Volume 4 Chapter 127B: “No More, Please”
In the room, there was nothing but the coffin of a sleeping white-haired woman.
“So, this woman is… the mechanism to stop the barrier, right?”
After circling the room, Emilia tilted her head in confusion at her conclusion.
There were no obvious levers or magic stones that could be broken. The transparent magic stone enclosing the sleeping woman faintly glowed, indicating it was absorbing mana.
At the very least, this coffin was the only thing functioning.
“I really wonder who she is… Could she be Echidna’s mother, perhaps?”
The face of the Witch who had expressed discomfort towards Emilia came to mind.
Like the woman in the coffin, she had white hair and wore black clothes, and it was fresh in memory that she was also exceptionally beautiful in Emilia’s eyes.
The similarities between the memory of the Witch and the sleeping woman were striking.
The positioning of their closed eyes, the shape of their noses, and their lips all shared common traits.
If Echidna appeared to be in her late teens, then the woman in the coffin seemed to be in her mid-twenties. Perhaps, rather than a mother, she should be suspected to be a sister.
“There’s no name inscribed… But this is said to be Echidna’s grave.”
Upon entering, it was clear that the woman sleeping inside the coffin was not Echidna.
If this was a case of the grave being falsely named, then if not—
“What if this woman is Echidna, and that child I saw in my dream isn’t Echidna?”
It was a ridiculous conclusion, and Emilia shook her head to dismiss it.
Regardless of Echidna’s own words, it wouldn’t be strange for Sekhmet to say something at this point. Moreover, defining that girl as someone other than Echidna would also prove challenging for Emilia.
“Echidna’s grave, yet someone else is sleeping here… Is that an acceptable conclusion?”
If that was the case, wouldn’t they need to change the name?
If the gravestone reads ‘Echidna lies here’ while someone else is resting within, it would cause various issues. They would also need to prepare different offerings.
With a rather nonsensical answer in mind, Emilia continued searching the coffin without touching it.
Following the flow of mana lightly, it appeared that the coffin itself absorbed a minuscule amount of mana from the grave and the earth linked to it, using that mana to power some kind of magic formula.
Despite taking such little mana, a quite large-scale barrier operation seemed to function, likely because the area from which it collected mana was far too vast.
The grave and the earth connected to it were indeed literal.
The forest enclosed by the barrier was likely the entire source of mana necessary to maintain the grave’s functionality. Of course, this also meant it absorbed minimal amounts without influencing the supply.
“Incredible… It’s so incredible I can’t even begin to comprehend what is happening…”
The flow of mana was being absorbed, and the magic formula maintained some magical function.
Emilia could produce simple magic formulas, yet the complexity of the magic formulas that functioned with the barrier surrounding this ‘Sanctuary’ exceeded her understanding greatly.
If it were to cease functions even once, she doubted it would ever operate again.
There was, of course, no need for it to ever need to operate again.
“Aha, if I sever the flow here, that will stop the supply.”
Following the flow of mana, Emilia identified the activation point of the barrier centered on the coffin.
The center of the coffin, where the woman sleeping within had her hands peacefully clasped on her abdomen—just above that was the central point where mana flowed in. If Emilia interfered with her mana there to disrupt the magic formula, the functionality of this grave would halt completely.
For just a moment, hesitation crossed her mind.
Stopping the grave’s functionality would likely disrupt the functionality of the ‘Trial’ as well. Should that occur, it’d mean losing the method to the dream castle.
The message she had entrusted to Echidna about the tea party would go unfulfilled too.
The Witches knew at least Sekhmet was aware of Emilia’s mother.
Blurting that out filled her with both a sense of awe towards Sekhmet’s might and a peculiar nostalgia. She felt a desire to ascertain what that truly meant.
The means to find out were likely to further distance themselves if the dream castle disappeared. That—
“—Am I really this reluctant?”
Muttering, she let the mana flowing through her fingertips disturb the faint flow where it touched the coffin.
A change arose in the flow of energy that maintained the functionalities of the ‘Sanctuary’ and the barrier. This intervention would reach the core of the magic formula and cause a sudden minor change that could snowball into something vast.
Eventually, specks of light dissolved and vanished, leaving behind nothing but the pure magic stone of the coffin and the visible figure of the woman encased within.
“…Is it over now?”
Observing that no visible change had occurred, Emilia cautiously looked around. The flow of mana that had filled the grave was now gone, and it should have merely transformed the grave into a massive stone building.
