Chapter 304

Welcome to Summoner’s Rift!

As always, the voice echoed loud and clear as the much-anticipated third set finally began.

“One, two, three, OLZ fighting!”

The cheering from outside the booth reverberated.

“Alright, let’s go.”

[“Go go.”]

[⬇] [⬇] [⬇]

[❔] [❔] [❔]

The loud ping echoed.

So familiar.

Our team comp was not great for an invade in the early game, but the enemy’s invade comp was incredibly strong. It would be safe to say that if we fought, we’d lose every time due to the comp difference.

“I bet they’ll definitely come in.”

[“I think so too.”]

Their target was obvious. Hecarim could start with the Razorbeak, and our side was the top jungle. We wouldn’t get a leash from bot, so the opponents would definitely come into our red side.

“Then let’s go.”



No long explanations were needed. The order was given, and my teammates followed it without question.

Even if it’s a wrong order, it’s right to follow. That’s something I keep emphasizing.

We dug into the enemy Golem bush through the bot tri-brush and then pushed on towards their red. As expected, there were no signs of enemy champions. They must have come into our red.

“Let’s wait here and intercept if the enemy bot comes to check for vision.”


From GBP’s perspective, what would they think if we weren’t visible from our red? Even if they sensed something weird, it would be too risky to move their jungler with them. So they’d just send their bot to check their red vision.

“Let’s avoid getting checked by Jinx’s W and Tahm Kench’s Q.”

[“Got it.”]

We patiently waited until the enemy walked into our trap.

Around 1 minute and 20 seconds in, just as I predicted, Jinx used her W first. When she missed, she cautiously approached to place a ward.

The enemy was now complacent. Since her vision check didn’t hit us, they unconsciously hoped that we weren’t around.

That’s the scary part of thinking.

[“They’re coming.”]

Of course, our crowd control was quite lacking. All we had were Yuumi’s Q slow and Jhin’s W. So it wasn’t an overstatement to say that the outcome of this invade hinged on Jhin landing his W.

The first to enter was Tahm Kench. If Jinx had come in first, we might have even aimed for a kill, but unfortunately, with Tahm Kench leading, that was out of the question.

“First Kench.”

The moment the enemy Tahm Kench placed a ward in the bush, Yuumi’s Q flew in, followed closely by Jhin’s W.

But our combo only ended with a few basic attacks. It was a bit disappointing that we couldn’t even force out a flash, but nonetheless, we had managed to chip away some health from the enemy bot, which was somewhat significant.

“Head to bot lane immediately.”

[“Is that okay?”]


The enemy bot would also head directly to lane, so it didn’t matter. I executed the standard no-leash razorbeak start.

Then, the enemy Sylas attempted to steal the Razorbeak with his Q, but there was no way I was just going to let that happen.

“Sylas used his Q.”


I secured the Razorbeak, hit level 2, and was about to hit the red.

[“The enemy bot is coming up.”]

[“Sylas is moving too.”]

Look at these guys?

I’d just eaten the Razorbeak and had just hit level 2.

But what about the enemy laners’ levels?

For a laner to hit level 2, they needed to farm 1 full wave and one additional minion. That means they needed a minimum of 2 minutes and 10 seconds.

But the current time was only 1 minute and 45 seconds.

This was when I finished off the Razorbeak and hit level 2 before heading to my red.

As if to prove that, the enemy laners’ levels were all the same.

[Sylas – Level 1]

[Jinx – Level 1]

[Tahm Kench – Level 1]

Ha ha…



The voices of the commentators rose high as GBP’s gamble became apparent.

“This movement from GBP seems a bit odd?!”

“Could they be trying to mess with Hecarim right now?”

“Definitely, Hecarim is quite weak until he completes his first three camps!”

Hecarim is surely one of the rising picks lately, but it has clear weaknesses.

He shows significant weakness in the very early game before completing his first camp.

– What’s that lol

– Is that level 1?


– Looks like they’re throwing?

