Chapter 287

Jeongjae’s turn came. The Grand Mage stood in the center of the Imperial Palace, looking around at the people before he slowly opened his mouth.

“I have always been an ordinary person, and I have never given up the hope of remaining so. I apologize. I possess neither the majesty of the Emperor nor the eloquence of the Grand Duke. I worry that my words may be misunderstood by you, but I cannot even be sure of that before I speak. Instead of overthinking, I will simply say what I wish to say.”

The people recognized that Jeongjae did not come merely to give a simple eulogy. After taking a light breath, he continued.

“Do you believe? Do you believe that when the greatest heroes have vanished, the most ordinary of people can take their place? Do you believe that the most brilliant genius’s task can be completed by those of lesser talent? It may be hard to believe. However, according to my studies, in my world, no, in our world, the flow of history has connected like this. It is rare for an ordinary person to start great deeds. Yet, countless times, everything begun by great figures has been completed by the hands of common people. Therefore, I believe I am qualified. No, I can even say that I must be.”

Confidence. What he needed to show was confidence rather than humility.

“We call ourselves free people. But I don’t think this means we are free from all constraints. In either of our worlds, I have seen no one clearly define what true freedom is. Naturally, I was born with concepts that are, in truth, constructed ideas, and what we seek requires very relative and arbitrary selection. I won’t defile your intelligence by explaining the meanings I have concocted. At a very basic level, we should at least have the right to choose what fetters we bear.”

But even while expressing confidence, Jeongjae maintained a humble and modest demeanor.

“I have seen geniuses with unimaginable inspiration protect the world. Simon Harriet, who arrived in this world more than a hundred years ago and gained your trust, was among the most acclaimed geniuses in our world. Walter Hellhound, who passed away not long ago, was a hero that was not ashamed of his ancestor’s name. Jenis Harker, lying here and still making my heart sad, was so brilliant that sometimes she left me in a state of confusion.

There are people here who might shine brighter than I do; though they might not be stronger, they can lead better than I can. I fear it might seem arrogant of me to try to lead you all simply because I have a shining sword. But between the perfect opportunity to put an end to this problem, what is truly needed to resolve this issue? Is it the hand of a great hero, or a representative of the people?

I do not wish to defile the deceased, His Majesty the Emperor who is here. However, such brilliant minds can sometimes turn matters upside down and cause one to lose sight of the most important issues. This Empire fell into a state of tension, worrying even you powerful figures, intellectuals, and nobility not because the leaders were incapable, but rather because they were too capable.

His Great Majesty, the Grand Sage, had foresight that spanned years, decades, even centuries ahead. Places that someone like me can barely glimpse at, upon reaching out for understanding, those two hands would suddenly collide like straight lines extending toward a single point.

Even the slightest of collisions shook the world. I remember that tremor, the fear, the commotion vividly. Although it was an unavoidable clash, I wish no such wounds to be repeated. I do not wish to solve the simplest problems in the most difficult ways. Everyone, for what purpose do we consider and conflict with each other? In the end, it is for the world.

What is this world? It is not defined by what it comprises. Fundamentally, what is this world? The simplest and most agreeable statement is the people. What should we do for the people? We must fulfill what they desire. What do they desire right now? The exclusion of enemies and stability in daily life. I do not see the people’s will wishing for anything grander than this.

I am not saying that the greatest of heroes could not arrive at such a simple answer that even a dull person like me can propose. However, I can claim that I am almost the only one who can stop here and only express the answers that stem from here. You must project your personal perspectives upon the answers.

Walter Hellhound said this. The Holy Sword of the Hero who saved the world was originally wielded by someone from an ordinary world. I am not sure if I interpreted that correctly, but let us imagine that even Hellhound was bound by his family and position, forced to paint a golden worldview above the simplest of answers.

I am neither the embodiment of objectivity nor an impartial absolute being. However, the reason I started fighting is the purest, and I proudly say the reason I continue to fight is the most just, simple, and noble cause. When I first came to this world, you welcomed me more than anyone else.

I held gratitude toward you. As time passed, that gratitude turned into compassion for the suffering Empire. I had no reason to intervene in the Empire’s political issues, and I had not done so for a long time. My decision to fight was not because someone prompted me to do so. If someone had treated me like a servant and ordered me to fight, I had the strength to refuse. I was not uneducated, and if someone tried to brainwash me, I would have the will to resist.

