Chapter 300

Long loading, here we go!

– Welcome to Summoner’s Rift!

Finally, the game has started.

[“Let’s go, everyone!”]

[“Let’s get it!”]

“Let’s do our best.”

Aiyana and Malphite.

Even though this wasn’t the combo we intended from the start, it turned out to be quite a decent one.


Aiyana and Malphite together is theoretically a really good combo.

Thanks to the AoE ultimates of both champions, their team fight potential is simply amazing.

But the reason we don’t see these kinds of combo picks often in professional play is simple.

Executing a theoretical team fight in practice is just way too difficult.

‘Well, I’m not lacking confidence or anything.’

The invade route we chose was defensively.

Since our champion combination is not really strong early game, making the first move felt like a heavy burden.

[“They’re coming in.”]

“Just back off.”

Maybe that’s why.

As soon as the timer hit 1 minute and 20 seconds, the enemy began invading towards our red from the upper river.

It was a late invade.

“I’m just going to split the wave.”

[“Got it.”]

In this situation, we couldn’t force a fight, so I dashed straight to their red.

If their top or mid gave up their lanes early to defend red, I would have completely messed up, so I said,

“Yeon-woo, come in right now.”


Seo Yeon-woo trusted me.

Even though my instruction meant that Yasuon’s early lane would suffer, for the team, that was actually better.

[“I think Yune’s trying to join too?”]

“Everyone come!”

Lee Sin was currently in our red side jungle.

Naturally, the only ones who could check me physically were the enemy’s top and mid, so if we matched their numbers, they wouldn’t dare engage.

Admittedly, our laners would lose a bit of lane pressure because of this, but for now, we managed to get through a major hurdle.

I started from the enemy red and cleared their upper three camps before rushing towards my blue as I said.

It was a classic split-the-wave trajectory.

“How’s top?”

The Yasuon pick from our side came in as a counter pick against the enemy Graves.

Statistically, Yasuon has the upper hand against Graves, and his skill set also naturally counters him well.

But the reason I ask this is simple.

There are champions like that.

Champions that can theoretically counter others.

For instance, when Kamal was newly released, Jax was regarded as a counter pick against him.

In theory, it should be right for Jax to counter Kamal, yet in actual league play, Kamal often dominated Jax instead.

This is precisely the difference between theory and practice.

No matter how much A champion’s skill set theoretically overpowers B champion, balance is a sensitive matter that can shift based on a single number, leading to different outcomes.

Yasuon is also theoretically one of the counters to Graves.

Of course, whether he can effectively utilize that theory is still a mystery.

If Yasuon could easily counter Graves, he would have been employed as a solid late-game pick a long time ago.

‘The struggles of Yasuon aren’t just about champion matchups.’

Yasuon, by his nature, has to push the lanes while farming.

So, while mid may be relatively short, he’s much more easily exposed to gank threats at top.

Moreover, the enemy jungler is Lee Sin.

This match was weighing heavily on Yasuon’s shoulders.

‘Well, I shouldn’t be the one saying that.’

Even though it was a game that heavily relied on Yasuon, I was dragging him down early and preventing him from showing his strength in lane.

[“You can hold it.”]

“Enemy Lee Sin is currently at their blue. You don’t need to worry about diving for a while.”


Top was slightly losing the lane despite having an advantageous matchup due to the early jungle investment.

Of course, the difference wasn’t huge, and we weren’t in any position for dives with Lee Sin around, so we were getting by fine.

In fact, it was because of this that I, currently in the advantageous position, had neither a dive angle nor a gank opportunity.

‘So what about mid…?’

Mid was as expected, Yune was continuously pressuring Malphite aggressively.

Even though Malphite was close to a counter pick against Yune, the difference in mana sustain and push potential between a mana champion and a no-cost champion was significant in the early game since he hadn’t recalled yet.

In other words, how well Yune managed the lane before his first recall would determine the course of the game.

‘But I won’t just let that happen.’

What matters here is the jungler’s role.

Making the most of a weak champion’s turn or snowballing alongside a strong champion in the early game.

