Chapter 317
The Villainous Noble Who Kept Rewinding After Death: The Story Somehow Changed When I Committed Suicide
Chapter 301: Everyone’s in Trouble
“What the hell is this?”
Excited about a new encounter, I stepped through the door and was greeted by a scene: a child sleeping on a futon on the floor, two women playing chess, and further back in the corner of the room, another woman reading a book.
In the middle of the room, I spotted Bagira seated on a sofa, already drinking with a hooded man, creating a rather confusing sight.
“Oh, you made it! Lewis! Come over here! And watch your feet around that one!”
Bagira, seeing me dumbfounded by the unexpected scene, seemed to be in high spirits from the booze, happily calling me closer.
“What in the world is going on?”
“Hmm? It’s just the usual gathering we have, you know?”
“Heh. This time, it’s a winner, for sure. Last time was downright terrible, but here the booze and food are top-notch.”
“You know it! Ten! Drink more!”
“Woo! To have Bagira-sama pouring me drinks, I’m so happy! When I get home, I’m gonna brag to my brothers!”
Saying this, Bagira and the guy named Ten, who had his hood pulled low, poured each other drinks, chugging them down and enjoying themselves.
“What the hell is going on here…”
“You seem to be in a bit of trouble, huh?”
Still unable to comprehend the situation in front of me, I heard a woman’s distinctly quirky voice from behind and turned around.
There stood a stunning beauty with black hair and animal ears, swaying three tails fluffier than Fiera’s, alongside a scantily clad woman exposing just the minimum needed.
“Who are you guys?”
“I’m Soware, the Black Fox.”
“I am Etoile, Queen of Dreams! Nice to meet you, darling!!”
“Uh, what’s with that way of speaking?”
“Oh ho ho! Don’t mind me, darling!!”
The woman who introduced herself as Soware wore an unreadable smile while the one named Etoile laughed like a fool with a strange ending to her phrases.
“Bagira, seriously, explain. What is up with this situation?”
“Huh? Oh, sorry. I got carried away since it’s been a while since we hit a jackpot room.”
“Heh, Bagira, I get how you feel, but you shouldn’t leave your friend alone, you know?”
“That’s right! Bagira-san! I think that’s inappropriate of you!”
“Ah, my bad. By the way, Etoile, have you lost your character again?”
“Yes, darling! Oh ho ho ho!”
Etoile, not comprehending why she was proud of anything, puffed her chest out and laughed heartily, while Bagira sighed in exasperation.
“Let’s introduce you one by one to Lewis.”
“Please do.”
“First up, you might’ve just heard her name, but this black-haired lady here is Soware. Her power is Greed, and her ability is to exchange money and goods to either bring herself luck or, conversely, bring misfortune to whoever she touches, known as ‘The Harmonizer of Luck and Misfortune.’ She can even avoid death, depending on the price paid for luck, and her misfortune can invoke disasters. She’s the leader of District 2, Afiguait.”
“You are Lewis, right? Nice to meet you!”
“You know about me?”
“Yes. I’ve always had good hearing since I was young. So, I get any information quickly.”
Soware grinned but her eyes seemed to size me up, making me feel uncomfortable as if she was calculating whether I’d be beneficial for her.
“And over here, the one speaking like a fool is Etoile, Queen of Dreams. Her power is Lust, and her ability is to turn a target who is aware of her into a puppet, known as ‘Toy Box of Dreams.’ Once under her control, there’s no escaping, and the more someone falls into dependency, the more obedient they become. Well, she’s the leader of District 5, Ragrest.”
“Nice to meet you, darling!!”
“Ah, nice to meet you. But seriously, what’s with that way of speaking?”
“This one changes her way of speaking according to her mood, but sometimes she loses her character, and all sorts of ways of speaking get mixed up. Last time, she was a villainous noble lady with a hearty laugh and that ending phrase. Before that…”
“Before that, it was ‘desu’ at the end. The theme was a somewhat childish girl, I think.”
“Oh, right… Wait, Tiny!? Why are you butting into this conversation?!”
“Why not? I have to greet the newcomers, too.”
At that moment, the woman named Tiny, who had been reading a book in the corner, stepped forward, and Bagira, startled, hurriedly distanced himself from her and hid behind me, trembling slightly and sporting a pale face.
