessons from Lenin’s failures and slowly began to assert control over Germany.

“The time is drawing near.”

The German Communist Party had also gathered information regarding the Kaiser and military’s plans for war.

Therefore, they intended to capitalize on the moment and enlist the regular army that felt discontent with this war.

Ironically, contrary to Anastasia’s expectations, communism was once again gathering strength in Germany.