Chapter 296

[Wow, Miro’s new song is amazing, lol!]


Every time a new song comes out, an animation gets made.

– Seriously, this kid is the king of the Celestial Realm, no doubt.

– The quality of the music video is insane; it seems like it’s going to be a hit.

– I heard The Six is supporting it.

– Really? They’re covering everything?

– Yup, Miro’s pulling out a music video for every track.

– Why aren’t the other members doing that, damn it?

– Maybe they’re worried about being compared to Miro?

– Even in the same group, you need some competitive spirit!

– But they do upload cover songs, haha.

[But didn’t Loa and Harbin make this?]

Did they compose this so well?

– I heard there’s another lyricist involved.

– Isn’t that person doing everything though?

– According to Miro, the three of them locked themselves in and worked all night.

– How can I believe that?

– Then don’t believe it, you fool.

– They said it took a long time to make, but I guess it’s understandable, haha. The song’s good.

– Yeah, it really is pleasing to the ear, the music video has a good vibe too.

[Miro’s Shorts Challenge is hilarious, lol.]

(Shorts link)

That dance is slick, haha.

– Oh, hahaha!

– Damn, that character is moving!

– Kim Soo-hyun can’t do that, haha!

– Why not? If he did, the views might explode.

– For real, what’s the point of holding back?

– Since when did they start making stuff like this? Haven’t they been busy lately?

– ? Isn’t this what they’ve been busy with?

– No, no, no, it was something else.

– Seriously though, who does a VTuber dance challenge, haha!

– Probably the fans who suck up to the Celestial Realm.

– Surprisingly, there are a lot of social butterflies among Miro’s fans.

[Reasons not to worry about the challenge, yeah.]

If it falls through, they can just have Miro or actor Kim Soo-hyun do it.

– Oh, I see.

– That’s one way to do it, haha.

– Call in that blonde to do it too, haha.

– Hahaha, if he shows up, the promotion’s over!

– Just having him around is enough, haha.

[Miro’s original songs view count comparison.]

(View count chart)

“It’s true that the hype from the last promotion is quickly rising, but ‘Turning Point’ and ‘Gentle Lake’ still can’t be beaten.”

– “Turning Point” is Miro’s song, though, haha!

– For real…

– Turning Point may be valid, but Gentle Lake keeps gaining views, haha.

– When you think of the featuring artist, it’s expected, haha.

– That guy was really popular back then… in fact, he’s still popular now.

[But what’s with this out of nowhere?]

(Sangshik Entertainment Homepage)

Why is Miro on the actor’s roster here???

– ???

– No way.

– No fakes, seriously.

– (Link) Check it out, I was surprised to see it suddenly.

– No way, it’s real!

– ?

– This is wild!

[Wait, are they really throwing away the broadcast?]

Did the track released yesterday turn out to be the last song?

Is this how it goes, heading into the sunlight?

– Damn…

– Are you serious? This has got to be an April Fool’s joke.

– It’s not April Fool’s, you idiot, there’s still more than half a year to go!

– Might as well just accept it, damn it!

– It’s probably just a registration thing, right?

– Why would they register?

[What’s The Six doing? Damn it, seriously.]

Are they just staying still while talent is leaking out?

– It’s not just leaking; it’s like pulling a pillar out, haha!

– But can this actually happen? Is dual contracting allowed?

– They must have done it because they can, right?

[What’s going on with the actors signed under Sangshik?]

(Moon Chang-sik’s profile picture)

So it’s Moon Chang-sik’s agency? Damn.

Do those two really have something going on?

– Wow, this agency belongs to Moon Chang-sik?

– Yup, yup.

– Damn, that’s good for them.

– Do those two really have anything together?

– They filmed a movie together.

– Wasn’t that just a minor role? Didn’t they get close from that?

– Who knows, but they probably got a recommendation from Moon Chang-sik.

– What do they even have? Haha, why would a successful guy like Moon Chang-sik bother with someone like this? Is it because she’s a女? The delusions are real, haha!

– Are they prettier than Miro, then?

– Gotta see it in real life to know!

– You gotta be kidding, haha; are you blind? Watch the Turning Point music video instead!

[But is this for real?]

Is Miro actually transitioning to the entertainment world? Suddenly?

Leaving VTubing???

This idiot claimed to have a girlfriend… Damn it… I even bragged to my mom.

– ????

– That’s bragging, idiot, haha!

– Reverse filial piety legend, whoa!

– This person is crazy…

– Honestly, it does seem sudden, haha.

– For real…

[But are you all thinking wrong right now?]

Is actor Kim Soo-hyun and Miro the same person?

Think about it: does a VTuber really become an actor?

And aren’t they in the same agency as Moon Chang-sik? No way.

– Ah ha.

– Are you a genius?

– Why can’t it work? There are people who transition from musical actors to VTubers.

– No way, that’s a cop-out.

– Oh, Anna’s in her 20s.

– It was a misunderstanding, damn it, haha!

[But what is that profile picture?]

(Kim Soo-hyun’s profile picture)

Why does it look like a passport photo?