Exhaling softly, Emilia leaned against the coffin.
With this, it should no longer reject unqualified humans from entering the grave. It would be best to bring Roswaal or Ryuzu, who seemed to know the circumstances, to confirm who the person sleeping in this coffin truly was.
“It’s over… Yeah, it’s all over…”
Repeating this fact as if to confirm it, Emilia sought to find some reality in the elusive truth.
Memories of the bold declaration she had made to Roswaal before confronting the grave surfaced.
Roswaal had told Emilia, ‘Just achieve the results your heart desires.’
His feelings back then were inscrutable, but he likely did not wish for Emilia to overcome the ‘Trial.’ After all, it had been him who invited her here and recommended her as a candidate for the Royal Selection, which was a baffling notion.
“Teacher… that’s what he called him, right?”
At the same time, she recalled Roswaal’s mumbling of the ‘Teacher’ he referred to.
Even a powerful magician like Roswaal, who stood at the pinnacle, obviously had a mentor. The one he called ‘Teacher’ must have begun this ‘Sanctuary’ alongside Roswaal.
“Could it be… you?”
She thought while lightly touching the coffin.
If that person, who must have held immense importance to Roswaal, had to be this white-haired woman, it felt only fitting.
“—I need to tell everyone.”
Shaking her head, Emilia tore her eyes from the coffin, determined not to leave any regrets.
Regardless of whether she spoke of this woman in the coffin, everything else could wait. According to Subaru, they had to leave the ‘Sanctuary’ by tomorrow night—specifically, before dawn the day after, or it would lead to dire consequences.
If something notable were to happen within the ‘Sanctuary,’ Emilia hoped they would escape at once.
With a whole day’s worth of buffer, unforeseen events could arise at any time.
She hurriedly exited the small room, entered the corridor, and set her sights on the grave’s exterior. When Emilia was sent off, Ryuzu and the inhabitants of the ‘Sanctuary’ must have been waiting for her.
With a crisp sound echoing in the corridor, Emilia emerged from the dark grave into the hall.
And then,
She exhaled in disbelief at the raging snowstorm before the ‘Sanctuary.’
The snow-covered landscape enveloped her vision entirely.
The sweeping winds felt almost violent, mercilessly stealing away her body heat every time the snow hit her. As Emilia breathed out white fog, her violet-blue eyes blinked in shock.
—What on earth happened?!
With the wind howling fiercely, the rapid drop in body temperature sent pain through her ears.
In her thin attire, Emilia felt a sharp coldness slice through her, but she still stepped forward towards the voice that echoed from beyond the blizzard.
The snow had already piled up to her knees, and she nearly lost her footing as she struggled to free her legs from the snow. Pushing her way through the snow, she could see shadows gathering beyond the white curtain of the blizzard.
Surely they must be the residents of the ‘Sanctuary.’ If so, they must have been waiting for Emilia outside without seeking refuge inside the building amid this blizzard—
“Everyone! Why are you outside in this snow… huh?”
Emilia’s words trailed off as she envisioned the scene where people huddled together for warmth.
Leading the group was Ryuzu, and it appeared to be around forty or so residents of the ‘Sanctuary.’ That number alone was staggering, but her attention was drawn to the sight of figures that shouldn’t have been there.
“Emilia-sama! Has the ‘Trial’ concluded!?”
The one who called out was a buzz-cut young man.
Emilia recognized him. They had interacted before even arriving at the ‘Sanctuary,’ even if he might not have recognized her.
He was from Araham Village.
With Otto’s guidance, he had boarded the dragon carriage and was supposed to have left the ‘Sanctuary’ a few hours earlier, so Emilia’s eyes widened in surprise. And the sight of him wasn’t the only thing that shocked her.
Alongside the buzz-cut young man, she also spotted the faces of the Araham Village residents here and there. They came with the dragon carriage, having amalgamated with the residents of the ‘Sanctuary,’ hiding within the carriage and its shadows to shield themselves from the snow.
“W-why is everyone here…? I thought you’ve all evacuated!”
“Yes, we evacuated. Under the orders of Subaru-sama and Otto-san. The Earth Dragons were made to memorize the way, and we were told to escape without being picky.”
“Then why… didn’t everyone hear that it was becoming dangerous here?”
“We had indeed been informed. Moreover, we were told that…”
The young man bit his lip at Emilia’s words, then pointed beyond the forest, saying,
“We were to wait outside the forest, and return when we were signaled from the ‘Sanctuary’ to collect the residents.”