“I am Tiny, the Dark Elf. My power is Jealousy, and my ability is to steal the abilities of those I envy and render them unusable for a certain time, known as ‘Seeker of Love.’ The extent of the powers I replicate depends on how much I envy the target; the more envious I feel, the more accurately I can replicate their ability, and conversely, the longer they’re unable to use their stolen abilities. By the way, I’m the leader of District 3, Anvinate.”
“Nice to meet you! By the way, did something happen between you and Bagira in the past?”
“N-Nothing happened! It’s not something you need to be concerned about, Lewis!”
“Bagira, you have to give proper info to the newcomers, you know? Plus, it’s not like it’s something to hide. We just used to date, that’s all.”
Bagira, who struck me as someone playing around with various women rather than sticking with anyone, seemed to have been someone’s property at one point after all.
“No, it wasn’t like we were dating or anything. It was almost a stalker situation.”
“Did you say something?”
Bagira seemed about to say something but then shut up when faced with Tiny’s incredibly beautiful smile, shaking his head in denial. But he was easily caught by Tiny and dragged to the corner of the room.
Still, seeing that scene gave me a strange sense of déjà vu, and for some reason, I felt sympathetic towards Bagira’s plight.
“Looks like they’re busy over there, so I guess I’ll take over the introductions. Ten, dear.”
Soware called out Ten, the hooded man who had been drinking with Bagira, and he stepped closer to stand next to her.
“This gentleman is Ten, the agent of Pride.”
“Yeah. That prideful jerk never shows up at these gatherings. Instead, his underlings, including Ten and his brothers, take turns attending.”
“Looks like you made it back, Bagira.”
“Well, sort of.”
Having escaped from Tiny, who had been pressing him earlier, Bagira now provided info about the holder of the Pride power.
“The Pride guy has been the same one since before I became leader, but I’ve never seen his face. But from the records, I know he has the power called ‘Supreme Ruler,’ which materializes whatever he truly believes in. The more prideful he is, the stronger the effect, meaning if he believes he’s the only one who can move there, everyone else will freeze in place.”
“That’s a bit too prideful, don’t you think?”
“Yeah, right? Well, there are some limits, and the effective range is about 80 meters around himself; he can’t stack his powers.”
“At least there are some limits.”
“I think so too. And lastly, the kid who’s been sleeping on the floor over there is Horn, the Fallen Angel. He looks like a child, but he’s been the representative longer than me, and his power is Sloth. His ability is ‘Endless Decay,’ which reduces all of a target’s abilities limitlessly. The stronger their positive feelings like motivation or fighting spirit, the more sluggish they become, or the weaker their magic gets. Once influenced by this ability, even if they lose motivation, their body continues to decay, ultimately leading to their organs succumbing and death due to extreme laziness.”
“Sounds like a bottomless pit of capability.”
No matter what living being it is, they usually have some motivation or eagerness before doing something, but if you try to feel those emotions in front of him, the only awaited ending is death.
“By the way, does Fallen Angel mean they were an angel before?”
“No, Fallen Angels are a type of demon race. Though they have ‘angel’ in their name, that’s just how they’re born. It’s like elves and dark elves.”
“Oh, I see.”
While elves and dark elves are both considered elves, each is distinctively different in skin color and physical abilities, existing separately as different entities, similar to Horn being a Fallen Angel like elves.
“So everyone’s got some crazy powers, huh?”
“Right? Why is my ‘Reacher of Immortality’ so plain compared to these?”
At first, I thought Bagira’s ability was quite remarkable, but after listening to this group’s powers, it indeed felt a bit lackluster.
Though still, it goes without saying that his powers are also impressive.
“Now then! It’s your turn for self-introductions!”
Just as Bagira had finished introducing everyone, Etoile returned with a grin alongside Tiny, and Horn, who had just woken up, was now staring intently at me, gathering the attention of everyone in the room.
“Ah, right. I haven’t introduced myself yet. I’m Lewis Valentine from the Human race. My power is Gluttony, and my ability can steal souls and memories, known as ‘Devouring Abyss.’ From what Bagira told me, it seems I have qualifications to become the representative for District 6.”
“Seems like a qualification to me; there’s no one else who has that. Anyway, looking forward to working with you, Lewis.”
“Limelight, darling!”
“Nice to meet you, Lewis.”
“Nice to meet you, Lewis.”
“Looking forward to it, Lewis.”
“Y-yeah… nice to… meet…”
Somehow, the outcome turned out to be quite different from what I’d anticipated, but this gathering had just begun, so I couldn’t let my guard down just yet.
Especially now that I was aware of the strangeness of everyone’s abilities.