Chapter 303

As the opponent’s Nexus erupted, the winner of this game was finally determined.



We finally made it this far.

Just one more step and we’ll be heading to the dream LCKR.

It’s time to move up to the first division.


“You all did great.”

“This is it.”

“Thanks for your hard work, everyone.”

“Today, Malphite was insane.”


The excitement among the team members was through the roof.

Actually, it wasn’t just the team members.

‘Finally, finally…’

Honestly, until I got here today, all I could think about was the game.

But now that the finish line was right in front of me, I couldn’t help but feel my heart race.

“Alright, let’s jump straight into feedback.”

Baek Seong-an, who was the hero of the second set, clapped his hands.

Since this game was one of the few opportunities for Baek Seong-an to earn the POG title, his speaking rights definitely seemed to have increased.

“Go go.”

We headed to the waiting room.

There wasn’t much feedback to discuss.

The game itself went pretty smoothly, and particularly, the bot lane did a fantastic job of handling the opponent’s turns.

“The bot lane did really well.”

“Eh, we just did what we always do.”

“Still, it was good.”


Baek Seong-an spoke up.

“Now, if we win just one more time, it’s over. GBP might pull out some surprises.”

“No worries. I’m the Devourer of Dreams.”

“Hey, I told you not to say that here.”

“Oh, oops. My bad.”

Baek Seong-an shot a glance at Kim Jae-min, who quickly averted his eyes.


At this point, I was lost.

They could handle it themselves.

‘Someday, they’ll get a wake-up call.’

It’s a human trait to remain oblivious until they experience it firsthand.

I decided to prescribe a bitter remedy for Kim Jae-min.



“For the third set, let’s try that combo.”

“The one we practiced? But I feel like we don’t really need to… Isn’t that leaking our strategy?”

“Meta will change by the time we play in LCKR next year anyway. Let’s just show them once.”

“Okay, sure then.”

To be honest, I felt like we had already shown enough, but since Baek Seong-an suggested it, I nodded in agreement.

The final match before heading to LCKR.

To make that happen, I decided to pull out the joker pattern from our prepared ban/pick strategies.

“Let’s go.”


“Let’s do this.”

As we stepped back into the arena, an enormous cheer welcomed us like never before.



-GBP, fighting!

-OLZ, fighting!

There were a few scattered cheers for GBP, but they were quickly drowned out by our team’s supporters.


The much-anticipated third set ban/pick began.


GBP waiting room.

The atmosphere was as heavy as a funeral home.

Even if we lost this match today, if we won in the finals, we wouldn’t get relegated, but just the thought of possibly getting there was an enormous burden.

We were teetering on the edge.

“We can’t go on like this.”

It was Silroom, GBP’s top laner, who made the decision.

“Got any ideas?”

“If the usual methods aren’t working, we have to take extreme measures.”

“What kind of extreme measures?”

Silroom said.

“Kill the jungle.”

He threw it out there like it was some incredible secret, but the team members didn’t seem impressed.

After two shocking consecutive losses, the team atmosphere was completely down.

“…But didn’t another team try that and get wrecked?”

“That was a second division team. I saw that too, but they didn’t put enough pressure. If we do it right, we can shut Outlaw down.”

Silroom’s proposal sounded reckless.

But it was also true that we had no other options.

“…Alright, let’s do that.”

GBP’s coach Park Soo-bin nodded in agreement as well.

As Silroom said, conventional tactics wouldn’t work against OLZ.

We had to face the truth.

OLZ was a strong team.

It was hard to believe this was a newly formed team.

“When the jungle calls, we all converge. Forget about CS or anything else. We’re shutting down their jungle, no questions asked.”


“Besides, they’re rookies. If we take this extreme approach, they’re definitely going to crack.”

With Silroom’s assertive suggestion, the team members began to get on board one by one.

Since this was do or die, what did we have to lose anyway?

“I don’t know, just do something!”

“Let’s give it a shot. Just once.”

“Let’s go!”

GBP rallied their spirit.

To avoid making this set the last set.


The third set ban/pick began.

OLZ was red.

GBP was blue.

This could potentially be the final game.