“The one who would remain was either Lady Ram or someone else. In any case, it was instructed to cast magic into the sky. Once we saw it, we were to return to the ‘Sanctuary’ and collect the residents by dragon carriage and leave.”
“Who gave that order?!”
“It was from Otto-san, who told us.”
With Otto’s name mentioned, Emilia recalled the face of that timid merchant.
However, he was, after all, a friend of Subaru. She had revised her evaluation of him, realizing he was someone who could engage in warm conversation with Subaru.
It was without a doubt that Otto had been concocting strategies alongside Subaru during many events within the ‘Sanctuary,’ starting with the persuasion of Garfiel.
If that was the case, this order must hold significant meaning.
“But that’s reckless. It’s such a fierce blizzard, and… shouldn’t you have been able to judge how ridiculous this situation was?”
“What’s the matter?”
Emilia questioned the young man, who averted his gaze with an awkward expression. Sensing something was off, Emilia pressed him further.
The young man, caught in Emilia’s violet-blue gaze, placed his hand to his forehead and breathed out white fog.
“Otto-san said that when it starts snowing, it will be genuinely dangerous. If it snowed, that means the time limit’s run out… and we should leave the forest immediately.”
“It snowed…? No, that’s fine. But then… why?!”
“—Because it snowed.”
The young man’s stern reply met Emilia’s almost teary voice.
The gravity of their surrounding situation hit her with newfound clarity.
They were told that if snow fell, it would spell danger.
And having actually witnessed snow falling upon the ‘Sanctuary,’ they understood the danger time limit had reached its peak. Their subsequent decision led them to this spot.
They had come rushing to protect the residents of the ‘Sanctuary,’ who were exposed to the perils of snow.
“We guessed you would act as such, Emilia-sama or Subaru-sama.”
With a bitter smile, the young man provided the answer that Emilia’s voice had almost escaped her lips.
The residents of the ‘Sanctuary’, taking shelter behind the dragon carriage, were indeed, it seemed, the boys from Araham Village. This was surely for the purpose of evacuating the residents of the ‘Sanctuary.’ They would have dropped off any unnecessary personnel and evacuated what they could. Of course, those left behind would have to escape on foot.
It was because they accepted this that they were here.
“Emilia-sama, if the ‘Trial’ has concluded… will you be able to go outside?”
“Yeah… I should be able to… but this blizzard and snow…”
The young man gritted his teeth, glaring at his feet with a look of frustration.
This reaction spoke volumes. Even walking a short distance had become a struggle due to the snowfall. Naturally, the dragon carriage wheels could not move either, leaving them stuck.
If only there were a place where a large crowd could warm up and shield themselves from the cold—
“If we can’t make it to the Cathedral… let’s enter the grave. That place should be warm due to the mana’s effects, and there is no worry of the building collapsing under the weight of the snow.”
“Can we get inside?”
“I stopped any dangerously concealed traps in the grave, so it should be fine. More importantly, can you lead everyone to the grave? I also want the Earth Dragons taken out of the passenger car and brought inside.”
Six Earth Dragons had returned up to this point at the behest of the youth brigade. Now, thanks to the passenger carriage they escorted, many lives were being spared.
There was no way they could consider abandoning any of them.
At Emilia’s words, the young man nodded earnestly.
For now, addressing the snow situation seemed appropriate. The main concern was the snow falling and the accompanying ‘danger’ it might bring.
“If only I had listened to all the information carefully back then…”
Regretting her missed opportunity to have a proper discussion with Subaru before confronting the ‘Trial’, Emilia realized it was likely a result of Subaru’s hesitance to leave her with unnecessary concerns.
That consideration was genuinely appreciated, but it also delayed their response.
There existed someone who likely knew about this snow, just as Subaru did—three candidates flashed across Emilia’s mind. Roswaal, Ram, and then—
“Emilia-sama, I’m glad you’re back!”
Leaping off one of the dragon carriages was the pink-haired girl, Ryuzu. For someone of her shorter stature, the snow up to Emilia’s knees reached her thighs. Ryuzu scrambled through the snow with visible effort, and Emilia hurried to stomp her way over towards her.
“I finished the ‘Trial’! Everyone’s waiting here!?”
“All the residents of the ‘Sanctuary’ and the humans who returned to escort you are present. However…”
“However, what?”
“Lady Ram and Young Roswaal are not here. Both of them have been absent from this place since before the snowfall.”
