Chapter 319
[“Um… Are you okay?”]
“To be honest, I have no clue what to ban.”
Of course, if I looked up their history, I could roughly see their most played champions. But judging from those most picked champions, I wasn’t sure if they would even pose a significant threat.
“Most picks are probably not going to be extreme choices like Fiora or Jax anyway.”
Sure, there are people who rank up with those champions, but most tend to use picks that fit the meta. Well, strictly speaking, I wouldn’t say Fiora-like picks are necessarily low-tier in Solo Queue, but still, they weren’t my opponent’s most played.
[“What’s a ban?”]
“Um… it’s when you prevent the opponent from using a champion.”
With my younger sibling’s question, I fully grasped our team’s situation. Things that I consider obvious might not be for them.
“Honestly, it’s a relief that we have two players who have at least played a game.”
Gold and Bronze. Honestly, those tiers are hard to trust, but in this situation, I was grateful.
Thus, our team’s first ban ended up being No Ban. At that moment, our Gold mid laner friend spoke up.
[“Did you ask if we’re going No Ban?”]
“I think it’s fine to say yes.”
[“Got it.”]
After that, a small commotion broke out on the opponent’s side. I couldn’t hear exactly what was being said, but it was definitely about our No Ban.
Then the opponent’s second ban came, and it felt like a declaration of war against us with another No Ban.
“Look at that…”
Honestly, I came here to have fun, but I couldn’t shake off the sense of being slightly disrespected.
“Hey! I’ve reached rank 1! And I’ve hit 2000 points too!”
“… what?”
Anyway, thanks to that, the bans went by super fast. Excluding the first ban of Graves, everything else was No Ban.
[“They’re crossing the line.”]
[“Why? What’s so bad about not banning?”]
In response to my younger sibling’s question, the Gold mid laner friend answered.
[“Just think of it as them disrespecting you.”]
I could tell my sibling’s mood wasn’t great anymore. It seemed she was seriously getting upset by the idea that I was being disrespected.
[“… I’ll kill them all.”]
Maybe it was the alcohol, but the atmosphere started to get weird.
The ban/pick officially began. The opponent’s first pick was Ezreal. Since our bot lane tier was practically meaningless, they likely picked a champion with strong survivability and potential if they grew steadily.
“If they grow safely, Ezreal can be a real pain to deal with.”
Especially since there were very few picks that could catch a well-farmed Ezreal in the jungle.
“Well, it’s still Gold, though.”
Then it was our turn to pick.
[Champion Selection]
[Next in line]
It’s a bit surprising to say, but in these types of internal games where the tier differences are substantial across lanes, it’s often more beneficial not to obsess over champion tiers.
After all, among the lower-tier picks, there are many champions that might struggle a bit in the early game but have exceptional potential in the late game.
Among the picks available for the jungle that could perform decently into the late game were…
“Let’s say Viego, Hecarim, or Diana.”
Plus, if I added in off-meta champions, a few more would pop up.
“Also, I need to consider the opponent’s tier.”
The opponent’s first pick, Ezreal, likely isn’t the core of their composition. There’s no need to overthink it; it’s because the opponent’s Ezreal is Gold.
I’m not dismissing Gold, but it is considered one of the lower tiers in their line-up, so their composition is more likely to be built that way.
“Well then, let’s first catch our picks.”
“Yuri, do you have anyone you can play?”
[“Um… Oh, I’ve tried Darius a few times.”]
“… Really?”
I expected her to mention champions like Ruler or Nami, but she surprised me with that choice.
“Oh right, she said she was going top.”
Starting at top… from the perspective of a user just starting Legends of League, it was a bit of an unusual start, but not necessarily bad.
“… No, wait. Is it bad?”
Looking at it long-term, it might significantly impact her attitude…
“Um… then what about bot lane?”
[“I can play Ruler.”]
“Can you do Yuumi?”
[“Um… I’ve tried it a few times.”]
“Then let’s go with that.”
[“Ah, sure. I’ll try.”]
Thus, our team’s first pick was decided.
With that, our first pick was Yuumi. The moment they saw Yuumi, the opponent likely felt a slight shiver too. Given Yuumi’s champion traits, even if you play poorly, you could easily chip in 0.7 worth just by attaching to a well-farmed champion.
