Chapter 329

The Villainous Noble Who Kept Rewinding After Death: The Story Somehow Changed When I Committed Suicide

Chapter 313: I Came to Pick You Up

A few hours after the birdman tribe’s Igul came to agree on a deal.

Having finished dinner, I sat in the chair of the office, gazing out the window when Wilhelm knocked and entered the room.

“Excuse me. Thank you for your hard work today.”

“Ah. Thanks. However, they were easier to handle than I expected, so I wasn’t that tired.”

“That’s true. But that’s also thanks to your keen ability to grasp the situation accurately. To understand the traits and desires of their species in such a short time and use that as bargaining chips, impressive indeed.”

“Well, it’s not like I was just wandering around other districts.”

Of course, my main purpose was to search for the spirit of the moon, but gathering information on how the demon race lives and what kinds of demons exist was also one of the objectives of checking out the other districts.

What caught my attention was indeed the low standard of living. Even in Etoile’s District 2, which should be the most developed, the quality of food, requests, and even jewelry couldn’t compare to those of humans.

If that’s the case, it’s easy to imagine that the living standards in the other districts are even lower, so I decided to leverage that in the negotiations.

“Even though the species is different, enjoying delicious food and gemstones remains unchanged. In fact, if they’re demons faithful to their desires, it’s even more the case.”


In the end, demons live not only by fighting but also following their desires; if there’s tasty food, they’ll want to eat it, and if they see shining jewels, they’ll want them.

From there, I just had to further stimulate those desires, making them easier to handle than humans who think too much and act foolishly.

“So, what about the bull-headed tribe, who won’t be joining this time?”

“I told you at the start, right? I won’t do anything. Even if in the future, they find the other three villages doing well and come to regret it by bowing their heads, I still won’t do anything. They’re the fools who ignored two chances. I don’t need idiots who can’t read the situation or the future developments.”

Turning points in life don’t come around all that often.

Because of that, when a turning point does come, one must act cautiously. However, the bull-headed tribe refused to listen just because I’m human, throwing away that precious turning point.

They could have just heard me out and then made a judgment, but those who don’t even do that and let pride make them miss opportunities are nothing but a nuisance, and dealing with such idiots is tiring work.

That’s why it’s better not to interact with fools from the beginning, and if they leave this district, I won’t be bothered at all.

In fact, I’d prefer that they do.

“I see. That’s why, when you gathered the leaders, you deliberately arrived late.”


The reason I intentionally arrived late at first was to gauge their reactions.

If they got angry and left, then so be it; if they could respond calmly, I’d be able to think positively about future interactions.

In that regard, Raven had a bad attitude at first, but he didn’t leave and listened until the end, which could be deemed passing marks as both a representative and a trading partner.

“So, what will you do starting tomorrow?”

“Well, if I go to District 5, that’ll mean I’ve checked out all the districts, and since Etoile has also called for me, I’ll head there after taking just one day off.”

“Understood. Then I’ll return to District 4 to match that day.”

“That’s fine, but have you finished educating Fon and the others?”

“Yes. As I mentioned at the beginning, everything they need to know has been taught before Luis-sama arrives. After that, it’s up to you and them to communicate. Additionally, even after you return to the human kingdom, I’ve instructed Fon to report to me regularly. If there’s any issue, I’ll lend a hand then.”

“That’s helpful. Thanks for everything this time.”

“No, thanks to you, it looks like we’ll be able to revive the Demon King sooner than planned. Besides, it’s also on Bagira-sama’s orders.”

“Still, I appreciate your cooperation.”

“Thank you very much. Now, I’ll take my leave and rest.”

Wilhelm said that before exiting the room, and I turned my gaze back out the window, idly observing the scenery outside.

“My soul feels twisted and lacking…”

Back then, I didn’t think much of Fuwawa’s words, but even after some time, they lingered in my mind for some reason, and I couldn’t shake off my curiosity.

“Ahh. If I could see souls, maybe I could understand something.”

Unfortunately, I have no way to see souls, so I have no choice but to give up, but it’s still disappointing not being able to verify things with my own eyes.

“I guess it can’t be helped. For now, I’ll just sleep.”

Having decided it was pointless to think any more, I stretched and stood up from the chair, returning to my room to rest.

Two days later.

Thanks to the restful time, I had completely recovered my physical strength and magical power, and I was being seen off by Wilhelm, Fon, and Rei and Mei.

“Well then, Wilhelm. Please let Bagira know I’ll be back in a little while.”


“And Fon. Make sure to follow the orders I gave and what Wilhelm told you, managing this district in my place.”


“Rei and Mei, continue managing the mansion as usual, and help Fon when he encounters things he can’t decide on.”


“Well then, see you later.”

I said that and turned my back on them, leaving that place and running across the building roofs toward the wall separating the districts.

Wilhelm was supposed to stop by District 4 before returning to Bagira, so we’d meet again, but it would be the last time I’d see the other three here, and I had no idea when our next meeting would be, so I made sure to give clear orders the day before, so there shouldn’t be any problems.

After that, I climbed the wall and took one last look down at District 6 before heading toward my next destination, District 5.

And so, I arrived at District 5, but how should I put this…

“This place is just as I imagined.”

Wilhelm had said that Lagrest in District 5 was a man’s romance, and indeed, the scene I envisioned was laid out before me.

Demons believed to be succubi stroll arm-in-arm with other male demons, their eyes vacant and lifeless expressions as they wandered through the streets.

“Succubi, if I recall correctly, live off the life force of others. That method… Ugh. I really don’t like places like this.”

I understand that they do what they must to live, but I personally dislike being casually touched by others and having them approach me while ignoring my reactions.

“I don’t want to go, but it looks like it’ll be troublesome if I don’t. Ugh, it can’t be helped. I’ll call for them.”

After pondering for a while while observing the street scene, I decided it was more of a hassle to go myself, so I would have them come to me first.

Then, as I slightly released my magical power of authority to announce my arrival, I sensed a reaction racing toward me at incredible speed.

“I came to pick you up~!!”

After waiting a moment, the one who greeted me with such a cheerful voice was Etoile, the leader of District 5.