“Is this really okay? Right now, Sylas is at level 1 with Q?! If he had level E, we could see some variables… but in this state, can’t Hecarim just back off?”

“That’s right. OLZ knows exactly what skills the enemy has picked right now?!”

“So GBP is pushing hard using the bot tri-brush! I wonder how OLZ will respond… they’ve seen all the enemy movements by now.”

At that moment, Hecarim made a move.

Instead of following the usual Razorbeak-red path, Hecarim’s movement seemed off.


“Where’s he going?”

“Oh, is he aiming for the Golems first?!”

The Outlaw’s Hecarim cleverly bypassed the pressure from the enemy’s mid and bot and moved to the Golem jungle instead.

He had perfectly calculated the timing for minion spawn in his head, so for GBP, it was like a rat having vanished from a trap.

“Uh, uh…?!”

Hecarim taking his time while brazenly munching on the Golems shocked everyone.

“What, is he really eating that in this situation?!”

“Meanwhile, the OLZ laners are hitting level 2 and joining in!”

“Oh, if things go wrong here, GBP could face disastrous results!”

GBP’s champions were looking for the Outlaw who should’ve been at red, but when they couldn’t find him, they naturally checked the inner bushes.

They had never imagined that he was over there munching on the Golems.


– Outlaw’s theater show hahahaha

– What is this

– This is crazy

– What kind of judgment is that?

And then, the OLZ champions who joined late began to gather.

If GBP’s champions retreated to their side, they could escape, but then they’d lose out completely on all the farm.

GBP’s champions found themselves in a real pickle.

“Oh, GBP put in a decent effort, but Outlaw’s player is munching on Golems while being escorted by laners! Although he didn’t get red, considering the turn used by the enemy laners, it’s not that much of a loss?!”

“That’s right! In a way, you could say the jungler sacrificed himself to create a gap for the laners!?”

“Is Outlaw really a rookie?! Why is he so seasoned?!”

“He’s so composed. Outlaw is really cool under pressure! Even when the opponent pulls crazy plays like that, he doesn’t panic at all!”

“Ah… it seems like GBP really came prepared, but it’s totally not working! Not at all!”

In that situation,

Even after Outlaw munched on blue and hit level 3, the so-called unbelievable scenario continued.


“Is GBP thinking of trying something again?”

“Of course, Sylas just became level 2… but if the pattern repeats, Janna will soon be level 3?!”

“Oh, the bot’s moving too. The bot is also still level 2.”

“Lee Sin is swiftly passing through.”

“Looks like they want to tussle at the blue side up to a 4v4?”

Meanwhile, while a series of events unfolded in the lower jungle, Lee Sin successfully farmed the enemy red’s three camps and hit level 3.

So apart from the mid being level 1, it was a doable situation.

“Initially, in terms of early fighting power, it’s right to say GBP’s champions are stronger, but… let’s see how this plays out.”

An unexpected turn came from the bot lane.

When Sylas, Jinx, and Tahm Kench were narrowing the angles, Janna gave Hecarim a movement speed buff from nearby.

And without any hesitation, Outlaw’s Hecarim dashed toward the bot after activating his Ghost.

Before the prey got hunted down, the hunter was on the move first.

As Yuumi naturally joined Hecarim, the originally set 4v4 situation morphed into a 2v3.

“Uh? Uh? Hecarim’s charging in! He’s going for it!”

Now Tahm Kench’s devouring skill was his ultimate.

That meant if he dodged Kench’s tongue, the enemy bot who were still level 2 had no means to stop Hecarim’s advance.

“Oh, oh! Tahm Kench’s Q and Jinx’s W missed so easily!”

– Unbelievable


– How could they miss?

– That speed is insane

Like a runaway train, Hecarim barreled through and slammed into Jinx.

And just like that, half of Jinx’s health vanished.

“AAAAAH! Hit-and-run!”

“Is this the kind of damage you can do at this timing?!”

Soon, Hecarim’s sickle swung through a few times, and Jinx’s head rolled away.

– First Blood!

– Enemy eliminated!

That was the moment GBP’s plans crumbled.