『“And here we go— the much-anticipated third set ban/pick starts now!”』

『“Anyway, as proven in sets 1 and 2, banning Getback is probably pointless at this point?”』

『“Exactly. To be honest, before the last game, Getback seemed quite shaky, but today he’s showing a completely different level with a new champion!”』

『“It’s like it’s a secret weapon he prepared just for today.”』

『“In fact, there are almost no records of Malphite or Sion on Getback’s ID. So it looks like they prepared meticulously this time.”』

『“GBP must be sweating bullets! What bans should they even go for?”』

-For real haha

-MDCH can’t do anything, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing

-Just ban Malphite or Sion haha

-Banning is completely pointless, lol

While the commentators were busy chatting away, GBP’s first ban was finally decided.


『“Oh, they went with this, huh.”』

『“For sure, while Getback stood out in the last game, the bot lane played an incredibly important role! At the center of that was, of course, the Caitlyn-Lux combo.”』

『“Exactly. When talking about OLZ, people usually mention the jungle first, then the top, but the real deal is the bot lane. Not to mention Protein, but Jaem-min is also showing significant improvement day by day.”』

『“In fact, Jaem-min’s solo queue score has been on the rise lately as well.”』


-The bot lane’s performance in 3v1 and 4v1 situations was huge

-It was like an iron wall

-Jaem-min plays well haha

As the commentators continued, OLZ made their first ban.


『“Looks like OLZ is sticking to a similar pattern?”』

『“I mean, the winning team doesn’t really need to change their strategy.”』


Shortly after, GBP made their second ban.


『“This is clearly intentional.”』

『“It seems GBP pinpointed the bot lane as the reason for their previous loss. Even though OLZ’s bot lane wasn’t particularly flashy, they played a massive role.”』

『“That’s right. While the eye-catching plays came from the top side, the bot lane was solid enough to create those plays.”』

『“So now, OLZ’s pick is….”』

As the ban/pick process progressed, the excitement in the commentators’ voices ramped up with each choice.

『“OLZ!!! Did they really prepare this combo?!”』

『“Wait, they’re pulling this out after winning set 2, in a 2:0 situation?!”』


-Looks like a combo haha

-Do we have a plan here?

In the spotlight,

The much-anticipated third set ban/pick was finally complete.



Top: Graves / Jason

Jungle: Lee Sin / Hecarim

Mid: Sylas / Janna

Bot: Jinx / Jhin

Support: Tahm Kench / Yuumi


『“And in the end, this is how the ban/pick turned out!”』

『“OLZ! Who would have thought they’d prepare such a ban/pick after winning set 2?”』

『“I can already visualize Yuumi riding on Hecarim, dashing through the gates with movement speed buffs.”』

-Crazy combo, for real haha

-Total jungle stack combo lol

-Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw!

-Yup, mid is just a bus position

-This is how it should be haha

-Correct usage of the mid role

『“Of course, GBP also made a counter-combo against the opponent’s setup, which is encouraging.”』

『“Right? Even if Hecarim zooms in with movement speed buffs to take someone out, Tahm Kench or Lee Sin can back him up.”』

『“On top of that, the pick of Sylas stands out. It seems they’re anticipating Janna.”』

『“Yes, while other champions’ ultimates aren’t necessarily bad, especially Hecarim’s ult can be much stronger when stolen due to its AP scaling.”』

『“That’s right!”』

The caster spoke.

『“So, experts, what do you think about this potential last set of the 3rd set ban/pick?”』

『“While Hecarim seems to be the key player, that doesn’t mean OLZ’s other picks are weak either… for now, GBP has picked strong champions for early skirmishes, so it’ll be interesting to see what choices they make.”』

『“Exactly. While OLZ’s picks seem very strong, it’s a combination that’s only scary if they get a certain amount of farm.”』


-But can they shut down Outlaw?

-Do you think it’s possible? haha


-Up to this point, no one has managed haha

『“Ah, they are ready now. Let’s… start the game──!!!”』

The voice rang out, echoing through the arena.

In response, the crowd erupted with frantic cheers.


In a 2:0 situation.

The third match of the promotional tournament, as crucial as standing at the edge of a cliff, finally began.