Chapter 294

Legends of League is definitely a game where comebacks happen quite a bit, but there are definitely games where comebacks are simply impossible.

This game was one of those.

Originally, for a comeback to occur, the team that’s ahead should play like they’re throwing the game to create a chance.

But we had no intention of doing that.

Slowly, slowly, slowly.

With more caution than ever, we finally stood before SS Class’s Nexus after tightening our grip on their breathing.

“End it.”

[“Smash it!”]

When facing the Nexus, the only time you’d not end the game is when you’re enjoying racking up more kills.

But considering the importance of this match, we knew how reckless such behavior would be, so we bombarded the Nexus cleanly.


Finally, the Nexus exploded, and we could celebrate a victory in the first set against SS Class.

“Wow! Nice!”

“Everyone did well. Really well.”

I felt intense excitement in my teammates’ voices like never before.

“…I messed up this game. I’ll focus more from the next match.”

“Yes. Please do.”

I don’t know if it was because I spoke more harshly than usual, but my teammates looked at me with stunned faces.

“Uh… sorry.”

“Sister, why are you like this? We won anyway.”

“We still have two sets left. Plus, we have to give feedback.”

Perhaps Baek Seong-an has been overly accommodated in gameplay because of the burdens he’s carried until now.

He’s Baek Seong-an, so it’s okay for him.

He’s Baek Seong-an, so he can die.

He’s Baek Seong-an, so…….

It has been like that until now, but from now on, it cannot be that way.

The players we have to face won’t be as easy as they have been until now.

“Let’s give feedback on the first set.”

“Ah, okay.”

Usually, Baek Seong-an mainly led the feedback sessions, but since he made some pretty big mistakes in the first set, it naturally fell to me.

That was what I intended.

No longer could I evade giving strong feedback using the titles of the oldest member, coach, and mid laner.

“Why did you do that here?”

“…It was a trading mistake. I won’t overdo it next time.”

“No, if you give feedback like that, you’re likely to get crushed even more in the next match. It’s not about not doing anything, you have to do it well.”

The feedback time wasn’t very long, but I poured almost all of it into mid feedback.

Even though we won the previous round, who knows what variables could arise if Akali got just a bit bigger?

Akali had enough carry potential, and Baek Seong-an’s Renekton failed to fulfill the anti-carry role.

“OLZ members, please get ready!”

After the feedback ended, we headed back to the booth.

While I might’ve given a bit of harsh advice, I didn’t think Baek Seong-an would crumble this easily.

If he truly did crumble, I might have to search for a new mid laner as the team owner.

At least, I didn’t want that.


“Everyone, let’s go!”

“Let’s finish early today and go for dinner!”

“No way. We’ll do it after the promotion matches are all done.”


With Kim Jae-min’s silly words, the tense atmosphere in the team loosened a bit.


The ban/pick phase began in earnest.

Our side was blue.

Meaning we had the first pick.

[“What should we ban?”]

“I think we should cut Akali, what do you think?”

[“…Let’s do that.”]

[“So, should I ban Akali?”]



It was a somewhat intentional ban.

Of course, it was partly because the opponent was good with Akali, but more than that, it aimed to provoke Baek Seong-an.


The opponent’s next ban was surprisingly a mid-ban.

However, it felt like there was a purpose behind this seemingly ordinary mid-ban.

“They probably think they have a chance if our mid doesn’t play that type of champion.”

In that case, we would bundle strong carry picks for mid instead.

“Cut Kuroki.”



Soon after, the opponent made their next ban.

[Lee Sin]

Now it was outright obvious.

“I think it’d be good to ban Viktor or Twisted Fate, what do you think? Banning LeBlanc sounds good too.”

[“…Let’s cut Twisted Fate.”]


[Twisted Fate]

Just like that, it quickly became the opponent’s last ban phase.

Since both sides were focused solely on mid bans, the first ban phase ended quicker than expected.


With the ban of Viktor, virtually all the usual meta picks for farming safely in mid and transitioning to late game were shut down.

Now it was our turn to pick.

