Chapter 327

– “Slave to money ㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷ”

– “Ah, if it’s 3,000, I’m in ㅋㅋ”

– “3,000 with one cheer? Can’t resist this ㅋㅋ”

– “Rainbow must be super excited right now ㅋㅋㅋ”

– “If it were me, I’d be naming my grandchild right now”

– “Looks like Rainbow really stopped, huh? ㄹㅇ?”

– “Damn ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ”

– “Stop… it’s just too sad”

– “For real ㅋㅋ”

The audience’s reactions were nothing short of explosive.

Soon after, my wallet burst from the deluge of digital gifts.

‘Not bad, huh?’

Indeed, making a fuss converts to cash.

It’s just that the backlash waiting afterward is really annoying and painful.

『‘Malicious Lover’ gifted ‘10 baloons’.』

『“Should I open it?”』

『‘OpenTheDoor’ gifted ‘10 baloons’.』

『“Sister, I’m dying!”』

『‘Nililirilili’ gifted ‘10 baloons’.』

『“Is this a love confession or what?”』

I desperately ignored the flurry of digital gifts and focused back on the game.

Commonly, the team that secures the first Rift Herald wins the game.

This match was precisely a stellar example of such a game in progress.

Smooth lane phase win.

First Rift Herald taken without issues.

Based on that, steadily collecting turret gold.

It couldn’t be more like a perfectly drawn snowball effect.

– “This game blew up?”

– “For real”

– “Is there anything else to watch?”

– “Hmm…”

Given the situation, there was no way the opposing team could afford to engage in a Dragon fight.

Particularly, in Dragon fights, it’s okay for the disadvantaged team to give it up, but if they force a fight and lose, the losses would be considerable.

– “The blue team has taken down the Flame Dragon!”

‘Immediately going to the bot lane from here.’

The movement flowed seamlessly as if tracing an elegant line.

Of course, such a neat trajectory also meant it would be easy for the enemy to read.

“Since the enemy Rakan might come, I’ll pretend to dive and try to bait out his ultimate.”

A simple ping was enough to communicate this among high-tier gamers.

[OLZ Outlaw(Graves): Rakan – Alive]

[OLZ Outlaw(Graves): Rakan – Alive]

[OLZ Outlaw(Graves): Rakan – Alive]

Following that, GuineaPig’s Leona popped an emotional expression, as if he understood.


With that, all preparations were complete.


Initiation began with Leona’s bold e charge.

Caught at the edge of the range, it was a surprise that would catch the enemy off guard.

And at that moment.

As if waiting, pitch-black darkness welcomed us.

[❗] [❗] [❗]

We had anticipated such a turn of events, so we didn’t get drawn deeply in as the enemy intended.

This meant the enemy also had to win a straight-up fight to catch us.

‘Come on in.’

Somewhat oddly, Rakan was severely behind.

Shocking how he barely hit level 6.

Anyway, due to the level and item differences between junglers, plus slight gaps between lanes, we were always in a favorable position to win this fight.

‘We should’ve waited until we got to the turret.’

Of course, we pressured Rakan into using his ultimate to escape due to such variables.

– “Enemy slain!”

– “Double kill!”

Just like moths to a flame, Rakan fell, and soon after, the enemy Nautilus was dead.

We gained a one-sided advantage.

– “Oh”

– “Predicted ㄷㄷ”

– “Ah, this was obvious”

– “How did you see this coming”

– “Wow”

– “This is it”

– “Sister, I’m dying! Sister, I’m dying! Sister, I’m dying! Sister, I’m dying! Sister, I’m dying! Sister, I’m dying! Sister, I’m dying! Sister, I’m dying! Sister, I’m dying!”

– “Good good”

– “Jungle difference literally dreadful ㅋㅋ”

– “True, another true”

‘It wouldn’t feel right to end here.’

Now, the enemy bot lane was left with just the ADC, Samira.

If we just left her be, wouldn’t all our effort for that double kill go to waste?

[⬇] [⬇] [⬇]

[OLZ Outlaw(Graves) is heading over]

[OLZ Outlaw(Graves) is heading over]

There was no need to take unnecessary risks.

Just applying a little bit of pressure, the enemy Samira would have no choice but to give up both cs and experience.

It was the moment the jungle difference was making itself apparent.

– “Samira’s in tears ㅋㅋㅋㅋ”

– “Ah ㅋㅋ if you’re mad, eat it and die”

– “For real, tormenting her so bad”

– “That jungle difference is insane”

– “What kind of mountain-level jungler is he even ㄷㄷ…”

– “Stop the stomping!”

