Chapter 32

Moon Si-hyun’s 1v4 super play had an incredible impact. The clips that spread virally provided great interest and shock to the Fiore users.

“Woman,” “Garbage Fighter One-Champ Master,” with her charming voice—everything about her was captivating enough to draw people’s attention.

To catch the wave, San-deng and the Cactus editor were frantically editing the footage, knowing that once it aired, it would stir up even more excitement.

And the intrigue surrounding her brought in viewers eager to check out her streams.

Approximately 1,000 new viewers flocked in just to watch her gameplay.

If the previous influx was dubbed “Squirrel Incident Influx,” this one could be labeled the “1v4 Influx.”

It had been a while since new viewers arrived. And being newcomers, they didn’t yet have the “illusion” that Moon Si-hyun was dense.

“It’s an opportunity,”

Moon Si-hyun thought.

It was a chance to slow down the momentum of those viewers who mistakenly thought she was less than smart.

…… However.


What the hell? You did that without any traits?




Ah, I knew it, damn it, lol!

Damn it, you dense girl!

So you leveled up to Master without any traits?? For real??

Crazy girl, lol!

How on earth did you bring it up to 300 points??

Seriously, how did you do that;;;;;

Is this for real?


That plan unraveled from a single statement by Moon Si-hyun.

At first, she thought it was just the viewers joking around with her.

But even viewers with unfamiliar nicknames were throwing question marks at her comments.


She quickly scanned through the chat messages piling up. In an instant, the conclusion formed in her head.

‘…… Maybe there really are traits.’

…… she thought.

Her mind briefly stopped. She couldn’t hide the slightly awkward expression on her face.

For a moment, she lowered her head.

Then she raised it again.

Her expression returned to its previous blankness.

“I didn’t intentionally avoid them.”





What’s that?


Oh, here we go again, damn it!

Why didn’t you use them?

Stubborn GOAT!



The chat momentarily paused then surged back up.

Moon Si-hyun opened her mouth again.

“I didn’t use them on purpose. The traits didn’t suit me.”


Stop talking nonsense and just look up what traits mean!

What? lol

What’s not fitting exactly? Hahahahaha!



This is kind of funny, since I’m a first-time viewer.

This doesn’t seem like a concept…


“…… I’m serious.”

But Moon Si-hyun was a saint. She couldn’t just lie confidently.

As she tried to tell another lie, her voice started to waver.


Hahaha gifted 1,000 coins.

Why did you intentionally not use them? Explain!



After about five seconds of silence from Moon Si-hyun.





Wow, these new viewers are tough to control.

I shouldn’t have expected anything, damn it!


You’re right, remember this, this is the average intelligence of this room’s leader!


So the nickname wasn’t just chosen randomly!

There’s a reason they call her a High-Ability Person, lol!

Damn girl!


The atmosphere among the influx viewers of the stream quickly changed.

Heat began to creep onto Moon Si-hyun’s face. Her ears were turning bright red.

She scrambled to think of something to say to recover.

At that moment, when it was the opponent’s turn to pick a character, a Fighter appeared.





What’s this?


The Fighter pick rate went up, lol!

Wow, what’s a matched fighter? I’ve never seen this before in my life!


Is this due to the host’s influence?

Fighter vs Fighter, whoa!


“Oh, a Fighter.”

A pleasantly surprised voice came from her. Since hitting Master, she hadn’t faced another Fighter besides herself.

At that moment, an idea popped into Moon Si-hyun’s head.

“Oh! I can show that not having traits is better through this match!”


Ah, damn it, lol!

She’s really so damned stubborn, it’s infuriating, lol!

I secretly hope the opponent wins this time though.

This person is kind of cute, lol!

They’re going to take a beating again;

But really, what’s the reason for the denial?? (I really don’t know.)

Please lose…


The game began.

Before I left the starting point, I did a quick stretch.


Na-yuksu (Current Realm/Fighter): I love you, Si-hyun!


Text appeared in the bottom left. It was the chat from the opponent Fighter.



A free donation, damn it!

That was intentional!

Let’s block him!


Get out!

Block, go!


“…… Thank you for your interest.”



Surprisingly, they didn’t seem bothered at all, lol!

They’ve always been good about this kind of thing!

Aren’t you ashamed?

The reaction isn’t that great…


While streaming, there were often people who directly expressed their affection like that.

It was unfamiliar for her, so she sometimes felt flustered.

“Well, as a streamer, it’s a happy thing to be appreciated. Hearing ‘I love you’ is a bit strange, but it’s not embarrassing or anything.”





That sounds logical.



Admiring comments started flooding in.

Did I appear smart? I felt a bit pleased.


So can we say it too? I love you!

I love you!

I love you!

I love you, host~!

I love you!

I love you!



Immediately after that, the word ‘I love you’ surged up in dozens.

At first, it was okay, but as more came, her face began to heat up considerably.

They enjoyed making fun of me and causing me to flounder.

That’s the characteristic of the chat from my viewers.

