Chapter 313

Foreman’s a game where players really need to cooperate with each other while playing.

In reality, there are structures that block the escape routes, and for some obstacles, two or more people need to push together to move them, or there are mechanisms that require all four players to team up to get through.

So, it was a game where teamwork was crucial, but in a different sense than Legends of League.

[“Go go, I’m getting impatient waiting.”]

“Just a little longer. I’m making the room.”

[“You two seem really close.”]

Bumhyeon chuckled.

Of course, I disagreed.

“No, it’s just that he’s got no manners.”

[“Who? Me? No way. There’s no one as polite as me.”]

– Jaem-min really nails the concept, lol.

– Is it really a concept?

– Ah lol just seriously laugh.

– For real, lol.

I wasn’t too thrilled about the viewers being so friendly towards Kim Jae-min, but it was still a good thing for the team overall.

At least if this kind of image builds up, later when a big incident happens, fans will think, “Well, that’s just him.”

There’s definitely a difference between a complete idiot acting like a complete idiot and a good person messing up just once.

‘It’ll work out somehow.’

To be honest, I felt somewhat relieved about Kim Jae-min.

“I made the room.”

Finally, after all the preparations were done, those who would play Foreman with me gathered in the waiting room.

Kim Jae-min, NyuyeNyuye, Bumhyeon.

What a strange combination.

“What map should we play on?”

[“Let’s do that subway episode. I heard it’s the most fun. Plus, it’s the very first episode.”]


I selected the subway episode.

Since it was also the first episode of Foreman, it was a standard start.


〈Episode.1 Isolation〉

Travel club members on a backpacking trip suddenly found themselves isolated in a subway station due to an unusual incident.

Escape the subway station by any means necessary.


I boldly selected the subway episode.


– Oh

– Let’s start

– Let’s go

– Is Foreman fun?

– Yeah, watching is super fun lol.

– Wow, what’s up with the viewers? Is this for real?

– NyuyeNyuye and Bumhyeon jackpot omg.

With the viewers’ expectations high, Foreman finally began.

[“Oh, I’m nervous.”]

[“…Me too.”]

[“Looks like Nyuye and I have a good vibe.”]

[“Is that so?”]

[“Hey, be casual. Aren’t you older than me? How old are you?”]

[“I-I’m twenty-five.”]

[“Whoa, you’re older than me. Be casual.”]


– Nyuye is totally shaken by Jaem-min’s friendliness, lol.

– Lol, she turns into a noodle when someone she doesn’t know talks to her.

– Nyuye is cute.

– Outlaw used to be similar to Nyuye back in the day…

– For real, he became a big man somehow.

– I agree.

“……It’s noisy.”


“Oh, no. Just talking to myself.”

[“Wow, sis, that’s just too much. How could you talk like that to someone you just met?”]

“You really… I’ll see you later.”

[“Yikes, that’s scary.”]

As that happened, the intro of Foreman naturally started.

Clunk, clunk—

It showed a university travel club casually headed on their backpacking trip via subway.

It was such a peaceful and normal scene, but suddenly a loud crash halted the subway.


[Wh-what?! What’s happening?]

[What do we do?]

[For now… let’s get out of here.]

[The exit’s blocked!]

Then, screams echoed through the place.

An unbelievable scene appeared, where a person was biting another.



And thus, Foreman began.

[“Oh, it started.”]

[“Wh-what do we do?”]

[“Aah, we need to decide on the game method first… What do you want to do?”]

Bumhyeon’s question was straightforward.

Foreman’s setting led to a scenario different from other zombie games, where players don’t receive guns right off the bat.

Of course, finding firearms isn’t incredibly hard if you try, but this point greatly affects the game’s dynamics.

That means there are mainly two ways to progress in Foreman.

The first is to gather supplies like firearms and “hunt” zombies while advancing through the episode, and the other is to cooperate and stealthily remove obstacles to “escape” the subway station.

Between the two options, hunting is undoubtedly much easier.

Going the stealthy route means having fewer ways to deal with zombies when they show up, and with the established placements and movements of zombies, this method screams for experienced players.

Naturally, I was all for the hunting route.