– Is it really a passport photo?

– ? Is it?

– If it’s Miro, she’d probably do that, haha.

– Looks a bit younger, lol.

– Either way, she’s extremely pretty!

– For real.

– The goat of the Red Pill era…

[The legendary song of a lifetime…]

(Shin-gok Daseog link)

No wonder the song is so long… Damn.

– Ah…

– Damn, ugh…

– This sucks, for real.

[These guys are so out of control, seriously.]

Miro is saying that she’s going to drop broadcasting?

She’s just saying she wants to be a full-time actress, right?

And honestly, what will they do if that happens, haha? Isn’t being an actress better for Miro’s career than being a VTuber? Haha.

– This idiot; makes complete sense, actually.

– What now, damn it.

– Pfft.

– Just cry, Mibao is leaving, damn it!

– For real…

– Mibao, ㅠㅠㅠ.

[Miro would probably do great as an entertainer, though.]

Just her looks alone would get her far, and she can talk well.

If she had started as an entertainer from the beginning, she’d have hit the big time, she’s been wasting her talent on VTubing.

– Honestly, she’s on another level alone.

– For real… pure talent goat.

– Damn it, I don’t want her to go!

– Should we really let her go?

– Is it up to you? Miro is the one leaving, after all.

– Damn it, just gently say goodbye.

[??: Is Miro really quitting VTubing???]

(Villainess Anna gif)

Then this proves that I’ve won this battle, right?

– Hahaha, Anna finally gets a win!

– Why is there a gif of that?

– They did a themed broadcast before.

– Oh, damn, this aunt…

– Ah, haha, back when she was 17.

– Thank you for staying with us, goat…

[Miro <— The ultimate escape...]

Anna, who went from musical actress to a VTuber, is genuinely 'serious' with us.

Meanwhile, Miro, this girl, has decided to ditch us for acting, haha.

She’s just ‘fake.’

- For real...

- No significance.

- Former musical actress who debuted but got exposed right away...

- Why is true Anna getting a win now??

[(Official) Celestial Realm Representative]

(Anna Profile Picture)

She’s the first student of Celestial Realm 1st generation,

Confidently released 0 original songs and 13 covers,

Always the eternal number one and big sister of the Celestial Realm with hundreds of thousands of subscribers.

‘No significance.’

- Damn, no original songs?

- Yup, lol.

- Miro is incredibly impressive, no doubt.

- Anna is normal, haha; Miro is just weird.

- Looking at it this way, it seems pathetic...

- For real...

- What have you done after getting older?

- Damn it, her VTuber experience is on par with Miro’s.

- So if Miro disappears, her whole career is just as Celestial Realm's rep?

- Suddenly, the level drops, haha!

- That alone was impressive, damn.

- Not on Miro’s level though.

[(Official) Celestial Realm (Former) Representative]

(Miro Profile Picture)

- Damn, come back.

- Doesn’t Miro have a record?

- There are too many to list.

- Honestly, this kid is irreplaceable.

- For real...

- The Miro.

[National petition raised, yeah.]

(National Petition: Please prevent Miro from entering acting as a Celestial Realm 1st generation member)

As of now, 23 people agreed, so keep it going!

- Hahahahahaha!

- I’m going too.

- If this hits 10,000, will Miro not act?

- Yup, she will not!

- This is absurd, damn it, haha!


I didn’t expect that my registration with the agency would be exposed so quickly.

Well, it’s a big name, so I knew it would be discovered soon, but I didn’t expect it to be right after the song release, which surprised me a bit.

Thanks to that, I’m getting a promotional effect, and the song views are skyrocketing…

- Goodbye, Mibao ㅠㅠㅠ

- Is today the last broadcast??

- ?? What’s happening?

- Which agency does this broadcast belong to?

- Okay, all you VTuber people, please leave—this is the actor's broadcast.

Regardless, I need to calm this crazy chat down.

“What’s everyone talking about…?”

- What’s there to talk about, damn it?

- For real, what’s happening? Why is it like this today?

- Please just clarify.

The chat is divided between those who’ve seen the community and those who haven’t.

And then… it’s likely that people are checking the community after seeing the chat go wild.

“I don’t know why the chat is like this… but isn’t it likely she got permission to contract with The Six?”

- Oh, I see.

- Damn, would they allow that?

- This is so ridiculous.

- Is this actually happening?

- So is the broadcast really being given up??

- Damn, why did they release the song yesterday then?


Before speaking, I scanned the chat quickly.

From the viewers’ perspective, they definitely have the right to type like that.

Still, it’s not too harsh either.

Is it safe to say they’re at least willing to listen?

“I don’t know who you’re referring to… but don’t both give it their all?”

- I don’t know who it is, but I hope so, yeah.

- Please let it be so…

- Just who are you talking about...

[Thank you, 1,000 won donation to ‘ㅇㅇ’!]

Miro, damn it, what should I do about my girlfriend moving into a new house?

“Um… that was kind of a random donation, but, um, I think it’s more like a local business trip than new house chores.”

- How do you know?

