Chapter 320

The Villainous Noble Who Kept Rewinding After Death: The Story Somehow Changed When I Committed Suicide

Chapter 304: We Became a Little Closer

After meeting up with Wilhelm along the way, we returned to Bagira’s castle and were invited by him to discuss our future in the reception room.

“So? What are you going to do from now on?”

“Well, there are a few more things I need to do, so I think I’ll take a break and maybe check out the other districts in a couple of days.”

“Other districts, huh?”


It was not only because Soware and Etoile had invited me, but I was also told by Bernzel to look for the Moon Spirit, so I thought it would be good to survey the other districts.

“I see. Well, I can’t stop you, and if it’s you, the others will probably accept it too. In that case, make sure to check out the Sixth District that you’ll be managing while you’re at it.”

“I was planning to go there from the start. But I won’t have time to manage it, so what am I supposed to do about that?”

“If that’s the case, I’ll lend you Wilhelm for a while. This guy has been serving me for a long time and is quite capable; he’s a vampire, after all. He’s strong for his kind and shouldn’t lose to anyone out there.”

“Is that so? Then, Wilhelm, I’m counting on you for a while.”


“However, I can’t keep him forever, so I’d like to borrow Fon, Rei, and Mei as well. Is that okay?”

“Huh? What are you going to use them for?”

“Wilhelm is your subordinate, right? Then you have to return him someday, and you’ll need someone to entrust with the management afterward. I’ve instilled enough fear into those three, and as for Fon, he’s practically my puppet at this point. They should fulfill their roles without betrayal.”

“I see.”

Bagira said this, casting a glance at Fon, who was waiting behind me with empty eyes, then quickly lost interest and turned his gaze back to me.

“I don’t have a problem as long as you’re fine with those three.”

“Great. If you’re okay with it, I’ll gratefully accept them. Fon, starting today, your master is me. Make sure to teach Wilhelm how to work properly.”


Fon replied in a weak voice and immediately left the reception room with Wilhelm to start learning about district management.

“By the way, I forgot to ask earlier, but why does that room always change?”

“That room you mean, the one we use for the meetings?”


Changing rooms every time may have benefits for avoiding attacks or information leaks, but considering the trouble when they end up in a bad room as Bagira described, I thought it might be easier to unify it to one room.

“Well, that’s simple. It gets boring.”


“It gets boring if it’s the same room over and over.”

His unexpected answer left me speechless, only to realize it was no misunderstanding as he repeated the same words.

“Who thinks that’s a good reason?”

“That’s, um…”

“Oh. I see. It was your past self, wasn’t it?”

Bagira’s gaze drifted away as I spoke, leading me to deduce that his past self was the one who initiated the creation of that peculiar room.

“Well, I don’t remember those times clearly, but according to records, it appears I mentioned it when the kingdom was founded.”

“And that’s how the room became that way using an artifact.”

“But really, think about it. Even if I did say that, it would be impossible to implement it all by myself. I’m sure everyone agreed, leading to the creation of such a room.”

“Hah. I guess that’s true.”

Certainly, as he said, I couldn’t tell if everyone in his past life was as friendly as they are now, but it wouldn’t have been possible to create such a room on one person’s word, so it was likely everyone agreed upon it.

Besides, since my past self wasn’t there at that time, I had no right to say anything about this matter.

“That being said, today was a fun conversation.”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“About you and Tiny. I never imagined you two were dating!”

“Hey, seriously, stop talking about that.”

I brought up my teasing about his relationship with Tiny, but the moment Bagira heard her name, his complexion darkened, and he seriously told me to stop.

“Was it really that terrifying?”

“Hah. You don’t know her when she’s consumed by jealousy; that’s why you can say such things. When I was dating her, I received messages every few minutes, and if I talked to another girl for even a moment in town, spears would rain down on me. It was really bad, you know?”

“How did she find out? We were in different districts.”

“I wish I knew.”

While I had intended to tease Bagira, there was something about his story that felt familiar, and I couldn’t help but empathize with his experiences.

“Say, Bagira. Have you ever had a similar experience?”

“Like what?”


I started sharing my experiences with Sonia and Iris, and it seemed there were parts he could relate to as our conversation reached a new high, ending with us comforting each other over our struggles while drinking.

Well, Bagira was already over it, but for me, it was still ongoing, so it didn’t resolve anything.

Should I ask Bagira how he broke up with Tiny?

I pondered this while downing the drink Bagira poured for me.

Two days later.

Today is finally the day I head out of District Four to check out the other districts.

“Louis, be careful out there.”


Since that day, we had been sharing our experiences, and it seemed our distance had shrunk just a bit, as Bagira now expressed his concerns for me genuinely.

“Wilhelm. I’m leaving the three of them to you.”

“Leave it to me. By the time you come to District Six, I’ll make sure they can handle their tasks.”


Behind Wilhelm stood Rei, Mei, and Fon, whom Bagira had given me, and they were heading off to District Six, where I would manage, to confirm the current conditions and the future tasks ahead.

“Okay, I’m off.”

“Yeah. Make sure to drop by again when you return.”


Bagira and I bumped fists as we promised to meet again before parting ways, and I quickly left for my first destination.

“First, I’ll head to the neighboring District Three, Anvinait.”

The first place I aimed for was District Three, managed by Bagira’s ex-girlfriend, Tiny, who wielded the power of jealousy.

District Three was next to the Fourth District Bagira managed, making it easy to move and close by.

“I’m looking forward to seeing what it’s like.”

Plus, seeing where the dark elves lived would be my first experience in this life, including my past life, making me excited and unable to imagine what lies ahead.

Repeating the same world numerous times led me to naturally become bored with the same events and scenery, causing initial excitement and emotional reactions to fade into a sense of resignation, ultimately leading to feeling nothing at all.

So, unknown encounters and experiences felt like an oasis in the desert for my broken heart, and just discovering one made me happy and mysteriously fulfilled my heart.

Thus, I left the Fourth District, which had taken care of me, to also visit Soware and Etoile, who invited me while searching for the Moon Spirit, heading first to the neighboring District Three.