Turning her head, Emilia scanned the surroundings and the dragon carriage.
Neither the unmistakable tall figure nor the reliable pink-haired girl could be found.
“I have to go find them… Ryuzu-san! Do you know what will happen if we remain in the ‘Sanctuary’ while it snows?”
The expression on Ryuzu’s face hardened, and she lowered her gaze, which gave Emilia an instinctive realization.
Ryuzu was aware of the circumstances. She knew exactly what sort of danger they faced.
“Tell me, Ryuzu-san. We have to prevent it.”
“But the timing is off. According to Subaru and Young Roswaal’s plans, the snow was supposed to start tomorrow night, while it currently falling is some mistake…”
“Mistake or not, it’s snowing! So then we have to do whatever is necessary because snow is now falling! Ryuzu-san!”
Grasping Ryuzu’s small shoulders, Emilia urged her on.
Then, the hesitant look from Ryuzu morphed into astonishment as she stared wide-eyed at Emilia.
“W-what’s the matter, Ryuzu-san?”
“…Emilia-sama. Have you entered the building located deep in the ‘Sanctuary’ woods?”
“The deep in the woods…? No, I haven’t entered it.”
Emilia tilted her head in confusion at the question that didn’t make much sense. Ryuzu blinked at Emilia’s answer, exclaiming, “That shouldn’t be…”, before she cast her sight towards the grave behind her.
“Could it be that, something special was inside the grave? Like, for example… a massive magic stone?”
“—There was one! A really big magic stone. I was planning to confirm it with you and Roswaal later.”
Emilia glanced around, ensuring her words did not reach anyone preparing to move the dragons behind her.
“Actually, there’s a woman inside the magic stone. I have no idea who she is.”
The gravity of that statement altered Ryuzu’s expression entirely.
Her youthful features broadened her eyes in shock, and she let out a long, drawn-out breath, before nodding as if she suddenly comprehended something.
“I see… I understand now. Emilia-sama, feel free to ask me anything. I am obligated to answer you. I obey the command given to me.”
“An order? No, that’s not—”
“Listen. What you touched in the grave, Emilia-sama, was a magic stone that chooses those capable of becoming ‘Ryuzu.’ Right now, the qualification has moved from Garfiel to you, Emilia-sama. I— no, we shall serve you, so command us as you please.”
Ryuzu replied solemnly, lowering her posture on the snow level with her thighs. For Emilia, it was nearly the manner of kneeling, as though she would burrow into the snow.
Startled, Emilia quickly grabbed her shoulder.
“Wait! I got it! I’m in no position to request anything from you, Ryuzu-san. If that’s the case, then please tell me what will happen now that snow is falling in the ‘Sanctuary.'”
“…According to Subaru’s statement, the magic beast ‘Great Rabbit’ is coming to the ‘Sanctuary’ with the falling snow. It is lured by the magical mana responsible for the weather-changing magic that enables falling snow.”
“Weather-changing magic… So someone is making the weather this way!?”
Shocked, Emilia brought the words back upon Ryuzu, who silently nodded in affirmation.
A large scale ordered magic that could manipulate the weather. If Pack were to unleash his full strength, even a feat like this wouldn’t be too difficult for him. In that sense, it seemed Pack was the prime suspect, but considering Ryuzu’s demeanor and the sequence of events, Emilia quickly concluded who the true culprits were.
“…Was it Roswaal?”
“Most likely. Lady Ram must have gone to stop him. However, the fact that it’s still snowing means something must have occurred, or—”
“Stop! I don’t want to imagine that! In any case, I have to find them. Ryuzu-san, I’ll continue searching for the two of them within the village. If you have any idea where they could be…”
“You need not worry about that, Emilia-sama.”
Ryuzu confidently interrupted Emilia’s words.
Her demeanor suggested she had some idea in mind as Emilia absorbed the moment.
“If it is within the ‘Sanctuary,’ our eyes as Ryuzu can spot them. —We will find Young Roswaal and guide you to him immediately!”
With that assurance, Ryuzu promised without hesitation.
Ram, devoid of consciousness, looked like she was merely asleep.
Rousing the lifeless girl in his arms, Roswaal called out to her as he shook her gently. Yet, Ram offered no answer in response.
Normally she would prioritize Roswaal’s words above all else, no matter what.
And why would it be any different now?
Ram stood on the brink of death, thanks to Roswaal’s own actions.