I was considering whether to ask them to stop, but I didn’t want to retract my words, so I focused on the game.

In a standoff in the Central Plains.

The opponent Fighter waved their hand at Moon Si-hyun.

She hesitated for a moment, then lightly nodded her head.

“It’s fun to meet someone who knows me in-game.”


For real.

I can really feel her rising broadcast popularity.


Feeling a bit shy, the opponent Fighter scratched their head.

Suddenly, Moon Si-hyun charged forward.

Startled, the Fighter prepared their stance and unleashed a wave.

Moon Si-hyun easily dodged it, then moved into the opponent’s grasp.

With that, she raised her right arm.

– Whack! Bang! Smash!

The sound of ribs breaking echoed repeatedly.

It was as if every counterattack from the opponent was seen and easily dodged. And with each dodge, she smashed with her fist and knee.

Finally, she landed a punch squarely on the opponent Fighter’s head.

They collapsed as if shattered. Unable to move anymore.






– Whack! Bang! Smash! Thud!

The striking sounds consumed the silent battlefield.

It was the sound of a Fighter annihilating another Fighter.

When the opponent could no longer move under the one-sided damage, Moon Si-hyun grabbed the back of their neck and started throwing punches to their face.

It was not a situation to get back up.

– You have defeated the enemy.

Before long, the energy drained from the opponent Fighter’s body. Moon Si-hyun let their Fighter corpse drop to the side.

That couldn’t even be called a skirmish.

Assault. Beating. Pummeling. Whipping. Those words suited it much better.




Damn, was this game really this brutal?

Seriously, she avoided all the punches…

This is even crueler than cutting someone down with a sword or axe;

Si-hyun… I’m a fan!

I might stop loving you now… ㅠㅠ

Wow, even without traits, she just mows them down!

A producer of anti-fans, d−d−d−d−d!


“You can’t see me as a fan. It’s disrespectful to our team. And besides, you haven’t fought a single match as a Fighter…”


You’re right, gifted 1,000 coins.

Yeah, that’s right. This was their first match as a Fighter.


“Ah, I see. …… Hmm. It’s nice that the pick rate has gone up, but…”

‘If many people pick a Fighter in ranked games, her Fighter image would definitely go down. Her points would drop considerably…’

She was thinking about how to handle it when she briefly rummaged through the information panel. There indeed was something called traits.

Whether ally or enemy, everyone had colorful trait patterns on display, while Moon Si-hyun alone bore a dull brown ‘Basic’ trait.

It had no special effects, merely giving a slight boost to attack.

Of course, there were plenty of superior traits available.

She looked around and then said,

“Well… thanks to this, I won. I usually have this equipped.”




Si-hyun, this is getting cringy.

Big Si-hyun!



Yes… as the wind blows, you sure are high-ability, Si-hyun!

The game reached its climax. Moon Si-hyun waited alone in the bushes.

The opponent she targeted soon appeared. It was an opponent Fighter. She immediately hit them with a wave then moved in to beat them down again.

The opponent’s punches didn’t land. But all of Moon Si-hyun’s punches, elbows, knees, and kicks connected.

The opponent Fighter was quickly brought to the brink of death. Falling to the ground, clearly out of it.

Just as Moon Si-hyun was about to deliver the final blow.


Na-yuksu (Current Realm/Fighter): Si-hyun!

Na-yuksu (Current Realm/Fighter): Wait a sec!

Na-yuksu (Current Realm/Fighter): Just a moment!



Moon Si-hyun lowered her fist, which she had been preparing to slam down.

In any case, the victory had already been secured long ago. Whether in the Sky Realm or Current Realm, she was overwhelmingly winning.

The opponent Fighter seemed to be manipulating something, tapping their fingers in the air.

[…… Ah. Ah.]


Moon Si-hyun heard a voice from the Fighter. It was a voice chat for everyone.

He seemed to be testing the microphone, as he mumbled to himself a few times, took a deep breath, then


[Moon Si-hyun! I love you!!!]





What the hell, hahaha!



Ah shit, that surprised me!


Moon Si-hyun was startled by that loud voice. She momentarily forgot where to place her hands, fidgeting madly.

[Moon Si-hyun!!! I love you!!!]

It echoed loudly. All eyes from her allies turned toward her.

“W-wait a moment……! Please, just be quiet……!”

Moon Si-hyun, restless, bent her knees and covered the Fighter’s mouth with both hands.

[Si-hyun!!! I love you!!!]

But that boisterous, resonant voice didn’t stop.



You really think covering it will stop it???

It’s so funny seeing you panicking, damn it, Hahahaha!



Ganada (Sky Realm/Wizard): ?? What’s going on??

Kongnamul (Sky Realm/Knight): Do you two know each other? lol


By now, even the allies were whispering through chat. Moon Si-hyun’s face was getting hotter and hotter, nearing its limit.

– Whack!!

Moon Si-hyun finally finished the opponent Fighter with a stomp.

“Sigh…… Hah……!”