Now is the time to do the former.

‘I’ll interrupt them once.’

[⬇] [⬇]

[OLZ Outlaw (Diana) is on the way.]

[OLZ Outlaw (Diana) is on the way.]

Having devoured all six camps and the blue, I looked for mid gank opportunities.

[“Hmm, this might not work.”]

“I’m just going to poke a bit and get out. Think of it as baiting out the enemy Lee Sin’s turn.”

[“Oh, if that’s the case, got it.”]

Malphite rolled forward, throwing a ball.

Even with an odd feeling, Yune didn’t hesitate to exchange some damage.

As I appeared from behind Yune, unexpectedly, Lee Sin jumped in from the opposite side.

It was hardly surprising since Lee Sin followed the same path as me.

It was a 2v2 situation.

However, considering Malphite’s lack of early combat power without his ultimate, it was a fight we couldn’t win.

“Just back off.”


At a glance, it seemed like I was getting counter-ganked, but in the end, we didn’t lose any spells.

Moreover, we removed Lee Sin’s turn, which meant our mid Malphite team did their best under the circumstances.

Thus, Malphite and I got the timings for our recalls.

[“I’m going to teleport back to mid.”]

“Got it.”

In some ways, Malphite had smoothly navigated the most challenging part of his game.

However, being pushed back by the enemy meant Lee Sin could use one more turn.

Lee Sin, who crossed mid, quickly put together a plan for a top dive.

One more time.

That’s a play the stability-focused LCKR team doesn’t often resort to, but with Yasuon’s current state, it was definitely worth a shot.

“Can we dive top?”

[“I’ll give it a try.”]

Seo Yeon-woo’s Yasuon very carefully held onto his skills until pressing the buttons.

Yet, the enemy seemed to be professional, calmly avoiding waste and landing all their skills cleanly onto Yasuon as they casually slipped away from the turret.

– First Blood!

– Our team was taken down.

It was a snowball following early jungle support and a mid counter-gank.

[“Ah… I’m sorry.”]

“It’s okay, this is my fault.”

[“No, I could have taken one down but made a mistake.”]

It seemed like there was a slight difference in perspective between the top laner and the jungler on watching the game, but that didn’t matter much.

“Don’t worry. I’m leveled up. I’ll carry.”

[“Ooooo, noona I’m dying.”]

“I’m really coming to kill.”

That wasn’t just to reassure my teammates.

In fact, the true core of Aiyana’s combo isn’t Yasuon but actually Diana.

When a pick like Yasuon comes out, our ad count essentially skyrockets to a ratio of 4 ad, so the ap jungler takes on the load of being the only 1 ap, thus becoming the key damage dealer.

Returned home, I headed down to the bottom jungle.

As expected, the one remaining blade bird notified me that Lee Sin aimed to restrict my growth as much as possible.

After munching on the little birds, I headed back to the top jungle, crossing the river.

Since the enemy Lee Sin had used his turn at top, I was poised to snag a turn ahead of him.

I stealthily moved along the wall to avoid detection and hid in the bush by the birds.

It was just about time for Lee Sin to arrive.

‘Here he comes.’

When Lee Sin naively threw a sonic wave towards the birds, I jumped on him as if I’d been waiting for him.

Panicking, Lee Sin used his smite on the bird to heal himself.

I couldn’t be more grateful.

“So tasty.”

Having smitten the blade bird, I kept hitting Lee Sin.

Of course, killing Lee Sin at the bird’s location was impossible, so I had to settle for driving him out of my top jungle.

‘What’s important is what happens next.’

With that, I became the master of the top jungle.

Which naturally put pressure on Graves, who had to back off.

He was obviously heading to ward the golems.


Having finished the blade birds, instead of heading to the golems, I went back down towards the river.

The situation in the top lane made it a bit tricky for Graves to push safely.

Thus, I scoured through my blue side jungle without heading to him.

Even while I was jungling, whenever Yasuon tried to engage in a trade, Graves had no choice but to flinch and retreat.

Right now, an imaginary Diana was living in the top lane.