Her gospel was burned, and blood surged to his head. Everything before him turned crimson, and he couldn’t comprehend anything else, only that Ram was responsible for all of this.
He unleashed the fireballs he had manifested, and just as defenseless Ram was struck violently and sent flying back.
With her body, already carrying the burden of using incomplete demon power repeatedly just hours before, she had reached her limit.
She was mercilessly pelted by the flames.
Her life now flickered like a dying flame.
Approaching the fallen girl and finding it hard to remember his thoughts until he touched her small body, he stared down at her peacefully sleeping face, speckled with childhood innocence, as he felt utterly lost.
Why, why had Ram turned to confront him?
To Roswaal, Ram had always been a useful piece to maneuver.
Their relationship, entwined from a shared history, held a clear bond through the pact they made.
Only to Ram had he revealed his true thoughts and intentions, believing that the reward for her collaboration would be his own body after fulfilling that purpose.
And yet, halfway through the path they walked together, Ram betrayed Roswaal.
While her words were founded in truth, from the standpoint of the pact, it was a justified act of revenge the moment Roswaal failed to proceed according to the script.
Thus, he held no intent to blame Ram. If anything, he wished she could have postponed her revenge a little longer and witnessed how everything else unfolded in this world.
The problematic bet with Subaru was another matter. Garfiel turned out softer than anticipated, and Emilia had made a knowing remark when she returned to the ‘Trial’, but it was merely the delusional thoughts of those weaker.
There was no way to amend the future already charted. Even if the path were altered, it would always culminate in a predetermined ending. Straying away from the road leading to correctness inevitably meant encountering death.
And yet, here they were, attempting to rebel. The absurdity of it all made him want to laugh, but so did the sudden fear of his own weakness, knowing that even though he understood, he still bore witness to all their actions.
Why strive to change? He couldn’t comprehend.
All the sentiments that surged forth should have persisted without diminishing the moment they hit their peak. If they loved someone, and had the time to burn with the flames of love for that person, that fervor, that radiance should be eternal.
Even if the direction of feelings was not of affection but perhaps hatred— the same logic applied.
Long-lasting, fervent desires deserve to be transformed into reality. Sentiments that have endured the test of time become resilient enough to withstand anything. They must be that way.
The hatred Garfiel harbors towards the outside would break.
The sorrow of Emilia’s past would be accepted.
And Ram’s never-ending desire for vengeance against Roswaal would transform into—
‘Ram loves Roswaal-sama.’
The proclamation of love now burned into his ears like a curse.
The words uttered from the lips of the girl now resting in his arms, words that should not exist.
The pact binding their hearts and souls made it acceptable, he understood that. The flames of vengeance had transmuted into a feeling of devotion, where hatred itself morphed into affection.
Therefore, Roswaal believed he could count on Ram to assist him for their objective and relied on her for what lay ahead in their future.
Everything could be modified into something of love— and Roswaal believed in Ram’s ire as seen in those eyes, filled only with murderous intent.
—Yet Ram had betrayed her desires for revenge and recited of love.
“Why, Ram… I don’t understand…”
The faint sounds of her breathing began to fade away, and Roswaal realized Ram’s life was coming to an end.
His heart raced, and deep within him something screamed that he could not allow this to happen. His right eye twitched. The sensation of something almost throbbing away painfully. Stop that. Don’t assert your existence in this way. You’re losing yourself.
What should he do? What could he do? He didn’t know what he must do or what he should avoid. He couldn’t remember. He couldn’t think.
Looking around, he found nothing to pursue. The gospel that once illuminated the right path as it taught Roswaal what choices to make had been burnt away, irretrievable. Nobody would guide him now, telling him what he should choose.
So, this was how it had to be.
“—The weeping winds summon clouds, and the light filling the earth returns to the sky. Droplets become tangible silence, and the unjust white laments for the world—”
The incantation.
The recitation, resembling a song, is woven into the very essence surrounding Roswaal L. Meiastars. The massive well of mana within him begins to divide and operate with the spell he had been honed to the peak, dark clouds roiling around the forest under the night sky.
A chill wind rushed in, blowing through the ‘Sanctuary’ with a coldness that seeped deep within.
Snow clouds enveloped the entirety of the sealed forest, and crystalline white snowflakes cascaded rapidly towards the earth.
—The super-large scale magical ancient art ‘Artemillion.’
Concluding the chant, the collected magical force was released.
Such immense mana was swept away from within him, causing even Roswaal, who prided himself on his exceptional personal mana pool, to feel a slight dizzy spell.