After the turn in the bot lane passed, the timing for the second Rift Herald quickly approached.

Since I already unleashed the first Rift Herald mid along with the top dive, the balance between top and mid had completely collapsed.

In other words, we had total control over the upper lanes, so naturally, we held the upper hand on the Rift Herald as well.

– “The blue team has slain the War Herald!”

That was the signal for the enemy to charge in.

‘Not happening here.’

Now that a significant gap had opened between both teams, their resistance was meaningless.

– “Enemy slain!”

– “Double kill!”

– “Enemy slain!”

After that, I immediately turned my attention to the mid lane.

No matter how much Raise flew and flared, he couldn’t clear the lane alone.

From then on, there was nothing to hold back.

Advance, advance, advance.

The only outcome waiting for us was one.


At last, we achieved victory in this game.



Staring at the victorious words displayed, Ryu Jin-hyuk couldn’t shake off his mixed feelings.

“Hyung, what are you doing?”

“Ah, nothing.”

Ultimately, unable to hold back, Ryu Jin-hyuk decided to ask GuineaPig Yoo Sang-hyun, who knew a bit about Outlaw.



“Earlier when Outlaw pinged for retreat… what was that all about?”

“Guess it looked dangerous.”

“Not dangerous at all.”

“Could’ve seemed that way from a jungler’s perspective.”

“Outlaw doesn’t make mistakes.”

Ryu Jin-hyuk’s confident words caused GuineaPig Yoo Sang-hyun’s expression to shift oddly.

It resembled that of a mischievous troublemaker yet also seemed serious.

“Why, what?”

“Just… sounded like you’re a spokesperson for Outlaw or something.”

“What’s wrong with saying he’s good at what he does?”

“Uh… nevermind. It’s nothing. You’re right, hyung.”

“Doesn’t seem like it; you look like you’re thinking something else.”

“I’m telling you, you’re right.”

After pondering for a while, Ryu Jin-hyuk finally said.

“And… what was that, the pep talk from earlier?”

“Huh? What are you talking about?”

“Earlier… you cheered for me.”

“Oh that.”

Yoo Sang-hyun chuckled lightly.

“Eh, probably a broadcast mission. Why worry about every little thing?”

“…Broadcast mission?”

Ryu Jin-hyuk’s expression suddenly sparked as if hit by lightning.

Actually, this was not the first time something like this had happened.

For sure, Rainbow had gone through a similar experience.

Yet, for some reason, Ryu Jin-hyuk assumed Outlaw said it personally.

Out of nowhere, indeed.


“Could be. Even if not, cheering is totally reasonable too. We’re representing Korea after all. Plus, now we’re in the same LCKR together. For LCKR teams to shine on international stages, the evaluations of teams and players in the same league will go up, right?”

That was a valid point.

Though it felt somewhat bittersweet for Ryu Jin-hyuk.

“…I guess so.”

“Want to play another round?”

“No. That’s it for today.”



I’ve endured for as long as I can.

But it felt like I’m reaching my limit.

‘Can’t do this anymore.’

I think I’ve done everything I could at home for the past few days.

Despite having lived like a recluse for a lifetime, it seems a few months of being outside have made me a little too comfortable, as I felt increasingly restless.

So, I prepared myself.

“Yujin, where are you going?”

“To the practice room.”

“Huh? Isn’t it a break?”

“Just… it’s way too boring being at home. It’s already a few days left until the break’s over, anyway. I’ll just go hang out there.”

“…Don’t you think it would be better to rest a bit more?”

“I’m fine. I actually enjoy this.”

My mother didn’t say anything more at my comment about enjoying it.

Though there were still quite a few days left of break, I felt like if I stayed home playing solo queue, I would completely lose my mind, so I chose to go to the practice room instead.

I figured Kim Jae-min and Kim Ji-hoon would be there now.

‘Did I really get lonely after just a few days apart?’

Even I found it puzzling.

Anyway, the important thing was that I desperately wanted to head to the practice room.

‘Even if rigorous practice isn’t feasible, it’s still better than being alone at home.’

As the saying goes, two heads are better than one; it would be somewhat better dealing with boredom in a group setting.

When I arrived at the dormitory,

“Alright, everyone, look this way!”

“Ugh, stop it!”

“Come on, don’t be shy. Oh, thank you, Little Sister, for the thousand balloons!”

…A truly dismal scene unfolded before my eyes.