Chapter 30

“Alright. I like it.”

I smiled satisfactorily as I looked at the class schedule in my hand.

It wasn’t a bad lineup at all.

As you can see, I lumped all my class registrations together.

Cramping them from Monday to Wednesday and then having a chill Thursday through Sunday—this is basic college student mentality.

I used to secure my break times like this back in university.

Sure, those Monday to Wednesday classes were exhausting, but it was necessary to cram my schedule like this to carve out time for my personal research and equipment crafting.

Besides, I included some super easy courses.

For example, “Breathing and Meditation” and “Stress Management and Sleep Techniques.”

These two subjects are taught by instructors rather than professors, and while the credits are low, they can be taken without stress and with a relaxed mind.

Since the classes mainly teach relaxation techniques, the content and homework aren’t too rigorous.

However, that doesn’t mean they aren’t beneficial to me.

At first glance, they might seem trivial, but rest and recovery are just as important as training and discipline.

In fact, when I took that class in-game, my character’s stamina increased by 30%, and both health and mana recovery rates shot up by 35%, making it arguably better than some core subjects taught by professors.

“Hmmm, this is wrapped up.”

Anyway, since the schedule was somewhat finalized, it’s time to focus on my task.

Using the upcoming weekend, I plan to develop the “enhanced suit” I had conceived earlier.

Of course, I’ve already got a basic framework set up.

After forgoing the third round of the championship, I had about four days of free time, so I managed to complete the basic structure of the suit.

If I were to compare it to a car, it’s like having the frame built and just needing to connect the motor and wheels.

Once the ignition is turned on, the engine runs, and the wheels start spinning; similarly, when I press the power button on the suit, the mana stones embedded in it activate.

However, even if the wheels turn, they’re pointless if a person can’t control them, much like the current enhanced suit, which only draws energy but has no actual functioning features.

“Hmmm… Should I try implementing the dispenser first?”

So, first, I plan to work on the dispenser function I had thought of beforehand.

I intend to actively utilize the “mana shield” spell I learned from Elena last time.

Coincidentally, the “plasma lightsaber” has also passed technical verification, so I expect that applying that technology along with the plasma barrier will create an even sturdier shield.


There was nothing to wait for.

I immediately pulled out the Creator’s Hammer I had stored in my inventory.


And then, I began refining the materials.

By this weekend, I will implement the dispenser function.



Today is finally the day of my first class.

On Monday’s first period, “Proper Mana Management for Physical Enhancement” is scheduled.

“Ugh. It’s a shame I can’t have a proper breakfast.”

However, I felt a slight regret for not having the breakfast James usually prepared for me.

Since moving into the dorm and living alone, I now have to handle my own meals.

“Well, it’s the rules, so there’s nothing I can do.”

However, as a cadet at the Academy, this was an unavoidable aspect.

No matter how much my home (James’s home) is attached to the forge inside the Academy, as a cadet, I have to stay in the dorm and live communally.

This Empire Academy, if strictly examined, is a military training institution, putting the utmost importance on teamwork and camaraderie.

In other words, following the same rules in the same space is part of the education.

As I mulled over the sorrowful tale of skipping breakfast, I entered the classroom.

Sitting in the front was Enya, who eagerly waved at me upon seeing me walk in.


She then rose with a bright smile.

Beside her sat Claire.

Claire was staring at me with strange eyes, as if observing.

“Did you sign up for this class too? That’s great!”

At that moment, Enya, who had arrived at my desk, said cheerfully.

However, rather than feeling glad, one question popped into my mind first.

Throughout all my time playing “El Pandor Runtera,” Enya had never once signed up for this class.

“Then why… in this playthrough?”

Enya Cruel.

She didn’t need to take Professor Gracia’s class.

She had already mastered mana management for physical enhancement.

And why wouldn’t she? She comes from the prestigious Cruel family.

Not to mention, her father was the swordmaster Elyla, known as the Sword Saint.

It would be unnecessary for her to learn these basic steps unless it were a high-level course in advanced swordsmanship.

Then why was she bothering to attend a class she didn’t need?

“Mmm, it just so happens this seat’s free, right? Let’s sit together and attend class.”

I looked at the seat Enya was pointing to.

Her sword was placed on the desk beside her.

It felt like she had reserved the seat in advance.

All the other seats were filled, but that one was glaringly open.

“Oh, so that’s it.”

In that moment, a revelation hit me, and I couldn’t help but smile.

I could finally understand why she wanted to take this class.

“Sure. I was worried there might not be a seat, but this works out perfectly.”

“Y-Yeah! Uh… and since we’re in the same class… should we keep sitting together from now on? I’m good with physical things. If you have any questions, just let me know.”

“Haha. Well, in that case, I appreciate it.”

It was quite nostalgic.

Typically, Enya Cruel is one of the classic tsundere characters in “El Pandor Runtera.”

It’s not without reason, as her setup indicates that none recognize her swordsmanship.

Players had even advised her to give up her sword skills, only to be harshly rejected, resulting in a chilly standoff until they could finally build a friendship by completing some hidden events.

It’s a cliché yet charming storyline that ties her character from enemies to lovers.

“All that’s left is the dere part.”

However, from the entrance ceremony onwards, the tsundere aspect had disappeared when she brought up the topic of swordsmanship that wasn’t in the script.

Now, she was actively showing her affection toward me, even going as far as reserving my seat in class.

“Well, that doesn’t mean I should get cocky.”

However, given that the original scenario has shifted, things could turn sour at any moment.

Having already caught a glimpse of Enya’s rare moments, I knew I had to work hard to maintain this relationship.

Since my impulsive actions had moved the future up, the path to destruction was always lurking if I made the wrong choices.

“Hey, commoner, are you going to sit there?”

But at that moment.

A chilling voice pierced between me and Enya.

It was Isabella.

She flashed a bright smile and opened her mouth.

“Actually, I’ve also reserved that seat. I came here 30 minutes early to do so.”


“Just so you know, I didn’t happen to find that seat empty. I made an effort to sit by you.”

Unlike Enya, Isabella explicitly revealed her intentions, trying to lure me away.

Thus, a battle of wills between Enya and Isabella started yet again.

The intense gaze of the two women seemed to spark in the air like fireworks.

“Isabella. What’s your intention to meddle between Ed and me? I approached him first. Ed will sit next to me.”

“Really? Just because you said so? But it’s coincidentally empty, right? It wouldn’t matter if someone else took it, would it? I came 30 minutes early and saved the seat for Ed and me to sit together.”

“… Hah. You’ve always been this way. Are you deliberately trying to irritate me?”

“Pffft. No way. I just like that commoner.”

“… You said you didn’t last time. You said it was just a joke.”

“Well, feelings change all the time. Right now, I do like him.”

…There seemed to be no sign of retreat.

Enya, who had usually been overpowered by Isabella’s wit, was now fighting to hold her ground.

Isabella then turned to me and said.

“Commoner, just choose. Me or Enya?”


“… Hah. Ed. Being involved with her won’t lead to anything good. She treats people like toys and then tosses them away.”

“No, this commoner is different. He has the same past as me.”

“…What? Ed shares the same past? What does that even mean—”

“Whatever the case, commoner. Make your choice. Is it Enya or me? If you don’t choose, I’ll step aside gracefully.”

…This was awkward.

Why does a trial like this have to come at the very beginning of the game?

I had never experienced anything like this before.

I shifted my gaze back and forth between the two women staring at me intently.

The desperate green eyes of Enya looking at me, and Isabella’s smirk as if she was enjoying my predicament.

After pondering for a moment, I finally opened my mouth.