Typically, casting magic of such a large scale would require months of mana accumulation, and during the process was restricted to a specific range. Roswaal’s short two-day preparation time and invoking a scope exceeding a typical range was abnormal.
The sorcerer who achieved such a feat sighed deeply, shortly after succumbing to resentment.
“As was foretold, snow has fallen… What should I do now?”
At this point, Roswaal had lost sight of the fact that he snowed a day earlier than the scriptures decreed. Instead, the very thoughts of their wager had faded away, having slipped entirely from his memory.
To Roswaal, the process had turned infinitesimally irrelevant. Only the crucial element involved in the events surrounding the ‘Sanctuary’ remained salient: the snow was falling, and the barrier would break.
Once that happened— if only he knew the pivotal outcome.
“Ram… ah, right. Ram.”
As his thoughts sunk into despair and darkness, Roswaal observed the girl whose breathing had silenced.
Looking down upon her face, he softly touched her forehead with his palm. Blood trickled from the white scar on her head, a consequence of her demon transformation. Wiping away the liquid, Roswaal infused her body with colorless mana, aggregating all elemental attributes.
This ritual had been something he had performed continuously so total demon blood would not overwhelm Ram’s body.
Nothing he did stemmed from a fixed concept.
Roswaal merely felt the instinctive comprehension that the only way to save her was to rely on the strength of Ram’s own demon vitality. There was no question regarding that.
Ram had to live. Not only for Roswaal to fulfill his goals but for what lay ahead after those goals were reached.
“Teacher… Teacher… What… what should I do!? Teacher… Teacher…! Please guide me… once more…”
Roswaal’s mind reached a frayed precipice of confusion, crying out in helpless remorse.
While attempting to save Ram’s life, his fury at her betrayal remained unresolved. Understanding he had lost his guiding light, he still sought a light he once caught a glance of.
The snow fell mercilessly, blanketing the bodies of Roswaal and Ram in its white shroud.
Everything enveloped in white faded into oblivion.
Somehow, the feeling to let it all happen never sprouted even a trace of desire.
Following along in the snow, Emilia exhaled white vapors, running ahead.
“Hurricane! More, hurricane!”
As she cried out, she continued casting ice magic.
Doing so was a tactic to avoid wasting time by sinking into the rising snow. Compacting the falling snow with ice magic created an impromptu walkway on which she ran.
For others, it could easily pose a risk of slipping, but—
“Ha! Got it! Hah!”
Being proficient in ice magic and raised in the Erior Forest, Emilia was well acquainted with frozen footing. As she effortlessly dashed across the icy surface of the ‘Sanctuary,’ she followed the small shadow leading the way.
“Is it really safe this way?”
Between breaths, she asked the guide, who merely glanced back before lowering her chin in silence.
Communication was possible, but she fundamentally withheld conversation. This was the same attitude Emilia had been told about from Ryuzu—the representative.
Upon reaching the square before the grave, Ryuzu suddenly began to revere Emilia.
She revealed that she was a being birthed from the soul of whoever once was Ryuzu Meier and explained that several entities with a similar existence dwelled inside the ‘Sanctuary.’ That Ryuzu would search for Roswaal and those in the village and guide them back.
In this world existed a very rare magic known as duplication magic.
Though one could hardly believe it would work on living beings, it might perhaps be the case in the realm of prohibited secrets. While she suppressed her questions, Emilia leaned on Ryuzu’s duplicated form and raced through the ‘Sanctuary’ seeking Roswaal and Ram.
“We need to hurry… or else the Great Rabbit will come…!”
The magical beast, the ‘Great Rabbit.’
Even for someone as out of touch with world affairs as Emilia, that name was certainly known.
One of the three great magical beasts alongside the White Whale and Black Snake, and like the other two, its presence was acknowledged as a disaster.
Each individual was weak, a fragile little rabbit monster. However, the Great Rabbit was a collective organism, a single entity that incorporated all. Instead of one individually, collectively they merge into a single catastrophic creature.
Their insatiable hunger and overwhelming numbers consume everything they encounter, not satisfied until they turn their own kind into food on their destructive journey— precisely, a calamity.
Emilia resolved to face the colossal beast head-on.
If the Great Rabbit attacked the ‘Sanctuary’, they had already lost the time to flee. The falling snow obstructed their escape, leaving Emilia and her companions with no further options.
They would conceal non-combatants within the grave and encircle the entrance to form a defensive line.
