Chapter 311

The Villainous Noble Who Kept Rewinding After Death: The Story Somehow Changed When I Committed Suicide

Chapter 295: Scary

A few weeks after that day.

Fiera and the others’ school life had surprisingly been peaceful, probably because Sephiria was managing things well; Shudo had stopped bothering Fiera and her friends since then.

However, that didn’t mean Shudo was completely inactive; he was going around the academy daily, asking for information about Lewis.

But since Lewis hardly ever showed up at the academy, he couldn’t gather any credible information, and time passed without yielding anything substantial.

“Feels peaceful, huh?”

“Yeah. It’s so quiet just because the trash isn’t making noise; they should just stay quiet forever.”

“Fiera, your words are a bit harsh.”

“Yeah, but it’s the truth. Sonia, isn’t there a spell to keep trash quiet in the future?”

“Hmm. There is a spell that can make someone stop talking, but I’m not sure if it’ll work on him. According to Lewis, the Holy Sword has a self-recovery ability, so there’s a high chance that any spell cast will just be undone immediately.”

“Then it seems like Miria’s poison won’t work either.”

“Right. It would be pointless with the self-recovery.”

Currently, Fiera and the others had been summoned by Sharueina to the garden specifically for the second-year S class, so there was nobody bothering them, allowing them to speak freely.

“Hey, sorry to keep you waiting!”

“Not a problem.”

Amidst this, the friendly voice belonged to Sharueina, who had gathered the girls; she took a seat with a soft smile reminiscent of a prince.

“Was something going on?”

“Well, on my way here, I got caught up by that guy. I was delayed because I had to deal with him.”

“That trash…”

“Fiera, calm down.”

As soon as Shudo’s name came up from Sharueina’s lips, Fiera’s aura of anger leaked out, but when Shuvina lowered her voice and told her to settle down, she quietly suppressed her killing intent.

“That’s impressive of you, being able to advise Fiera. Shuvina, you really are amazing.”

“Please stop calling me Fiera’s guardian, even Your Highness. I’m not her guardian.”

“Hehe. You should just admit it already! Everyone thinks Shuvina is Fiera’s guardian now.”

“That’s right. At least, among everyone except for Lord Lewis, you’re the only one who can scold Fiera.”

“I think so too.”

“Ugh. Even Miria now. But I’m the same age as everyone else; it’s weird to be a guardian. Dōna, help me…”

“Dōna doesn’t know anything~.”

“Come on~.”

With a last-ditch plea for help, Fiera turned to Dōna, who, unconcerned, was nibbling on the cookie she held, puffing out her cheeks like a little squirrel.

Seeing Dōna’s attitude made Shuvina droop sadly, while Sharueina and Sonia laughed happily, enjoying the rare peaceful atmosphere among them.

“Ha-ha. Well then, let’s wrap up teasing Shuvina and move on to why I gathered everyone here.”

“Right. So, why did you gather us in the second-year garden, Your Highness?”

“Well, it could’ve been anywhere, but this is about the only place we could gather without interruptions. You see, the current atmosphere of the academy is a bit… off.”

“I see.”

Sharueina deliberately kept her words vague, but even still, the meaning was clear; the current atmosphere of the academy was hardly a good one.

The reason for this was undoubtedly due to the actions of the Hero, Shudo. Since he started gathering information about Lewis, the perception among the students shifted to thinking Lewis had done something wrong. Now, all the students, excluding Fiera and her friends, began to think of Lewis as a villain.

“I was also approached for the same reason earlier; he even came to me asking about Is.”

“Why would he ask the princess?”

“Well, that’s likely because we met once in Saramāju.”

“Now that you mention it, we did talk about that. Lewis really beat him up then, right?”

“Yeah. To protect Sharueina’s uncle’s sword.”

“Right. Lewis was so cool back then… Ahem. Anyway, at that time, Is used a large-scale spell against the entire kingdom of Saramāju, but now he’s asking about that incident again. I had mentioned the spell’s effects and that those who hadn’t committed crimes were safe, but for some reason, he doesn’t seem to believe my words now. More like, it seems he’s just blindly believing what he thinks should be the case.”