- Damn it, what if something happens there?

- This idiot is getting too personal...

[Thank you, 1,000 won donation to ‘ㅇㅇ’!]

So are you currently doing a shoot? What are you filming??


Right now, my profile reveals that I’ve acted as Lady Soo-yeon and am currently playing Sera, but I intentionally left that out.

So the only things noted on my profile are my work under Miro and a minor role in a movie.

But during that time, I’m broadcasting irregularly, so naturally, the viewers think I must be shooting something.

Which is true.


First, I took a sip of my drink to ease my throat before speaking.

- ???

- Did you just take a drink?

“Ah, did you hear that?”

It’s funny, every time they push, I forget to turn off the mic and drink.

“Well, now, um..”

Now, here’s the important part.

Honestly, I would love to spill everything I can.

The issue is, whatever I say on the broadcast won’t just stay with the viewers.

It’ll spread quick in communities and other places.

I mean, how can it not be a hot topic if the nation’s top VTuber registers as an actor with an agency?

The viewer count is already noticeably higher than usual.

Since I had set a subscription limit on the chat, it’s only at this level; if it were open like usual, it would have been chaotic.

So, I have to choose my words carefully.

“First, I have no idea who you’re talking about, but it seems like they are indeed filming.”

I can’t officially say I’m actor Kim Soo-hyun, but I don’t want to lie to the viewers.

So what I say from here on out is what I believe to be my best effort.

- Damn...

- Are you the lead? Are you the lead? Are you the lead? Are you the lead?

- What role is it?

- Is there romance??

- Damn, damn, damn.

- Are you filming another movie?????

- How long is the shoot??

“Uh, I don’t know how long it’ll go... but I think they’ll also work hard on other things. For them, it can be considered a break.”

- ??

- A break??

- Really??

- Do you genuinely think that?

- Wow, haha!

“About the romance part… I don’t think so… and even if it’s there, I doubt they would do it… moreover…”

- Phew...

- Please don’t get into any romance...

- Damn, why am I feeling so nervous about this?

I took a moment to breathe and continued selecting what to say next.

What I can say, what I can’t say.

What doesn’t even need mentioning, and what should be emphasized.

Filtering through those thoughts in my mind rapidly sorted in my brain.

“Well, I can’t say what’s more important; it might mislead someone, but still... They probably have more affection for what they’ve been doing for a long time, wanting to give back to it, I think…”

- ㅠㅜㅠㅠ

- Mibaoㅠㅠ

- This is especially touchingㅠ

- You can cry here.

- Damn, why are you suddenly getting emotional?

- Looks like Miro has put in a good word, damn it.

“... Was it exposed? Anyway…”

I pondered for a moment what I would say next.

I’m preparing, but I don’t know when it’ll be finished and set. So, should I raise expectations ahead of time?

“Well, on the other side, they might have something really huge in the works. Something even bigger than before…”

But I had made my mind up to do it, and it’s almost done, if not completely.

If that can set your minds at ease despite all the chaos you’re feeling, then I don’t have to hold back.

“... I think there's a really big present in store.”

- ????

- What’s that supposed to mean??

- Present??

- Is it a fan meeting?

“Let’s end here with talk about a person whose name we don’t know.”

As I looked at the chat, it seemed to have calmed down quite a bit, and I decided to wrap things up.

Just earlier, I stirred the pot, now it seems they've shifted focus to something else entirely.

More than that...

“There are quite a few viewers here.”

- Oooooooooh...

- Please tell us more, damn it!

- So what now??

- Can’t you just tell us first?

- This better not turn out to be nothing.

- There are a lot of viewers today, haha!

- Looks like everyone came to take a look, haha.

“Since there are many of us gathered here, shall we do that thing we used to do after a long time?”

With the tension easing, I decided to bring up a different topic to resolve the chaos.

- ???

- Is that what you mean?

- No way;

- Damn, think twice before saying any more!

- You!

- You said the broadcast was irregular, make it worth it!

- Please go shoot a gun...

“Hahaha, I’m going to go shoot a gun.”

- Phew, haha!

- Thank goodness for that.

- I thought you might do some weird game.

Still, as I saw the chat return to its usual flow amidst my words, I felt a relief wash over me and set up the game.

[From the first birth of life beneath the surface…]

- ???

- ?

- ???

- What is this, damn?

- You said you’d shoot a gun.

“Wait a second. I’ll quickly pull out the gun and show you.”

Did so many people come because of the earlier reveal?

With this many viewers, I feel shy and can’t play properly.

I need to wrap this up fast.

- Damn, haha!

- Just watch out that you don’t get annihilated before shooting!

- Bring some cheats too!

“Sure, I’ll fire some cheats for you, just wait a moment.”

Since only the subscribed users could chat, the chats were surprisingly calm; I smiled as I began Civilization again after a long while.

“Let’s see the ending today.”

- Let’s go!

- Let’s go!

- Don’t mess this up!

- Should I raise the difficulty?

Tomorrow, I have to get up early for filming again, but for today, I plan to broadcast late into the night.