There was no alternative to counter the magical beast. Emilia, Roswaal, and hopefully Ram as well. They needed to consolidate all combat strength present within the ‘Sanctuary’.
Broken trees bore the former scars of battle. The earth presented an irregular heap of snow. —And amid the shadows of trees huddled a man and a woman.
Upon seeing Ram lying limp, while Roswaal remained in a daze, Emilia shouted.
“—Roswaal! Ram!!”
Leaving the silent duplicate Ryuzu behind, Emilia glided over the frozen snow. As she maneuvered her feet, scattering ice fragments like a snow fairy, she clutched Roswaal’s shoulder that bore snow.
“Can you hear me!? Roswaal, Roswaal! This is bad! We need to help everyone! We can’t just freeze up right now!”
Your head stirred slightly from being shaken, the snow piled on Roswaal began to tumble away. It revealed the sorrowful expression across his face, and Emilia gasped softly.
The weak expression in Roswaal’s eyes as he gazed upon Ram made him appear unbearably fragile.
Roswaal did not respond. It seemed he hadn’t even noticed Emilia’s presence.
Terrified by his lack of response, Emilia lowered her gaze, not to him, but onto the girl tucked within his arms. There lay the pink-haired girl, and—
—The snow that fell upon her cheek showed no sign of melting.
“—! Ram? Ram!”
Emilia shouted, attempting to awaken Ram, who lay in Roswaal’s arms.
But in response to her call, Ram offered nothing, as her closed eyelids did not even tremble, returning no reaction even when Emilia touched her cheek and lips, which felt eerily cold. As if—
“That can’t be true!”
Dismissing her panic-ridden thoughts, Emilia gritted her teeth and slipped her arm beneath Ram’s clothing. As her palms brushed against Ram’s chest, she felt the faintest, weak heartbeat.
So weak it felt like it could vanish at any moment, yet it pulsed weakly.
“—She’s alive! It’s okay! There’s still time, Roswaal!”
Finding hope, Emilia shouted and twisted toward Roswaal. Yet, Roswaal stayed still, maintaining his palm against Ram’s forehead, merely gazing blankly.
Emilia realized something.
From Roswaal’s palm, an enormous amount of mana coursed into Ram’s form. That very flow was barely what tethered her life.
“You’re… trying to save Ram…!”
When that fact dawned on her, Emilia discerned another painful truth.
The severity of Ram’s unconscious condition left Roswaal no choice but to focus solely on healing her. There was no chance for him to assist.
Meaning, Emilia was now left to stand alone against the approaching Great Rabbit.
—Could she do it? Doubt crept into Emilia’s mind.
A monster regarded as one of the three great magical beasts that had survived from the time of the ‘Witch of Envy’ for four hundred years.
Countless people must have resolved to confront beings bearing similar convictions against such monsters before, yet those very beings were impossible to subjugate, and here Emilia was standing alone to defy them.
Without the presence of Pack, Emilia faced the beast all on her own.
“Even if it’s now…”
She could opt to escape. What if she chose to turn and was caught?
In a position lacking a hiding place or safe refuge, if confronted here, Emilia could not protect the residents from the magical beast. Rather, it made far more sense to defend a location like the grave.
Having no Roswaal or Ram as combat strength weighed heavily, but she couldn’t simply give in.
“Roswaal, for now, just bring Ram along! We’ll head to the grave, where everyone from the ‘Sanctuary’ is… yes, they must all be taking refuge there. I’ll surely protect it! Roswaal, don’t stop treating Ram…”
“It’s already futile.”
As she matched gazes with Roswaal, ready to declare her determined resolve, her words were cut short by a hoarse mumble escaping his lips.
With his vacant eyes, he fixated on Ram’s face.
“It’s hopeless. Everything… is uncertain. I don’t even know myself… This world is coming to an end.”
“Why are you saying such things again!? What’s a book to you!? It could’ve been written by some pretentious person. What does its content have to do with us!?”
Unable to endure Roswaal’s words of resignation, Emilia’s voice rattled with anger.
Why was he like this? The Roswaal she knew was not someone like this at all.
He always had it together, effortlessly throwing out bold decisions, wearing a smug smile as if he knew everything.
Who was this weak man thrown into despair, looking lost like a child?
“Roswaal, I have no understanding of what you feel, how deeply you must be hurt. I want to comprehend it, but there’s no time to factor that in. …That’s why I want to create that time. I need your cooperation for that.”