Sharueina explained briefly what happened when Shudo stopped her earlier.

Listening to her, Shuvina and Iris let out exasperated sighs, while Fiera remained expressionless, possibly angry, and Sonia seemed fed up, poking at Dōna’s chipmunk-like cheeks.

Interestingly, Miria appeared completely uninterested in the discussion, just standing off to the side listening in.

“Well, because of that, I think the atmosphere in this academy is going to get even worse because, for some reason, we’re all seen as victims of Is and are being treated like we’re the ones somehow causing trouble.”

“Honestly, it’s so ridiculous I can’t even speak.”

“What’s the situation with the teachers?”

“It looks like the teachers are split two ways too. Although, it’s almost a one-sided power dynamic right now; it seems like the magic users with a lot of magic power are at odds with the other teachers who have less.”

“Even the teachers? It’s truly a terrible situation. Should I just quit the academy?”

“You can quit, but if you do, you’ll never be able to see El again.”

“That’s true. That’s why I’m still holding on. But why doesn’t Lewis want to leave the academy? He hardly attends classes, and given the circumstances, I think it’d be fine for him to leave.”

“Maybe there’s some reason. Is wouldn’t endure this without purpose, and considering his personality, he would eliminate any enemies that might harm him first. But him not doing that means there’s definitely something we don’t know.”

“That makes sense.”

Since they understood Lewis’s personality so well, they were curious about why he wasn’t leaving the academy and why he overlooked Shudo’s actions. But if Lewis had decided not to kill Shudo, they had no choice but to respect his decision.

“By the way, does anyone know where Lewis is? Fiera, have you heard from him?”

“Not at the moment. So I miss him.”

“I see. I’m a little worried.”

“Well, I don’t think Is can easily die, so I think he’ll be back soon.”

“I’m sure Lord Lewis will be fine. I have given him my poison after all, and he’s strong enough that finding an opponent able to defeat him would be more of a hassle.”

“I want to see Lewis soon~.”

“By the way, I checked last night, and Lewis was around a kingdom called Ronmel in the southeast.”


While Fiera and the others were worried about Lewis, for some reason, only Sonia made a comment that indicated she seemed aware of his whereabouts, causing everyone to turn to her in shock.


Sonia was taken aback by the sudden attention, but ignoring her surprise, Fiera and the others pressed her.

“How do you know where El is?”

“Why? I just used my magic to locate him…”

“Magic? What kind of magic is that?”

“Um, it’s called ‘Beloved Pursuer,’ and it allows me to track someone’s actions using an object that has a connection to them.”

“An object that has a connection to them?”

“Yeah. In this case, I’m using a strand of Lewis’s hair. You see, hair is something that tends to accumulate magic power, and it’s so important that sometimes it’s used in rituals. That’s how I can grasp his actions.”

“By the way, how did you get that hair?”

“Well, I asked Miria for one, and she gave me one strand.”


“I’m so sorry. I never thought I’d be used for such a purpose.”

“No, I mean, isn’t it weird to hand over hair just because someone asked?”

Everyone present reacted with surprise and disbelief at Sonia’s unexpected act, while she, unfazed, simply smiled and took another cookie.

“If you want to know Lewis’s whereabouts again, just ask anytime. I observe him daily, so I can answer you right away.”

With a beautiful smile that could make anyone momentarily forget their worries, Sonia left everyone speechless. In the end, not a single person could say a thing about her stalker-like behavior.

That day ended without further incident, but later, Fiera and the others concluded that keeping this matter secret from Lewis would probably be better for him, and unanimously decided to erase this incident from their memories.

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇


I had originally planned to wrap up the story this time, but I enjoyed organizing the situation on Fiera’s side and talking about Sonia too much, so it got longer than expected. Therefore, I’ll continue next time.

As a preview, in the next chapter, the heroines are going to blow their tops!

Stay tuned!!

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