Her breathing, which had been completely fine until moments ago, became ragged and chaotic.




The reactions were so cute!

What is with this awkwardness?

She froze…

Yuksu, I agree with you, I admit defeat!

She can say she loves me; it doesn’t matter, lol!

So lame.

One of the systems in ‘Fist Over Legend’ was the Lounge.

Created during the peak of the ‘Metaverse’ trend, it was combined with various venues in virtual reality.

Moon Si-hyun invited ‘Na-yuksu’ and entered his personal Lounge together.

At a glance, it could also look like a date, and so might lead to strong backlash from viewers.

“Honestly, we don’t know each other’s faces in-game, and in the end, it’s no different from public places. Would Na-yuksu still act this way if his face were revealed?”



Why does this feel ominous, damn it?

Stop it already!

He said he’s sorry, Si-hyun…

I also want you to scold him!

I’ve never seen this side of her before.


You’re right, gifted 1,000 coins.

It really feels like I’m getting scolded by a proper adult, so I’m a little scared!


For real.

For real;

Yes, that feels exactly right, lol!

Wow, but her voice is seriously amazing.


The man was kneeling before her without being told.

“You can’t speak about private matters openly like that among us. Think of how uncomfortable it would’ve made others.”


“What’s your answer?”

[Sorry, I’m sorry……]

A different, much more timid voice came from the man.

Moon Si-hyun’s voice was not intimidating. It wasn’t a voice filled with anger or a commanding tone, nor was it devoid of power that could induce fear.

But her uniquely warm yet firmly scolding voice made the man shrink within himself.

Moon Si-hyun was someone who believed in correcting wrongs.

…… However, there was also a slight urge for revenge against how greatly he had embarrassed her.

“Have you reflected on your actions?”

Moon Si-hyun’s voice echoed throughout the Lounge.

[…… Yes. I’m sorry……]

In the presence of that harmless, timid voice, and since his lounge character was a Bear Doll,

Moon Si-hyun felt a tickling in her heart again.

“…… Pfft. Please don’t do that again.”

Moon Si-hyun smiled and reached out to pat the man.

[…… Hm. Yes……]


What the hell!!!!

Why don’t you do that for us? Why don’t you do that for us? Why don’t you do that for us? Why don’t you do that for us? Why don’t you do that for us? Why don’t you do that for us?

Please do it for me too!


Look at that bastard’s grin!

This is so infuriating!


Suddenly, the warm atmosphere of the chat shifted.

Moon Si-hyun had to put in some effort to calm them down.


Hako Virtual Minor Gallery


– Today’s Moon Si-hyun’s awkward moment……clip

(Though she said she wouldn’t care, she becomes more and more silent as it floods with ‘I love you’)

(Clip showing her startled and fumbling as the opponent’s surprise voice chat hits her, followed by her covering her mouth with both hands)

– Hahaha! It’s so cute that you think covering your mouth will work!

n No way will that stop them, lol!

– Come hereeeeee!!!

– Seriously, can’t take it anymore, this irritating girl!

– Moon Si-hyun is truly a maiden!

n “Seeing you touching that man shows you’re not a maiden, right?”

n “Wait, now touching someone in a virtual world means you’re no longer a maiden?”

n “But I broke this guy’s head ten times last game; does that make me a murderer?”

– I hope she invites everyone to the Lounge later for an online fan meeting, ooo.

n Oh.

n For real;

n Hehe…

– Sigh…


Fist Over Legend Minor Gallery


– So where the hell is the lecture?

(Capture of the Emerald Fighter One-Champ)

Where the hell is my Fighter lecture!!!!!!!!

– She said she couldn’t show it this match because it was too chaotic, but she’d show it next match.

– Next match, ooo.

– Is she really going to do it well? It looks like another ‘tap-tap-tap’ kind of deal, right?



The man looked at the last comment and nodded repeatedly before turning his gaze back to Moon Si-hyun’s stream.

He used to enjoy various broadcasts in segments but now, during Moon Si-hyun’s streaming time, he only watched hers.

After the ‘Squirrel Incident,’ he had inevitably become her fan.

Before long, the game was secured. Strangely, her next opponent was also a Fighter.

Moon Si-hyun excitedly started talking about Fighters. Most of it was odd, so it was hard to understand. The chat seemed similarly perplexed.

[You’re not changing your traits? …… I told you before that it’s a basic one.]

The same old obvious lie was told—her stubbornness was consistent. But it felt genuinely cute to him. He guessed that it wouldn’t be just him who felt that way.

However, not wanting to show that feeling, he sent a chat that felt like, “Alright… do as you please.”

He thought that he was different but ended up engaging in typical ‘Yuksu behavior.’

In the end, the game began without changing traits. During loading, the nicknames of allies and opponents appeared.


The moment he saw the opponent Fighter’s nickname, his smile vanished.


The man’s eyes narrowed. He knew exactly who that was.

The opponent was a named individual from the Fiore Gallery. Master 350 points.

And now, Moon Si-hyun’s score was 342 points.