“Usually, you’d have to ban out such champions in these internal games, but since the opponent went with No Ban…”
It could be seen as some sort of price to pay for the No Ban.
[“What should I pick?”]
Now it was my younger sibling’s turn for the 2nd pick. Normally, it would follow the standard order of top, jungle, mid, ADC, support in a game like this, but when friends play together, it’s unlikely to follow that strict order.
“More than anything, I can’t let a beginner handle the bans.”
I said.
“You said you could play Darius?”
“What else?”
While Darius isn’t a bad choice, considering her opponent is a Platinum top laner, it would likely not work out.
[“I don’t have any others.”]
“How about Ornn?”
[“What’s that?”]
Ornn is actually a very good champion in the current meta. Sadly, it’s a champion that requires significant mastery, making it unsuitable to recommend to someone just starting Legends of League.
“Do you recognize Malphite?”
[“Oh, I know that one. That rock thing.”]
“Exactly, that one. Let’s use that.”
[“Can’t I just play Darius?”]
“Um… you can, but I think the rock champion would be better.”
[“Okay, I’ll do it.”]
Normally, considering my sister’s personality, I expected her to insist on picking what she wanted, but unexpectedly, she accepted willingly.
Soon after, it was the opponent’s 2nd and 3rd picks.
Senna and Kamal. In other words, it was correct to view it as a Diamond supporter and a Platinum top laner pick.
“Kamal might go mid, but… that’s unlikely.”
Of course, it wouldn’t be wise to assume anything. Due to the nature of internal games, you can’t predict what champion will show up where.
“A Malphite pick followed by Kamal… so they’re definitely not worried about their ranks.”
What are Kamal’s strengths?
High mobility and CC for gank response or roaming.
In short, with Kamal appearing in the opponent’s top, our jungle and mid would naturally feel pressure.
[Champion Selection]
It was our team’s 3rd pick. Despite the atmosphere seeming like a No Ban fest, as we got to the 4th and 5th picks, I knew it would be unpredictable, so it seemed wise to secure a jungle pick soon.
“I’ll grab the jungle.”
[“Oh, okay.”]
“Let’s see…”
I examined both our and the opponent’s compositions. Honestly, calling them compositions was a stretch, but I knew what I needed to pick.
“Give me Viego.”
The reason I picked Viego was simple. In this game, even if my whole team dies, I need a champion that can survive and take down the entire enemy.
And fitting that description was Viego.
As expected, both teams did not ban any champions for the 4th and 5th picks either.
Now it was time for our team’s 4th pick.
“I think we should pick an ADC. Do you have someone you know how to play?”
[“Um… what’s an ADC?”]
“Oh, um… then how about try searching for Ashe?”
[“Oh, I found it. She’s cute.”]
“Yep, you can go with her.”
Honestly, I was uncertain whether it was necessary to match up ADC champions for someone just starting Legends of League, but since it was an internal game, we decided to go along with it.
Then it was the opponent’s turn for 4th and 5th picks.
[Champion Selection]
[Next in line]
If Kamal wasn’t going mid, then it was time for the other main character today, the opponent Platinum mid laner’s pick.
“Furthermore, the jungle should be coming out now too.”
As expected? Or did I not see it coming at all?
An incredibly interesting pick came out, especially from mid.
Noticing this, our Gold mid laner friend spoke.
[“Whoa, they’re picking Zed? This is insane!”]
It was finally our team’s last pick.
Our Gold mid laner friend could be considered another main character today.
[“Phew… I’ll totally carry this. They’re insane for picking Zed first.”]
My mind naturally began to conjure up picks to counter Zed.
“If I go against Zed, I could swap with Malphite, or maybe a bruiser like Renekton wouldn’t be too bad. Alternatively, I could use a pick like Janna or Zilean to completely lock him down….”
Finally, our Gold mid laner friend declared what he would pick.
[“Give me Yasuon.”]
I had to doubt my ears for a moment.
Yasuon vs. Zed. A legendary match was about to unfold between a Gold mid laner and a Platinum mid laner.