Roswaal remained unreadable. Lingering as he did would likely keep him in this state of confusion.
But perhaps, by communicating, sharing their feelings, there were things they could only come to understand that way. There were matters that needed time to convey.
They had to make time to connect those two hearts.
“So please, stand up, Roswaal. Here, neither you nor I can afford to end things. We won’t let Ram end either. We must go back to everyone together…”
“It’s already…”
Emilia’s fervent plea left her lips, but if Roswaal still kept staring down intently at Ram, he moved his painted lips and spoke.
“That’s enough. It’s all— fine…”
It was a soft tone, one that seemed as though it would vanish any moment.
In fact, the words were swept away by the harsh wind, scarcely forming into sound.
Roswaal spoke so quietly, it remained questionable whether he himself even heard that phrasing.
However, those small, resigned words reached Emilia with certainty.
And so, with courage, Emilia shouted,
“—Don’t say such selfish things!!”
Grabbing Roswaal by the collar, emotion surged within Emilia as her voice trembled with anger.
Her assertiveness caused Roswaal to sway slightly, resulting in a faint groan. Against his now weak expression, Emilia threw words like a barrage of verbal daggers.
“It’s enough!? What does ‘enough’ even mean!? There’s not a single thing that’s fine! There’s not—it can’t just end like this! Neither I, nor Ram, nor Roswaal, should think everything is fine right now! That’s impossible!”
“I just finished the ‘Trial!’ I’ve stared into my past, I’ve confronted both the potential happy moments of what could have been, and the possibility of sorrowful futures yet to come! I’ve witnessed them all, and here I am, resolutely choosing to walk this path…! Yes, I made the decision to walk it at last!”
She cried out.
The swell of righteous wrath, perhaps intense anger, was welling up in her, engulfing her.
Yes, that was it. How pathetic, how weak her voice sounded, how pitiful her reasoning was! The idea of giving up and throwing away everything… who could truly call that ‘living’?!
The Emilia Roswaal had known was not this muffled coward hiding behind a mask of calm.
Gazing down at Ram, Roswaal’s face tightened, attempting to turn his gaze averted. It was as if he could not confront that which was unbearable, as though he needed to hide from such darkness.
Emilia seized his chin, forcing him to face her.
“When you’re conversing with someone, you look them in the eye and speak! None of this sidelong gazing business.”
“You can’t understand what the other is desperately thinking without looking into their eyes. To convey why you wish to so strongly, you have to meet their gaze! So please—look into my eyes, listen to my voice, and stand up, come along!”
Roswaal’s mismatched eyes blinked, as though they were waking up.
His lips quivering ever so slightly. Yet, no words escaped him.
“No one will allow you to say ‘it’s enough.’ As long as we are alive, ‘there’s nothing fine.’ So— I won’t allow anyone to perish here!”
Emilia arose and turned to the back.
Without Emilia needing to call out, over ten duplicates of Ryuzu had gathered around. Each knelt solemnly, waiting for just a single command.
Taking a breath, Emilia shouted her directive.
“I’ll take Roswaal and Ram back to the grave. Everyone, I swear I will protect you!”
Knowing this would mark her as a legitimate chosen entity, Emilia led the duplicates of Ryuzu into the snowy ‘Sanctuary.’
They supported Roswaal and Ram, following Emilia in tandem as they forged their path.
—There was no hesitation in Emilia’s stride.
And thus, the tale will unfold—
“You don’t need to worry, Emilia-tan. You don’t have to push yourself to that extreme.”
A boy who cherished the girl was now making his return as she resolved to protect everything,
“Leave the rest to me; you can stay back. —After all, it’s my first battle buff.”
“I’m sorry. I really don’t understand what you’re saying.”
Engaging in their usual cheerful banter, the girl smiled even as her form appeared ready to collapse under pressure, and now she watched the white-flanked shadow moving forward.
Two shadows emerged, hand in hand.
Two voices could be heard.
One held a bouncing tone, and something within the girl felt as though it had anticipated the moment those two voices would harmonize, something exhilarating fluttered in her chest.
“Fine, I won’t have a clue what happens next.”
“Ah, we’ll figure it out. —Together, you and I!!”
And thus, the tale intertwined once more, muttering wishes as the curtain began to descend.
In the blustery ‘Sanctuary,’ a knight and a princess faced the impending magical beast.
One knight couldn’t go alone; he was joined by a magician, pledging victory together.
—The final battle of the ‘Sanctuary’ was about to commence.