The reason I wanted to play a zombie game was to shoot mindlessly, after all.

“I’ll take the hunting route.”

[“Me too.”]

At that moment, NyuyeNyuye spoke up.

[“H-hunting means we have to fight the zombies, right? Are there any other options…?”]

[“There’s an escape route too. But it’s a bit tough… I’m kind of tempted by the escape side too.”]

While Kim Jae-min and I wanted the hunting route, regrettably, it seemed the other two preferred a different path.

NyuyeNyuye looked a bit scared of the hunting route, and Bumhyeon seemed to want a different path due to being too comfortable with Foreman.

[“Well, since Outlaw organized this, let’s go with what he says. We can try the other route next time. Is that okay with you, Nyuye?”]

[“Um… Sure.”]

“No, Nyuye, if it’s uncomfortable, we can go for a different route.”

– Hmm

– But since it’s Nyuye’s first time, an escape route would be fine.

– But isn’t escaping scarier?

– Shh.

At that point, Kim Jae-min spoke up.

[“No no. I’m doing the hunting.”]

– Jaem-min, lololol.

– That’s the spirit.

– King Jae-min striking hard at the zombified masses.

– But going for the hunting route first makes sense. The escape route would be a nightmare if you get caught.

– True.

– The escape route is terrifying, lol.

After a brief silence, Bumhyeon said.

[“…Then let’s go with the hunting route for now. Let’s get to it.”]

“Yeah, sure.”

[“…That’s how we’ll do it.”]

Bumhyeon, being the only one with experience in Foreman, naturally took the lead.

[“First, we need to farm some weapons. It’s likely firearms won’t appear until we go pretty deep, so let’s start picking up something like a pipe.”]

As soon as Bumhyeon said that, we scattered to look for potential weapons nearby.

[“Oh, just so you know, this game allows team kills, so be careful—”]


Without waiting, Jaem-min’s character swung a melee attack at my character’s head.

[“…What’s going on?”]


– Hahaha.

– So funny.

– Jaem-min is hilarious, lol.

– I can’t believe he thought to swing there, lol.

[“…Outlaw, there’s a medkit here, so take it. I got hit in the head and lost a bunch of health.”]

“Ah, thank you.”

I wrapped the bandage item Bumhyeon handed me.

Not long after, we regrouped with our newly acquired weapons like pipes, umbrellas, and crutches.

It seemed like the weapons you could find in the subway station were pretty limited.

[“Now we’re off to find firearms. Stay close. We’ll generally ignore the zombies, but if they latch on, we should all gang up and take them down.”]



[“…Got it.”]

We began to move in earnest, with Bumhyeon leading the way.

As we climbed a flight of stairs, a hellish scene played out on the subway platform, reminiscent of an apocalypse.

[“From here on, we have to be careful not to attract zombie aggro.”]

We carefully followed Bumhyeon’s character, a man in a black hat, towards the edge of the subway platform.

[“I feel like we could hit them from behind and they wouldn’t even notice.”]

[“Don’t hit them.”]

[“Aww, that’s too bad.”]

The moment Kim Jae-min was nodding, a scream pierced the air.

[“Aaaah! Help, help!”]

NyuyeNyuye, who seemed so unsteady, had caught a zombie’s attention.

[“Uh… let’s all gather around Nyuye. We need at least two people to take one down.”]

Thus, we prepared our makeshift weapons and faced the zombies.

Seeing their movements, I suddenly had a strange feeling.

‘Wait, can’t I avoid this?’

Zombies were definitely a threat.

They were very aggressive, and even a small mistake could lead to being bitten.


‘It’s all so predictable.’

Fast and threatening, yet everything felt blatantly obvious.

‘First, I’ll hit the legs to throw them off balance, and then I’ll hit their head…’

I dodged the zombie’s attack at that moment, then quickly struck the zombie’s leg with my makeshift weapon.

And as it lost balance, I brought my weapon down on its head.



After easily taking down one zombie, the chat exploded.

– ?

– What’s with that physicality?

– ????

– Wow, stunned.

– Is this… a professional gamer?

– What just happened?

– Talent shines through.

– Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw!

– What’s happening?

– Is this for real?