[“Is there anything you want to grab?”]

“Just a moment.”

Thanks to both sides investing heavily in mid bans, there were quite a few picks now available.

From tier-one picks for bot like Karuma to tier-one AD carry picks like Caitlyn and Aphelios.

“Let’s pick Caitlyn. Is that okay, Jae-min?”


“Let’s do that.”

Our first choice was hence selected as Caitlyn.


Now it was the opponents’ 1st and 2nd pick.

They seemed to ponder for a bit before finalizing their picks.


[Lee Sin]

What should I even say…..

Contrary to the blatant mid bans, it rather felt like a somewhat orthodox flow.

“Ji-hoon, is Licorice okay?”


“Then let’s take Licorice… what should the other pick be?”

[“Since there were lots of mid bans, picking mid first wouldn’t be a bad idea.”]

It was rare for Kim Ji-hoon to voice an opinion.

While I agreed, one point was concerning; it would mean Baek Seong-an’s mid would have to pick early when his confidence was likely at a low.

“I’ll just take jungle. Let’s pick Jarvan.”

[“Got it.”]


[Jarvan III]

Somehow, it turned out that our picks were similar to those of the opponent’s last match.

It seems we were going for a pretty safe and standard composition.


The opponent’s quick pick.

This made it so the opponent’s mid-jungle duo of LeBlanc and Lee Sin was now a strong pair.


The ban/pick phase was finally completed.


[OLZ / SS Class]

Top: Tryndamere / Graves

Jungle: Jarvan III / Lee Sin

Mid: Baegah / LeBlanc

AD Carry: Caitlyn / Jhin

Support: Licorice / Karuma


Since the entire ban/pick phase flowed oddly enough, both sides unknowingly passed some picks to each other.

For example, the combination of Caitlyn and Licorice or Tryndamere.

[“Everyone, let’s do our best.”]


[“Let’s all try our best.”]

In the meantime, the loading finished.

-Welcome to Summoner’s Rift!


『“And so, the long-awaited second set begins now!”』

『“Will the promotion matches end with GBP and OLZ’s victories on Day 1? Or will SS Class show another twist? I’m really looking forward to it!”』

『“That’s right! Even though they lost the last game, Tanis showed great potential with Akali!”』

『“Exactly. OLZ even banned Akali this time, so they need to showcase a different side with the Lee Sin and LeBlanc combination!”』

The early invade seemed to show OLZ and SS Class champions all heading towards the opponent’s red.

『“It looks like they’re both heading for a red-side invade.”`

Up to this point, it was an ordinary path to scout each other’s red area.

However, Outlaw’s choice was somewhat different.

『“Is Outlaw not going back home?”』

『“It seems he’s trying to start at the opponent’s red… let’s see what happens.”』




『“This way, doesn’t Outlaw gain a massive advantage in his route?!”』


-This is insane!

-Your sister is so sexy!

-What the heck, this is wild!





『“Wait, is Outlaw crossing into mid?! That would really put Lee Sin at a huge disadvantage!”』

『“Going up now means there’s nothing to munch on! Nothing to eat!”`

『“Is he really going for a forceful mid gank?! But Baegah has no reason to step forward right now?!”』


-Bus ON

-LOL even the bus counts as skill

-If you’re jealous… you know what to do?




『“Baegah is growing way too steadily! Isn’t this inconvenient for SS Class?!”』

『“Originally, they should have exploited the strengths of LeBlanc and Lee Sin to suppress Baegah’s growth… but right now, Lee Sin is starving and powerless.”』

『“No matter how you look at it, Outlaw’s early route planning truly shines. Is he going to let Baegah pass this early timing?”`




『“Oh… Baegah is a monster right now, a monster! Every time Baegah swings his hands, a person disappears!”`

『“Is this some horror movie?! Swings his hands, and they disappear!”`

『“Oh… SS Class is in trouble. I see no way to overcome this situation!”`




『“And so, the final set of the promotion matches on Day 1 concludes!”`


Promotion matches Day 1.

OLZ advances to the winners’ bracket.