I observed the situation, judged, and decided. You needed to be protected. Because I began to love you. The people are not entirely virtuous, but they are more human than anyone else, and this Empire, though not completely ideal, is doing its best to progress.

I leapt into the fight without any interest. Though I now share countless friendships and love, having developed my own interests, the reason I started fighting has not changed. Ah, please do not misunderstand. I do not intend to claim I am a saint or philosopher fighting solely for altruism and love. Instead, if I had been such a figure, I would be unsuitable to lead this fight. Hatred, hatred for the enemy. The deep loathing I hold for those who have taken and shattered what I have grown attached to is a crucial driving force for me to sustain this fight.

Therefore, I can simply answer what I am fighting for. More simply than anyone else, I was able to conclude what the people want.

This is a fight I can engage in, a fight I must engage in, and moreover, a fight I can do best.

I have heard His Majesty the Emperor say this. When the army marches, His Majesty will be at the very front. When the army retreats, His Majesty will guard everyone from the very back.

I cannot say the same. I cannot always be at the forefront. I am a narrow-minded person, and if I am only at the front, I cannot observe the overall situation and respond accurately.

I cannot be only at the back either. While I might see the movements of my allies in detail from behind, it is hard for me to move or give orders in a timely manner.

However, there is one thing I can firmly promise: I will be wherever my subordinates, my comrades, and my friends need me the most.

I will not promise to be in a specific position. I will say I will be wherever needed. I cannot come up with schemes to deceive and toy with the enemy. But I assert that I will strike my enemy in the most honest way possible.

Did you believe? That I, Park Jeongjae, can lead this fight?

If you did not believe, I ask you to believe me now. That the greatest accomplishments begun by the greatest can be finished by the most ordinary of characters! The reason I can finish this task is not just due to the power of the bomb I hold, but because I know the fight this Empire must engage in better than anyone.

The northern expedition, which was continued from the era of Hellhound and succeeded under Harker’s leadership, has never been stopped and will never cease. This fight will continue until the enemy’s fortresses crumble and the Black Flag is broken.

And let me make it clear: until all fights have ended and the day comes when I am called upon here again. Until the day I hear cheers asking me to return, saying there is nothing left to do in the North, I will not return to this land after advancing North this time. Our borders will never be pushed back here again, and while it may be slow, we will steadily, if possible, quickly advance North and aim for the enemy’s neck.

I declare it resolutely.

From now on, all the wars of this Empire will be led by Baron Harriet, the Grand Mage from another world, me, Park Jeongjae. The coalition army of the Empire and Eramenia will move at the hands of this Hero, advancing, retreating, and sometimes reorganizing under the Hero’s review.

And when there are no more things to destroy, when the Legion I commanded is no longer needed, I will dust off my hands, kneel, and return all I borrowed to the people of the Empire, demonstrating that I was the representative of the free people.

Please say you believe in me. That I will uphold all I have said, that I am qualified to do so, I earnestly ask you to say so. If you collectively tell me that, if you send me such heavy trust, this Park Jeongjae will…

Not betray that trust even if the world collapses. And if I do not betray that trust, the world shall never fall.”

Jeongjae concluded his somewhat rambling impromptu speech and bowed his head. The Holy Sword, strapped to the Hero’s waist, glinted for a moment, revealing his resolute determination for this speech.

At first, he thought he might center his words around a eulogy for Jenis, but he did not possess the eloquence for that, and rather felt that vaguely delivering such a story would only backfire.

So he chose to pour out all the thoughts that popped into his head, even if it was somewhat disorganized at this moment. He is the Hero. He is the representative of the people. He is the one who knows better than anyone why we fight, and how we should fight.

This was a sort of departure ceremony, a call to action, and a promise to himself.

Soon, applause poured forth towards Jeongjae. While he mentally apologized to Jenis for consuming her funeral as a stage for himself, he rationalized his actions with the thought that there was no better way.

“I’m sorry.”

Jeongjae murmured as he looked back at Jenis’s coffin.

“But I will win. The victory you wanted more than anything, I will achieve it with my hands, even in a world without you. Just as you believed in me before anyone else.”

Thus, he completed his farewell to her. He felt that now he could finally separate completely from Walter’s shadow that had been haunting him.

This must be the last, the last that has to be, the Northern advance.

The ultimate struggle, where no one can say anyone is advantageous or disadvantaged, was revealing its outline.